Example #1
        private static void Execute(FlexibleOptions options)

            // Setting up Threading Environment
            int threadsCount = ProgramOptions.Get <int> ("Threads", Environment.ProcessorCount * 2);

            // Executing Multithreaded dequeueing
            ManualResetEvent[] doneEvents = new ManualResetEvent[threadsCount];

            for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadsCount; threadIndex++)
                // Done = False (Thread isn't done doing it's work)
                doneEvents[threadIndex] = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                // Setting up SQS Worker
                SQSWorker worker = new SQSWorker(doneEvents[threadIndex], options);

                // Setting up Thread into ThreadPool
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(worker.ThreadPoolCallback, threadIndex);

            // Wait for all threads in pool to finish processing SQS
            logger.Info("All Threads Halted");
            logger.Info("All Messages Moved");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // set error exit code
            System.Environment.ExitCode = -50;
                // load configurations
                ProgramOptions = ConsoleUtils.Initialize(args, true);

                // start execution

                // check before ending for waitForKeyBeforeExit option
                if (ProgramOptions.Get("waitForKeyBeforeExit", false))
            catch (Exception ex)

                // check before ending for waitForKeyBeforeExit option
                if (ProgramOptions.Get("waitForKeyBeforeExit", false))

                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-60, true);
            // set success exit code
            ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(0, false);
        public static FlexibleOptions Initialize (string[] args, bool thrownOnError, InitializationOptions options = null)
            InitOptions = options;
            DefaultProgramInitialization ();

            ProgramOptions = CheckCommandLineParams (args, thrownOnError);

            if (ProgramOptions.Get<bool> ("help", false) || ProgramOptions.Get<bool> ("h", false))
                show_help ("");
                CloseApplication (0, true);

            // display program initialization header
            if (!Console.IsOutputRedirected)
                ConsoleUtils.DisplayHeader (
                    typeof(ConsoleUtils).Namespace.Replace (".SimpleHelpers", ""),
                    "options: " + (ProgramOptions == null ? "none" : "\n#    " + String.Join ("\n#    ", ProgramOptions.Options.Select (i => i.Key + "=" + i.Value))));
                var logger = GetLogger ();
                if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                    logger.Debug ("options: " + (ProgramOptions == null ? "none" : "\n#    " + String.Join ("\n#    ", ProgramOptions.Options.Select (i => i.Key + "=" + i.Value))));

            return ProgramOptions;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Class Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public SQSWorker(ManualResetEvent doneEvent, FlexibleOptions options)
            _doneEvent      = doneEvent;
            _programOptions = options;

            // Logger
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
        public void Get_CaseInsensitive_ShouldWork ()
            var expected = "v1";

            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions ();
            opt1.Set ("key1", expected);

            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get ("KEY1"));
        public void Get_CaseInsensitive_ShouldWork()
            var expected = "v1";

            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions();

            opt1.Set("key1", expected);

            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get("KEY1"));
        public void SetAlias_AllowCaseInsensitiveGet_ShouldWork ()
            var expected = "v3";

            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions ();
            opt1.Set ("k3", expected);

            opt1.SetAlias ("k3", "3", "key3");

            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get ("K3"));
            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get ("KEY3"));            
Example #8
        private static List <string> ParseArgumentAsList(FlexibleOptions options, string key)
            // first check if we have a json array
            var list = options.Get <string[]> (key, null);

            // fallback to a csv string
            if (list == null)
                list = (options.Get(key, "") ?? "").Split(',', ';');
            return(list.Select(i => i.Trim()).Where(i => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(i)).ToList());
        public void Merge_WithComplexPriority_ShouldWork()
            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions();

            opt1.Set("k1", "v1");
            opt1.Set("k2", "v2");
            opt1.Set("k3", "v3");

            opt1.SetAlias("k3", "3", "key3");

            var opt2 = new FlexibleOptions();

            opt2.Set("k2", "v2.2");

            var opt3 = new FlexibleOptions();

            opt3.Set("k3", "v3.3");

            // opt1 has lower priority
            var merge = FlexibleOptions.Merge(opt1, opt2, opt3);

            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k1"), merge.Get("k1"));
            Assert.Equal(opt2.Get("k2"), merge.Get("k2"));
            Assert.Equal(opt3.Get("k3"), merge.Get("k3"));
            // alias
            Assert.Equal(opt3.Get("k3"), merge.Get("key3"));
            Assert.Equal(opt3.Get("k3"), merge.Get("3"));

