Example #1
    IEnumerator CaptureFrameForFloor()
        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        float capinv = 1 - m_SizeOfCap;

        m_PosOfCap = m_Camera.transform.position;
        m_RotOfCap = m_Camera.transform.rotation;

        Texture2D m_Image2DProjector = new Texture2D((int)(Screen.width * m_SizeOfCap), (int)(Screen.height * m_SizeOfCap), TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

        m_Image2DProjector.ReadPixels(new Rect((float)(capinv / 2) * Screen.width, (float)(capinv / 2) * Screen.height, Screen.width * m_SizeOfCap, Screen.height * m_SizeOfCap), 0, 0);
        //m_Image2DProjector.ReadPixels(new Rect((float)(capinv / 2) * Screen.width, (float)(capinv / 2) * Screen.height, Screen.width - ((float)(capinv / 2) * Screen.width), Screen.height - ((float)(capinv / 2) * Screen.height)), 0, 0);
        int layer_mask = LayerMask.GetMask("MainPlane");

        //      1--2--3--4
        //      | 7| 8| 9|
        //      5--6--7--8
        //      | 4| 5| 6|
        //      9-10-11-12
        //      | 1| 2| 3|
        //     13-14-15-16

        float   centerX  = 0.5f;
        float   centerY  = 0.5f;
        Vector3 CenterPt = GetRaycastPosition(centerX, centerY);

        float   Pt1X = (float)(capinv / 2);
        float   Pt1Y = (1 - (float)(capinv / 2));
        Vector3 Pt1  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt1X, Pt1Y);

        float   Pt13X = (float)(capinv / 2);
        float   Pt13Y = (float)(capinv / 2);
        Vector3 Pt13  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt13X, Pt13Y);

        float   Pt5X = (float)(capinv / 2);
        float   Pt5Y = ((Pt1Y - Pt13Y) * .66666f) + Pt13Y;
        Vector3 Pt5  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt5X, Pt5Y);

        float   Pt9X = (float)(capinv / 2);
        float   Pt9Y = ((Pt1Y - Pt13Y) * .33333f) + Pt13Y;
        Vector3 Pt9  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt9X, Pt9Y);

        float   Pt4X = (1 - (float)(capinv / 2));
        float   Pt4Y = (1 - (float)(capinv / 2));
        Vector3 Pt4  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt4X, Pt4Y);

        float   Pt16X = (1 - (float)(capinv / 2));
        float   Pt16Y = (float)(capinv / 2);
        Vector3 Pt16  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt16X, Pt16Y);

        float   Pt8X = (1 - (float)(capinv / 2));
        float   Pt8Y = ((Pt4Y - Pt16Y) * .66666f) + Pt16Y;
        Vector3 Pt8  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt8X, Pt8Y);

        float   Pt12X = (1 - (float)(capinv / 2));
        float   Pt12Y = ((Pt4Y - Pt16Y) * .33333f) + Pt16Y;
        Vector3 Pt12  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt12X, Pt12Y);

        float   Pt2X = ((Pt4X - Pt1X) * 0.33333f) + Pt1X;
        float   Pt2Y = (1 - (float)(capinv / 2));
        Vector3 Pt2  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt2X, Pt2Y);

        float   Pt3X = ((Pt4X - Pt1X) * 0.66666f) + Pt1X;
        float   Pt3Y = (1 - (float)(capinv / 2));
        Vector3 Pt3  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt3X, Pt3Y);

        float   Pt14X = ((Pt16X - Pt13X) * 0.33333f) + Pt13X;
        float   Pt14Y = (float)(capinv / 2);
        Vector3 Pt14  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt14X, Pt14Y);

        float   Pt15X = ((Pt16X - Pt13X) * 0.66666f) + Pt13X;
        float   Pt15Y = (float)(capinv / 2);
        Vector3 Pt15  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt15X, Pt15Y);

        float   Pt6X = ((Pt8X - Pt5X) * 0.33333f) + Pt5X;
        float   Pt6Y = ((Pt2Y - Pt14Y) * 0.66666f) + Pt14Y;
        Vector3 Pt6  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt6X, Pt6Y);

        float   Pt7X = ((Pt8X - Pt5X) * 0.66666f) + Pt5X;
        float   Pt7Y = ((Pt3Y - Pt15Y) * 0.66666f) + Pt15Y;
        Vector3 Pt7  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt7X, Pt7Y);

        float   Pt10X = ((Pt12X - Pt9X) * 0.33333f) + Pt9X;
        float   Pt10Y = ((Pt2Y - Pt14Y) * 0.33333f) + Pt14Y;
        Vector3 Pt10  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt10X, Pt10Y);

        float   Pt11X = ((Pt12X - Pt9X) * 0.66666f) + Pt9X;
        float   Pt11Y = ((Pt3Y - Pt15Y) * 0.33333f) + Pt15Y;
        Vector3 Pt11  = GetRaycastPosition(Pt11X, Pt11Y);

