Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
    public void GetFromGaia()
        FogVolume gFV      = null;
        FogVolume cloudsFV = null;

        GameObject groundFog = GameObject.Find("Fog Volume [Ground Fog]");

        if (groundFog != null)
            gFV = groundFog.GetComponent <FogVolume>();

        if (gFV != null)
            fog = gFV;

        GameObject cloudsGo = GameObject.Find("Fog Volume [Clouds]");

        if (cloudsGo != null)
            cloudsFV = cloudsGo.GetComponent <FogVolume>();

        if (cloudsFV != null)
            clouds = cloudsFV;
Example #2
    void Update()
        if (GameCamera == null)
            Debug.Log("No Camera available for Fog Volume. Trying to find another one");

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        for (int i = 0; i < SceneFogVolumes.Length; i++)
            FogVolume SlotFogVolume = SceneFogVolumes[i];
            if (SlotFogVolume == null)
                //reset and rebuild
                SceneFogVolumes = null;

        if (SceneFogVolumes.Length == 0)
 public void UpdateFog()
     sourceFog2 = (environment == Environment.Valfross || environment == Environment.Tolbrynd ? otherFog : ipsilonFog)?.GetComponent <FogVolume>();
     if (fog2 == null)
         if (sourceFog2)
             if (ignored)
                 sourceFog2.gameObject.layer = layer;
             fog2.enabled = sourceFog2.enabled && sourceFog2.gameObject.activeSelf;
             ModUtility.CopyComponentValues <FogVolume>(sourceFog2, fog2);
         if (Portal.accurateFog)
    public void CreateTexturedFog()
        fogMode = CurrentFogMode.Textured;

        //Pick colour of main light
        Color mainLightColor = Color.white;

        mainLightColor = EnviroSkyMgr.instance.Components.DirectLight.GetComponent <Light>().color;

        GameObject groundFogGo = GameObject.Find("Fog Volume [Ground Fog] for Enviro");


        if (groundFogGo == null)
            groundFogGo      = new GameObject();
   = "Fog Volume [Ground Fog] for Enviro";
            Renderer rend = groundFogGo.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            if (rend != null)
                rend.shadowCastingMode    = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                rend.reflectionProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage.Off;
                rend.receiveShadows       = false;
                rend.lightProbeUsage      = UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage.Off;
            groundFogGo.AddComponent <FogVolume>();

        //Adjust Fog Settings
        FogVolume fVolume = groundFogGo.GetComponent <FogVolume>();

        if (fVolume != null)
            fVolume.transform.position = fogPosition;
            fVolume.fogVolumeScale     = new Vector3(EnviroSkyMgr.instance.Camera.farClipPlane, EnviroSkyMgr.instance.Camera.farClipPlane * 0.2f, EnviroSkyMgr.instance.Camera.farClipPlane);
            fVolume.FogMainColor       = Color.grey;
            fVolume.Visibility         = 800f;

            fVolume._FogType       = FogVolume.FogType.Textured;
            fVolume.EnableGradient = true;
            fVolume.bVolumeFog     = false;
            fVolume._BlendMode     = FogVolumeRenderer.BlendMode.PremultipliedTransparency;

            fVolume.EnableInscattering = true;
            fVolume.InscatteringColor  = Color.Lerp(mainLightColor,, 0.8f);
            fVolume.VolumeFogInscatteringAnisotropy = 0.59f;
            fVolume.InscatteringIntensity           = 0.07f;
            fVolume.InscatteringStartDistance       = 5f;
            fVolume.InscatteringTransitionWideness  = 300f;

            fVolume.DrawOrder  = 3;
            fVolume._PushAlpha = 1.0025f;
            fVolume._ztest     = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Always;

