Example #1
        public DeadBand(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            width = null;
            gain  = 1.0;

            XmlElement width_element = element.FindElement("width");

            if (width_element != null)
                width = new  ParameterValue(width_element, propertyManager);
                width = new  RealValue(0.0);

            XmlElement gain_element = element.FindElement("gain");

            if (gain_element != null)
                gain = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(gain_element);

Example #2
     CommunicationSystem     comms       = new CommunicationSystem();
     ExperimentSystem        experiment  = new ExperimentSystem();
     FlightControlSystem     flight      = new FlightControlSystem();
     LifeSupportSystem       lifeSupport = new LifeSupportSystem();
     PowerDistributionSystem power       = new PowerDistributionSystem();
Example #3
        Gyro(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            sensorOrientation = new SensorOrientation(element);
            Propagate         = fcs.GetExec().GetPropagate();

Example #4
    private void Awake()
        _flightControlSystem = GetComponentInParent <FlightControlSystem>();
        _particleSystem      = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
        _emissionModule      = _particleSystem.emission;

Example #5
        public Summer(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            XmlNodeList childs = element.GetElementsByTagName("bias");

            if (childs != null && childs.Count > 0)
                Bias = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(childs[0] as XmlElement);

Example #6
        public FCSFunction(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            XmlNodeList childs = element.GetElementsByTagName("function");

            if (childs != null && childs.Count > 0)
                function = new Function(fcs.GetPropertyManager(), childs[0] as XmlElement);

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fcs">the parent FGFCS object.</param>
        /// <param name="element">the configuration file node.the configuration file node.</param>
        public Summer(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            XmlElement elem = element.FindElement("bias");

            if (elem != null)
                Bias = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(elem);

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializer.
        /// Initializes the FGKinemat object from the given configuration
        /// file. The Configuration file is expected to be at the stream
        /// position where the KINEMAT object starts. Also it is expected to
        /// be past the end of the current KINEMAT configuration on exit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fcs">A reference to the ccurrent flightcontrolsystem.</param>
        /// <param name="element">reference to the current aircraft configuration element</param>
        public Kinemat(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            XmlElement traverse_element, setting_element;
            double     tmpDetent;
            double     tmpTime;


            output  = 0;
            DoScale = true;

            if (element.FindElement("noscale") != null)
                DoScale = false;

            traverse_element = element.FindElement("traverse");

            var nodeList = traverse_element.GetElementsByTagName("setting");

            foreach (var elem in nodeList)
                if (elem is XmlElement)
                    setting_element = elem as XmlElement;

                    XmlElement tmpel = setting_element.FindElement("position");
                    tmpDetent = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpel);
                    tmpel     = setting_element.FindElement("time");
                    tmpTime   = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpel);

            if (detents.Count <= 1)
                log.Error("Kinematic component " + name
                          + " must have more than 1 setting element");
                throw new Exception();


Example #9
        public FCSFunction(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            XmlElement function_element = element.FindElement("function");

            if (function_element != null)
                function = new Function(fcs.GetExec(), function_element);
                log.Error("FCS Function should contain a \"function\" element");
                throw new Exception("Malformed FCS function specification.");

Example #10
        public Switch(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            string     value;
            TestSwitch current_test;

            Bind(element); // Bind() this component here in case it is used in its own
                           // definition for a sample-and-hold
            XmlElement test_element = element.FindElement("default");

            if (test_element != null)
                current_test = new TestSwitch();
                value        = test_element.GetAttribute("value");
                current_test.SetTestValue(value, name, propertyManager);
                current_test.Default = true;
                double tmp;
                if (delay > 0 && double.TryParse(value, out tmp))
                {                              // If there is a delay, initialize the
                    for (int i = 0; i < delay - 1; i++)
                    {                          // delay buffer to the default value
                        output_array[i] = tmp; // for the switch if that value is a number.

            var nodeList = element.GetElementsByTagName("test");

            foreach (var elem in nodeList)
                if (elem is XmlElement)
                    test_element           = elem as XmlElement;
                    current_test           = new TestSwitch();
                    current_test.condition = new Condition(test_element, propertyManager);
                    value = test_element.GetAttribute("value");
                    current_test.SetTestValue(value, name, propertyManager);

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializer.
        /// Initializes the FGKinemat object from the given configuration
        /// file. The Configuration file is expected to be at the stream
        /// position where the KINEMAT object starts. Also it is expected to
        /// be past the end of the current KINEMAT configuration on exit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fcs">A reference to the ccurrent flightcontrolsystem.</param>
        /// <param name="element">reference to the current aircraft configuration element</param>
        public Kinemat(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            XmlElement traverse_element;
            double     tmpDetent;
            double     tmpTime;

            output  = 0.0;
            DoScale = true;

