private void thChkAlive(object obj) { try { string msg; if (iChkCnt == 0) { msg = "NewLists 프로그램이 시작 되었음."; iChkCnt = 1; } else { msg = "NewLists 프로그램이 동작중....."; } //시작시간 Function.form.control.Invoke_usrInputBox_Value(inpHeadChkTime, Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)); Function.form.control.Invoke_usrInputBox_Value(inpHeadNext, string.Format("(+{0}분){1}", vari.ChkInterval, Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(vari.ChkInterval), Fnc.enDateType.DateTime))); TelegramMsgSend("Error", msg); } catch (Exception ex) { ProcException(ex, "thChkAlive", false); } }
/// <summary> /// 신규 여부를 확인 하고 추가한다. /// </summary> /// <param name="site"></param> /// <param name="i_name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool isNewList(string site, string i_name) { bool rtn; Function.Db.SQLite db = new Function.Db.SQLite(vari.db_path); string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM ICO WHERE SITE = '{0}' AND I_NAME = '{1}'", site, i_name); using (DataSet ds = db.dsExcute_Query(sql)) { rtn = Fnc.obj2int(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cnt"]) < 1; } //신규 처리 if (rtn) { sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO ICO ( SITE, I_NAME, DATE ) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}' )", site, i_name, Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)); db.intExcute_Query(sql); } return(rtn); }
/// <summary> /// ¸Þ½ÃÁö â¿¡ ³»¿ëÀ» º¸¿© ÁØ´Ù.(¸Þ½ÃÁö ŸÀÔ »ç¿ë) /// </summary> /// <param name="msgType"></param> /// <param name="strMessage"></param> /// <param name="isLog"></param> protected virtual void SetMessage(enMsgType msgType, string strMessage, bool isLog) { if (stBar.InvokeRequired) { stBar.Invoke(new delSetMessage(SetMessage), new object[] { msgType, strMessage, isLog }); return; } if (msgType != enMsgType.Error && strMessage.Equals(string.Empty)) { tsLabel.Image = null; tsLabel.Text = string.Empty; return; } //¾ÆÀÌÄÜ ¼³Á¤ SetMessageIcon(msgType); tsLabel.Text = LastMessage = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.Time), strMessage); LastMessageError = msgType == enMsgType.Error; if (clsLog != null && isLog) { clsLog.WLog(strMessage); } if (_onMessageChanged != null) { _onMessageChanged(LastMessageError, strMessage); } }
public static bool isNewNotice(string site, string key, string title) { bool rtn; Function.Db.SQLite db = new Function.Db.SQLite(vari.db_path); string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM Notice WHERE SITE = '{0}' AND Key = '{1}'", site, key); using (DataSet ds = db.dsExcute_Query(sql)) { rtn = Fnc.obj2int(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cnt"]) < 1; } //신규 처리 if (rtn) { sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO Notice ( SITE, Key, Title, DATE ) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}' )", site, key, title, Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)); db.intExcute_Query(sql); } return(rtn); }
private void frmBaseForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //title에 시간 관련 처리.. lblStartTime.Text = Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime); tmrDtNow = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(UpdateDtNow), null, 0, 1000); this.Text += " v" + Application.ProductVersion; #if (DEBUG && TEST) this.Text += " --- Debug/TEST Mode"; #elif (DEBUG) this.Text += " --- Debug Mode"; #else //this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; #endif //Logo파일.. if (File.Exists(@".\logo.bmp")) { picLogo.Load(@".\logo.bmp"); } Thread thInitForm = new Thread(new ThreadStart(initForm)); thInitForm.IsBackground = true; thInitForm.