public void LoadContent(ContentManager cm)
            //Start by loading all textures
            //playerTexture = cm.Load<Texture2D>("player.png");
            // fontTexture = cm.Load<Texture2D>("basicFont.png");

            thirstTexture = cm.Load <Texture2D>("waterBottle.png");

            hungerTexture = cm.Load <Texture2D>("apple.png");

            string fontFilePath = Path.Combine(cm.RootDirectory, "Fonts/font.fnt");

            fontFile     = FontLoader.Load(fontFilePath);
            fontTexture  = cm.Load <Texture2D>("Fonts/font_0.png");
            fontRenderer = new FontRenderer(fontFile, fontTexture);

            sizingRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 211, 40);
            displays        = new List <Display>();
            //addDisplay(0, 0,

            //displays.Add(new Display(0, 0, "12S red"));

            //Then assign textures to NPCs depending on their tag
            // thePlayer.sprite = playerTexture;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fntFilePath"></param>
        /// <param name="fontTexturePath"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BitmapFontRenderer AddBMFont(string fntFilePath, string fontTexturePath, string name)
            if (!fontRenderers.ContainsKey(name))
                string _fntFilePath     = System.IO.Path.Combine(SceneManager.GameProject.ProjectPath, fntFilePath);
                string _textureFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(SceneManager.GameProject.ProjectPath, fontTexturePath);

                if (File.Exists(_fntFilePath) && File.Exists(_textureFilePath))
#elif WINRT
                if (MetroHelper.AppDataFileExists(_fntFilePath) && MetroHelper.AppDataFileExists(_textureFilePath))
                    FontFile  fontFile    = FontLoader.Load(_fntFilePath);
                    Texture2D fontTexture = TextureLoader.FromFile(_textureFilePath);

                    BitmapFontRenderer fr = new BitmapFontRenderer(fontFile, fontTexture);
                    fontRenderers[name] = fr;


Example #3
        public static Textbox CreateTextbox(string placeholder = "")
            Texture2D  textboxImage = TextureLoader.Load("Textbox");
            SpriteFont textboxFont  = FontLoader.Load("MenuFont");

            return(new Textbox(textboxImage, textboxFont, placeholder));
Example #4
        public void preload(IContentProvider content)
            fonts = new FontProvider();
            fonts.Add("sans", FontLoader.Load(content, "AgateLib/AgateSans"));

            this.palogo = content.Load <Texture2D>("imgs/palogo");
            this.vtlogo = content.Load <Texture2D>("imgs/vtlogo");
Example #5
        public static RadioButton CreateRadioButton(string text, bool initalValue)
            Texture2D checkedImage   = TextureLoader.Load("RadioButtonChecked");
            Texture2D uncheckedImage = TextureLoader.Load("RadioButtonUnchecked");

            SpriteFont radioButtonFont = FontLoader.Load("MenuFont");

            return(new RadioButton(checkedImage, uncheckedImage, radioButtonFont, text, initalValue));
Example #6
        public static CheckBox CreateCheckBox(string text, bool initalValue)
            Texture2D checkedImage   = TextureLoader.Load("CheckBoxChecked");
            Texture2D uncheckedImage = TextureLoader.Load("CheckBoxUnchecked");

            SpriteFont checkboxFont = FontLoader.Load("MenuFont");

            return(new CheckBox(checkedImage, uncheckedImage, checkboxFont, text, initalValue));
        private void FontFaceReady(DataPackage font)
            // Load and apply additional settings:

            if (font.Errored)
                Wrench.Log.Add("@font-face error: " + font.Error);


            // Load the face - it will by default add to it's "native" family:
            FontFace loaded = FontLoader.Load(font.Data);

            if (loaded == null || loaded.Family == null)
                Wrench.Log.Add("@font-face error: invalid font file at " + font.Url);

            Value family = this["font-family"];

            // Grab the family name:
            string familyName;

            if (family == null || family.Text == null)
                familyName = loaded.Family.Name;
                familyName = family.Text.Trim().Replace("\"", "");

            // Add as an active font:
            Dictionary <string, DynamicFont> fonts = Document.ActiveFonts;

            DynamicFont dFont;

            if (!fonts.TryGetValue(familyName, out dFont))
                // Create the font object:
                dFont        = new DynamicFont(familyName);
                dFont.Family = loaded.Family;

                fonts[familyName] = dFont;
                // Hook up the "real" family:
                dFont.Family = loaded.Family;

