//function that communicated with DAL to unfollow user
        public void unFollowById(int id, int idToUnfollow)
            FollowingRepoLayer obj = new FollowingRepoLayer();

            obj.unFollowById(id, idToUnfollow);
        //function that communicated with DAL to follow user
        public bool FollowById(UserFollowerModel followerdata)
            FollowingRepoLayer obj = new FollowingRepoLayer();

        //function that communicated with DAL give the list of users
        //that are followed by the user
        public List <UserModel> getFollowingById(int id, string searchvalue)
            FollowingRepoLayer obj = new FollowingRepoLayer();

            return(obj.getFollowingById(id, searchvalue));