Example #1
        private static double GetLastDayOfPreviousMonthAsDouble()
            var previousMonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);

            var lastDay = new DateTime(
                DateTime.DaysInMonth(previousMonth.Year, previousMonth.Month)

            return(FlxDateTime.ToOADate(lastDay, false));
Example #2
        public static bool ConvertDateToNumber(string sValue, string[] DateFormats, out DateTime DateResult)
            //Until we get a DateTime.TryParse... THIS IS *REALLY* SLOW because of exceptions. On 2.0 we should use Tryparse
            bool IsDateTime = false;
            DateResult = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
            if ((sValue != null) && (sValue.Length > 2) &&
                sValue[0] >= '0' && sValue[0] <= '9'
                //(sValue.IndexOf(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator) > 0 ||
                //sValue.IndexOf(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator) > 0)
                )                  //this is a hack, but allows us to not check many strings, and speed up a lot. As numbers are already checked, we will only check for a little portions of the strings.
                                   //Bad for strings like "july 15, 2004", but it is a price we have to pay. On framework20 there is no problem.
                    DateResult = DateTime.Parse(sValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault);
                    IsDateTime = true;
                catch (FormatException)
                    IsDateTime = false;
            DateResult = DateTime.MinValue;
            bool IsDateTime = false;
            if (DateFormats == null)
                IsDateTime = (sValue != null) && (sValue.Length > 0) && DateTime.TryParse(sValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault, out DateResult);
                IsDateTime = (sValue != null) && (sValue.Length > 0) && DateTime.TryParseExact(sValue, DateFormats, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault, out DateResult);

            double dt;
            if (IsDateTime && (!FlxDateTime.TryToOADate(DateResult, false, out dt) || !FlxDateTime.TryToOADate(DateResult, true, out dt)))
                IsDateTime = false;

Example #3
        private void AnalizeFile(string FileName, int Row, int Col)
            XlsFile xls = new XlsFile();


            int XF = 0;

            MessageBox.Show("Active sheet is \"" + xls.ActiveSheetByName + "\"");
            object v = xls.GetCellValue(Row, Col, ref XF);

            if (v == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Cell A1 is empty");

            //Here we have all the kind of objects FlexCel can return.
            switch (Type.GetTypeCode(v.GetType()))
            case TypeCode.Boolean:
                MessageBox.Show("Cell A1 is a boolean: " + (bool)v);

            case TypeCode.Double:      //Remember, dates are doubles with date format.
                TUIColor CellColor = Color.Empty;
                bool     HasDate, HasTime;
                String   CellValue = TFlxNumberFormat.FormatValue(v, xls.GetFormat(XF).Format, ref CellColor, xls, out HasDate, out HasTime).ToString();

                if (HasDate || HasTime)
                    MessageBox.Show("Cell A1 is a DateTime value: " + FlxDateTime.FromOADate((double)v, xls.OptionsDates1904).ToString() + "\n" +
                                    "The value is displayed as: " + CellValue);
                    MessageBox.Show("Cell A1 is a double: " + (double)v + "\n" +
                                    "The value is displayed as: " + CellValue + "\n");

            case TypeCode.String:
                MessageBox.Show("Cell A1 is a string: " + v.ToString());

            TFormula Fmla = v as TFormula;

            if (Fmla != null)
                MessageBox.Show("Cell A1 is a formula: " + Fmla.Text + "   Value: " + Convert.ToString(Fmla.Result));

            TRichString RSt = v as TRichString;

            if (RSt != null)
                MessageBox.Show("Cell A1 is a formatted string: " + RSt.Value);

            if (v is TFlxFormulaErrorValue)
                MessageBox.Show("Cell A1 is an error: " + TFormulaMessages.ErrString((TFlxFormulaErrorValue)v));

            throw new Exception("Unexpected value on cell");
Example #4
        private object GetOneProperty(TOle2File Ole2File, int PropType)
            if ((PropType & (int)TPropertyTypes.VT_VECTOR) != 0)
                byte[] i4 = new byte[4];
                Ole2File.Read(i4, i4.Length);

                object[] Vector = new object[BitOps.GetInt32(i4, 0)];
                for (int i = 0; i < Vector.Length; i++)
                    Vector[i] = GetOneProperty(Ole2File, PropType & ~(int)TPropertyTypes.VT_VECTOR);

            switch ((TPropertyTypes)(PropType & 0xFF))
            case TPropertyTypes.VT_EMPTY:

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_I2:
                byte[] i2 = new byte[2];
                Ole2File.Read(i2, i2.Length);
                return(BitConverter.ToInt16(i2, 0));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_UI2:      //This is not really suported, but we need to convert the CodePage to a Signed int.
                byte[] ui2 = new byte[2];
                Ole2File.Read(ui2, ui2.Length);
                return((Int32)BitConverter.ToUInt16(ui2, 0));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_I4:
                byte[] i4 = new byte[4];
                Ole2File.Read(i4, i4.Length);
                return(BitOps.GetInt32(i4, 0));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_R4:
                byte[] d4 = new byte[4];
                Ole2File.Read(d4, d4.Length);
                return(BitConverter.ToSingle(d4, 0));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_R8:
                byte[] d8 = new byte[8];
                Ole2File.Read(d8, d8.Length);
                return(BitConverter.ToDouble(d8, 0));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_CY:
                byte[] cy = new byte[8];
                Ole2File.Read(cy, cy.Length);

                return(TCompactFramework.DecimalFromOACurrency(BitConverter.ToInt64(cy, 0)));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_DATE:
                byte[] dd = new byte[8];
                Ole2File.Read(dd, dd.Length);
                DateTime Dt;
                if (!FlxDateTime.TryFromOADate(BitConverter.ToDouble(dd, 0), false, out Dt))

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_BSTR:
                byte[] sl = new byte[4];
                Ole2File.Read(sl, sl.Length);
                UInt32 StrLen = BitConverter.ToUInt32(sl, 0);
                if (StrLen <= 1)
                    return(String.Empty);                  //StrLen includes the trailing #0
                byte[] Str = new byte[StrLen - 1];
                Ole2File.Read(Str, Str.Length);
                Ole2File.SeekForward(Ole2File.Position + 1);     //go over the 0 byte. This is needed for vectors/arrays.
                return(new TUnconvertedString(Str, false));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_BOOL:
                byte[] bl = new byte[2];
                Ole2File.Read(bl, bl.Length);
                return(BitConverter.ToInt16(bl, 0) == 0? false: true);

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_VARIANT:
                byte[] VariantTypeArray = new byte[4];
                Ole2File.Read(VariantTypeArray, VariantTypeArray.Length);
                Int32 VariantType = BitOps.GetInt32(VariantTypeArray, 0);
                return(GetOneProperty(Ole2File, VariantType));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_I8:
                byte[] i8 = new byte[8];
                Ole2File.Read(i8, i8.Length);
                return(BitConverter.ToInt64(i8, 0));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_LPSTR:
                byte[] sl2 = new byte[4];
                Ole2File.Read(sl2, sl2.Length);
                UInt32 StrLen2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(sl2, 0);
                if (StrLen2 <= 1)
                    return(String.Empty);                   //StrLen includes the trailing #0
                byte[] Str2 = new byte[StrLen2 - 1];
                Ole2File.Read(Str2, Str2.Length);
                Ole2File.SeekForward(Ole2File.Position + 1);     //go over the 0 byte. This is needed for vectors/arrays.
                return(new TUnconvertedString(Str2, false));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_LPWSTR:
                byte[] sl3 = new byte[4];
                Ole2File.Read(sl3, sl3.Length);
                UInt32 StrLen3 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(sl3, 0);
                if (StrLen3 <= 1)
                    return(String.Empty);                   //StrLen includes the trailing #0
                byte[] Str3 = new byte[(StrLen3 - 1) * 2];
                Ole2File.SeekForward(Ole2File.Position + 2);     //go over the 0 byte. This is needed for vectors/arrays.
                Ole2File.Read(Str3, Str3.Length);
                return(new TUnconvertedString(Str3, true));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_FILETIME:
                byte[] ft = new byte[8];
                Ole2File.Read(ft, ft.Length);
                return(DateTime.FromFileTime(BitConverter.ToInt64(ft, 0)));

            case TPropertyTypes.VT_BLOB:
                byte[] blb = new byte[4];
                Ole2File.Read(blb, blb.Length);
                UInt32 BlobLen = BitConverter.ToUInt32(blb, 0);
                if (BlobLen <= 0)
                    return(new byte[0]);                   //BlobLen does not includes trailing #0
                byte[] Blob = new byte[BlobLen];
                Ole2File.Read(Blob, Blob.Length);

            return(null);  //Not a supported type.
Example #5
        private void AddChart(ExcelFile xls)
            //This code is adapted from APIMate.
            TShapeProperties ChartOptions1 = new TShapeProperties();