                // Tell all instances using this dFont that the font is ready:
Example #8
        public static Button CreateButton(string text)
            Texture2D inactiveImage = TextureLoader.Load("ButtonInactive");
            Texture2D hoveredImage  = TextureLoader.Load("ButtonHovered");
            Texture2D clickedImage  = TextureLoader.Load("ButtonClicked");

            SpriteFont buttonFont = FontLoader.Load("MenuFont");

            return(new Button(inactiveImage, hoveredImage, clickedImage, buttonFont, text));
Example #9
        /// <summary>Loads this font from the local project files. Should be a folder named after the font family and in it a series of font files.</summary>
        /// <returns>True if at least one font face was loaded.</returns>
        public bool LoadFaces()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                // This case results in every text asset being checked otherwise!

            // Load all .ttf/.otf files:
            object[] faces = Resources.LoadAll(Name, typeof(TextAsset));

            // For each font face..
            for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)
                // Get the raw font face data:
                byte[] faceData = ((TextAsset)faces[i]).bytes;

                if (faceData == null || faceData.Length == 0)
                    // It's a folder.

                // Load the font face - adds itself to the family within it if it's a valid font:
                    FontFace loaded;

                    if (Fonts.DeferLoad)
                        loaded = FontLoader.DeferredLoad(faceData);
                        loaded = FontLoader.Load(faceData);

                    if (loaded != null && Family == null)
                        // Grab the family:
                        Family = loaded.Family;
                }catch {
                    // Unity probably gave us a copyright file or something like that.
                    // Generally the loader will catch this internally and return null.

            if (Family == null)

Example #10
        public static GameFont ArialLarge; // = new GameFont("Arial", 8);

        public static void LoadContent(ContentManager content)
            //  ParticleFlowerBurst = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Particle\FlowerBurst.png");

            var fontFilePath = Path.Combine(content.RootDirectory, "Fonts\\Arial16.fnt");
            var fontFile     = FontLoader.Load(TitleContainer.OpenStream(fontFilePath));
            var fontTexture  = content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Fonts\Arial16_0.png");

            ArialSmall   = new GameFont(fontFile, fontTexture);
            fontFilePath = Path.Combine(content.RootDirectory, "Fonts\\Arial32.fnt");
            fontFile     = FontLoader.Load(TitleContainer.OpenStream(fontFilePath));
            fontTexture  = content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Fonts\Arial32_0.png");
            ArialLarge   = new GameFont(fontFile, fontTexture);
Example #11
        private BmFont loadFont(string path)
            var fontFilePath = findFile(path);

            using (var stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream(fontFilePath))
                var fontFile = FontLoader.Load(stream);
                var fontPng  = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path), fontFile.Pages[0].File);

                // textRenderer initialization will go here
                return(new BmFont(fontFile, fontPng));
Example #12
        public Renderer()
            IGraphicsContext context = Engine.GraphicsContext;
            int width  = context.Device.BackBuffer.Width;
            int height = context.Device.BackBuffer.Height;

            sceneTarget       = RenderTarget2D.New(context.Device, width, height, PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8.UNorm);
            texToTargetEffect = EffectLoader.Load(@"Graphics/Shaders/CopyTextureToTarget.fx");
            gbuffer           = context.GBuffer;

            font     = FontLoader.Load(@"Graphics/Fonts/Arial16.xml");
            fpsClock = new Stopwatch();
            fpsText  = string.Empty;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentManager"></param>
        private void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager)
            var definitionPath = string.Format("{0}_{1}.fnt", Name, Style);

            using (var contents = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(contentManager.RootDirectory, definitionPath)))
                _definition = FontLoader.Load(contents);

            // We need to support multiple texture pages for more than plain ASCII text.
            _textures = new Texture2D[_definition.Pages.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < _definition.Pages.Count; i++)
                var texturePath = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.png", Name, Style, i);
                _textures[i] = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>(texturePath);
Example #14
        public WinningScreen()
            Stage = SummerizedStage.Score;

            RestartButton = WindowFactory.CreateButton("Restart");
            NextButton    = WindowFactory.CreateButton("Next");

            RestartButton.Position = new Vector2()
                X = GetControlXPosition(NextButton, 1, 2),
                Y = Position.Y + Height * 0.75f,

            NextButton.Position = new Vector2()
                X = GetControlXPosition(NextButton, 2, 2),
                Y = Position.Y + Height * 0.75f,

