Example #1
			internal void Reset()

				_Alignment = Alignment.Stretch;
				_Indentation = DefaultIndentation;
				_Leading = DefaultLeading;
				_Spacing = DefaultSpacing;
				_Tracking = DefaultTracking;


				_ActiveCulture = DefaultCulture;
				_ActiveFamily = DefaultFamily;
				_ActivePointSize = DefaultPointSize;
				_ActiveHAlignment = Alignment.Stretch;
				_ActiveVAlignment = Alignment.Stretch;
				_ActiveInline = Size.Empty;
				_ActiveTextRange = IndexedRange.Empty;
				_ActiveStretch = FontStretch.Regular;
				_ActiveStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
				_ActiveWeight = FontWeight.Regular;
				_ActiveFeatures = null;
Example #2
			public Builder WithFeatures(FontFeatureCollection features)
				Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Builder>() != null);

				_ActiveFeatures = features;

				return this;
Example #3
			public Builder ResetState()
				Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Builder>() != null);

				_ActiveTextRange = IndexedRange.Empty;
				_ActiveCulture = DefaultCulture;
				_ActiveFamily = DefaultFamily;
				_ActiveFeatures = null;
				_ActivePointSize = DefaultPointSize;
				_ActiveStretch = FontStretch.Regular;
				_ActiveStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
				_ActiveWeight = FontWeight.Regular;
				_ActiveInline = Size.Empty;
				_ActiveHAlignment = Alignment.Stretch;
				_ActiveVAlignment = Alignment.Stretch;

				return this;
Example #4
			public Builder RestoreState()
				Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Builder>() != null);

				TextRun activeState = _States.Pop();

				_ActiveTextRange = activeState.TextRange;
				_ActiveCulture = activeState.Culture;
				_ActiveFamily = activeState.Family;
				_ActiveFeatures = activeState.Features;
				_ActivePointSize = activeState.PointSize;
				_ActiveStretch = activeState.Stretch;
				_ActiveStyle = activeState.Style;
				_ActiveWeight = activeState.Weight;
				_ActiveInline = activeState.Inline;
				_ActiveHAlignment = activeState.HAlignment;
				_ActiveVAlignment = activeState.VAlignment;

				return this;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        ///   This method applies the given font features to a range of characters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textRange"> This parameter indicates the range of characters to modify. </param>
        /// <param name="features"> This parameter references the collection of font features to apply to the range. </param>
        public void SetFeatures(IndexedRange textRange, FontFeatureCollection features)

            foreach(int index in textRange)
                _OutputSink.Characters[index].Features = features;