            XmlNodeList childs = element.GetElementsByTagName("noscale");

            if (childs != null && childs.Count > 0)
                DoScale = false;

            traverse_element = element.GetElementsByTagName("traverse")[0] as XmlElement;
            XmlNodeList settingsElements = traverse_element.GetElementsByTagName("setting");

            foreach (XmlElement setting_element in settingsElements)
                childs    = setting_element.GetElementsByTagName("position");
                tmpDetent = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(childs[0] as XmlElement);
                childs    = setting_element.GetElementsByTagName("time");
                tmpTime   = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(childs[0] as XmlElement);
            NumDetents = detents.Count;

            if (NumDetents <= 1)
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Kinematic component " + name + " must have more than 1 setting element");

                throw new Exception("Kinematic component must have more than 1 setting element");

Example #12
    public virtual void ParametrizeUnityFromModel()
        // Set mass and inertia
        body.mass = (float)model.Mass;
        Vector3 inertia = (model.Inertia * Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 })).ToUnity();

        inertia.y         *= -1; // all inertia tensor components must be positive
        body.inertiaTensor = inertia;
        Debug.Log("Inertia tensor " + body.inertiaTensor);
        // TODO what about body.inertiaTensorRotation ?

        fcs      = model.FCS;
        engine   = model.Engine;
        gearBox  = model.GearBox;
        fuselage = model.Fuselage;

        foreach (var submodelName in submodelTransforms.Keys)
            var submodel       = model.SubModels[submodelName];
            var childTransform = submodelTransforms[submodelName];
            Debug.Log("Transform from submodel: " + childTransform.name);
            childTransform.localPosition = submodel.Translation.ToUnity();
            childTransform.localRotation = submodel.Rotation.ToUnity();

            if (submodel is Rotor)
                BoxCollider collider = childTransform.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ();
                var         sizey    = 0.1f;
                if (collider == null)
                    collider = childTransform.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider> ();
                    sizey = collider.size.y;
                var radius = (float)((Rotor)submodel).radius;
                var size   = Mathf.Sqrt(2 * radius * radius);
                collider.size = new Vector3(size, sizey, size);
Example #13
        public DeadBand(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            foreach (XmlNode currentNode in element.ChildNodes)
                if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElement currentElement = (XmlElement)currentNode;

                    if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("width"))
                        width = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(currentElement);
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("gain"))
                        gain = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(currentElement);
Example #14
        public Filter(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            DynamicFilter = false; initialize = true;
            C[1]          = C[2] = C[3] = C[4] = C[5] = C[6] = null;
            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
                ReadFilterCoefficients(element, i);

            if (compType == "LAG_FILTER")
                FilterType = FilterTypeEnum.Lag;
            else if (compType == "LEAD_LAG_FILTER")
                FilterType = FilterTypeEnum.LeadLag;
            else if (compType == "SECOND_ORDER_FILTER")
                FilterType = FilterTypeEnum.Order2;
            else if (compType == "WASHOUT_FILTER")
                FilterType = FilterTypeEnum.Washout;
                FilterType = FilterTypeEnum.Unknown;



Example #15
        public Accelerometer(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            sensorOrientation = new SensorOrientation(element);
            Propagate         = fcs.GetExec().GetPropagate();
            Accelerations     = fcs.GetExec().Accelerations;
            MassBalance       = fcs.GetExec().MassBalance;

            XmlElement location_element = element.FindElement("location");

            if (location_element != null)
                vLocation = FormatHelper.TripletConvertTo(location_element, "IN");
                log.Error("No location given for accelerometer. ");
                throw new Exception("Malformed accelerometer specification");

            vRadius = MassBalance.StructuralToBody(vLocation);

Example #16
        /// Constructor
        public FCSComponent(FlightControlSystem fcsParent, XmlElement element)
            fcs             = fcsParent;
            propertyManager = fcs.GetPropertyManager();

            compType = "";
            isOutput = false;
            name     = element.GetAttribute("name");
            compType = element.GetAttribute("type"); // Old, deprecated format
            if (compType.Length == 0)
                if (element.LocalName.Equals("lag_filter"))
                    compType = "LAG_FILTER";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("lead_lag_filter"))
                    compType = "LEAD_LAG_FILTER";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("washout_filter"))
                    compType = "WASHOUT_FILTER";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("second_order_filter"))
                    compType = "SECOND_ORDER_FILTER";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("integrator"))
                    compType = "INTEGRATOR";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("summer"))
                    compType = "SUMMER";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("pure_gain"))
                    compType = "PURE_GAIN";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("scheduled_gain"))
                    compType = "SCHEDULED_GAIN";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("aerosurface_scale"))
                    compType = "AEROSURFACE_SCALE";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("switch"))
                    compType = "SWITCH";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("kinematic"))
                    compType = "KINEMATIC";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("deadband"))
                    compType = "DEADBAND";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("fcs_function"))
                    compType = "FCS_FUNCTION";
                else if (element.LocalName.Equals("sensor"))
                    compType = "SENSOR";
                { // illegal component in this channel
                    compType = "UNKNOWN";

            foreach (XmlNode currentNode in element.ChildNodes)
                if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElement currentElement = (XmlElement)currentNode;

                    if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("input"))
                        string inputTxt = currentElement.InnerText.Trim();
                        if (inputTxt[0] == '-')
                            inputTxt = inputTxt.Remove(0, 1);
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("output"))
                        isOutput   = true;
                        outputNode = propertyManager.GetPropertyNode(currentElement.InnerText.Trim());
                        if (outputNode == null)
                            log.Error("  Unable to process property: " + currentElement.InnerText);
                            throw new Exception("Invalid output property name in flight control definition");
                        else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("clipto"))
                            XmlNodeList childs;
                            string      clip_string;
                            childs = currentElement.GetElementsByTagName("min");
                            if (childs != null)
                                clip_string = ((XmlElement)childs[0]).InnerText.Trim();
                                throw new Exception("clipto doesn't have a min tag");