            WinningText = new Label(FontLoader.Load("HeaderFont"), "You Win!", GlobalData.Theme["Blue"]);
            ScoreText   = new Label(FontLoader.Load("HeaderFont"), "", GlobalData.Theme["LightMagenta"]);

            Star1 = WindowFactory.CreateStar();
            Star2 = WindowFactory.CreateStar();
            Star3 = WindowFactory.CreateStar();

            Star2.Position = new Vector2()
                X = Position.X + Width / 2 - Star1.Width / 2,
                Y = Position.Y + Height * 0.30f,

            Star1.Position = new Vector2()
                X = Position.X + Width / 2 - Star1.Width / 2 - Star1.Width * 1.25f,
                Y = Star2.Position.Y + 20,

            Star3.Position = new Vector2()
                X = Position.X + Width / 2 - Star1.Width / 2 + Star1.Width * 1.25f,
                Y = Star2.Position.Y + 20,

            addStar1 = new DelayedAction(Star1.Shine, 0.5f);
            addStar2 = new DelayedAction(Star2.Shine, 1.0f);
            addStar3 = new DelayedAction(Star3.Shine, 1.5f);
Example #15
        public override void LoadContent(GraphicsDevice gd, ContentManager cm)
            //Initialization for basicEffect
            basicEffect = new BasicEffect(gd);
            basicEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
            basicEffect.LightingEnabled    = false;

            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(gd);
            string fontFilePath = Path.Combine(cm.RootDirectory, "Fonts/font.fnt");

            fontFile     = FontLoader.Load(fontFilePath);
            fontTexture  = cm.Load <Texture2D>("Fonts/font_0.png");
            fontRenderer = new FontRenderer(fontFile, fontTexture);
            logo         = cm.Load <Texture2D>("LOGO.png");
            bgTexture    = cm.Load <Texture2D>("bg.png");
Example #16
        public BmFont(string fontTexture, ContentManager content)
            //_content = content;
            _fontTexture = content.Load <Texture2D>(fontTexture);

            string   fontFilePath = $"Content\\{fontTexture}.fnt";
            FontFile fontFile     = FontLoader.Load(fontFilePath);

            _fontFile = fontFile;

            _characterMap = new Dictionary <char, FontChar>();

            foreach (FontChar fontCharacter in fontFile.Chars)
                var c = (char)fontCharacter.ID;
                _characterMap.Add(c, fontCharacter);
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            /* 1 game 1 font */
            var fontFilePath = Path.Combine(Content.RootDirectory, @"fonts\segoe32.fnt");
            var fontFile     = FontLoader.Load(fontFilePath);
            var fontTexture  = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"fonts\segoe32_0.png");

            fontRenderer = new FontRenderer(fontFile, fontTexture);

            LoadingScreen loading = new LoadingScreen(Content);


            ScreenManager.Instance.SetScreen(new MenuScreen());
            //ScreenManager.Instance.SetScreen(new LevelCreator(0));
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            _SpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            // Load the textures of the main scene
            _Background    = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>("background");
            _ReadyCover    = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>("ready");
            _GameoverCover = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>("gameover");

            // Load the score font
            _ScoreFontFile     = FontLoader.Load(Path.Combine(this.Content.RootDirectory, "score_font.fnt"));
            _ScoreFontTexture  = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>("score_font_0");
            _ScoreFontRenderer = new FontRenderer(_ScoreFontFile, _ScoreFontTexture);

            // Load the tips font
            _TipsFontFile     = FontLoader.Load(Path.Combine(this.Content.RootDirectory, "tips_font.fnt"));
            _TipsFontTexture  = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>("tips_font_0");
            _TipsFontRenderer = new FontRenderer(_TipsFontFile, _TipsFontTexture);
Example #19
        public WinAllScreen()
            Title.Text = "Congratulation!";

            WinAllText    = new Label(FontLoader.Load("HeaderFont"), "You have passed all levels!", GlobalData.Theme["Silver"]);
            HighScoreText = new Label(FontLoader.Load("HeaderFont"), "High Score: " + GlobalData.Session.CurrentScore.ToString("N0"), GlobalData.Theme["Yellow"]);

            TextBox    = WindowFactory.CreateTextbox();
            SaveButton = WindowFactory.CreateButton("Back to menu");

            TextBox.Position = new Vector2()
                X = GetControlXPosition(TextBox, 1, 1),
                Y = this.Position.Y + 210f,

