Example #1
        //scan DIO slave status
        private void systemScan(FlowVar fv)
            //while (true)
            if (keyOfIOScan)
                ushort uValue = 0, uRet = 0;
                uRet = CEtherCAT_DLL.CS_ECAT_Slave_DIO_Get_Input_Value(dIOPara.CardNo, dIOPara.NodeNo, g_uESCSlotID, ref uValue);

                if (uRet == CEtherCAT_DLL_Err.ERR_ECAT_NO_ERROR)
                    for (int nBit = 0; nBit < 16; nBit++)
                        Status1[nBit] = BitConverterEx.TestB(uValue, (byte)nBit);
                        Status2[nBit / 8, nBit % 8] = BitConverterEx.TestB(uValue, (byte)nBit);
                    throw new Exception("CS_ECAT_Slave_DIO_Get_Input_Value, " + GetEtherCATErrorCode(uRet));

                //if (Environment.ProcessorCount == 1 || (++_loops % 100) == 0)
                //    Thread.Sleep(1);
                //    Thread.SpinWait(_iterations);
Example #2
 //scan DIO slave status
 private void systemScan(FlowVar fv)
     //while (true)
     if (keyOfIOScan)
         I16 status;
         for (byte portNo = 0; portNo < 4; portNo++)
             status = CCMNet.CS_mnet_io_input(RingNoOfMNet, dIOPara.SlaveIP, portNo);
             for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                 Status1[portNo * 8 + i] = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, (byte)i);
                 Status2[portNo, i]      = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, (byte)i);
         //if (Environment.ProcessorCount == 1 || (++_loops % 100) == 0)
         //    Thread.Sleep(1);
         //    Thread.SpinWait(_iterations);
Example #3
        //scan DIO slave status
        private void systemScan(FlowVar fv)
            //while (true)
            if (keyOfIOScan)
                ushort uValue = BitConverterEx.ConvertToUInt16(Status1);
                if (uValue != _lastOutputValue)
                    _lastOutputValue = uValue;
                    ushort uRet = CEtherCAT_DLL.CS_ECAT_Slave_DIO_Set_Output_Value(dIOPara.CardNo, dIOPara.NodeNo, g_uESCSlotID, uValue);

                    if (uRet != CEtherCAT_DLL_Err.ERR_ECAT_NO_ERROR)
                        throw new Exception("CS_ECAT_Slave_DIO_Set_Output_Value, " + GetEtherCATErrorCode(uRet));

                    //if (Environment.ProcessorCount == 1 || (++_loops % 100) == 0)
                    //    Thread.Sleep(1);
                    //    Thread.SpinWait(_iterations);
Example #4
        //scan DAC slave status
        private void systemScan(FlowVar fv)
            if (keyOfIOScan)
                for (int ch = 0; ch < 4; ch++)
                    Value[ch] = GetOutputValue((DACChannel)ch);

                    int nIndexMode = 0;
                    if (ch == 0)
                        nIndexMode = (int)dacPara.RangeModeCH0;
                    else if (ch == 1)
                        nIndexMode = (int)dacPara.RangeModeCH1;
                    else if (ch == 2)
                        nIndexMode = (int)dacPara.RangeModeCH2;
                        nIndexMode = (int)dacPara.RangeModeCH3;

                    double dTempData = Value[ch];
                    dTempData   = g_nModeValue[nIndexMode] + (dTempData * g_nModeLength[nIndexMode] / 0xFFFF);
                    Voltage[ch] = dTempData;
Example #5
        //scan M2X4 slave IO _axis
        private void systemScan(FlowVar fv)
            //while (true)
            if (keyOfIOStatus)
                U16 status = 0;
                I16 rt     = CCMNet.CS_mnet_m204_get_io_status(RingNoOfMNet, axisPara.SlaveIP, (U16)axisPara.AxisNo, ref status);
                this.status.RDY    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 0);
                this.status.ALM    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 1);
                this.status.LimitP = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 2);
                this.status.LimitN = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 3);
                this.status.ORG    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 4);
                this.status.DIR    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 5);
                this.status.EMG    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 6);
                this.status.PCS    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 7);
                this.status.ERC    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 8);
                this.status.ZPhase = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 9);
                this.status.CLR    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 10);
                this.status.Latch  = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 11);
                this.status.SD     = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 12);
                this.status.INP    = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 13);
                this.status.SVON   = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 14);
                this.status.RALM   = BitConverterEx.TestB(status, 15);

                if (this.status.ALM || this.status.EMG)
                    this.IsHome = false;

Example #6
        public static IFlowSource <T> FilterChanges <T>(this IFlowSource <T> source, IDisposer?disposer = null)
            var filtered = new FlowVar <T>(source.Value, disposer);

            // FlowVar ignores assignments when new value is equal to old one (so - we filter the changes)
            source.AddSubscription(filtered, () => { filtered.Value = source.Value; });
Example #7
        //scan ADC slave status
        private void systemScan(FlowVar fv)
            if (keyOfIOScan)
                for (int ch = 0; ch < 4; ch++)
                    Value[ch] = GetInputValue((ADCChannel)ch);

                    int nIndexMode = 0;
                    if (ch == 0)
                        nIndexMode = (int)adcPara.ADCRangeModeCH0;
                    else if (ch == 1)
                        nIndexMode = (int)adcPara.ADCRangeModeCH1;
                    else if (ch == 2)
                        nIndexMode = (int)adcPara.ADCRangeModeCH2;
                        nIndexMode = (int)adcPara.ADCRangeModeCH3;

                    //double dTempData = Value[ch] + 0x8000;
                    //if (dTempData >= 0x10000)
                    //    dTempData -= 0x10000;
                    double dTempData = Value[ch];

                    dTempData   = g_nModeValue[nIndexMode] + (dTempData * g_nModeLength[nIndexMode] / 0xFFFF);
                    Voltage[ch] = dTempData;
Example #8
 private void FlowAction(FlowVar flowVar)