                            if (!clip_string.StartsWith("+-.0123456789"))
                            { // it's a property
                                if (clip_string[0] == '-')
                                    clipMinSign = -1.0f;
                                clip_string         = clip_string.Remove(0, 1); //TODO test it
                                ClipMinPropertyNode = propertyManager.GetPropertyNode(clip_string);
                                clipmin = double.Parse(clip_string, FormatHelper.numberFormatInfo);

                            childs = currentElement.GetElementsByTagName("max");
                            if (childs != null)
                                clip_string = ((XmlElement)childs[0]).InnerText.Trim();
                                throw new Exception("clipto doesn't have a max tag");
                            if (!clip_string.StartsWith("+-.0123456789"))
                            { // it's a property
                                if (clip_string[0] == '-')
                                    clipMaxSign = -1.0f;
                                clip_string         = clip_string.Remove(0, 1); //TODO test it
                                ClipMaxPropertyNode = propertyManager.GetPropertyNode(clip_string);
                                clipmax = double.Parse(clip_string, FormatHelper.numberFormatInfo);

                            clip = true;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     FCS = GetComponent <FlightControlSystem>();
Example #18
        public Actuator(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            // inputs are read from the base class constructor

            PreviousOutput        = 0.0;
            PreviousHystOutput    = 0.0;
            PreviousRateLimOutput = 0.0;
            PreviousLagInput      = PreviousLagOutput = 0.0;
            bias            = lag = hysteresis_width = deadband_width = 0.0;
            rate_limit_incr = rate_limit_decr = null; // no limit
            fail_zero       = fail_hardover = fail_stuck = false;
            ca          = cb = 0.0;
            initialized = false;
            saturated   = false;

            if (element.FindElement("deadband_width") != null)
                deadband_width = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("deadband_width");
            if (element.FindElement("hysteresis_width") != null)
                hysteresis_width = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("hysteresis_width");

            // There can be a single rate limit specified, or increasing and
            // decreasing rate limits specified, and rate limits can be numeric, or
            // a property.
            XmlNodeList nodeList = element.GetElementsByTagName("rate_limit");

            foreach (var node in nodeList)
                XmlElement ratelim_el = node as XmlElement;
                if (ratelim_el != null)
                    string    rate_limit_str = ratelim_el.InnerText;
                    Parameter rate_limit     = new ParameterValue(rate_limit_str,

                    if (ratelim_el.HasAttribute("sense"))
                        string sense = ratelim_el.GetAttribute("sense");
                        if (sense.StartsWith("incr"))
                            rate_limit_incr = rate_limit;
                        else if (sense.StartsWith("decr"))
                            rate_limit_decr = rate_limit;
                        rate_limit_incr = rate_limit;
                        rate_limit_decr = rate_limit;

            if (element.FindElement("bias") != null)
                bias = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("bias");
            if (element.FindElement("lag") != null)
                lag = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("lag");
                double denom = 2.00 + dt * lag;
                ca = dt * lag / denom;
                cb = (2.00 - dt * lag) / denom;


Example #19
        public Gain(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            XmlElement  scale_element, zero_centered;
            XmlNodeList childs;
            string      gain_string, sZeroCentered;

            XmlElement gainElement = element.GetElementsByTagName("gain")[0] as XmlElement;

            if (compType.Equals("PURE_GAIN"))
                if (gainElement == null)
                    if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                        log.Error("No GAIN specified (default: 1.0)");
            if (gainElement != null)
                gain_string = gainElement.InnerText.Trim();
                Match match = testRegex.Match(gain_string);
                if (match.Success && match.Groups["prop1"].Value.Length != 0)
                { // property
                    gainPropertyNode = fcs.GetPropertyManager().GetPropertyNode(match.Groups["prop1"].Value);
                    gain = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(gainElement);
            if (compType.Equals("AEROSURFACE_SCALE"))
                scale_element = element.GetElementsByTagName("domain")[0] as XmlElement;
                if (scale_element != null)
                    childs = scale_element.GetElementsByTagName("max");
                    inMax  = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(childs[0] as XmlElement);
                    childs = scale_element.GetElementsByTagName("min");
                    inMin  = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(childs[0] as XmlElement);

                scale_element = element.GetElementsByTagName("range")[0] as XmlElement;
                if (scale_element == null)
                    if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                        log.Error("No range supplied for aerosurface scale component");