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// 모니터링 로그를 추가한다. /// </summary> /// <param name="gbn"></param> /// <param name="log"></param> private void MoniLogAdd(DateTime dtm, string gbn, string log, bool isError = false, Function.enStringLocation loc = enStringLocation.Front) { if (lstMoniLog.InvokeRequired) { lstMoniLog.Invoke(new delMoniLogAdd(MoniLogAdd), dtm, gbn, log, isError, loc); return; } ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(new string[] { string.Empty, Fnc.Date2String(dtm, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime), gbn, log }); if (loc == enStringLocation.Front) { lstMoniLog.Items.Insert(0, li); } else { lstMoniLog.Items.Add(li); } //최대 로그 수를 유지한다. while (lstMoniLog.Items.Count > vari.iLogMaxCnt) { lstMoniLog.Items.RemoveAt(lstMoniLog.Items.Count - 1); } }
/// <summary> /// 등록버튼 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnInput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (strCartype == string.Empty) { Fnc.ShowMsg(this, "CarType를 선택 하여 주십시요", string.Empty, frmMessage.enMessageType.OK); return; } if (cmbPartCode.SelectedIndex == -1) { Fnc.ShowMsg(this, strCode + "를 선택 하여 주십시요", string.Empty, frmMessage.enMessageType.OK); return; } if (txtTargetCnt.Value == 0) { Fnc.ShowMsg(this, "수량을 입력 하여 주십시요.", string.Empty, frmMessage.enMessageType.OK); return; } string strDt = Fnc.Date2String(dtPlan.Value, Fnc.enDateType.DBType); //string strCarType = ((DataRowView)cmbCarType.SelectedItem)["CODEVALUE"].ToString(); //string strCarTypeName = ((DataRowView)cmbCarType.SelectedItem)["CODEVALUENAME"].ToString(); string strPartCode = ((DataRowView)cmbPartCode.SelectedItem)["CODEVALUE"].ToString(); string strPartCodeName = ((DataRowView)cmbPartCode.SelectedItem)["CODEVALUEName"].ToString(); string strTarget_Cnt = txtTargetCnt.Value.ToString(); string strNo = string.Format("{0}", lstPlan.Items.Count + 1); lstPlan.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string [] { strNo, strDt, strCarTypeName, strCarType, strPartCodeName, strPartCode, strTarget_Cnt })); ResetInput(); }
/// <summary> /// 사이트에 신규 심볼을 추가한다. /// </summary> /// <param name="site"></param> /// <param name="i_name"></param> public static void NewList_Add(string site, string i_name) { Function.Db.SQLite db = new Function.Db.SQLite(vari.db_path); string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO ICO ( SITE, I_NAME, DATE ) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}' )", site, i_name, Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)); db.intExcute_Query(sql); }
private void log_add(string log) { if (lstLog.InvokeRequired) { lstLog.Invoke(new dellog_add(log_add), new object[] { log }); return; } int log_max_cnt = 100; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "", Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime), log }); lstLog.Items.Insert(0, item); while (lstLog.Items.Count > log_max_cnt) { lstLog.Items.RemoveAt(lstLog.Items.Count - 1); } }
/// <summary> /// 메시지 창에 내용을 보여 준다. /// </summary> /// <param name="isError">에러 여부</param> /// <param name="strMessage"></param> /// <param name="isLog"></param> protected virtual void SetMessage(bool isError, string strMessage, bool isLog) { if (lblMessage.InvokeRequired) { lblMessage.Invoke(new delSetMessage(SetMessage), new object[] { isError, strMessage, isLog }); return; } if (isError) { lblMessage.BackColor = Color.Tomato; } else { lblMessage.BackColor = Color.Black; } lblMessage.Text = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.Time), strMessage); if (clsLog != null && isLog) { clsLog.WLog(strMessage); } }
