public async Task <FlightDetailsViewModel> GetFlight(string flightId)
            var flight = await this.db.Flights.Include(f => f.Reservations).FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == flightId);

            var result = new FlightDetailsViewModel()
                FlightId         = flight.Id,
                FromLocation     = flight.FromLocation,
                AirlineID        = flight.AirlineID,
                AirlineName      = flight.AirlineName,
                FlightDuration   = (flight.DepatureTime - flight.ArrivalTime).TotalHours.ToString(),
                BusinessCapacity = flight.BusinessCapacity,
                Capacity         = flight.Capacity,
                DepatureTime     = flight.DepatureTime,
                PilotName        = flight.PilotName,
                ToLocation       = flight.ToLocation,
                Reservations     = flight.Reservations.Select(r => new ReservationUserViewModel()
                    FirstName  = r.FirstName,
                    LastName   = r.LastName,
                    TicketType = r.TicketType,

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Either retrieve an existing flight or create a new one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <Flight> RetrieveOrCreateFlight(string userName)
            Flight flight = null;

            // Retrieve the flight details from the cache
            string key = GetCacheKey(FlightDetailsKeyPrefix, userName);
            FlightDetailsViewModel details = _cache.Get <FlightDetailsViewModel>(key);

            if (details != null)
                // If this is a sighting for an existing flight, just return it.
                // Otherwise, we need to create a new flight
                if (details.FlightId > 0)
                    flight = await _flights.GetFlightByIdAsync(details.FlightId);
                    if (details.AirlineId == 0)
                        // If there's no airline selected, we're creating a new one
                        Airline airline = await _airlines.AddAirlineAsync(details.NewAirline);

                        details.AirlineId = airline.Id;

                    // Create the flight
                    flight = await _flights.AddFlightAsync(details.FlightNumber, details.Embarkation, details.Destination, details.AirlineId);

Example #3
        public IActionResult ChangeFlightReservationsPageSize(FlightDetailsViewModel model, int pageSize)
            FlightDetailsPaging.Pager.PageSize    = pageSize;
            FlightDetailsPaging.Pager.CurrentPage = 1;

            return(View("FlightDetails", GetFlightDetails()));
Example #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int id)
            Flight flight = await _flights.GetFlightAsync(id);

            FlightDetailsViewModel model = _mapper.Map <FlightDetailsViewModel>(flight);

            await LoadModelPropertiesAsync(model);

 public ActionResult Details(FlightDetailsViewModel createModel)
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         return(RedirectToAction("Reserve", "Reservations", new { flightid = createModel.FlightId, ticketNum = createModel.TicketNum, availableRegularSeats = createModel.RegularSeats, availableBusinessSeats = createModel.BusinessSeats }));
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task LoadModelPropertiesAsync(FlightDetailsViewModel model)
            // Load any existing flight property values
            model.Properties = await _properties.GetFlightPropertyValuesAsync(model.Id);

            // The model will only contain values for properties where the value
            // has been set. This is not necessarily all available properties but
            // we need controls for all properties to be rendered so we can enter
            // values for them. To achieve this, merge in the list of available
            // properties (with empty values)
            List <FlightProperty> availableProperties = await _properties.GetFlightPropertiesAsync();


            model.PropertiesPerRow = _settings.Value.FlightPropertiesPerRow;
Example #7
        public IActionResult Details(int Id)
            var currentFlight = this.context.Flights.First(c => c.Id == Id);
            FlightDetailsViewModel flightDetailsViewModel = new FlightDetailsViewModel()
                Id               = currentFlight.Id,
                From             = currentFlight.From,
                To               = currentFlight.To,
                DepartureTime    = currentFlight.Departure,
                Arrival          = currentFlight.Arrival,
                PlaneId          = currentFlight.PlaneId,
                PilotName        = currentFlight.PilotName,
                CapacityBusiness = currentFlight.BusinessCapacity,
                CapacityEconomy  = currentFlight.EconomyCapacity