            // Assign Fog for runtime Controls
            fog = fVolume;
        public void CreateFog()
            if (ignored)
                if (sourceFog2)
                    sourceFog2.gameObject.layer = layer;
            else if (sourceFog2)
                GameObject child = GameObject.Instantiate(sourceFog2.gameObject);
                DestroyImmediate(child.GetComponent <FollowCam>());

                child.transform.parent        = transform;
                child.transform.localPosition =;
                child.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                child.transform.localScale    = sourceFog2.transform.localScale;

                fog2         = child.GetComponent <FogVolume>();
                fog2.enabled = sourceFog2.enabled && sourceFog2.gameObject.activeSelf;

                fog2.gameObject.layer = layer;
    public void AddAllFogVolumesToThisLight()
        _ProminentFogVolume = null;
        var fogVolumes = FindObjectsOfType <FogVolume>();

        int validFogVolumeCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < fogVolumes.Length; i++)
            if ((fogVolumes[i] != null) &&
                (fogVolumes[i]._FogType == FogVolume.FogType.Textured))

        _TargetFogVolumes = new FogVolume[validFogVolumeCount];
        int k = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < fogVolumes.Length; i++)
            var fogVolume = fogVolumes[i];
            if ((fogVolume != null) && (fogVolume._FogType == FogVolume.FogType.Textured))
                _TargetFogVolumes[k++] = fogVolumes[i];
    public void Refresh()
        if (_TargetFogVolumes == null)
            _ProminentFogVolume = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < _TargetFogVolumes.Length; i++)
            var fogVolume = _TargetFogVolumes[i];
            if ((fogVolume != null) &&
                (fogVolume._FogType == FogVolume.FogType.Textured))
                if (fogVolume.HasUpdatedBoxMesh)
                    float largestOfProminent = (_ProminentFogVolume != null)
                                                   ? _MaxOf(_ProminentFogVolume.fogVolumeScale.x,
                                                   : 0.0f;
                    float largest = _MaxOf(fogVolume.fogVolumeScale.x,
                    if (largest > largestOfProminent)
                        _ProminentFogVolume = fogVolume;
Example #8
 void OnEnable()
     Dad        = transform.parent.gameObject;
     Fog        = Dad.GetComponent <FogVolume>();
     ThisCamera = gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>();
     ThisCamera.depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.Depth;
        public void ProcessFog()
            bool isCampaign = false;
            int  n;

            if (int.TryParse(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, out n))
                isCampaign = true;

            if (isCampaign)
                environment = (Environment)StatMaster.currentIslandID;
            else if (StatMaster.isMP)
                if (LevelEditor.Instance != null)
                    if (LevelEditor.Instance.Settings != null)
                        environment = MPEnvironmentToSimple((int)LevelEditor.Instance.Settings.Environment);
                        environment = Environment.Other;
                    LevelEditor.Instance.LevelSettingsChanged += SettingsChanged;

            ipsilonFog = Camera.main.transform.FindChild("Fog Volume");
            if (!ipsilonFog)
                ipsilonFog = GameObject.Find("MULTIPLAYER LEVEL")?.transform.FindChild("Environments/Ipsilon/Fog Volume");

            Transform darkFog = Camera.main.transform.FindChild("Fog Volume Dark");

            otherFog = StatMaster.isMP ? GameObject.Find("MULTIPLAYER LEVEL")?.transform.FindChild("Environments/Tolbrynd/Fog Volume") : darkFog;
            if (otherFog)
                otherFog.gameObject.layer = 0;
            if (darkFog)
                darkFog.gameObject.layer = 0;

            sourceFog2 = (environment == Environment.Valfross || environment == Environment.Tolbrynd ? otherFog : ipsilonFog)?.GetComponent <FogVolume>();
Example #10
    void OnEnable()
        _target = (FogVolume)target;

