Example #1
        public ActionResult eventSchedule(string id = "")
            vwEventSchedule model = new vwEventSchedule();

            model.user = ctx.getCurrentUser(User.Identity.Name);

            if (id == "")
                model.id        = "";
                model.billDate  = ctx.getLocalTiime();
                model.beginDate = ctx.getLocalTiime();
                model.endDate   = ctx.getLocalTiime();
                EventSchedule eventObj = ctx.eventScheduleList.Where(x => x.id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                FlowMain      fmain    = ctx.FlowMainList.Where(x => x.id == eventObj.flowId).FirstOrDefault();
                model.id        = eventObj.id;
                model.billNo    = fmain.billNo;
                model.flowId    = fmain.id;
                model.billDate  = fmain.billDate;
                model.beginHH   = eventObj.beginHH;
                model.beginMM   = eventObj.beginMM;
                model.endHH     = eventObj.endHH;
                model.endMM     = eventObj.endMM;
                model.beginDate = eventObj.beginDate;
                model.endDate   = eventObj.endDate;
                model.subject   = eventObj.subject;
                model.location  = eventObj.location;
                model.eventType = eventObj.eventType;
                model.sMemo     = eventObj.sMemo;
                model.colorTag  = eventObj.colorTag;
Example #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> reqInHouse(vwReqInHouse Model)
            Model.user       = ctx.getCurrentUser(User.Identity.Name);
            ViewBag.userList = ctx.getUserList();
            ViewBag.depList  = ctx.getDepList();

            #region "checkinput"
            List <string> errList = new List <string>();

            var context = new ApplicationDbContext();

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)


            #region "FlowWork"
            string            FlowDefKey  = "ReqInHouse";
            FlowMain          fmain       = new FlowMain();
            List <FlowSub>    fsublist    = new List <FlowSub>();
            FlowDefMain       fDefMain    = context.FlowDefMainList.Where(x => x.enm == FlowDefKey).FirstOrDefault();
            List <FlowDefSub> fDefSubList = new List <FlowDefSub>();
            if (fDefMain != null)
                fDefSubList = context.FlowDefSubList.Where(x => x.pid == fDefMain.id).OrderBy(x => x.seq).ToList <FlowDefSub>();

            var sender = context.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();
            fmain.billNo     = ctx.genBillNo(FlowDefKey);
            fmain.id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            fmain.defId      = FlowDefKey;
            fmain.flowName   = fDefMain.nm;
            fmain.flowStatus = 1;
            fmain.senderNo   = sender.workNo;
            fmain.billDate   = context.getLocalTiime();

            ReqInHouse fmObj = new ReqInHouse
                contact  = Model.contact,
                depNo    = Model.depNo,
                reqLimit = Model.reqLimit,
                reqMemo  = Model.reqMemo,
                id       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                flowId   = fmain.id


            int flowSeq = 1;

            dbHelper dbh         = new dbHelper();
            string   senderPoNo  = dbh.sql2Str("select poNo from PoUsers where UserId='" + sender.workNo + "' and ApplicationUser_Id is not null");
            string   senderMgrNo = "";

            List <string> signerList = new List <string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(senderPoNo))
                string senderDepNo = dbh.sql2Str("select depNo from jobPoes where poNo='" + senderPoNo + "'");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(senderDepNo))
                    dep depObj = context.deps.Where(x => x.depNo == senderDepNo).FirstOrDefault();
                    signerList = getDepSigner(context, depObj, sender.workNo, signerList);

            foreach (string signer in signerList)
                FlowSub fsub = new FlowSub();
                fsub.pid        = fmain.id;
                fsub.id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                fsub.seq        = flowSeq;
                fsub.workNo     = signer;
                fsub.signType   = 1;
                fsub.signResult = 0;

            foreach (FlowDefSub defItem in fDefSubList)
                if (defItem.workNo != senderMgrNo && signerList.Where(x => x == defItem.workNo).Count() == 0 && defItem.workNo != sender.workNo)
                    FlowSub fsub = new FlowSub();
                    fsub.pid        = fmain.id;
                    fsub.id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    fsub.seq        = flowSeq;
                    fsub.workNo     = defItem.workNo;
                    fsub.signType   = defItem.signType;
                    fsub.signResult = 0;