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve or constuct the flight details model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <FlightDetailsViewModel> GetFlightDetailsModelAsync(string userName)
            // Retrieve the model from the cache
            string key = GetCacheKey(FlightDetailsKeyPrefix, userName);
            FlightDetailsViewModel model = _cache.Get <FlightDetailsViewModel>(key);

            if (model == null)
                // Not cached, so create a new one, using the cached sighting details
                // model to supply the flight number
                key = GetCacheKey(SightingDetailsKeyPrefix, userName);
                SightingDetailsViewModel sighting = _cache.Get <SightingDetailsViewModel>(key);
                model = new FlightDetailsViewModel {
                    FlightNumber = sighting.FlightNumber

            // Set the available airlines
            List <Airline> airlines = await GetAirlinesAsync();


            // Set the matching flight numbers
            List <Flight> flights = await GetFlightsAsync(model.FlightNumber);


            // If we have any flights, pick the first one as the default selection from
            // which to populate the model
            Flight flight = flights?.FirstOrDefault();

            if (flight != null)
                model.FlightId    = flight.Id;
                model.Embarkation = flight.Embarkation;
                model.Destination = flight.Destination;
                model.AirlineId   = flight.AirlineId;

        public IHttpResponse Edit(FlightDetailsViewModel model)
            var flight = this.Db.Flights.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == model.Id);

            if (flight == null)
                return(this.BadRequestError("Flight do not exist."));

            //TODO verification
            flight.Destination = model.Destination;
            flight.Origin      = model.Origin;
            flight.Date        = model.Date;
            flight.Time        = model.Time;
            flight.ImageUrl    = model.ImageUrl;
            flight.PublicFlag  = model.PublicFlag;


            return(this.Redirect("/Flights/Details?id=" + flight.Id));
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            var flight = _context.Flights.Find(id);

            int[] availableSeats         = GetAvailableTickets(id);
            FlightDetailsViewModel model = new FlightDetailsViewModel()
                FlightId      = flight.Id,
                LocationFrom  = flight.LocationFrom,
                LocationTo    = flight.LocationTo,
                DepartureTime = flight.DepartureTime,
                LandingTime   = flight.LandingTime,
                PlaneType     = flight.PlaneType,
                PlaneNumber   = flight.PlaneNumber,
                PilotName     = flight.PilotName,
                RegularSeats  = availableSeats[0],
                BusinessSeats = availableSeats[1]

        public IHttpResponse Edit(int id)
            var flight = this.Db.Flights.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);

            if (flight == null)
                return(this.BadRequestError("Flight do not exist."));

            var model = new FlightDetailsViewModel()
                Id          = id,
                Destination = flight.Destination,
                Origin      = flight.Origin,
                Date        = flight.Date,
                Time        = flight.Time,
                ImageUrl    = flight.ImageUrl,
                PublicFlag  = flight.PublicFlag

Example #12
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(FlightDetailsViewModel model)
            // Load the flight details
            Flight flight = await _flights.GetFlightAsync(model.Id);

            _mapper.Map <Flight, FlightDetailsViewModel>(flight, model);

            // The (complex) model properties will not be bound by the model binder
            // and so need to be loaded, here, and updated using the dictionary of
            // property values that are bound by the model binder
            await LoadModelPropertiesAsync(model);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Apply property values from the bound collection

                // Save newly added property values
                for (int i = 0; i < model.Properties.Count; i++)
                    FlightPropertyValue value = model.Properties[i];
                    if (value.IsNewPropertyValue)
                        model.Properties[i] = await AddNewPropertyValueAsync(model.Id, model.Properties[i]);
                    else if (value.Id > 0)
                        model.Properties[i] = await _properties.UpdateFlightPropertyValueAsync(

Example #13
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(FlightDetailsViewModel model)
            IActionResult result;
            string        newAirline  = (model.NewAirline ?? "").Trim();
            bool          haveAirline = (model.AirlineId > 0) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newAirline);

            if (haveAirline && ModelState.IsValid && (model.Action == ControllerActions.ActionNextPage))
                _wizard.CacheFlightDetailsModel(model, User.Identity.Name);
                result = RedirectToAction("Index", "AircraftDetails");
            else if (model.Action == ControllerActions.ActionPreviousPage)
                int?sightingId = _wizard.GetCurrentSightingId(User.Identity.Name);
                result = RedirectToAction("Index", "SightingDetails", new { Id = sightingId });
                if (!haveAirline)
                    model.AirlineErrorMessage = "You must select an airline or give a new airline name";