            // opt1 has higher priority
            merge = FlexibleOptions.Merge(opt2, opt3, opt1);
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k1"), merge.Get("k1"));
            Assert.NotEqual(opt2.Get("k2"), merge.Get("k2"));
            Assert.NotEqual(opt3.Get("k3"), merge.Get("k3"));
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k2"), merge.Get("k2"));
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k3"), merge.Get("k3"));
            // alias
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k3"), merge.Get("key3"));
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k3"), merge.Get("3"));

            // opt1 has higher priority but with null options
            merge = FlexibleOptions.Merge(null, opt2, null, opt3, opt1, null);
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k1"), merge.Get("k1"));
            Assert.NotEqual(opt2.Get("k2"), merge.Get("k2"));
            Assert.NotEqual(opt3.Get("k3"), merge.Get("k3"));
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k2"), merge.Get("k2"));
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k3"), merge.Get("k3"));
            // alias
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k3"), merge.Get("key3"));
            Assert.Equal(opt1.Get("k3"), merge.Get("3"));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the minimum parameters of this application
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool ValidateConfig(FlexibleOptions options)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(options["sourceServer"]) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(options["sourceUsername"]) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(options["sourcePassword"]) ||

		private static async Task ExecuteAsync (FlexibleOptions options, CancellationToken token)
			logger.Info ("Start");
			// TODO: implement execution
			// ...
			// if (token.IsCancellationRequested) return;
			// ...
			var publish = Task.Run (() => {
				using (var queue = CreateQueue ())
					for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++)
						for (var i = 0; i < 250; i++)
                            queue.Publish ("teste khalid " + i);
						logger.Debug ("publish progress " + (j + 1) * 250);

            Task.Delay (30000).Wait ();

			var consume = Task.Run (() =>
				int count = 0;
				using (var queue = CreateQueue ())
                    //foreach (var i in queue.Get (TimeSpan.FromMinutes (30)))                                        
					ParallelTasks<RabbitWorkMessage>.Process (queue.Get (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1800)), 30, i =>

                        // ... 
                        //i.Ack ();

                        if (count % 2 == 0)
                            i.Nack ();
                            i.Requeue ();
                        //Task.Delay (50).Wait ();
                        if (count++ % 250 == 0)
                            logger.Debug ("ack progress " + count);

			await publish;
			consume.Wait ();
			logger.Info ("End");
        public void SetAlias_AllowCaseInsensitiveGet_ShouldWork()
            var expected = "v3";

            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions();

            opt1.Set("k3", expected);

            opt1.SetAlias("k3", "3", "key3");

            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get("K3"));
            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get("KEY3"));
        public void SetAlias_AllowGet_ShouldWork()
            var expected = "v3";

            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions ();
            opt1.Set ("k3", expected);
            opt1.SetAlias ("k3", "3", "key3");

            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get ("k3"));
            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get ("key3"));
            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get ("3"));
            Assert.True (String.IsNullOrEmpty (opt1.Get ("KEY")));
        public void SetAlias_AllowGet_ShouldWork()
            var expected = "v3";

            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions();

            opt1.Set("k3", expected);

            opt1.SetAlias("k3", "3", "key3");

            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get("k3"));
            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get("key3"));
            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get("3"));
        public void Get_AsDateTime_ShouldWork()
            // datetime without milliseconds
            var expected = new DateTime(2015, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05);

            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions();

            opt1.Set("dtAsDateTime", expected);
            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get <DateTime> ("dtAsDateTime", DateTime.MinValue));

            opt1.Set("dtAsString", expected.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get <DateTime> ("dtAsString", DateTime.MinValue));

            opt1.Set("dtAsISOString", expected.ToString("o"));
            Assert.Equal(expected, opt1.Get <DateTime> ("dtAsISOString", DateTime.MinValue));

            opt1.Set("dtAsDate", expected.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            Assert.Equal(expected.Date, opt1.Get <DateTime> ("dtAsDate", DateTime.MinValue));
        public void Get_AsDateTime_ShouldWork ()
            // datetime without milliseconds
            var expected = new DateTime (2015, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05);