                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("您好," + "<br/><br/>");
                sb.Append(sender.workNo + " " + sender.cName + " 送出廠務派工及總務需求申請單:" + fmain.billNo + "<br/><br/>");
                sb.AppendFormat("<a href='{0}'>{1}</a><br/>",
                                Url.Action("Details", "FormMgr", new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = fmain.id }), HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme, HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority),
                foreach (string signer in signerList)
                    vwEmployee emp = ctx.getUserByWorkNo(signer);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.Email))
                        List <EmailAddress> mailList = new List <EmailAddress>();

                        mailList.Add(new EmailAddress
                            Email = emp.Email,
                            Name  = emp.workNo + " " + emp.UserCName
                        await SendGridSrv.sendEmail(mailList, "廠務派工及總務需求申請單", sb.ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
Example #3
        public async Task <ActionResult> eventSchedule(vwEventSchedule model)
            model.user = ctx.getCurrentUser(User.Identity.Name);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                DateTime _dt = Convert.ToDateTime(model.billDate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError("billDate", "請輸入正確日期格式");
            var      sender = ctx.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();
            FlowMain fmain  = new FlowMain();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.id))
                #region "FlowWork"
                string            FlowDefKey  = "EventSchedule";
                List <FlowSub>    fsublist    = new List <FlowSub>();
                FlowDefMain       fDefMain    = ctx.FlowDefMainList.Where(x => x.enm == FlowDefKey).FirstOrDefault();
                List <FlowDefSub> fDefSubList = new List <FlowDefSub>();
                if (fDefMain != null)
                    fDefSubList = ctx.FlowDefSubList.Where(x => x.pid == fDefMain.id).OrderBy(x => x.seq).ToList <FlowDefSub>();

                fmain.billNo     = ctx.genBillNo(FlowDefKey);
                fmain.id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                fmain.defId      = FlowDefKey;
                fmain.flowName   = fDefMain.nm;
                fmain.flowStatus = 1;
                fmain.senderNo   = sender.workNo;
                fmain.billDate   = model.billDate;

                EventSchedule fmObj = new EventSchedule
                    id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    flowId    = fmain.id,
                    subject   = model.subject,
                    location  = model.location,
                    beginHH   = model.beginHH,
                    beginMM   = model.beginMM,
                    endHH     = model.endHH,
                    endMM     = model.endMM,
                    beginDate = model.beginDate,
                    endDate   = model.endDate,
                    eventType = model.eventType,
                    sMemo     = model.sMemo,
                    colorTag  = model.colorTag


                int flowSeq = 1;

                dbHelper dbh         = new dbHelper();
                string   senderPoNo  = dbh.sql2Str("select poNo from PoUsers where UserId='" + sender.workNo + "' and ApplicationUser_Id is not null");
                string   senderMgrNo = "";

                List <string> signerList = new List <string>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(senderPoNo))
                    string senderDepNo = dbh.sql2Str("select depNo from jobPoes where poNo='" + senderPoNo + "'");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(senderDepNo))
                        dep depObj = ctx.deps.Where(x => x.depNo == senderDepNo).FirstOrDefault();
                        signerList = getDepSigner(ctx, depObj, sender.workNo, signerList);

                foreach (string signer in signerList)
                    FlowSub fsub = new FlowSub();
                    fsub.pid        = fmain.id;
                    fsub.id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    fsub.seq        = flowSeq;
                    fsub.workNo     = signer;
                    fsub.signType   = 1;
                    fsub.signResult = 0;

                foreach (FlowDefSub defItem in fDefSubList)
                    if (defItem.workNo != senderMgrNo && signerList.Where(x => x == defItem.workNo).Count() == 0 && defItem.workNo != sender.workNo)
                        FlowSub fsub = new FlowSub();
                        fsub.pid        = fmain.id;
                        fsub.id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        fsub.seq        = flowSeq;
                        fsub.workNo     = defItem.workNo;
                        fsub.signType   = defItem.signType;
                        fsub.signResult = 0;