        //      1--2--3--4
        //      | 7| 8| 9|
        //      5--6--7--8
        //      | 4| 5| 6|
        //      9-10-11-12
        //      | 1| 2| 3|
        //     13-14-15-16

        //Jerry rigged adjustment of points
        float t_distance;
        float RightAdj = 1 - FloorUIControl.m_RightAdj;
        float TopAdj   = 1 - FloorUIControl.m_TopAdj;
        float LeftAdj  = 1 - FloorUIControl.m_LeftAdj;
        float BotAdj   = 1 - FloorUIControl.m_BotAdj;

        Vector3 AdjLeft1Pt, AdjLeft2Pt, AdjLeft3Pt, AdjLeft4Pt;
        Vector3 AdjRight1Pt, AdjRight2Pt, AdjRight3Pt, AdjRight4Pt;

        //crunch top to bot
        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(Pt1, Pt13);
        AdjLeft1Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(Pt1, Pt13, t_distance * TopAdj);

        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(Pt5, Pt13);
        AdjLeft2Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(Pt5, Pt13, t_distance * TopAdj);

        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(Pt9, Pt13);
        AdjLeft3Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(Pt9, Pt13, t_distance * TopAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(Pt4, Pt16);
        AdjRight1Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(Pt4, Pt16, t_distance * TopAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(Pt8, Pt16);
        AdjRight2Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(Pt8, Pt16, t_distance * TopAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(Pt12, Pt16);
        AdjRight3Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(Pt12, Pt16, t_distance * TopAdj);

        //crunch bot to top
        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft2Pt, AdjLeft1Pt);
        AdjLeft2Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjLeft2Pt, AdjLeft1Pt, t_distance * BotAdj);

        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft3Pt, AdjLeft1Pt);
        AdjLeft3Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjLeft3Pt, AdjLeft1Pt, t_distance * BotAdj);

        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(Pt13, AdjLeft1Pt);
        AdjLeft4Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(Pt13, AdjLeft1Pt, t_distance * BotAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(AdjRight2Pt, AdjRight1Pt);
        AdjRight2Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjRight2Pt, AdjRight1Pt, t_distance * BotAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(AdjRight3Pt, AdjRight1Pt);
        AdjRight3Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjRight3Pt, AdjRight1Pt, t_distance * BotAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(Pt16, AdjRight1Pt);
        AdjRight4Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(Pt16, AdjRight1Pt, t_distance * BotAdj);

        //crunch right to left
        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft1Pt, AdjRight1Pt);
        AdjRight1Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjRight1Pt, AdjLeft1Pt, t_distance * RightAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft2Pt, AdjRight2Pt);
        AdjRight2Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjRight2Pt, AdjLeft2Pt, t_distance * RightAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft3Pt, AdjRight3Pt);
        AdjRight3Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjRight3Pt, AdjLeft3Pt, t_distance * RightAdj);

        t_distance  = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft4Pt, AdjRight4Pt);
        AdjRight4Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjRight4Pt, AdjLeft4Pt, t_distance * RightAdj);

        //chunk left to right
        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft1Pt, AdjRight1Pt);
        AdjLeft1Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjLeft1Pt, AdjRight1Pt, t_distance * LeftAdj);

        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft2Pt, AdjRight2Pt);
        AdjLeft2Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjLeft2Pt, AdjRight2Pt, t_distance * LeftAdj);

        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft3Pt, AdjRight3Pt);
        AdjLeft3Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjLeft3Pt, AdjRight3Pt, t_distance * LeftAdj);

        t_distance = Vector3.Distance(AdjLeft4Pt, AdjRight4Pt);
        AdjLeft4Pt = Vector3.MoveTowards(AdjLeft4Pt, AdjRight4Pt, t_distance * LeftAdj);

        FloorControl.SetValues(m_Image2DProjector, m_SizeOfCap, m_PosOfCap, m_RotOfCap, CenterPt);
        PitControl.SetValues(CenterPt, AdjLeft1Pt, AdjRight1Pt, AdjLeft4Pt, AdjRight4Pt);
        //ChunkControl.SetValues(CenterPt, AdjLeft1Pt, AdjLeft2Pt, AdjLeft3Pt, Pt13, AdjRight1Pt, AdjRight2Pt, AdjRight3Pt, AdjRight4Pt, Pt6, Pt7, Pt10, Pt11);
        ChunkControl.SetValues(CenterPt, Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4,
                               Pt5, Pt6, Pt7, Pt8,
                               Pt9, Pt10, Pt11, Pt12,
                               Pt13, Pt14, Pt15, Pt16);

        //      1--2--3--4
        //      | 7| 8| 9|
        //      5--6--7--8
        //      | 4| 5| 6|
        //      9-10-11-12
        //      | 1| 2| 3|
        //     13-14-15-16
