public static void Run()

            using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation())
                IFontFallBackRulesCollection userRulesList = new FontFallBackRulesCollection();

                userRulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x0B80, 0x0BFF, "Vijaya"));
                userRulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x3040, 0x309F, "MS Mincho, MS Gothic"));

                presentation.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection = userRulesList;
Example #2
        public static void Run()

            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text();

            // Create new instance of a rules collection
            IFontFallBackRulesCollection rulesList = new FontFallBackRulesCollection();

            // create a number of rules
            rulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x400, 0x4FF, "Times New Roman"));
            //rulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(...));

            foreach (IFontFallBackRule fallBackRule in rulesList)
                //Trying to remove FallBack font "Tahoma" from loaded rules

                //And to update of rules for specified range
                if ((fallBackRule.RangeEndIndex >= 0x4000) && (fallBackRule.RangeStartIndex < 0x5000))

            //Also we can remove any existing rules from list
            if (rulesList.Count > 0)

            using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "input.pptx"))
                //Assigning a prepared rules list for using
                pres.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection = rulesList;

                // Rendering of thumbnail with using of initialized rules collection and saving to PNG
                pres.Slides[0].GetThumbnail(1f, 1f).Save(dataDir + "Slide_0.png", ImageFormat.Png);