            SaveButton.Position = new Vector2()
                X = GetControlXPosition(SaveButton, 1, 1),
                Y = this.Position.Y + 300f,
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Character テーブルと BMFont のデータから Font エントリを生成します
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chtablefile">キャラクタテーブル</param>
        /// <param name="fntfile">BMFont ファイル</param>
        private void Run(string chtablefile, string fntfile)
            // Character Table 読み込み
            var chtable = this.LoadCharacterTable(chtablefile);
            // Font 情報読み込み
            var fonttable = FontLoader.Load(fntfile);
            // Font 検索 Function
            Func <char, FontChar> SearchFont = (seachch) =>
                FontChar ret = NullFontChar;
                foreach (var fontch in fonttable.Chars)
                    if (seachch == (char)fontch.ID)
                        ret = fontch;

            int idx = 0;

            foreach (var ch in chtable)
                FontChar fch = null;

                 * Font の検索
                // NULL 文字
                if (ch == 0x0000)
                    fch = NullFontChar;
                }// SPACE は改行区切りとして使う
                else if (ch == CHAR_SPACE)
                    fch = NullFontChar;
                // ^ を空白の変わりに使う
                else if (ch == CHAR_CIRCUM)
                    fch = SearchFont(CHAR_SPACE);

                    // 通常の文字
                    fch = SearchFont(ch);

                // Font Character を出力
                if (fch == NullFontChar || fch == null)
                    this.WriteData(idx, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                    if (fch == null)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown Font Character - {0}:{1}", idx, ch);
                else if (fch != NullFontChar)
                    this.WriteData(idx, fch);

Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Constrcutor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public SpriteFont(GraphicsDevice rs, Stream stream)
   = rs;

            FontFile input = FontLoader.Load(stream);

            int numGlyphs = input.Chars.Max(ch => ch.ID);

            //	create charInfo and kernings :
            fontInfo.kernings = new Dictionary <Tuple <char, char>, float>();
            fontInfo.charInfo = new SpriteFontInfo.CharInfo[numGlyphs + 1];

            //	check UNICODE :

            /*if (input.Info.Unicode!=0) {
             *      throw new SystemException("UNICODE characters are not supported (Remove UNICODE flag)");
             * } */

            //	check one-page bitmap fonts :
            if (input.Pages.Count != 1)
                throw new GraphicsException("Only one page of font image is supported");

            //	create path for font-image :
            string fontImagePath = input.Pages[0].File;

            fontTexture = rs.Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(fontImagePath);

            //	Fill structure :
            fontInfo.fontFace    = input.Info.Face;
            fontInfo.baseLine    = input.Common.Base;
            fontInfo.lineHeight  = input.Common.LineHeight;
            fontInfo.scaleWidth  = input.Common.ScaleW;
            fontInfo.scaleHeight = input.Common.ScaleH;

            float scaleWidth  = fontInfo.scaleWidth;
            float scaleHeight = fontInfo.scaleHeight;

            //	process character info :
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Chars.Count; i++)
                FontChar ch = input.Chars[i];

                int id    = ch.ID;
                int x     = ch.X;
                int y     = ch.Y;
                int xoffs = ch.XOffset;
                int yoffs = ch.YOffset;
                int w     = ch.Width;
                int h     = ch.Height;

                fontInfo.charInfo[ch.ID].validChar = true;
                fontInfo.charInfo[ch.ID].xAdvance  = ch.XAdvance;
                fontInfo.charInfo[ch.ID].srcRect   = new RectangleF(x, y, w, h);
                fontInfo.charInfo[ch.ID].dstRect   = new RectangleF(xoffs, yoffs, w, h);

            var letterHeights = input.Chars
                                .Where(ch1 => char.IsUpper((char)(ch1.ID)))
                                .Select(ch2 => ch2.Height)
                                .OrderBy(h => h)

            CapHeight = letterHeights[letterHeights.Count / 2];

            //	process kerning info :
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Kernings.Count; i++)
                var pair    = new Tuple <char, char>((char)input.Kernings[i].First, (char)input.Kernings[i].Second);
                int kerning = input.Kernings[i].Amount;
                fontInfo.kernings.Add(pair, kerning);

            SpaceWidth = MeasureString(" ").Width;
            LineHeight = MeasureString(" ").Height;
Example #22
        public static Label CreateLabel(string text)
            SpriteFont labelFont = FontLoader.Load("MenuFont");

            return(new Label(labelFont, text));
Example #23
        private bool LoadFont(Value value)
            Value  path = value["url"];
            string pathValue;

            if (path != null)
                // Get the text value:
                pathValue = path.Text;
                // Read the raw value:
                pathValue = value.Text;