            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions ();

            opt1.Set ("dtAsDateTime", expected);
            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get<DateTime> ("dtAsDateTime", DateTime.MinValue));

            opt1.Set ("dtAsString", expected.ToString (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get<DateTime> ("dtAsString", DateTime.MinValue));

            opt1.Set ("dtAsISOString", expected.ToString ("o"));
            Assert.Equal (expected, opt1.Get<DateTime> ("dtAsISOString", DateTime.MinValue));

            opt1.Set ("dtAsDate", expected.ToString ("yyyyMMdd"));
            Assert.Equal (expected.Date, opt1.Get<DateTime> ("dtAsDate", DateTime.MinValue));
        /// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // set error exit code
            System.Environment.ExitCode = -50;
                // load configurations
                ProgramOptions = ConsoleUtils.Initialize(args, true);

                CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

                System.Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) =>
                    logger.Debug("User requested exit (Ctrl + C), exiting...");
                    e.Cancel = true;

                // start execution
                ExecuteAsync(ProgramOptions, cts.Token).Wait();

                // check before ending for waitForKeyBeforeExit option
                if (ProgramOptions.Get("waitForKeyBeforeExit", false))
            catch (Exception ex)

                // check before ending for waitForKeyBeforeExit option
                if (ProgramOptions != null && ProgramOptions.Get("waitForKeyBeforeExit", false))

                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-60, true);
            // set success exit code
            ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(0, false);
 public FlexibleOptions ParseAppSettings ()
     // parse local configuration file
     // display the options listed in the configuration file
     var localOptions = new FlexibleOptions ();
         var appSettings = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
         foreach (var k in appSettings.AllKeys)
             localOptions.Set (k, appSettings[k]);
     catch (Exception appSettingsEx)
         if (ThrownOnError)
         RaiseErrorEvent (appSettingsEx);
     return localOptions;
		/// <summary>
		/// Main program entry point.
		/// </summary>
		static void Main (string[] args)
			// set error exit code
			System.Environment.ExitCode = -50;
				// load configurations
				ProgramOptions = ConsoleUtils.Initialize (args, true);           
				CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource ();

				System.Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) =>
					logger.Debug ("User requested exit (Ctrl + C), exiting...");
					e.Cancel = true;
					cts.Cancel ();

				// start execution
				ExecuteAsync (ProgramOptions, cts.Token).Wait ();

				// check before ending for waitForKeyBeforeExit option
				if (ProgramOptions.Get ("waitForKeyBeforeExit", false))
					ConsoleUtils.WaitForAnyKey ();
			catch (Exception ex)
				LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger ().Fatal (ex);

				// check before ending for waitForKeyBeforeExit option
				if (ProgramOptions != null && ProgramOptions.Get ("waitForKeyBeforeExit", false))
					ConsoleUtils.WaitForAnyKey ();

				ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication (-60, true);
			// set success exit code
			ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication (0, false);
Example #20
        private static void Execute(FlexibleOptions options)

            // Parsing Arguments - Sanity Check

            logger.Debug("Opening connections...");


            // Reaching Databases
            MongoServer sourceDatabase = MongoDbContext.GetServer(options.Get("source"));
            MongoServer targetDatabase = MongoDbContext.GetServer(options.Get("target"));

            // process list
            logger.Debug("Start migrating data...");

            Migrator.DatabaseCopy(sourceDatabase, targetDatabase, _sourceDatabases, _targetDatabases, _collections, _insertBatchSize, _copyIndexes, _dropCollections, _threads, options);


            logger.Debug("Done migrating data!");
Example #21
        private static void Execute(FlexibleOptions options)
            logger.Info ("Start");

            // Sanity Checks
            string inputPath  = options.Get("inputFile");
            string outputPath = options.Get("outputFile");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputPath))
                logger.Fatal ("Parameter {--inputfile} is mandatory");
                System.Environment.Exit (-101);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (inputPath))
                logger.Fatal ("Parameter {--outputFile} is mandatory");
                System.Environment.Exit (-102);

            if (!File.Exists(inputPath))
                logger.Fatal ("Parameter {--inputfile} should point to an existing file");
                System.Environment.Exit (-103);

            // Control Variables
            int processed = 0, errors = 0;

            // Processing Urls
            using(StreamReader fReader = new StreamReader (inputPath))
                using (StreamWriter fWriter = new StreamWriter (outputPath))
                    fWriter.AutoFlush = true;
                    string fLine;
                    using (WebRequests client = new WebRequests ())
                        // Configuring HTTP Client
                        client.Referer = "http://sortfolio.com/";
                        client.Host = "sortfolio.com";
                        client.Encoding = "gzip, deflate, sdch";
                        client.Headers.Add ("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "1");

                        while ((fLine = fReader.ReadLine ()) != null)
                            // Processing Only "Listings"
                            if (fLine.IndexOf ("/listings/") >= 0)
                                    // Reaching Listing Page
                                    string url = fLine.Split (';')[0];
                                    string htmlReponse = client.Get (url);

                                    // Control Variable Inc.

