public string LoadTemplate(string templateName, CultureInfo culture, FogBugzCase cases) { if (culture == null) culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; string text = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine("Views", culture.ToString(), templateName + ".cshtml")); return Razor.Parse(text, cases); }
private void btnRetrieve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Instantiate a new FogBugz class FogBugz fogBugz = new FogBugz(""); fogBugz.VerifyCertificate = false; //Verify the API if (!fogBugz.VerifyApi()) { MessageBox.Show("FogBugz API not compatible with this plug-in"); } //Now log-in fogBugz.Logon("*****@*****.**", "zigzag"); //Now retrieve a specific case FogBugzCase fogBugzCase = fogBugz.GetCase(Int32.Parse(this.txtCaseId.Text)); //Display the id of the retrieved case MessageBox.Show("Retrieved case " + fogBugzCase.Id.ToString() + "."); //Finally log-off fogBugz.Logoff(); }
public string GetEmailBody(string templateName, FogBugzCase selectedCase) { string emailBody = null; if (templateName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("templateName"); } var parser = new FileSystemTemplateLoader(); emailBody = parser.LoadTemplate(templateName, null, selectedCase); return emailBody; }
private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Instantiate a new FogBugz class FogBugz fogBugz = new FogBugz(""); fogBugz.VerifyCertificate = false; //Verify the API if (!fogBugz.VerifyApi()) { MessageBox.Show("FogBugz API not compatible with this plug-in"); } //Now log-in fogBugz.Logon("*****@*****.**", "zigzag"); //Now create a new case FogBugzCase newCase = new FogBugzCase(); newCase.Title = "Test Form Case"; newCase.Project = 1; newCase.Priority = 3; newCase.Area = 4; newCase.FixFor = 2; newCase.Category = 1; newCase.Computer = "Windows 2003"; newCase.Version = "Version 1"; newCase.HrsCurrEst = 1; newCase.PersonAssignedTo = 2; newCase.Description = "Long Description"; newCase.Due = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); newCase = fogBugz.Add(newCase); //Display the id of the newly inserted case MessageBox.Show("Inserted new case " + newCase.Id.ToString() + "."); //Finally log-off fogBugz.Logoff(); }
public string Parse(string templateName, CultureInfo culture, FogBugzCase parameters) { return RazorEngine.Razor.Parse(templateLoader.LoadTemplate(templateName, culture), parameters); }