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append("您好," + "<br/><br/>");
                    if (model.eventType == 1)
                        sb.Append(sender.workNo + " " + sender.cName + " 送出業務拜訪行程:" + fmain.billNo + "<br/><br/>");
                        sb.Append(sender.workNo + " " + sender.cName + " 送出公司行程/活動:" + fmain.billNo + "<br/><br/>");
                    sb.AppendFormat("<a href='{0}'>{1}</a><br/>",
                                    Url.Action("Details", "FormMgr", new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = fmain.id }), HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme, HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority),
                    foreach (string signer in signerList)
                        vwEmployee emp = ctx.getUserByWorkNo(signer);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.Email))
                            List <EmailAddress> mailList = new List <EmailAddress>();

                            mailList.Add(new EmailAddress
                                Email = emp.Email,
                                Name  = emp.workNo + " " + emp.UserCName
                            await SendGridSrv.sendEmail(mailList, "公司行程規劃通知", sb.ToString());

                catch (Exception ex)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
                fmain = ctx.FlowMainList.Where(x => x.id == model.flowId).FirstOrDefault();
                EventSchedule eventObj = ctx.eventScheduleList.Where(x => x.id == model.id).FirstOrDefault();

                eventObj.subject   = model.subject;
                eventObj.location  = model.location;
                eventObj.beginHH   = model.beginHH;
                eventObj.beginMM   = model.beginMM;
                eventObj.endHH     = model.endHH;
                eventObj.endMM     = model.endMM;
                eventObj.beginDate = model.beginDate;
                eventObj.endDate   = model.endDate;
                eventObj.eventType = model.eventType;
                eventObj.sMemo     = model.sMemo;
                eventObj.colorTag  = model.colorTag;


                return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Form", new { @id = model.flowId }));
Example #4
        public ActionResult Details(string id, string FlowPageType = "", string ReturnAction = "")
            var  store       = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(ctx);
            var  manager     = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(store);
            var  user        = manager.FindByName(User.Identity.Name);
            var  roleStore   = new RoleStore <ApplicationRole>(ctx);
            var  roleManager = new RoleManager <ApplicationRole>(roleStore);
            bool isAdmin     = false;

            FlowMain fmain = ctx.FlowMainList.Where(x => x.id == id).FirstOrDefault();

            ViewBag.flowMain = fmain;
            vwEmployee employee = ctx.getUserByWorkNo(fmain.senderNo);

            ViewBag.Employee = employee;

            foreach (var role in roleManager.Roles)
                if (user.Roles.Where(x => x.RoleId == role.Id && role.Name.ToUpper() == "ADMIN").Count() > 0)
                    isAdmin = true;

            if (!isAdmin && fmain.defId != "EventSchedule")
                if (ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => x.pid == id && x.workNo == User.Identity.Name).Count() == 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Account"));

            if (ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => x.pid == id && x.workNo == User.Identity.Name && x.signType == 701).Count() > 0)
                FlowPageType = "HRCheck";

            if (FlowPageType == "")
                FlowPageType = fmain.defId == "EventSchedule" ? "EventSchedule" : "";

            var context = new ApplicationDbContext();

            ViewBag.FlowPageType = FlowPageType;
            ViewBag.ReturnAction = ReturnAction;

