Example #1
        public static void OnPlayerSpawned(FPSCamera fpsCamera, PlayerAgent playerAgent)
            if (!playerAgent.IsLocallyOwned)
                Log.Error("Got playerAgent spawn but we aren't the owner!?");
            Log.Info("Player and fpscamera have been spawned, references have been set...");
            m_currentFPSCameraRef   = fpsCamera;
            m_currentPlayerAgentRef = playerAgent;

            // Normally we add VR components after the player has been spawned
            // If a player rejoins he is destroyed in the elevator and respawned, so we need to check if this happens and add VR components if needed
            if (FocusStateEvents.IsInGame())
                Log.Debug("Player spawned while an in-game state was active");
 static void Prefix(eFocusState state)