            ChartOptions1.Anchor    = new TClientAnchor(TFlxAnchorType.MoveAndResize, 1, 215, 1, 608, 30, 228, 17, 736);
            ChartOptions1.ShapeName = "Lines of code";
            ChartOptions1.Print     = true;
            ChartOptions1.Visible   = true;
            ChartOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.fLockText, true);
            ChartOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.LockRotation, true);
            ChartOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.fAutoTextMargin, true);
            ChartOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.fillColor, 134217806);
            ChartOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.wzName, "Lines of code");
            ExcelChart Chart1 = xls.AddChart(ChartOptions1, TChartType.Area, new ChartStyle(102), false);

            TDataLabel Title = new TDataLabel();

            Title.PositionZeroBased = null;
            ChartFillOptions  TextFillOptions  = new ChartFillOptions(new TShapeFill(new TSolidFill(TDrawingColor.FromRgb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)), true, TFormattingType.Subtle, TDrawingColor.FromRgb(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.Alpha, 0)), false));
            TChartTextOptions LabelTextOptions = new TChartTextOptions(new TFlxChartFont("Calibri Light", 320, TExcelColor.FromArgb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80), TFlxFontStyles.Bold, TFlxUnderline.None, TFontScheme.Major), THFlxAlignment.center, TVFlxAlignment.center, TBackgroundMode.Transparent, TextFillOptions);

            Title.TextOptions = LabelTextOptions;
            TDataLabelOptions LabelOptions = new TDataLabelOptions();

            Title.LabelOptions = LabelOptions;
            ChartLineOptions ChartLineOptions = new ChartLineOptions(new TShapeLine(true, new TLineStyle(new TNoFill(), null), null, TFormattingType.Subtle));
            ChartFillOptions ChartFillOptions = new ChartFillOptions(new TShapeFill(new TNoFill(), false, TFormattingType.Subtle, null, false));

            Title.Frame = new TChartFrameOptions(ChartLineOptions, ChartFillOptions, false);

            TRTFRun[] Runs;
            Runs = new TRTFRun[1];
            Runs[0].FirstChar = 0;
            TFlxFont fnt;

            fnt               = xls.GetDefaultFont;
            fnt.Name          = "Calibri Light";
            fnt.Size20        = 320;
            fnt.Color         = TExcelColor.FromArgb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
            fnt.Style         = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
            fnt.Family        = 0;
            fnt.CharSet       = 1;
            fnt.Scheme        = TFontScheme.Major;
            Runs[0].FontIndex = xls.AddFont(fnt);
            TRichString LabelValue1 = new TRichString("FlexCel: Lines of code over time", Runs, xls);

            Title.LabelValues = new Object[] { LabelValue1 };


            Chart1.Background = new TChartFrameOptions(TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Dark1, new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumMod, 0.15), new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumOff, 0.85)), 9525, TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Light1), false);

            TChartFrameOptions PlotAreaFrame;

            ChartLineOptions = new ChartLineOptions(new TShapeLine(true, new TLineStyle(new TNoFill(), null), null, TFormattingType.Subtle));
            ChartFillOptions = new ChartFillOptions(new TShapeFill(new TPatternFill(TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Dark1, new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumMod, 0.15), new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumOff, 0.85)), TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Light1), TDrawingPattern.ltDnDiag), true, TFormattingType.Subtle, null, false));
            PlotAreaFrame    = new TChartFrameOptions(ChartLineOptions, ChartFillOptions, false);
            TChartPlotAreaPosition PlotAreaPos = new TChartPlotAreaPosition(true, TChartRelativeRectangle.Automatic, TChartLayoutTarget.Inner, true);

            Chart1.PlotArea = new TChartPlotArea(PlotAreaFrame, PlotAreaPos, false);

            Chart1.SetChartOptions(1, new TAreaChartOptions(false, TStackedMode.Stacked, null));

            int    LastYear = 0;
            double shade    = 1;

            for (int i = 2; i < 190; i++)
                ChartSeries Series = new ChartSeries(
                    "=" + new TCellAddress("Data", 1, i, true, true).CellRef,
                    "=" + new TCellAddress("Data", 2, i, true, true).CellRef + ":" + new TCellAddress("Data", 189, i, true, true).CellRef,

                //We will display every year in a single color. Each month gets its own shade.
                int xf   = -1;
                int Year = FlxDateTime.FromOADate(((double)xls.GetCellValue(2, 1, i, ref xf)), false).Year;
                if (LastYear != Year)
                    shade = 1;
                else if (shade > 0.3)
                    shade -= 0.05;
                LastYear = Year;
                TDrawingColor SeriesColor = TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Accent1 + Year % 6,
                                                                    new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.Shade, shade));