            List <vwFlowSub> list     = new List <vwFlowSub>();
            List <FlowSub>   fsubList = context.FlowSubList.Where(x => x.pid == id).OrderBy(x => x.seq).ToList <FlowSub>();

            foreach (FlowSub sitem in fsubList)
                var       signResultObj = context.signResultList().Where(x => x.id == sitem.signResult).FirstOrDefault();
                var       signTypeObj   = context.signTypeList().Where(x => x.id == sitem.signType).FirstOrDefault();
                var       signUser      = context.Users.Where(x => x.workNo == sitem.workNo).FirstOrDefault();
                vwFlowSub item          = new vwFlowSub
                    id         = sitem.id,
                    seq        = sitem.seq,
                    signDate   = sitem.signDate,
                    signResult = signResultObj == null ? "" : signResultObj.nm,
                    signType   = signTypeObj == null ? "會簽" : signTypeObj.nm,
                    signer     = signUser == null ? "" : signUser.workNo + "-" + signUser.cName,
                    comment    = sitem.comment

            #region "非工作時間廠務申請單"
            if (fmain.defId == "OverTime")
                fmain.flowName += "(P016A1)";
                ReqOverTime   reqOverTimeObj   = context.reqOverTimeList.Where(x => x.flowId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                vwReqOverTime vwReqOverTimeObj = null;
                if (reqOverTimeObj != null)
                    vwReqOverTimeObj = new vwReqOverTime
                        billNo  = fmain.billNo,
                        dtBegin = reqOverTimeObj.dtBegin,
                        dtEnd   = reqOverTimeObj.dtEnd,
                        hours   = reqOverTimeObj.hours,
                        sMemo   = reqOverTimeObj.sMemo
                    JObject jobjext = null;
                        jobjext = JObject.Parse(reqOverTimeObj.jext);
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.sType      = jobjext["stype"] == null ? "" : jobjext["stype"].ToString();
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.place      = jobjext["place"] == null ? "" : jobjext["place"].ToString();
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.otherPlace = jobjext["otherPlace"] == null ? "" : jobjext["otherPlace"].ToString();
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.prjId      = jobjext["prjId"] == null ? "" : jobjext["prjId"].ToString();

                        vwReqOverTimeObj.sMemo2 = jobjext["sMemo2"] == null ? "" : jobjext["sMemo2"].ToString();
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.worker = jobjext["worker"] == null ? "" : jobjext["worker"].ToString();
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.depNo  = jobjext["depNo"] == null ? "" : jobjext["depNo"].ToString();

                        vwReqOverTimeObj.poNo = jobjext["poNo"] == null ? "" : jobjext["poNo"].ToString();
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.poNm = jobjext["poNo"] == null ? "" : context.jobPos.Where(x => x.poNo.Equals(vwReqOverTimeObj.poNo)).FirstOrDefault().poNm;

                        jobPo  poObj = context.jobPos.Where(x => x.poNo == vwReqOverTimeObj.poNo).First();
                        string depNo = poObj.depNo;
                        string depNm = context.getParentDeps(depNo, context) + " : " + poObj.poNm;
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.depNm = depNm;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.SubModel = vwReqOverTimeObj;

            #region "加班單"
            if (fmain.defId == "RealOverTime")
                fmain.flowName += "(P017A1)";
                ReqOverTime    reqOverTimeObj   = context.reqOverTimeList.Where(x => x.flowId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                vwRealOverTime vwReqOverTimeObj = null;
                if (reqOverTimeObj != null)
                    vwReqOverTimeObj = new vwRealOverTime
                        user    = ctx.getUserByWorkNo(fmain.senderNo),
                        billNo  = fmain.billNo,
                        dtBegin = reqOverTimeObj.dtBegin,
                        dtEnd   = reqOverTimeObj.dtEnd,
                        hours   = reqOverTimeObj.hours,
                        sMemo   = reqOverTimeObj.sMemo
                    JObject jobjext = null;
                        jobjext = JObject.Parse(reqOverTimeObj.jext);
                        vwReqOverTimeObj.sMemo2 = jobjext["sMemo2"] == null ? "" : jobjext["sMemo2"].ToString();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.SubModel = vwReqOverTimeObj;