                    throw new Exception("No range supplied for aerosurface scale component");
                    childs = scale_element.GetElementsByTagName("max");
                    outMax = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(childs[0] as XmlElement);
                    childs = scale_element.GetElementsByTagName("min");
                    outMin = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(childs[0] as XmlElement);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                        log.Error("Maximum and minimum output values must be supplied for the " +
                                  "aerosurface scale component");
                    throw new Exception("Maximum and minimum output values must be supplied. Catch exception: " + e);
                zeroCentered  = true;
                zero_centered = element.GetElementsByTagName("zero_centered")[0] as XmlElement;
                if (zero_centered != null)
                    sZeroCentered = zero_centered.InnerText.Trim();
                    if (sZeroCentered.Equals("0") || sZeroCentered.Equals("false"))
                        zeroCentered = false;

            if (compType.Equals("SCHEDULED_GAIN"))
                XmlElement tableElement = element.GetElementsByTagName("table")[0] as XmlElement;
                if (tableElement != null)
                    table = new Table(fcs.GetPropertyManager(), tableElement);
                    if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                        log.Error("A table must be provided for the scheduled gain component");
                    throw new Exception("A table must be provided for the scheduled gain component");

Example #20
        public Switch(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            string     value, logic;
            TestSwitch current_test;

            foreach (XmlNode currentNode in element.ChildNodes)
                if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElement currentElement = (XmlElement)currentNode;

                    current_test = new TestSwitch();
                    if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("default"))
                        current_test.Logic = eLogic.eDefault;
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("test"))
                        logic = currentElement.GetAttribute("logic");
                        if (logic.Equals("OR"))
                            current_test.Logic = eLogic.eOR;
                        else if (logic.Equals("AND"))
                            current_test.Logic = eLogic.eAND;
                        else if (logic.Length == 0)
                            current_test.Logic = eLogic.eAND; // default
                        { // error
                            if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                                log.Error("Unrecognized LOGIC token " + logic + " in switch component: " + name);

                        ReaderText rtxt = new ReaderText(new StringReader(currentElement.InnerText));
                        while (rtxt.Done)
                            string tmp = rtxt.ReadLine().Trim();
                            if (tmp.Length != 0)
                                current_test.conditions.Add(new Condition(tmp, propertyManager));

                        foreach (XmlNode currentNode2 in currentElement.ChildNodes)
                            if (currentNode2.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                current_test.conditions.Add(new Condition(currentNode2 as XmlElement, propertyManager));

                    if (!currentElement.LocalName.Equals("output"))
                        value = currentElement.GetAttribute("value");
                        if (value.Length == 0)
                            if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                                log.Error("No VALUE supplied for switch component: " + name);
                            Match match = testRegex.Match(value);
                            if (match.Success)
                                if (match.Groups["prop"].Value == "") // if true (and execution falls into this block), "value" is a number.
                                    current_test.OutputVal = double.Parse(value, FormatHelper.numberFormatInfo);
                                    // "value" must be a property if execution passes to here.
                                    if (value[0] == '-')
                                        current_test.sign = -1.0;
                                        value             = value.Remove(0, 1);
                                        current_test.sign = 1.0;
                                    current_test.OutputProp = propertyManager.GetPropertyNode(value);
Example #21
        public PID(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            XmlElement el;

            I_out_total        = 0.0;
            Input_prev         = Input_prev2 = 0.0;
            Trigger            = null;
            ProcessVariableDot = null;
            IsStandard         = false;
            IntType            = eIntegrateType.eNone; // No integrator initially defined.

            string pid_type = element.GetAttribute("type");

            if (pid_type == "standard")
                IsStandard = true;

            el = element.FindElement("kp");
            if (el != null)
                Kp = new ParameterValue(el, propertyManager);
                Kp = new RealValue(0.0);

            el = element.FindElement("ki");
            if (el != null)
                string integ_type = el.GetAttribute("type");
                if (integ_type == "rect")
                {            // Use rectangular integration
                    IntType = eIntegrateType.eRectEuler;
                else if (integ_type == "trap")
                {     // Use trapezoidal integration
                    IntType = eIntegrateType.eTrapezoidal;
                else if (integ_type == "ab2")
                {      // Use Adams Bashforth 2nd order integration
                    IntType = eIntegrateType.eAdamsBashforth2;
                else if (integ_type == "ab3")
                {      // Use Adams Bashforth 3rd order integration
                    IntType = eIntegrateType.eAdamsBashforth3;
                {                               // Use default Adams Bashforth 2nd order integration
                    IntType = eIntegrateType.eAdamsBashforth2;

                Ki = new ParameterValue(el, propertyManager);
                Ki = new RealValue(0.0);

            el = element.FindElement("kd");
            if (el != null)
                Kd = new ParameterValue(el, propertyManager);
                Kd = new RealValue(0.0);

            el = element.FindElement("pvdot");
            if (el != null)
                ProcessVariableDot = new PropertyValue(el.InnerText, propertyManager);

            el = element.FindElement("trigger");
            if (el != null)
                Trigger = new PropertyValue(el.InnerText, propertyManager);