                ChartSeriesFillOptions SeriesFill = new ChartSeriesFillOptions(new TShapeFill(new TSolidFill(SeriesColor), true, TFormattingType.Subtle, null, false), null, false, false);
                ChartSeriesLineOptions SeriesLine = new ChartSeriesLineOptions(new TShapeLine(true, new TLineStyle(new TNoFill(), null), null, TFormattingType.Subtle), false);
                Series.Options.Add(new ChartSeriesOptions(-1, SeriesFill, SeriesLine, null, null, null, true));


            Chart1.PlotEmptyCells = TPlotEmptyCells.Zero;
            Chart1.ShowDataInHiddenRowsAndCols = false;

            TFlxChartFont    AxisFont = new TFlxChartFont("Calibri", 180, TExcelColor.FromArgb(0x59, 0x59, 0x59), TFlxFontStyles.None, TFlxUnderline.None, TFontScheme.Minor);
            TAxisLineOptions AxisLine = new TAxisLineOptions();

            AxisLine.MainAxis = new ChartLineOptions(new TShapeLine(true, new TLineStyle(new TSolidFill(TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Dark1, new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumMod, 0.15), new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumOff, 0.85))), 9525, TPenAlignment.Center, TLineCap.Flat, TCompoundLineType.Single, null, TLineJoin.Round, null, null, null), null, TFormattingType.Subtle));
            AxisLine.DoNotDrawLabelsIfNotDrawingAxis = false;
            TAxisTickOptions  AxisTicks        = new TAxisTickOptions(TTickType.Outside, TTickType.None, TAxisLabelPosition.NextToAxis, TBackgroundMode.Transparent, TDrawingColor.FromRgb(0x59, 0x59, 0x59), 0);
            TAxisRangeOptions AxisRangeOptions = new TAxisRangeOptions(12, 1, false, false, false);
            TBaseAxis         CatAxis          = new TCategoryAxis(0, 0, 12, TDateUnits.Days, 12, TDateUnits.Days, TDateUnits.Months, 0, TCategoryAxisOptions.AutoMin | TCategoryAxisOptions.AutoMax | TCategoryAxisOptions.DateAxis | TCategoryAxisOptions.AutoCrossDate | TCategoryAxisOptions.AutoDate, AxisFont, "yyyy\\-mm\\-dd;@", true, AxisLine, AxisTicks, AxisRangeOptions, null, TChartAxisPos.Bottom, 1);

            AxisFont                = new TFlxChartFont("Calibri", 180, TExcelColor.FromArgb(0x59, 0x59, 0x59), TFlxFontStyles.None, TFlxUnderline.None, TFontScheme.Minor);
            AxisLine                = new TAxisLineOptions();
            AxisLine.MainAxis       = new ChartLineOptions(new TShapeLine(true, new TLineStyle(new TSolidFill(TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Dark1, new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumMod, 0.15), new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumOff, 0.85))), 9525, TPenAlignment.Center, TLineCap.Flat, TCompoundLineType.Single, null, TLineJoin.Round, null, null, null), null, TFormattingType.Subtle));
            AxisLine.MajorGridLines = new ChartLineOptions(new TShapeLine(true, new TLineStyle(new TSolidFill(TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Dark1, new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumMod, 0.15), new TColorTransform(TColorTransformType.LumOff, 0.85))), 9525, TPenAlignment.Center, TLineCap.Flat, TCompoundLineType.Single, null, TLineJoin.Round, null, null, null), null, TFormattingType.Subtle));
            AxisLine.DoNotDrawLabelsIfNotDrawingAxis = false;
            AxisTicks            = new TAxisTickOptions(TTickType.None, TTickType.None, TAxisLabelPosition.NextToAxis, TBackgroundMode.Transparent, TDrawingColor.FromRgb(0x59, 0x59, 0x59), 0);
            CatAxis.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm";
            CatAxis.NumberFormatLinkedToSource = false;

            TBaseAxis ValAxis = new TValueAxis(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TValueAxisOptions.AutoMin | TValueAxisOptions.AutoMax | TValueAxisOptions.AutoMajor | TValueAxisOptions.AutoMinor | TValueAxisOptions.AutoCross, AxisFont, "General", true, AxisLine, AxisTicks, null, TChartAxisPos.Left);

            Chart1.SetChartAxis(new TChartAxis(0, CatAxis, ValAxis));