            #region "請假單"
            if (fmain.defId == "DayOff")
                fmain.flowName += "(P018A1)";
                vwDayOffForm subModel  = new vwDayOffForm();
                dayOff       dayOffObj = ctx.dayOffList.Where(x => x.flowId == fmain.id).FirstOrDefault();
                subModel.dayOffForm = new vwdayOff
                    id       = dayOffObj.id,
                    billNo   = fmain.billNo,
                    dtBegin  = dayOffObj.dtBegin,
                    dtEnd    = dayOffObj.dtEnd,
                    hours    = dayOffObj.hours,
                    dType    = dayOffObj.dType,
                    sMemo    = dayOffObj.sMemo,
                    jobAgent = dayOffObj.jobAgent
                ViewBag.SubModel = subModel;
                return(View("Details", list));

            #region "外出申請單"
            if (fmain.defId == "PublicOut")
                fmain.flowName += "(P019A1)";
                publicOut   publicOutObj = ctx.publicOutList.Where(x => x.flowId == fmain.id).FirstOrDefault();
                vwPublicOut subModel     = new vwPublicOut
                    id          = publicOutObj.id,
                    billNo      = fmain.billNo,
                    user        = ctx.getUserByWorkNo(fmain.senderNo),
                    requestDate = publicOutObj.requestDate,
                    dtBegin     = publicOutObj.dtBegin,
                    dtEnd       = publicOutObj.dtEnd,
                    subject     = publicOutObj.subject,
                    destination = publicOutObj.destination,
                    transport   = publicOutObj.transport
                ViewBag.SubModel = subModel;
                return(View("Details", list));


            #region "訪客申請單"
            if (fmain.defId == "GuestForm")
                fmain.flowName += "(P011A1)";
                guestForm   formObj  = ctx.guestFormList.Where(x => x.flowId == fmain.id).FirstOrDefault();
                vwGuestForm subModel = new vwGuestForm
                    id          = formObj.id,
                    user        = ctx.getUserByWorkNo(fmain.senderNo),
                    requestDate = formObj.requestDate,
                    dtBegin     = formObj.dtBegin,
                    dtEnd       = formObj.dtEnd,
                    subject     = formObj.subject,
                    to          = formObj.to,
                    toDep       = formObj.toDep,
                    guestCmp    = formObj.guestCmp,
                    guestName   = formObj.guestName,
                    guestCnt    = formObj.guestCnt,
                    cellPhone   = formObj.cellPhone,
                    area1       = formObj.area1,
                    area2       = formObj.area2,
                    area21      = formObj.area21,
                    area3       = formObj.area3,
                    area4       = formObj.area4,
                    area41      = formObj.area41,
                    sMemo       = formObj.sMemo
                ViewBag.SubModel = subModel;
                return(View("Details", list));

            #region "廠務派工及總務需求申請單"
            if (fmain.defId == "ReqInHouse")
                fmain.flowName += "(P020A1)";
                ReqInHouse   formObj  = ctx.reqInHouseList.Where(x => x.flowId == fmain.id).FirstOrDefault();
                vwReqInHouse subModel = new vwReqInHouse
                    id       = formObj.id,
                    user     = ctx.getUserByWorkNo(fmain.senderNo),
                    billDate = fmain.billDate,
                    contact  = formObj.contact,
                    depNo    = formObj.depNo,
                    reqLimit = formObj.reqLimit,
                    reqMemo  = formObj.reqMemo,
                    sMemo    = formObj.sMemo
                ViewBag.SubModel = subModel;
                return(View("Details", list));

            #region "公司行程規劃表"
            if (fmain.defId == "EventSchedule")
                fmain.flowName += "(B001A1)";
                EventSchedule   formObj  = ctx.eventScheduleList.Where(x => x.flowId == fmain.id).FirstOrDefault();
                vwEventSchedule subModel = new vwEventSchedule
                    id        = formObj.id,
                    user      = ctx.getUserByWorkNo(fmain.senderNo),
                    billDate  = fmain.billDate,
                    beginHH   = formObj.beginHH,
                    beginMM   = formObj.beginMM,
                    subject   = formObj.subject,
                    location  = formObj.location,
                    eventType = formObj.eventType,
                    sMemo     = formObj.sMemo
                ViewBag.SubModel = subModel;
                return(View("Details", list));