Example #22
        public Filter(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            double denom;

            dt = fcs.GetState().DeltaTime;

            if (compType == "LAG_FILTER")
                filterType = FilterType.Lag;
            else if (compType == "LEAD_LAG_FILTER")
                filterType = FilterType.LeadLag;
            else if (compType == "SECOND_ORDER_FILTER")
                filterType = FilterType.Order2;
            else if (compType == "WASHOUT_FILTER")
                filterType = FilterType.Washout;
            else if (compType == "INTEGRATOR")
                filterType = FilterType.Integrator;
                filterType = FilterType.Unknown;

            foreach (XmlNode currentNode in element.ChildNodes)
                if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElement currentElement = (XmlElement)currentNode;

                    if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("c1"))
                        C1 = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(currentElement);
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("c2"))
                        C1 = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(currentElement);
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("c3"))
                        C1 = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(currentElement);
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("c4"))
                        C1 = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(currentElement);
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("c5"))
                        C1 = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(currentElement);
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("c6"))
                        C1 = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(currentElement);
                    else if (currentElement.LocalName.Equals("trigger"))
                        trigger = ResolveSymbol(currentElement.InnerText);

                     * else
                     * {
                     *  if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                     *      log.Error("Error reading Filter. Tag unknown: " + currentElement.LocalName);
                     *  throw new Exception("Error reading Filter.");
                     * }

            initialize = true;

            switch (filterType)
            case FilterType.Lag:
                denom = 2.00 + dt * C1;
                ca    = dt * C1 / denom;
                cb    = (2.00 - dt * C1) / denom;

            case FilterType.LeadLag:
                denom = 2.00 * C3 + dt * C4;
                ca    = (2.00 * C1 + dt * C2) / denom;
                cb    = (dt * C2 - 2.00 * C1) / denom;
                cc    = (2.00 * C3 - dt * C4) / denom;

            case FilterType.Order2:
                denom = 4.0 * C4 + 2.0 * C5 * dt + C6 * dt * dt;
                ca    = (4.0 * C1 + 2.0 * C2 * dt + C3 * dt * dt) / denom;
                cb    = (2.0 * C3 * dt * dt - 8.0 * C1) / denom;
                cc    = (4.0 * C1 - 2.0 * C2 * dt + C3 * dt * dt) / denom;
                cd    = (2.0 * C6 * dt * dt - 8.0 * C4) / denom;
                ce    = (4.0 * C4 - 2.0 * C5 * dt + C6 * dt * dt) / denom;

            case FilterType.Washout:
                denom = 2.00 + dt * C1;
                ca    = 2.00 / denom;
                cb    = (2.00 - dt * C1) / denom;

            case FilterType.Integrator:
                ca = dt * C1 / 2.00;

            case FilterType.Unknown:
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Error reading Filter. Unknown filter type.");
                throw new Exception("Unknown filter type.");

Example #23
        public Gain(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            gain   = null;
            Table  = null;
            InMin  = -1.0;
            InMax  = 1.0;
            OutMin = OutMax = 0.0;

            if (compType == "PURE_GAIN")
                if (element.FindElement("gain") == null)
                    log.Error("      No GAIN specified (default: 1.0)");

            XmlElement gain_element = element.FindElement("gain");

            if (gain_element != null)
                gain = new ParameterValue(gain_element, propertyManager);
                gain = new RealValue(1.0);

            if (compType == "AEROSURFACE_SCALE")
                XmlElement scale_element = element.FindElement("domain");
                if (scale_element != null)
                    if (scale_element.FindElement("max") != null && scale_element.FindElement("min") != null)
                        XmlElement elem = scale_element.FindElement("max");
                        InMax = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(elem);
                        elem  = scale_element.FindElement("min");
                        InMin = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(elem);
                scale_element = element.FindElement("range");
                if (scale_element == null)
                    throw new Exception("No range supplied for aerosurface scale component");
                if (scale_element.FindElement("max") != null && scale_element.FindElement("min") != null)
                    XmlElement elem = scale_element.FindElement("max");
                    OutMax = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(elem);
                    elem   = scale_element.FindElement("min");
                    OutMin = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(elem);
                    log.Error("Maximum and minimum output values must be supplied for the " +
                              "aerosurface scale component");
                    throw new Exception("Some inputs are missing.");
                ZeroCentered = true;
                XmlElement zero_centered = element.FindElement("zero_centered");
                //ToDo if zero centered, then mins must be <0 and max's must be >0
                if (zero_centered != null)
                    string sZeroCentered = element.FindElementValue("zero_centered");
                    if (sZeroCentered == "0" || sZeroCentered == "false")
                        ZeroCentered = false;

            if (compType == "SCHEDULED_GAIN")
                if (element.FindElement("table") != null)
                    Table = new Table(propertyManager, element.FindElement("table"));
                    log.Error("A table must be provided for the scheduled gain component");
                    throw new Exception("Some inputs are missing.");


Example #24
        private bool Allocate()
            bool result = true;

            atmosphere      = new Atmosphere(this);
            propulsion      = new Propulsion(this);
            aerodynamics    = new Aerodynamics(this);
            FCS             = new FlightControlSystem(this);
            groundReactions = new GroundReactions(this);
            inertial        = new Inertial(this);
            massBalance     = new MassBalance(this);
            propagate       = new Propagate(this);
            auxiliary       = new Auxiliary(this);
            aircraft        = new Aircraft(this);
            //output = new Output(this);
            input          = new Input(this);
            groundCallback = new GroundCallback();
            state          = new State(this); // This must be done here, as the State
            // class needs valid pointers to the above model classes

