Example #1
        public void DeleteUnusedAttachments()
            bool verbose = true;
            var  files   = Directory.GetFiles(Web.MapPath(Web.Attachments), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            Web.Flush("Indexing files...<br>");
            var attachments = new List <string>();

            foreach (var file in files)
                var attachmentName = file.RightFrom(Web.MapPath(Web.Attachments)).ToLower();
                if (!attachmentName.Contains("todelete\\"))
                    attachments.Add(attachmentName.Replace("\\", "/"));
            Web.Flush("Total " + attachments.Count + " files...<br>");

            foreach (var tableName in BewebData.GetTableNames())
                Web.Flush("Table: " + tableName + "<br>");
                var sql    = new Sql("select top 1 * from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                var fields = new DelimitedString(",");
                using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                    if (verbose)
                        Web.Flush("Checking structure...<br>");
                    int rec = 0;
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        int visibleFieldCount = reader.VisibleFieldCount;
                        for (int i = 0; i < visibleFieldCount; i++)                             // for each column
                            string dataType  = reader.GetDataTypeName(i).ToLower();
                            string fieldName = reader.GetName(i).ToLower();
                            bool   isAttach  = (dataType.Contains("varchar") && (fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                            bool   isRich    = ((dataType.Contains("varchar") || dataType.Contains("text")) && (fieldName.Contains("html") || fieldName.Contains("body") || fieldName.Contains("text")));
                            if (isAttach || isRich)
                                fields += fieldName;
                if (fields.IsBlank)
                    Web.Flush("Skipping table as no relevant field names<br>");
                    sql = new Sql("select " + fields.ToString() + " from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                    Web.Flush("Searching table... " + sql.Value + "<br>");

                    using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                        Web.Flush("Scanning records...<br>");
                        int rec = 0;
                        foreach (DbDataRecord record in reader)
                            var foundAttachments  = new List <string>();
                            int visibleFieldCount = reader.VisibleFieldCount;
                            for (int i = 0; i < visibleFieldCount; i++)                                 // for each column
                                string fieldName = record.GetName(i).ToLower();
                                bool   isAttach  = ((fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                                if (!record.IsDBNull(i))
                                    string fieldValue = record.GetString(i);
                                    if (fieldValue.IsNotBlank())
                                        foreach (var attachmentName in attachments)
                                            if (fieldValue == attachmentName || (!isAttach && fieldValue.ToLower().Contains(attachmentName)))
                                                if (verbose)
                                                    Web.WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;Found: " + attachmentName + " in " + tableName);
                                    attachments.RemoveAll(a => foundAttachments.Contains(a));
                            if (rec % 100 == 0)
                                Web.Flush("Scanned: " + rec + " records<br>");

            Web.Flush("Finished checking. Located " + attachments.Count + " unused attachments<br>");

            int totalSize = 0;
            int cnt       = 0;

            foreach (var attachmentName in attachments)
                var size = FileSystem.GetFileSizeBytes(Web.Attachments + attachmentName);
                totalSize += size;
                Web.WriteLine("Not found: " + attachmentName + " " + Fmt.FileSize(size, 2));
                if (Request["doit"] == "1")
                    FileSystem.Move(Web.Attachments + attachmentName, Web.Attachments + "todelete", false);
                if (cnt % 100 == 0)
                    Web.Flush("Archived: " + cnt + " files<br>");
            Web.WriteLine("Total size: " + Fmt.FileSize(totalSize, 2));

            //DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(Web.Attachments+"trademe/"));

            ////read all files into a list
            //var files = new List<string>();
            //foreach (var file in di.EnumerateFiles()) {
            //  Web.Write(file.Name);
            //  files.Add(file.Name);

            ////read db records, remove from files list if they exist in the database
            //var sql = new Sql("select * from trademelisting");
            //foreach (DbDataRecord row in sql.GetReader()) {
            //  //int pageid = (int)row["pageID"];
            //  //C:\data\dev\web\Honda\PublicServices\attachments\trademe\HAS1001_1709195_9_tn.jpg
            //  //C:\data\dev\web\Honda\PublicServices\attachments\trademe\HAS1001_1709181_8.jpg
            //  //
            //  for(int scanIndex=0;scanIndex<20;scanIndex++){
            //    var name = row["DealerCode"]+"_"+row["ID"]+"_"+scanIndex;
            //    var nameThumb = name+"_tn.jpg";
            //    if(files.Contains(nameThumb))files.Remove(nameThumb);
            //    name = name+".jpg";
            //    if(files.Contains(name))files.Remove(name);

            //  }
            ////delete all files remaining in the list
            //foreach(var file in files) {
            //  string filename = Server.MapPath(Web.Attachments+"trademe/")+file;
            //  FileSystem.Delete(filename);

            Web.InfoMessage = "Deleted Unused Images and Attachment Files";
Example #2
        private void CompareAttachments()
            var diskAttachments = (List <string>)Session["diskAttachments"];
            var dbAttachments   = (HashSet <string>)Session["dbAttachments"];

            var count = diskAttachments.Count;

            Session["diskAttachments"] = null;
            Session["dbAttachments"]   = null;

            Session["unusedAttachments"] = diskAttachments;

            var attachmentsFolder = Web.MapPath(Web.Attachments);
            int totalBytes        = 0;

            var fileList = new StringBuilder("[");

            foreach (var attachment in diskAttachments)
                var f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(attachmentsFolder, attachment));
                totalBytes += f.Length.ToInt();
                if (fileList.Length > 1)
                fileList.Append("\"" + attachment + "\"");


            Web.Write("{\"success\": true, \"attachmentsUrl\": \"" + Web.Attachments + "\", \"files\": " + fileList + ", \"result\":\"" + count + " files were marked to be deleted" + (count > 0 ? " (" + Fmt.FileSize(totalBytes, 2) + "). <br/><a href='#' onclick='Vacuum.showFiles();return false;'>Show files</a> | <a href='#' onclick='Vacuum.moveFiles();return false;'>Move to attachments/unused_files</a>" : "") + "\"}");
    private string ImageUploader(string type)
        string fileName = null;
        int    filesize = 0;

        try {
            var file = Request.Files[0];

            if (file.ContentLength > 0)
                const string subfolder = "paste/";
                FileSystem.CreateFolder(Web.Attachments + subfolder);

                fileName = subfolder + FileSystem.GetUniqueFilename(Web.Attachments + subfolder, file.FileName.RightFrom("\\"), 50);

                var metaData = new DefaultPictureMetaData()
                    ThumbnailWidth = 260, ThumbnailHeight = 175, IsThumbnailExact = false, IsThumbnailCropped = false, PreviewWidth = 60, IsExact = false, IsCropped = false,
                    Height         = Util.GetSetting("MCEUploadedImageHeight", "960").ToInt(960),
                    Width          = Util.GetSetting("MCEUploadedImageWidth", "960").ToInt(960)

                fileName = ImageProcessing.ResizeImageUsingMetaData(fileName, metaData, file);
                filesize = file.ContentLength;
                throw new Exception("No file selected");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            return("{\"success\": false, \"error\": \"" + ex.Message.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"}");

        if (type == "redactor")
            return("{\"filelink\": \"" + Web.Attachments + "paste/" + Path.GetFileName(fileName) + "\"}");
            return("{\"success\": true, \"filename\": \"" + Path.GetFileName(fileName) + "\", \"filepath\": \"paste/" + Path.GetFileName(fileName) + "\", \"filesize\": \"" + Fmt.FileSize(filesize, 2) + "\"}");