                List <Flight> flights = await _wizard.GetFlightsAsync(model.FlightNumber);


                List <Airline> airlines = await _wizard.GetAirlinesAsync();


                result = View(model);

        public IActionResult Delete(int id, int?page, int pageSize = 10)
            int    pageNumber            = (page ?? 1);
            Flight flight                = flightService.GetFlightById(id);
            FlightDetailsViewModel model = new FlightDetailsViewModel()
                FlightId = flight.Id,
                BusinessClassCapacity = flight.BusinessClassCapacity,
                PilotName             = flight.PilotName,
                DepartureCity         = flight.LeavingFrom,
                DepartureTime         = flight.Departure,
                DestinationCity       = flight.GoingTo,
                FlightDuration        = flight.Arrival.Subtract(flight.Departure),
                PlaneCapacity         = flight.PassengersCapacity,
                PlaneType             = flight.AirplaneType,
                BusinessTicketsLeft   = flight.BusinessTicketsLeft,
                TicketsLeft           = flight.TicketsLeft,
                Reservations          = reservationService.GetAllReservationsForFlight(flight).Select(r => new FlightReservationViewModel()
                    Email        = r.Email,
                    Name         = r.FirstName + " " + r.MiddleName + " " + r.Surname,
                    Nationality  = r.Nationality,
                    PhoneNumber  = r.PhoneNumber,
                    SSN          = r.SSN,
                    TicketType   = r.TicketType,
                    TicketsCount = r.TicketsCount
                PageNumber = pageNumber,
                PageSize   = pageSize,
                PagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(reservationService.GetAllReservationsForFlight(flight).Count / (double)pageSize)

            model.Reservations = model.Reservations.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

        public IHttpResponse Details(int id)
            var flight = this.Db.Flights.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);

            if (flight == null)
                return(this.BadRequestError("Flight do not exist."));

            var availableFligthSeats = this.Db.Seats.Where(s => s.FlightId == flight.Id).ToList();

            var model = new FlightDetailsViewModel()
                Id                   = flight.Id,
                Destination          = flight.Destination,
                Origin               = flight.Origin,
                Date                 = flight.Date,
                Time                 = flight.Time,
                ImageUrl             = flight.ImageUrl.UrlDecode(),
                AvailableFlightSeats = availableFligthSeats

Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Cache the flight details view model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        public void CacheFlightDetailsModel(FlightDetailsViewModel model, string userName)
            string key = GetCacheKey(FlightDetailsKeyPrefix, userName);

            _cache.Set <FlightDetailsViewModel>(key, model, _settings.Value.CacheLifetimeSeconds);
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct the model to confirm sighting details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ConfirmDetailsViewModel> GetConfirmDetailsModelAsync(string userName)
            // Get the sighting, flight details and aircraft models and map them
            // into the confirm details model
            ConfirmDetailsViewModel model = new ConfirmDetailsViewModel();

            string key = GetCacheKey(SightingDetailsKeyPrefix, userName);
            SightingDetailsViewModel sighting = _cache.Get <SightingDetailsViewModel>(key);

            _mapper.Map <SightingDetailsViewModel, ConfirmDetailsViewModel>(sighting, model);

            key = GetCacheKey(FlightDetailsKeyPrefix, userName);
            FlightDetailsViewModel flight = _cache.Get <FlightDetailsViewModel>(key);

            _mapper.Map <FlightDetailsViewModel, ConfirmDetailsViewModel>(flight, model);

            key = GetCacheKey(AircraftDetailsKeyPrefix, userName);
            AircraftDetailsViewModel aircraft = _cache.Get <AircraftDetailsViewModel>(key);