private void frmNewLists_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #if (DEBUG) this.Text += "[DEBUG]"; #endif this.Text += " v." + Application.ProductVersion; //시작시간 inpHeadStartTime.Value = Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime); //텔레그램 전송 로그 cTelLg = new Function.Util.Log(vari.pgm_path + "\\LOG", "TEL_SEND_LOG", 30, true); vari.Setting.Group_Select("PGM"); //설정된 전화번호 가져오기 vari.HP = vari.Setting.Value_Get("PGM", "HP", ""); inpHP.Value = vari.HP; //텔래그램 연결 btnHPConn_Click(null, null); sItems = new string[] { "Binance" //0 , "Bithumb" //1 , "BinanceWallet" //2 , "Upbit" //3 , "bittrex(미동작)" //4 , "Upbit공지" //5 , "Bithumb공지" //6 , "huobi코리아공지" //7 , "huobi프로공지" //8 , "Coinnest공지(미사용)" //9 }; sUrls = new string[] { "" //바이낸스 가격 , "" //빗썸 , "" //바이낸스 지갑 , "" //upbit 가격 , "" //비트렉스 가격 , "" //업비트 공지 , "" //빗썸공지 , "" //후오비코리아 공지 , "" , "" //코인네스트 공지 }; cItems = new clsItem[sItems.Length]; tmrWork = new System.Threading.Timer[cItems.Length]; int idx = 0; foreach (string item in sItems) { cItems[idx] = new clsItem(idx, item, sUrls[idx]); cItems[idx].lstItem = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "", item, "0", "" }); lstNew.Items.Add(cItems[idx].lstItem); #if (!no_tmr) switch (idx) { case 0: tmrWork[idx] = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thBinance), cItems[idx], 1000, 5000); break; case 1: tmrWork[idx] = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thBithumb), cItems[idx], 1000, 5000); break; case 2: tmrWork[idx] = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thBinanceWallet), cItems[idx], 1000, 5000); break; case 3: tmrWork[idx] = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thUpbit), cItems[idx], 1000, 5000); break; case 5: tmrWork[idx] = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thUpbitNotice), cItems[idx], 1000, 5000); break; case 6: tmrWork[idx] = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thBithumbNotice), cItems[idx], 1000, 5000); break; case 7: tmrWork[idx] = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thHoubiNotice), cItems[idx], 1000, 5000); break; case 8: //tmrWork[idx] = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thCoinnestNotice), cItems[idx], 1000, 5000); break; } #endif idx++; } //설정 ?분 간격으로 문자 보냄 tmrChkAlive = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(thChkAlive), null, 1000, 1000 * 60 * vari.ChkInterval); }
public static DataTable Data_Search(DateTime dtFrom, DateTime dtTo, string cartype, string pono, string vin, string trimin, string rst, string stationid) { MsSQL sql = new MsSQL(vari.conn); string col; string nm = string.Empty; string cols = string.Empty; string where = string.Empty; DataRow[] rows; //조회 컬럼 이름 변경 for (int t = 1; t <= vari.tool_max_lenth; t++) { for (int n = 1; n <= vari.rst_max_lenth; n++) { nm = string.Empty; col = $"T{t:D2}"; rows = vari.dt_tool_name.Select($"CODEVALUE = '{col}'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { nm = Fnc.obj2String(rows[0]["CODEVALUENAME"]); } if (!nm.Equals(string.Empty)) { col = $"N{n:D2}"; rows = vari.dt_rst_name.Select($"CODEVALUE = '{col}'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { nm = $"'{nm}[{rows[0]["CODEVALUENAME"]}]'"; } else { nm = string.Empty; } } if (nm.Equals(string.Empty)) { break; } cols += $", T{t:D2}_N{n:D2} {nm}"; } if (nm.Equals(string.Empty)) { break; } } //조회 조건 만듦 where = string.Format("AND CreateDate between CONVERT(datetime,'{0}') and CONVERT(datetime,'{1}')", Fnc.Date2String(dtFrom, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime), Fnc.Date2String(dtTo, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)); if (!cartype.Equals(string.Empty)) { where += $"\r\n\t AND CARTYPE = '{cartype}' "; } if (!pono.Equals(string.Empty)) { where += $"\r\n\t AND PONO = '{pono}' "; } if (!vin.Equals(string.Empty)) { where += $"\r\n\t AND VIN = '{vin}' "; } if (!trimin.Equals(string.Empty)) { where += $"\r\n\t AND TRIMINSEQ = '{trimin}' "; } if (!rst.Equals(string.Empty)) { where += $"\r\n\t AND TOTALRESULT = '{cartype}' "; } if (!stationid.Equals(string.Empty)) { where += $"\r\n\t AND STATION_ID = '{stationid}' "; } string qry = string.Format(@" SELECT TOP {2} CONVERT(nvarchar,CreateDate,120) 작업시간, PONO, TrimInSeq, VIN, CarType--, TotalResult 'FASTENING FINAL' {0} FROM T_Result WHERE 1=1 {1} ORDER BY CreateDate ", cols, where, vari.Search_Max_Row); return(sql.Excute_Query(qry, "").Tables[0]); }