Example #5
        public ActionResult SignIt(FormCollection collection)
            var    context   = new ApplicationDbContext();
            string id        = collection["hid"].ToString();
            string signValue = collection["signValue"].ToString();
            string signMemo  = collection["signMemo"].ToString();
            string workNo    = context.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault().workNo;

            FlowSub  fsub     = context.FlowSubList.Where(x => x.pid == id && x.workNo == workNo && x.signType != 701).FirstOrDefault();
            FlowMain fmain    = ctx.FlowMainList.Where(x => x.id == id).FirstOrDefault();
            bool     bIsGmDep = false;

            bIsGmDep = isGmDep(workNo);
            if (fsub != null && fmain != null)
                if (fmain.defId == "OverTime")
                    fsub.signDate   = context.getLocalTiime();
                    fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue);
                    fsub.comment    = signMemo;

                    dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper();
                    if (fsub.signResult == 1)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'");

                    if (fsub.signResult == 2)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'");
                if (fmain.defId == "RealOverTime")
                    if (fsub.signType != 3 && (!bIsGmDep))
                        List <FlowSub> qPriorSigner = ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => x.pid == id && x.signType != 701 && x.seq < fsub.seq && x.signResult == 0).ToList <FlowSub>();
                        if (qPriorSigner.Count() > 0)
                            TempData["error"] = "上一位簽核人尚未簽核";
                            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "FormMgr", new { id = fmain.id }));
                    fsub.signDate   = context.getLocalTiime();
                    fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue);
                    fsub.comment    = signMemo;

                    dbHelper dbh      = new dbHelper();
                    var      fsublist = ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => x.pid == id && x.signType != 701);
                    if (fsub.signResult == 1 &&
                        (fsublist.Where(x => x.signResult == 1).Count() == fsublist.Count() || bIsGmDep)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'");

                    if (fsub.signResult == 2)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'");
                if (fmain.defId == "DayOff")
                    if (fsub.signType != 3 && (!bIsGmDep))
                        List <FlowSub> qPriorSigner = ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => x.pid == id && x.signType != 701 && x.seq < fsub.seq && x.signResult == 0).ToList <FlowSub>();
                        if (qPriorSigner.Count() > 0)
                            TempData["error"] = "上一位簽核人尚未簽核";
                            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "FormMgr", new { id = fmain.id }));
                    fsub.signDate   = context.getLocalTiime();
                    fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue);
                    fsub.comment    = signMemo;

                    dbHelper dbh      = new dbHelper();
                    var      fsublist = ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => x.pid == id && x.signType != 701);
                    if (fsub.signResult == 1 &&
                        (fsublist.Where(x => x.signResult == 1).Count() == fsublist.Count() || bIsGmDep)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'");

                    if (fsub.signResult == 2)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'");
                if (fmain.defId == "PublicOut")
                    fsub.signDate   = context.getLocalTiime();
                    fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue);
                    fsub.comment    = signMemo;

                    dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper();
                    if (fsub.signResult == 1)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'");

                    if (fsub.signResult == 2)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'");
                if (fmain.defId == "GuestForm")
                    fsub.signDate   = context.getLocalTiime();
                    fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue);
                    fsub.comment    = signMemo;

                    dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper();
                    if (fsub.signResult == 1)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'");

                    if (fsub.signResult == 2)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'");

                if (fmain.defId == "ReqInHouse")
                    fsub.signDate   = context.getLocalTiime();
                    fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue);
                    fsub.comment    = signMemo;

                    dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper();
                    if (fsub.signResult == 1)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'");

                    if (fsub.signResult == 2)
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'");

                if (fsub.signResult == 1)
                    dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper();
                        dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set signDate='" + ctx.getLocalTiime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' where id='" + id + "'");
                    catch (Exception ex)

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "FormMgr"));