            DataPackage package = new DataPackage(pathValue, Document.basepath);

            package.onload = delegate(UIEvent e){
                // Load the face - it will by default add to it's "native" family:
                FontFace loaded = FontLoader.Load(package.responseBytes);

                if (loaded == null || loaded.Family == null)
                    Dom.Log.Add("@font-face error: invalid font file at " + package.location.absolute);

                // Got any weight, stretch or style overrides?
                Css.Value styleValue   = style["font-style"];
                Css.Value weightValue  = style["font-weight"];
                Css.Value stretchValue = style["font-stretch"];

                if (styleValue != null || weightValue != null || stretchValue != null)
                    // Yep!

                    // New style value:
                    int styleV = (styleValue == null) ? loaded.Style : styleValue.GetInteger(null, Css.Properties.FontStyle.GlobalProperty);

                    // New weight value:
                    int weight = (weightValue == null) ? loaded.Weight : weightValue.GetInteger(null, Css.Properties.FontWeight.GlobalProperty);

                    // New stretch value:
                    int stretch = (stretchValue == null) ? loaded.Stretch : stretchValue.GetInteger(null, Css.Properties.FontStretch.GlobalProperty);

                    // Update the flags:
                    loaded.SetFlags(styleV, weight, stretch);

                Value family = style["font-family"];

                // Grab the family name:
                string familyName;

                if (family == null || family.Text == null)
                    familyName = loaded.Family.Name;
                    familyName = family.Text.Trim();

                // Add as an active font:
                Dictionary <string, DynamicFont> fonts = Document.ActiveFonts;

                DynamicFont dFont;
                if (!fonts.TryGetValue(familyName, out dFont))
                    // Create the font object:
                    dFont        = new DynamicFont(familyName);
                    dFont.Family = loaded.Family;

                    fonts[familyName] = dFont;
                    // Hook up the "real" family:
                    dFont.Family = loaded.Family;

                    // Tell all instances using this dFont that the font is ready:

            // Send now:

Example #24
 public WindowScreen()
     this.defaultFont = FontLoader.Load("MenuFont");
     this.Title       = new Label(defaultFont, text: "Breakout");
Example #25
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override async Task <FontFile?> ImportAsync(Stream stream,
                                                           ImporterContext context,
                                                           CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return(await Task.Run(
                       () =>
                FontDescription?description = Json.Deserialize <FontDescription>(stream);

                if (description == null)
                    context.AddMessage("Importing item failed! Expected type {0}!", typeof(FontDescription));
                    return null;

                FontStyle fs = FontStyle.Regular;
                if (description.IsBold)
                    fs |= FontStyle.Bold;
                if (description.IsItalic)
                    fs |= FontStyle.Italic;

                using (Font fnt = new Font(description.Name, description.Size, fs))
                    if (string.Compare(
                            fnt.Name, description.Name,
                            StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != 0)
                            "Can't import the font '{0:OrangeRed}'! " +
                            "The font doesn't exists on the current system!", description);
                        return null;

                string tempFileNameLocation =
                    Path.Combine(TEMP_FILE_DIR, $"{description.Size}_{Path.GetRandomFileName()}.fnt");

                string configLocation =
                    Path.Combine("tools", $"config{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}.bmfc");

                int textureWidth =
                        (int)Math.Sqrt(GetCharCount(description.Chars) * description.Size));

                while (textureWidth <= Resource.MaximumTexture2DSize)
                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        return null;
                        CreateConfig(description, textureWidth, textureWidth));

                    using (Process p = Process.Start(
                               new ProcessStartInfo(
                                   $"-c {configLocation} -o {tempFileNameLocation}")
                        UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = false
                        if (!p.HasExited)
                            int i = 0;
                            while (!p.WaitForExit(1_000) &&
                                   !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested &&
                                   i++ < 45)
                            if (!p.HasExited)
                                    /* IGNORE*/

                        if (p.ExitCode == 0)
                            FontFile fontFile = FontLoader.Load(tempFileNameLocation);
                            if (fontFile.Common !.Pages == 1)
                                if (CheckFontImageFiles(fontFile, TEMP_FILE_DIR))
                                    fontFile.Pages ![0].File =
                                        Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(TEMP_FILE_DIR, fontFile.Pages[0].File));
                                    return fontFile;