                                    // Sanity Check
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (htmlReponse))
                                        logger.Error ("Failed to read response for {0}", url);

                                    // Parsing Data
                                    HtmlDocument map = new HtmlDocument ();
                                    map.LoadHtml (htmlReponse);

                                    var tmpNode = map.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode ("//script[contains(@id,'mail_to')]");

                                    if (tmpNode == null)

                                    string email = tmpNode.InnerText;

                                    // Extracting actual email data out of decoded string
                                    email = email.Replace ("eval(decodeURIComponent('", String.Empty).Replace ("'", String.Empty).Replace (")", String.Empty);
                                    email = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode (email);

                                    Regex emailRegex = new Regex (@"Node\('(.+?)'\)\);");
                                    email = emailRegex.Match (email).Groups[1].Value;

                                    tmpNode = map.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode ("//*[@id='content']/div/div[2]/p/strong");
                                    string budget      = tmpNode == null ? String.Empty :  tmpNode.InnerText;

                                    tmpNode = map.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode ("//span[@itemprop='addressLocality']");
                                    string headQuarter = tmpNode == null ? String.Empty : tmpNode.InnerText;

                                    tmpNode = map.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode ("//a[@class='website']");
                                    string website = tmpNode == null ? String.Empty : tmpNode.InnerText;

                                    // Writing to output file
                                    fWriter.WriteLine ("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4}", url, headQuarter, website, email, budget);

                                    logger.Info ("Processed: {0}", url);

                                    if (processed % 100 == 0)
                                        logger.Info ("\tProgress:{0} - {1}", processed, errors);
                                catch(Exception ex)
                                    logger.Error (ex);

            logger.Info ("End");
            Console.ReadLine ();
Example #22
        private static void CreateIndexes(MongoCollection <BsonDocument> sourceCollection, MongoCollection <BsonDocument> targetCollection, FlexibleOptions options)
            if (options == null)
                options = new FlexibleOptions();
            var logger = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("CreateIndexes");

            logger.Debug("{2} - {0}.{1} - Start index creation", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

            var command = new CommandDocument();

            command.Add("createIndexes", targetCollection.Name);
            var indexList = new BsonArray();

            command.Add("indexes", indexList);

            // Copying Indexes - If Any
            foreach (IndexInfo idx in sourceCollection.GetIndexes().ToList())
                // Skipping "_id_" default index - Since Every mongodb Collection has it
                if (idx.Name == "_id_")

                // Recreating Index Options based on the current index options
                var opts = IndexOptions.SetBackground(idx.IsBackground || options.Get("indexes-background", false))
                           .SetSparse(idx.IsSparse || options.Get("indexes-sparse", false))

                if (idx.TimeToLive < TimeSpan.MaxValue)

                // Adding Index
                    if (targetCollection.Database.Server.BuildInfo.Version.Major < 2 && targetCollection.Database.Server.BuildInfo.Version.MajorRevision < 6)
                        logger.Debug("{2} - {0}.{1} - Creating index: {2}", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection, idx.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                        targetCollection.CreateIndex(idx.Key, opts);
                        logger.Debug("{2} - {0}.{1} - Prepare index creation: {2}", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection, idx.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                        // removes the namespace to allow mongodb to generate the correct one...
                        var doc = idx.RawDocument;
                        if (options.Get("indexes-background", false))
                            doc["background"] = true;
                        if (options.Get("indexes-sparse", false))
                            doc["sparse"] = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // check for timeout exception that may occur if the collection is large...
                    if (ex is System.IO.IOException || ex is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException || (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException))
                        logger.Warn("{3} - {0}.{1} - Timeout creating index {2}, this may occur in large collections. You should check manually after a while.", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection.Name, idx.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                        // wait for index creation....
                        for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                                if (targetCollection.IndexExists(idx.Name))
                        logger.Error(ex, "{0}.{1} - Error creating index {2}" + idx.Name);

                    logger.Warn("{3} - {0}.{1} - Index details: {2}", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection.Name, idx.RawDocument.ToJson(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