private void UpdateDtNow(object obj) { form.control.Invoke_Control_Text(lblNowTime, Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)); }
private void print_status_log_write(string header, DataTable dt) { string filename = string.Format("window_prt_log_{0}.csv", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM")); if (!Function.system.clsFile.FileExists(csv_folder + filename)) { Function.system.clsFile.FileCopy("prt_status.csv", csv_folder + filename); } DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; Function.Db.OleDB db = new Function.Db.OleDB(Function.Db.OleDB.enProvider.CSV, csv_folder, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); string q = string.Format("select top 1 * from [{0}] ", filename); //string v = string.Empty; using (DataSet ds = db.dsExcute_Query(q)) { /*db 방식으로 처리 하려 하였으나 길이문제(예상)으로 인해 쿼리 오류.. * q = string.Format("insert into [{0}] ( ", filename); * q = q + "CreateDate, Header"; * v = string.Format(" Values ( '{0}', '{1}'", Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime), header); * * foreach (DataColumn c in ds.Tables[0].Columns) * { * if (c.ColumnName.ToUpper().Equals("CREATEDATE") || c.ColumnName.ToUpper().Equals("HEADER")) continue; * * * try * { * if (Fnc.obj2String(dr[c.ColumnName]) == string.Empty) continue; * * q = q + string.Format(", {0}", c.ColumnName); * v = v + string.Format(", '{0}'", dr[c.ColumnName]); * } * catch * { * * } * } * * q = q + " ) "; * v = v + " ) "; * * db.intExcute_Query(q + v); */ string str = string.Empty; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(csv_folder + filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)) { fs.Position = fs.Length; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs)) { foreach (DataColumn c in ds.Tables[0].Columns) { if (c.ColumnName.ToUpper().Equals("CREATEDATE")) { str = csv_string_get(Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)); continue; } if (c.ColumnName.ToUpper().Equals("HEADER")) { str = str + "," + csv_string_get(header); continue; } try { str = str + string.Format(", {0}", csv_string_get(Fnc.obj2String(dr[c.ColumnName]))); } catch { str = str + ","; } } //str = str + "\\r\\n"; sw.WriteLine(str); sw.Close(); } fs.Close(); } GC.Collect(); } }
public override void Timer_1min(object obj) { Function.form.control.Invoke_Control_Text(lblFormTime, string.Format("시작: {0}\r\n종료: {1}", Fnc.Date2String(dtFormStart, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime), Fnc.Date2String(DateTime.Now, Fnc.enDateType.DateTime))); }
private void cmsOldVersion_Click(object obj, EventArgs e) { ToolStripMenuItem mi = (ToolStripMenuItem)obj; DataRow dr = dicOldVersion[mi.Name]; if (Function.clsFunction.ShowMsg("아래 버전으로 DB에 내용을 변경 하시겠습니까?", string.Format("[FileName]{0} [Version]{1} [UPLOADDATE]{2}", dr["FILENAME"], dr["Version"], Fnc.Date2String((DateTime)dr["UPLOADDATE"], Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)) , frmMessage.enMessageType.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } try { string strMsg = clsDBFunc.FileInfo_Restore_OldVersion(strConn, strUpdateType, UType, Fnc.obj2String(dr["FILENAME"]), Fnc.obj2String(dr["Version"])); if (strMsg != string.Empty) { SetMessage(true, strMsg, false); } else { SetMessage(false, string.Format("버젼 원복 : [FileName]{0} [Version]{1} [UPLOADDATE]{2}", dr["FILENAME"], dr["Version"], Fnc.Date2String((DateTime)dr["UPLOADDATE"], Fnc.enDateType.DateTime)) , false); ListSetFile(OldVersionRow); } } catch (Exception ex) { ProcException(ex, "tsiOldVersion_DropDownOpening"); } }