        Theme1      = new GUIStyle();
        ThemeFooter = new GUIStyle();
        //  ThemeFooter.normal.background = MakeTex(new Color(.31f, 0.2f, .3f));
        if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin)
            ThemeFooter.normal.background = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("RendererInspectorBodyBlack");
            ThemeFooter.normal.background = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("RendererInspectorBodyBright");
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        colors = new Color[4];

        v = GetComponent <Volume>();
        if (v.profile.TryGet <FogVolume>(out FogVolume fogVolume))
            // Found fog volume, cache off reference.
            f = fogVolume;

        colors[0] = f.color.value;
        colors[1] = col1;
        colors[2] = col2;
        colors[3] = col3;
        tempSpeed = lerpSpeed;
        public static void GX_Quality_Low()
            //What about ground fog and cloud settings ?
            GameObject goGroundFog = GameObject.Find("Fog Volume [Ground Fog]");

            if (goGroundFog != null)
                FogVolume fvGroundFog = goGroundFog.GetComponent <FogVolume>();
                if (fvGroundFog != null)
                    //Make adjustments
            GameObject goClouds = GameObject.Find("Fog Volume [Clouds]");

            if (goClouds != null)
                FogVolume fvClouds = goClouds.GetComponent <FogVolume>();
                if (fvClouds != null)
                    //Make adjustments

            //Update renderer settings
            FogVolumeRenderer fvRenderer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <FogVolumeRenderer>();

            if (fvRenderer != null)
                fvRenderer._Downsample = 8;
                fvRenderer._BlendMode  = FogVolumeRenderer.BlendMode.PremultipliedTransparency;

            //Update screen settings
            FogVolumeScreen fvScreen = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <FogVolumeScreen>();

            if (fvScreen != null)
    void EnableVolumetricShadow(bool b)
        if (_TargetFogVolumes == null)
        if (_TargetFogVolumes.Length > 0)
            float largestAxis  = 0.0f;
            int   largestIndex = 0;
            for (int FVindex = 0; FVindex < _TargetFogVolumes.Length; FVindex++)
                var fogVolume = _TargetFogVolumes[FVindex];

                if ((fogVolume != null) && (fogVolume._FogType == FogVolume.FogType.Textured))
                    if (fogVolume.enabled)
                        FogVolumeMaterial = fogVolume.FogMaterial;
                        FogVolumeMaterial.SetInt("_VolumetricShadowsEnabled", b ? 1 : 0);

                    float largest = _MaxOf(fogVolume.fogVolumeScale.x,
                    if (largest > largestAxis)
                        largestAxis  = largest;
                        largestIndex = FVindex;

            _ProminentFogVolume = _TargetFogVolumes[largestIndex];
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a Clouds Layer for Enviro.
    /// </summary>
    public void CreateCloudLayer()
        //Pick colour of main light
        Color mainLightColor = Color.white;

        mainLightColor = EnviroSkyMgr.instance.Components.DirectLight.GetComponent <Light>().color;

        //Get the main camera
        Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;

        //First make sure its not already in scene - if it isnt then add it
        FogVolume  fVolume;
        GameObject goClouds = GameObject.Find("Fog Volume [Clouds] for Enviro");

        if (goClouds == null)
            goClouds      = new GameObject();
   = "Fog Volume [Clouds] for Enviro";
            Renderer rend = goClouds.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            if (rend != null)
                rend.shadowCastingMode    = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                rend.receiveShadows       = false;
                rend.reflectionProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage.Off;
                rend.lightProbeUsage      = UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage.Off;
            fVolume = goClouds.AddComponent <FogVolume>();
            //Create the horizon
            GameObject goHorizon = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane);
                      = "Horizon";
            goHorizon.transform.parent        = goClouds.transform;
            goHorizon.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, -79f, 0f);
            goHorizon.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
            goHorizon.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().enabled = false;

            //Create the priority script
            FogVolumePriority fogVolumePrio = goClouds.AddComponent <FogVolumePriority>();
            fogVolumePrio.GameCamera          = mainCamera;
            fogVolumePrio.FogOrderCameraAbove = 4;
            fogVolumePrio.FogOrderCameraBelow = -1;
            fogVolumePrio.thisFog             = fVolume;
            fogVolumePrio.Horizon             = goHorizon;


        //Setup our clouds
        fVolume = goClouds.GetComponent <FogVolume>();

        if (fVolume != null)
            clouds = fVolume;