            if (indexList.Count > 0)
                    logger.Debug("{3} - {0}.{1} - Creating {2} indexes", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection, indexList.Count, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // check for timeout exception that may occur if the collection is large...
                    if (ex is System.IO.IOException || ex is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException || (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException))
                        logger.Warn("{3} - {0}.{1} - Timeout creating {2} indexes, this may occur in large collections. You should check manually after a while.", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection.Name, indexList.Count, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                        logger.Warn("{3} - {0}.{1} - Index details: {2}", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection.Name, command.ToJson(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                        logger.Error(ex, "{2} - {0}.{1} - Error creating indexes", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                        logger.Error("{3} - {0}.{1} - Index details: {2}", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection.Name, command.ToJson(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

            logger.Debug("{2} - {0}.{1} - Index creation completed", sourceCollection.Database.Name, sourceCollection, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies a certain collection from one database to the other, including Indexes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceDatabase"></param>
        /// <param name="targetDatabase"></param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceCollection"></param>
        /// <param name="insertBatchSize"></param>
        public static void CopyCollection(MongoDatabase sourceDatabase, MongoDatabase targetDatabase, string sourceCollectionName, string targetCollectionName = "", int insertBatchSize = -1, bool copyIndexes = false, bool dropCollections = false, bool skipCount = false, bool eraseObjectId = false, FlexibleOptions options = null)
            var logger = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("CopyCollection");

                if (options == null)
                    options = new FlexibleOptions();

                BsonDocument last = null;
                // Resets Counter
                long count = 0, lastCount = 0;
                int  loop = 0;

                // Reaching Collections
                var sourceCollection = sourceDatabase.GetCollection(sourceCollectionName);
                var targetCollection = targetDatabase.GetCollection(String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetCollectionName) ? sourceCollectionName : targetCollectionName);

                // Skipping System Collections - For Safety Reasons
                if (sourceCollection.FullName.IndexOf("system.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                    sourceCollection.Database.Name.Equals("system", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                    sourceCollection.Database.Name.Equals("local", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                if (!sourceCollection.Exists())
                    logger.Warn("{0}.{1} - Collection not found ", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName);

                logger.Debug("{2} - {0}.{1} - Start collection copy.", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

                // get total records in source
                long total = 1000000;
                if (!skipCount)
                    total = sourceCollection.Count();

                logger.Debug("{2} - {0}.{1} - Total Records Found: {3}", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, total);

                // check stats
                    // check if collection is capped collection
                    // since this is a special type of collection, we will skip it
                    if (sourceCollection.IsCapped())
                        logger.Warn("{0}.{1} - Found Capped collection (feature not implemented) - Make sure you manually run the ConverToCapped command on this collection after this copy ends", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName);

                    // check if batch size is set to auto
                    if (insertBatchSize < 1)
                        var stats = sourceCollection.GetStats();
                        // older mongodb vertions < 1.8, has a 4mb limit for batch insert
                        insertBatchSize = ((4 * 1024 * 1024) / (int)stats.AverageObjectSize) + 1;
                        // also benchmarks didn't show any benefit for batches larger than 100...
                        if (insertBatchSize > 200)
                            insertBatchSize = 200;

                        logger.Debug("{0}.{1} - Insert batch size: {2}", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollection.Name, insertBatchSize);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.Warn(ex, "{0}.{1} - Failed to get collection statistics... continuing any way...", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollection.Name);

                // sanity check
                if (insertBatchSize <= 0)
                    insertBatchSize = 100;

                // Checking for the need to drop the collection before adding data to it
                if (targetCollection.Exists())
                    long targetCount = targetCollection.Count();
                    if (options.Get("skip-existing", false) && targetCount > 0)
                        logger.Info("{0}.{1} - Collection found in target database, skipping... [flag 'skip-existing']", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName);

                    if (options.Get("resume", false))
                        last = targetCollection.Find(null).SetSortOrder(SortBy.Descending("_id")).SetFields("_id").SetLimit(1).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (last != null)
                            logger.Debug("{0}.{1} - Resuming collection copy, last _id: {2}", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName, last["_id"]);
                            count = targetCount;

                    if (options.Get("if-smaller", false) && targetCount >= total)
                        logger.Debug("{0}.{1} - Collection of same size or larger, skipping... [flag 'if-smaller']", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName, last["_id"]);

