Vector3 BuoyancyForce(FloatingTriangleData triangleData)
        //Buoyancy is a hydrostatic force - it's there even if the water isn't flowing or if the boat stays still

        // F_buoyancy = rho * g * V
        // rho - density of the mediaum you are in
        // g - gravity
        // V - volume of fluid directly above the curved surface

        //The density of the water
        float rhoWater = 1027f;
        float gravity  = Physics.gravity.y;

        // V = z * S * n
        // z - distance to surface
        // S - surface area
        // n - normal to the surface
        Vector3 buoyancyForce = rhoWater * gravity * triangleData.distanceToSurface * triangleData.area * triangleData.normal;

        //The vertical component of the hydrostatic forces don't cancel out but the horizontal do
        buoyancyForce.x = 0f;
        buoyancyForce.z = 0f;

    //Add all forces that act on the triangles below the water
    void AddUnderWaterForces()
        //Get all triangles
        List <FloatingTriangleData> underWaterTriangleData = modifyFloatingMesh.underWaterTriangleData;

        //Add forces to all triangles
        for (int i = 0; i < underWaterTriangleData.Count; i++)
            //This triangle
            FloatingTriangleData triangleData = underWaterTriangleData[i];

            //Calculate the buoyancy force
            Vector3 buoyancyForce = BuoyancyForce(triangleData);

            //Add the force to the boat


            //Debug.DrawRay(, triangleData.normal * 3f, Color.white);

            //Debug.DrawRay(, buoyancyForce.normalized * -3f,;