            //Location and scale
            fVolume.transform.position = cloudsPosition;
            fVolume.fogVolumeScale     = new Vector3(EnviroSkyMgr.instance.Camera.farClipPlane - 50f, 100f, EnviroSkyMgr.instance.Camera.farClipPlane - 50f);

            //Fog type and blend mode
            fVolume._FogType   = FogVolume.FogType.Textured;
            fVolume._BlendMode = FogVolumeRenderer.BlendMode.TraditionalTransparency;

            fVolume._AmbientColor     = Color.Lerp(mainLightColor,, 0.1f);
            fVolume.useHeightGradient = true;
            fVolume.Absorption        = 0.8f;
            fVolume.HeightAbsorption  = 0.185f;
            fVolume.bAbsorption       = true;

            fVolume.EnableInscattering             = true;
            fVolume.InscatteringColor              = mainLightColor;
            fVolume.InscatteringShape              = 0.05f;
            fVolume.InscatteringIntensity          = 0.882f;
            fVolume.InscatteringStartDistance      = 0f;
            fVolume.InscatteringTransitionWideness = 1f;

            fVolume._DirectionalLighting         = true;
            fVolume.LightExtinctionColor         = Color.Lerp(mainLightColor,, 0.8f);
            fVolume._DirectionalLightingDistance = 0.0008f;
            fVolume.DirectLightingShadowDensity  = 6f;
            fVolume.DirectLightingShadowSteps    = 1;

            fVolume.NoiseIntensity      = 1f;
            fVolume.SceneCollision      = true;
            fVolume.Iterations          = 500;
            fVolume.IterationStep       = 100;
            fVolume._OptimizationFactor = 0.0000005f;

            fVolume.GradMin  = 0.19f;
            fVolume.GradMax  = 0.06f;
            fVolume.GradMin2 = -0.25f;
            fVolume.GradMax2 = 0.21f;

            fVolume.EnableNoise             = true;
            fVolume._3DNoiseScale           = 0.15f;
            fVolume.Speed                   = new Vector4(0.49f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            fVolume.Vortex                  = 0.47f;
            fVolume.RotationSpeed           = 0f;
            fVolume.rotation                = 324f;
            fVolume._VortexAxis             = FogVolume.VortexAxis.Y;
            fVolume.Coverage                = 2.44f;
            fVolume.NoiseContrast           = 12.9f;
            fVolume.NoiseDensity            = 0.2f;
            fVolume.Octaves                 = 3;
            fVolume.BaseTiling              = 150f;
            fVolume._BaseRelativeSpeed      = 0.85f;
            fVolume.DetailTiling            = 285.3f;
            fVolume._DetailRelativeSpeed    = 16.6f;
            fVolume.DetailDistance          = 5000f;
            fVolume._NoiseDetailRange       = 0.337f;
            fVolume._DetailMaskingThreshold = 8f;
            fVolume._Curl                   = 0.364f;

            fVolume.DrawOrder  = 4;
            fVolume._PushAlpha = 1.5f;
            fVolume._ztest     = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.LessEqual;

            if (fogMode != CurrentFogMode.Textured)
                fVolume.CreateSurrogate = true;
                fVolume.CreateSurrogate = false;

Example #15
 // Use this for initialization
 void OnEnable()
     thisFog = GetComponent <FogVolume>();
Example #16
 // Use this for initialization
 void OnEnable()
     thisFog        = GetComponent <FogVolume>();
     _FogVolumeData = thisFog._FogVolumeData;
Example #17
    //Texture2D[] _InspectorBackground;

    void OnEnable()
        _target = (FogVolume)target;
        string     m_ScriptFilePath;
        string     BackgroundImagesPath;
        MonoScript ms = MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(this);

        m_ScriptFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(ms);

        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(m_ScriptFilePath);

        BackgroundImagesPath  = fi.Directory.ToString();
        BackgroundImagesPath  = BackgroundImagesPath.Replace("\\", "/");
        BackgroundImagesPath += "/Themes/png";