                    // if the collection is empty and we have collection options, drop it
                    if (HasCollectionCreationOptions(options) && targetCount == 0)
                        dropCollections = true;

                    // check if we should drop the collection
                    if (dropCollections && last == null)
                            logger.Debug("{0}.{1} - Target collection droped: {2}.{3}.", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName, targetDatabase.Name, targetCollection.Name);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            logger.Error(ex, "{0}.{1} - Failed to drop target collection {2}.{3}, aborting collection copy...", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName, targetDatabase.Name, targetCollection.Name);

                // try to create the collection
                CreateCollection(sourceCollection, targetCollection, options);

                // index creation
                if (options.Get("copy-indexes-before", false) && options.Get("copy-indexes", false))
                    CreateIndexes(sourceCollection, targetCollection, options);

                // check for lazy copy options
                int waitTime = options.Get("lazy-wait", -1);

                // Local Buffer
                List <BsonDocument> buffer = new List <BsonDocument> (insertBatchSize);

                var timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Running Copy
                foreach (BsonDocument i in SafeQuery(sourceCollection, "_id", null, last))
                    // Feedback and Local Buffer


                    // Dumping data to database every 'X' records
                    if (buffer.Count >= insertBatchSize)
                            // Erasing the object ids of the buffer
                            if (eraseObjectId)
                                buffer.ForEach(t =>
                                    t["_id"] = ObjectId.GenerateNewId();

                            targetCollection.SafeInsertBatch(buffer, 3, true, true);
                            if (loop++ % 150 == 0)
                                logger.Debug("{7} - {0}.{1} - batch size: {2}, progress: {3} / {4} ({5}), rate: {6}/h ", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollection.Name, insertBatchSize, count.ToString("N0"), total.ToString("N0"), ((double)count / total).ToString("0.0%"), ((count - lastCount) / timer.Elapsed.TotalHours).ToString("N1"), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                                lastCount = count;
                            if (waitTime > -1)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // try again, but whithout try catch to hide the exception this time...
                            targetCollection.SafeInsertBatch(buffer, 3, true, true);

                // Copying Remaining of Local Buffer
                if (buffer.Count > 0)
                        targetCollection.SafeInsertBatch(buffer, 3, true, true);
                        logger.Debug("{6} - {0}.{1} - batch size: {2}, progress: {3} / {4} ({5}) ", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollection.Name, insertBatchSize, count, total, ((double)count / total).ToString("0.0%"), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                    catch (Exception ex)

                // Checkign for the need to copy indexes aswell
                if (copyIndexes && !options.Get("copy-indexes-before", false))
                    CreateIndexes(sourceCollection, targetCollection, options);

                logger.Info("{2} - {0}.{1} - Collection copy completed.", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(ex, "{2} - {0}.{1} - Error copying collection ", sourceDatabase.Name, sourceCollectionName ?? "", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
Example #24
        private static void CreateCollection(MongoCollection <BsonDocument> sourceCollection, MongoCollection <BsonDocument> targetCollection, FlexibleOptions options)
            if (targetCollection.Exists())

            List <string> config = new List <string> ();

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Get("collection-wt-configString")))
                config.AddRange(options.Get("collection-wt-configString", "").Split(',').Select(i => i.Trim()).Where(i => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(i)));

            if (options.HasOption("collection-wt-block-compressor") && valid_wt_compressors.Contains(options.Get("collection-wt-block-compressor", "invalid")))
                config.RemoveAll(i => i.StartsWith("block_compressor=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                config.Add("block_compressor=" + options.Get("collection-wt-block-compressor", "").ToLowerInvariant());