            // Initialize models so they can communicate with each other

            if (!atmosphere.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Atmosphere model init failed");
                error += 1;
            if (!FCS.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("FCS model init failed");
                error += 2;
            if (!propulsion.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Propulsion model init failed");
                error += 4;
            if (!massBalance.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("MassBalance model init failed");
                error += 8;
            if (!aerodynamics.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Aerodynamics model init failed");
                error += 16;
            if (!inertial.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Inertial model init failed");
                error += 32;
            if (!groundReactions.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Ground Reactions model init failed");
                error += 64;
            if (!aircraft.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Aircraft model init failed");
                error += 128;
            if (!propagate.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Propagate model init failed");
                error += 256;
            if (!auxiliary.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Auxiliary model init failed");
                error += 512;
            if (!input.InitModel())
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.Error("Intput model init failed");
                error += 1024;

            if (error > 0)
                result = false;

            ic = new InitialCondition(this);

            // Schedule a model. The second arg (the integer) is the pass number. For
            // instance, the atmosphere model gets executed every fifth pass it is called
            // by the executive. Everything else here gets executed each pass.
            // IC and Trim objects are NOT scheduled.

            Schedule(input, 1);
            Schedule(atmosphere, 1);
            Schedule(FCS, 1);
            Schedule(propulsion, 1);
            Schedule(massBalance, 1);
            Schedule(aerodynamics, 1);
            Schedule(inertial, 1);
            Schedule(groundReactions, 1);
            Schedule(aircraft, 1);
            Schedule(propagate, 1);
            Schedule(auxiliary, 1);
            //Schedule(output, 1);

            modelLoaded = false;
Example #25
        public Angles(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            source_angle      = 0.0;
            target_angle      = 0.0;
            source_angle_unit = 1.0;
            target_angle_unit = 1.0;
            output_unit       = 1.0;

            if (element.FindElement("target_angle") != null)
                target_angle_pNode = propertyManager.GetNode(element.FindElementValue("target_angle"));
                if (element.FindElement("target_angle").HasAttribute("unit"))
                    if (element.FindElement("target_angle").GetAttribute("unit") == "DEG")
                        target_angle_unit = 0.017453293;
                throw new Exception("Target angle is required for component: " + name);

            if (element.FindElement("source_angle") != null)
                source_angle_pNode = propertyManager.GetNode(element.FindElementValue("source_angle"));
                if (element.FindElement("source_angle").HasAttribute("unit"))
                    if (element.FindElement("source_angle").GetAttribute("unit") == "DEG")
                        source_angle_unit = 0.017453293;
                throw new Exception("Source latitude is required for Angles component: " + name);

            unit = element.GetAttribute("unit");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                if (unit == "DEG")
                    output_unit = 180.0 / Math.PI;
                else if (unit == "RAD")
                    output_unit = 1.0;
                    throw new Exception("Unknown unit " + unit + " in angle component, " + name);
                output_unit = 1.0;     // Default is radians (1.0) if unspecified

Example #26
        public Sensor(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            // inputs are read from the base class constructor

            bits          = quantized = divisions = 0;
            PreviousInput = PreviousOutput = 0.0;
            min           = max = bias = gain = noise_variance = lag = drift_rate = drift = span = 0.0;
            granularity   = 0.0;
            noise_type    = 0;
            fail_low      = fail_high = fail_stuck = false;

            XmlElement quantization_element = element.FindElement("quantization");

            if (quantization_element != null)
                if (quantization_element.FindElement("bits") != null)
                    bits = (int)quantization_element.FindElementValueAsNumber("bits");
                divisions = (1 << bits);
                if (quantization_element.FindElement("min") != null)
                    min = quantization_element.FindElementValueAsNumber("min");
                if (quantization_element.FindElement("max") != null)
                    max = quantization_element.FindElementValueAsNumber("max");
                quant_property = quantization_element.GetAttribute("name");
                span           = max - min;
                granularity    = span / divisions;
            if (element.FindElement("bias") != null)
                bias = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("bias");
            if (element.FindElement("gain") != null)
                gain = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("gain");
            if (element.FindElement("drift_rate") != null)
                drift_rate = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("drift_rate");
            if (element.FindElement("lag") != null)
                lag = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("lag");
                double denom = 2.00 + dt * lag;
                ca = dt * lag / denom;
                cb = (2.00 - dt * lag) / denom;
            if (element.FindElement("noise") != null)
                noise_variance = element.FindElementValueAsNumber("noise");
                string variation = element.FindElement("noise").GetAttribute("variation");
                if (variation == "PERCENT")
                    NoiseType = eNoiseType.ePercent;
                else if (variation == "ABSOLUTE")
                    NoiseType = eNoiseType.eAbsolute;
                    NoiseType = eNoiseType.ePercent;
                    log.Error("Unknown noise type in sensor: " + name);
                    log.Error("  defaulting to PERCENT.");
                string distribution = element.FindElement("noise").GetAttribute("distribution");
                if (distribution == "UNIFORM")
                    DistributionType = eDistributionType.eUniform;
                else if (distribution == "GAUSSIAN")
                    DistributionType = eDistributionType.eGaussian;
                    DistributionType = eDistributionType.eUniform;
                    log.Error("Unknown random distribution type in sensor: " + name);
                    log.Error("  defaulting to UNIFORM.");