            _mapper.Map <AircraftDetailsViewModel, ConfirmDetailsViewModel>(aircraft, model);

            // For the location, if we have a new location specified then use that as the
            // location. Otherwise, look up the location by its ID
            if (sighting.LocationId == 0)
                model.Location = sighting.NewLocation;
                Location location = await _locations.GetLocationAsync(sighting.LocationId);

                model.Location = location.Name;

            // Repeat the above logic for the airline
            if (flight.AirlineId == 0)
                model.Airline = flight.NewAirline;
                Airline airline = await _airlines.GetAirlineAsync(flight.AirlineId);

                model.Airline = airline.Name;

            // Repeat the above logic for the manufacturer
            if ((aircraft.ManufacturerId ?? 0) == 0)
                model.Manufacturer = aircraft.NewManufacturer;
                int          manufacturerId = aircraft.ManufacturerId ?? 0;
                Manufacturer manufacturer   = await _manufacturers.GetManufacturerAsync(manufacturerId);

                model.Manufacturer = manufacturer.Name;

            // Repeat the above logic for the model
            if ((aircraft.ModelId ?? 0) == 0)
                model.Model = aircraft.NewModel;
                int   modelId       = aircraft.ModelId ?? 0;
                Model aircraftModel = await _models.GetModelAsync(modelId);

                model.Model = aircraftModel.Name;

Example #18
 protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
     _vm         = new FlightDetailsViewModel();
     DataContext = _vm;
        public IActionResult Details(int id)
            FlightDetailsViewModel model = flightService.GetById <FlightDetailsViewModel>(id);

Example #20
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            FlightDetailsViewModel model = await _wizard.GetFlightDetailsModelAsync(User.Identity.Name);

        public IActionResult Details(int id)
            if (!this.User.IsAuthenticated)

            Flight flight;
            var    isAdmin = false;

            using (this.Context)
                flight  = this.Context.Flights.Find(id);
                isAdmin = this.Context.Users.First(u => u.Name == this.User.Name).IsAdmin;

            if (flight is null)

            var model = new FlightDetailsViewModel
                Id       = flight.Id,
                Origin   = flight.Origin,
                Date     = flight.Date,
                Time     = flight.Time,
                Tickets  = flight.Tickets,
                Diration = flight.Destination,
                ImageUrl = flight.ImageUrl

            var editButton = isAdmin ?
                             $@"<a href=""/flight/edit?id={model.Id}"" class=""edit-flight-detail""> <img src=""../Content/img/pencil.jpg"" style=""margin-top: 0px;"" alt=""image""></a>" :

            this.Model.Data["details"] = $@"
                    <section class=""ticket-area"">
                        <div class=""ticket-area-left"">
                        <img src = ""{model.ImageUrl}"" alt=""image"">
                            <div class=""ticket-area-right"">
                            <div>from {model.Origin}</div>
                            <div class=""data-and-time"">{model.Date} {model.Time} {editButton}</div>

            var createSeat = isAdmin
                ? $@"<section class=""seat - info"">
                        <form action = ""/ticket/add?id={model.Id}"" class=""seat-form"">
                            <input type = ""text"" id=""Price"" name=""Price"" placeholder=""Price"">
                            <input type = ""text"" id=""Class"" name=""Class"" placeholder=""Type"">
                            <input type = ""number"" id=""TicketCount"" name=""TicketCount"" name=""quantity"" min=""1"" max=""999"" placeholder=""Tickets Counter"">
                            <input type = ""submit"" class=""create-seat"" value=""Create Seat"">
                : string.Empty;

            var seats = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var modelTicket in model.Tickets)
                seats.AppendLine($@"<form action="""" class=""seat - form"">
                    <input type=""text"" placeholder = ""Add Number"" >
                    <input type=""submit"" class=""create-seat"" value=""Add to Cart"">");

                if (isAdmin)
                    seats.AppendLine($@"<a href = ""/ticket/delete?id={modelTicket.Id}"" class=""delete"">X</a>");


            this.Model.Data["createSeat"] = createSeat;
            this.Model.Data["seats"]      = seats.ToString();
