/// <returns> A TransactionCommitment instance with metadata about the committed transaction, such as whether or not
        /// this transaction contains any explicit index changes. </returns>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private TransactionCommitment appendToLog(org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.TransactionRepresentation transaction, long transactionId) throws java.io.IOException
        private TransactionCommitment AppendToLog(TransactionRepresentation transaction, long transactionId)
            // Reset command writer so that we, after we've written the transaction, can ask it whether or
            // not any explicit index command was written. If so then there's additional ordering to care about below.

            // The outcome of this try block is either of:
            // a) transaction successfully appended, at which point we return a Commitment to be used after force
            // b) transaction failed to be appended, at which point a kernel panic is issued
            // The reason that we issue a kernel panic on failure in here is that at this point we're still
            // holding the logFile monitor, and a failure to append needs to be communicated with potential
            // log rotation, which will wait for all transactions closed or fail on kernel panic.
                LogPosition logPositionBeforeCommit = _writer.getCurrentPosition(_positionMarker).newPosition();
                _transactionLogWriter.append(transaction, transactionId);
                LogPosition logPositionAfterCommit = _writer.getCurrentPosition(_positionMarker).newPosition();

                long transactionChecksum = checksum(transaction.AdditionalHeader(), transaction.MasterId, transaction.AuthorId);
                _transactionMetadataCache.cacheTransactionMetadata(transactionId, logPositionBeforeCommit, transaction.MasterId, transaction.AuthorId, transactionChecksum, transaction.TimeCommitted);

                bool hasExplicitIndexChanges = _indexCommandDetector.hasWrittenAnyExplicitIndexCommand();
                if (hasExplicitIndexChanges)
                    // Offer this transaction id to the queue so that the explicit index applier can take part in the ordering
                return(new TransactionCommitment(hasExplicitIndexChanges, transactionId, transactionChecksum, transaction.TimeCommitted, logPositionAfterCommit, _transactionIdStore));
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' catch parameters are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: catch (final Throwable panic)
            catch (Exception panic)
                throw panic;
Example #2
        private LogCreator LogFile(params Entry[] entries)
            return((logVersion, positions) =>
                    AtomicLong lastTxId = new AtomicLong();
                    _logVersionRepository.CurrentLogVersion = logVersion;
                    LifeSupport logFileLife = new LifeSupport();
                    LogFile logFile = _logFiles.LogFile;
                        FlushablePositionAwareChannel writeChannel = logFile.Writer;
                        LogPositionMarker positionMarker = new LogPositionMarker();
                        LogEntryWriter writer = new LogEntryWriter(writeChannel);
                        foreach (Entry entry in entries)
                            LogPosition currentPosition = writeChannel.getCurrentPosition(positionMarker).newPosition();
                            positions.put(entry, currentPosition);
                            if (entry is StartEntry)
                                writer.writeStartEntry(0, 0, 0, 0, new sbyte[0]);
                            else if (entry is CommitEntry)
                                CommitEntry commitEntry = ( CommitEntry )entry;
                                writer.writeCommitEntry(commitEntry.TxId, 0);
                            else if (entry is CheckPointEntry)
                                CheckPointEntry checkPointEntry = ( CheckPointEntry )entry;
                                Entry target = checkPointEntry.WithPositionOfEntry;
                                LogPosition logPosition = target != null?positions.get(target) : currentPosition;

                                Debug.Assert(logPosition != null, "No registered log position for " + target);
                            else if (entry is PositionEntry)
                                // Don't write anything, this entry is just for registering a position so that
                                // another CheckPointEntry can refer to it
                                throw new System.ArgumentException("Unknown entry " + entry);
                catch (IOException e)
                    throw new UncheckedIOException(e);