Example #27
        public Sensor(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
            : base(fcs, element)
            double denom;

            dt = fcs.GetState().DeltaTime;
            XmlElement tmpElem;

            // inputs are read from the base class constructor
            XmlElement quantization_element = element.GetElementsByTagName("quantization")[0] as XmlElement;

            if (quantization_element != null)
                tmpElem = quantization_element.GetElementsByTagName("bits")[0] as XmlElement;
                if (tmpElem != null)
                    bits = (int)FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpElem);
                divisions = (1 << bits);
                tmpElem   = quantization_element.GetElementsByTagName("min")[0] as XmlElement;
                if (tmpElem != null)
                    min = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpElem);
                tmpElem = quantization_element.GetElementsByTagName("max")[0] as XmlElement;
                if (tmpElem != null)
                    max = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpElem);
                span        = max - min;
                granularity = span / divisions;

            tmpElem = quantization_element.GetElementsByTagName("bias")[0] as XmlElement;
            if (tmpElem != null)
                bias = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpElem);

            tmpElem = quantization_element.GetElementsByTagName("drift_rate")[0] as XmlElement;
            if (tmpElem != null)
                drift_rate = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpElem);

            tmpElem = quantization_element.GetElementsByTagName("lag")[0] as XmlElement;
            if (tmpElem != null)
                lag   = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpElem);
                denom = 2.00 + dt * lag;
                ca    = dt * lag / denom;
                cb    = (2.00 - dt * lag) / denom;

            tmpElem = quantization_element.GetElementsByTagName("noise")[0] as XmlElement;
            if (tmpElem != null)
                noise_variance = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumber(tmpElem);
                string variation = tmpElem.GetAttribute("variation");
                if (variation.Equals("PERCENT"))
                    noiseType = NoiseType.ePercent;
                else if (variation.Equals("ABSOLUTE"))
                    noiseType = NoiseType.eAbsolute;
                    noiseType = NoiseType.ePercent;
                    if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                        log.Error("Unknown noise type in sensor: " + name + ". Defaulting to PERCENT.");

Example #28
        public Waypoint(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element) : base(fcs, element)
            if (compType == "WAYPOINT_HEADING")
                WaypointType = eWaypointType.eHeading;
            else if (compType == "WAYPOINT_DISTANCE")
                WaypointType = eWaypointType.eDistance;

            target_latitude_unit  = 1.0;
            target_longitude_unit = 1.0;
            source_latitude_unit  = 1.0;
            source_longitude_unit = 1.0;
            source = fcs.GetExec().GetIC().GetPosition();

            if (element.FindElement("target_latitude") != null)
                target_latitude = new PropertyValue(element.FindElementValue("target_latitude"),
                if (element.FindElement("target_latitude").HasAttribute("unit"))
                    if (element.FindElement("target_latitude").GetAttribute("unit") == "DEG")
                        target_latitude_unit = 0.017453293;
                log.Error("Target latitude is required for waypoint component: " + name);
                throw new Exception("Malformed waypoint definition");

            if (element.FindElement("target_longitude") != null)
                target_longitude = new PropertyValue(element.FindElementValue("target_longitude"),
                if (element.FindElement("target_longitude").HasAttribute("unit"))
                    if (element.FindElement("target_longitude").GetAttribute("unit") == "DEG")
                        target_longitude_unit = 0.017453293;
                log.Error("Target longitude is required for waypoint component: " + name);
                throw new Exception("Malformed waypoint definition");

            if (element.FindElement("source_latitude") != null)
                source_latitude = new PropertyValue(element.FindElementValue("source_latitude"),
                if (element.FindElement("source_latitude").HasAttribute("unit"))
                    if (element.FindElement("source_latitude").GetAttribute("unit") == "DEG")
                        source_latitude_unit = 0.017453293;
                log.Error("Source latitude is required for waypoint component: " + name);
                throw new Exception("Malformed waypoint definition");

            if (element.FindElement("source_longitude") != null)
                source_longitude = new PropertyValue(element.FindElementValue("source_longitude"),
                if (element.FindElement("source_longitude").HasAttribute("unit"))
                    if (element.FindElement("source_longitude").GetAttribute("unit") == "DEG")
                        source_longitude_unit = 0.017453293;
                log.Error("Source longitude is required for waypoint component: " + name);
                throw new Exception("Malformed waypoint definition");

            if (element.FindElement("radius") != null)
                XmlElement elem = element.FindElement("radius");
                radius = FormatHelper.ValueAsNumberConvertTo(elem, "FT");
                radius = -1.0;

            unit = element.GetAttribute("unit");
            if (WaypointType == eWaypointType.eHeading)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                    if (unit == "DEG")
                        eUnit = eUnitType.eDeg;
                    else if (unit == "RAD")
                        eUnit = eUnitType.eRad;
                        log.Error("Unknown unit " + unit + " in HEADING waypoint component, "
                                  + name);
                        throw new Exception("Malformed waypoint definition");
                    eUnit = eUnitType.eRad; // Default is radians if unspecified
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                    if (unit == "FT")
                        eUnit = eUnitType.eFeet;
                    else if (unit == "M")
                        eUnit = eUnitType.eMeters;
                        log.Error("Unknown unit " + unit + " in DISTANCE waypoint component, "
                                  + name);
                        throw new Exception("Malformed waypoint definition");
                    eUnit = eUnitType.eFeet; // Default is feet if unspecified