        _target.BackgroundImagesPath = BackgroundImagesPath;

        int ImageIndex = 0;

        foreach (string filePath in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BackgroundImagesPath))
            if (!filePath.Contains(".meta"))
                // print(filePath);
        _target._InspectorBackground = null;
        _target._InspectorBackground = new Texture2D[ImageIndex];
        // print(ImageIndex);
        int i = 0;

        foreach (string filePath in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BackgroundImagesPath))
            if (!filePath.Contains(".meta"))
                byte[] fileData;
                // print(filePath);
                fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
                Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1, 32, TextureFormat.RHalf, false, true);
                tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
                _target._InspectorBackground[i] = tex;

        Theme1      = new GUIStyle();
        ThemeFooter = new GUIStyle();
        //  ThemeFooter.normal.background = MakeTex(new Color(.31f, 0.2f, .3f));
        if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin)
            ThemeFooter.normal.background = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("RendererInspectorBodyBlack");
            ThemeFooter.normal.background = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("RendererInspectorBodyBright");
Example #18
            public static bool BoxUnderPlane(ref float4 plane, ref FogVolume fog, int i)
                float3 absNormal = abs(normalize(mul(, fog.localToWorld)));

                return(dot(fog.position, - dot(absNormal, fog.extent) < -plane.w);
 public void RemoveAllFogVolumesFromThisLight()
     _ProminentFogVolume = null;
     _TargetFogVolumes   = null;
        public static void GX_Setup_AddGroundFog()
            //Pick colour of main light
            GameObject goLight   = GameObject.Find("Directional Light");
            Light      mainLight = null;

            if (goLight != null)
                mainLight = goLight.GetComponent <Light>();
                mainLight = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Light>();
            Color mainLightColor = Color.white;

            if (mainLight != null)
                mainLightColor = mainLight.color;

            //First make sure its not already in scene
            GameObject fvGroundFog = GameObject.Find("Fog Volume [Ground Fog]");

            if (fvGroundFog == null)
                fvGroundFog      = new GameObject();
       = "Fog Volume [Ground Fog]";
                fvGroundFog.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                fvGroundFog.AddComponent <FogVolume>();
                fvGroundFog.GetComponent <Renderer>().shadowCastingMode    = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                fvGroundFog.GetComponent <Renderer>().receiveShadows       = false;
                fvGroundFog.GetComponent <Renderer>().reflectionProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage.Off;
                fvGroundFog.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightProbeUsage      = UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage.Off;

            //Adjust its position and size
            FogVolume fvVolume = fvGroundFog.GetComponent <FogVolume>();

            if (fvVolume != null)
                GaiaSceneInfo info = GaiaSceneInfo.GetSceneInfo();


                fvVolume.transform.position = new Vector3(, info.m_seaLevel + 0.01f + (info.m_sceneBounds.extents.y / 4f),; //;
                fvVolume.fogVolumeScale     = new Vector3(info.m_sceneBounds.size.x * 3, info.m_sceneBounds.extents.y / 2f, info.m_sceneBounds.size.z * 3);

                //And adjust camera far clip as well
                float  maxClip    = Math.Max(info.m_sceneBounds.size.x, info.m_sceneBounds.size.z) * 3f;
                Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
                if (mainCamera != null)
                    if (mainCamera.farClipPlane < maxClip)
                        mainCamera.farClipPlane = maxClip + 200f;

                fvVolume.FogMainColor = new Color(53f / 255f, 76f / 255f, 114f / 255f);
                //fvVolume.Visibility = maxClip;
                fvVolume.Visibility         = 800f;
                fvVolume.EnableInscattering = true;
                fvVolume.InscatteringColor  = Color.Lerp(mainLightColor,, 0.8f);
                fvVolume.VolumeFogInscatteringAnisotropy = 0.59f;
                fvVolume.InscatteringIntensity           = 0.07f;
                fvVolume.InscatteringStartDistance       = 5f;
                fvVolume.InscatteringTransitionWideness  = 300f;

                fvVolume.DrawOrder  = 3;
                fvVolume._PushAlpha = 1.0025f;
                fvVolume._ztest     = CompareFunction.Always;