Example #29
 public Gradient(FlightControlSystem fcs, XmlElement element)
     : base(fcs, element)
Example #30
        /// Constructor
        public FCSComponent(FlightControlSystem fcsParent, XmlElement element)
            input   = output = delay_time = 0.0;
            delay   = index = 0;
            ClipMin = ClipMax = new RealValue(0.0);
            clip    = cyclic_clip = false;
            dt      = fcs.GetChannelDeltaT();

            propertyManager = fcs.GetPropertyManager();

            if (element.LocalName.Equals("lag_filter"))
                compType = "LAG_FILTER";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("lead_lag_filter"))
                compType = "LEAD_LAG_FILTER";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("washout_filter"))
                compType = "WASHOUT_FILTER";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("second_order_filter"))
                compType = "SECOND_ORDER_FILTER";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("integrator"))
                compType = "INTEGRATOR";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("summer"))
                compType = "SUMMER";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("pure_gain"))
                compType = "PURE_GAIN";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("scheduled_gain"))
                compType = "SCHEDULED_GAIN";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("aerosurface_scale"))
                compType = "AEROSURFACE_SCALE";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("switch"))
                compType = "SWITCH";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("kinematic"))
                compType = "KINEMATIC";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("deadband"))
                compType = "DEADBAND";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("fcs_function"))
                compType = "FCS_FUNCTION";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("pid"))
                compType = "PID";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("sensor"))
                compType = "SENSOR";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("accelerometer"))
                compType = "ACCELEROMETER";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("magnetometer"))
                compType = "MAGNETOMETER";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("gyro"))
                compType = "GYRO";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("actuator"))
                compType = "ACTUATOR";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("waypoint_heading"))
                compType = "WAYPOINT_HEADING";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("waypoint_distance"))
                compType = "WAYPOINT_DISTANCE";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("angle"))
                compType = "ANGLE";
            else if (element.LocalName.Equals("distributor"))
                compType = "DISTRIBUTOR";
            { // illegal component in this channel
                compType = "UNKNOWN";

            name = element.GetAttribute("name");

            foreach (XmlNode currentNode in element.GetElementsByTagName("init"))
                if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElement init_element = (XmlElement)currentNode;
                    initNodes.Add(new PropertyValue(init_element.InnerText, propertyManager));
            foreach (XmlNode currentNode in element.GetElementsByTagName("input"))
                if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElement input_element = (XmlElement)currentNode;
                    inputNodes.Add(new PropertyValue(input_element.InnerText, propertyManager));
            foreach (XmlNode currentNode in element.GetElementsByTagName("output"))
                if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    XmlElement   out_elem         = (XmlElement)currentNode;
                    string       output_node_name = out_elem.InnerText;
                    bool         node_exists      = propertyManager.HasNode(output_node_name);
                    PropertyNode OutputNode       = propertyManager.GetNode(output_node_name, true);
                    if (OutputNode == null)
                        log.Error("  Unable to process property: " + output_node_name);
                        throw new Exception("Invalid output property name in flight control definition");
                    // If the node has just been created then it must be initialized to a
                    // sensible value since FGPropertyNode::GetNode() does not take care of
                    // that.  If the node was already existing, its current value is kept
                    // unchanged.
                    if (!node_exists)
            XmlElement delay_elem = element.FindElement("delay");

            if (delay_elem != null)
                delay_time = delay_elem.GetDataAsNumber();
                string delayType = delay_elem.GetAttribute("type");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(delayType))
                    if (delayType == "time")
                        delay = (int)(delay_time / dt);
                    else if (delayType == "frames")
                        delay = (int)delay_time;
                        log.Error("Unallowed delay type");
                    delay = (int)(delay_time / dt);
                for (int i = 0; i < delay; i++)
                    output_array[i] = 0.0;

            XmlElement clip_el = element.FindElement("clipto");

            if (clip_el != null)
                XmlElement el = clip_el.FindElement("min");
                if (el == null)
                    log.Error("Element <min> is missing, <clipto> is ignored.");

                ClipMin = new ParameterValue(el, propertyManager);

                el = clip_el.FindElement("max");
                if (el == null)
                    log.Error("Element <max> is missing, <clipto> is ignored.");
                    ClipMin = null;

                ClipMax = new ParameterValue(el, propertyManager);

                if (clip_el.GetAttribute("type") == "cyclic")
                    cyclic_clip = true;

                clip = true;