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Get("collection-wt-allocation")))
                // Mongodb version 3.0.4 defaults to: "allocation_size=4KB,internal_page_max=4KB,leaf_page_max=32KB,leaf_value_max=1MB"
                if (options.Get("collection-wt-allocation") == "2x")
                    config.RemoveAll(i =>
                                     i.StartsWith("allocation_size=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                     i.StartsWith("leaf_page_max=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                     i.StartsWith("internal_page_max=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                else if (options.Get("collection-wt-allocation") == "4x")
                    config.RemoveAll(i =>
                                     i.StartsWith("allocation_size=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                     i.StartsWith("leaf_page_max=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                     i.StartsWith("internal_page_max=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                else if (options.Get("collection-wt-allocation") == "8x")
                    config.RemoveAll(i =>
                                     i.StartsWith("allocation_size=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                     i.StartsWith("leaf_page_max=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                     i.StartsWith("internal_page_max=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // apply configuration
            if (config.Count > 0)
                    var storageEngineDoc = new BsonDocument("wiredTiger", new BsonDocument("configString", String.Join(",", config)));
                    targetCollection.Database.CreateCollection(targetCollection.Name, CollectionOptions.SetStorageEngineOptions(storageEngineDoc));
                catch (Exception ex)
Example #25
 private static bool HasCollectionCreationOptions(FlexibleOptions options)
     return((options.HasOption("collection-wt-block-compressor") && valid_wt_compressors.Contains(options.Get("collection-wt-block-compressor", "invalid"))) ||
Example #26
        private static void CheckConnections(FlexibleOptions options)
            // source server
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Get("source")))
                if (options.Get("source").IndexOf("://") < 1)
                    options.Set("source", "mongodb://" + options.Get("source"));
                var mongoUri = new MongoUrlBuilder(options.Get("source"));

                if (mongoUri.ConnectTimeout.TotalSeconds < 30)
                    mongoUri.ConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
                if (mongoUri.SocketTimeout.TotalMinutes < 4)
                    mongoUri.SocketTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(4);
                if (mongoUri.MaxConnectionIdleTime.TotalSeconds < 30)
                    mongoUri.MaxConnectionIdleTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);

                // check for missing uri parameters
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_sourceUsername) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mongoUri.Username))
                    mongoUri.Username = _sourceUsername;

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_sourcePassword) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mongoUri.Password))
                    mongoUri.Password = _sourcePassword;

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_sourceAuthDatabase) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mongoUri.AuthenticationSource))
                    mongoUri.AuthenticationSource = _sourceAuthDatabase;

                options.Set("source", mongoUri.ToString());
                options.Set("source", MongoDbContext.BuildConnectionString(_sourceUsername, _sourcePassword, true, true, _sourceServer, 30000, 4 * 60000, _sourceAuthDatabase));

            // check connection
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Failed to connect to source mongodb server. Uri: {0}. Details: {1}", options.Get("source"), ex.Message);
                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-111, true);

            // target server
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Get("target")))
                if (options.Get("target").IndexOf("://") < 1)
                    options.Set("target", "mongodb://" + options.Get("target"));
                var mongoUri = new MongoUrlBuilder(options.Get("target"));

                if (mongoUri.ConnectTimeout.TotalSeconds < 30)
                    mongoUri.ConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
                if (mongoUri.SocketTimeout.TotalMinutes < 4)
                    mongoUri.SocketTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(4);
                if (mongoUri.MaxConnectionIdleTime.TotalSeconds < 30)
                    mongoUri.MaxConnectionIdleTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);

                // check for missing uri parameters
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_sourceUsername) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mongoUri.Username))
                    mongoUri.Username = _sourceUsername;

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_sourcePassword) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mongoUri.Password))
                    mongoUri.Password = _sourcePassword;

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_sourceAuthDatabase) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mongoUri.AuthenticationSource))
                    mongoUri.AuthenticationSource = _sourceAuthDatabase;

                options.Set("target", mongoUri.ToString());
                options.Set("target", MongoDbContext.BuildConnectionString(_targetUsername, _targetPassword, true, true, _targetServer, 30000, 4 * 60000, _targetAuthDatabase));

            // check connection
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Failed to connect to target mongodb server. Uri: {0}. Details: {1}", options.Get("target"), ex.Message);
                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-112, true);
Example #27
        private static void Execute(FlexibleOptions options)

            // Args Sanity Check
            if (options.Options == null || options.Options.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No arguments received.");

            // Prompts for user Input
            Console.WriteLine("Is the configuration correct ? Y/N");
            var key = Console.ReadKey().Key;

            // Checking Key
            if (key == ConsoleKey.N) // N = "NO"
                Console.WriteLine(" => 'NO' : Aborting");
            else if (key != ConsoleKey.Y) // Anything other than "N" and "Y" is an error.
                Console.WriteLine(" => 'Wrong Key Pressed' : Expected either 'Y' or 'N'");

            Console.WriteLine(" => Proceeding with Export.");

            // Sanity Check of Config and Arguments
            if (!ValidateConfig(options))
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Missing MongoDB Configuration Parameter. (Server, Database, Collection and Credentials are Mandatory)");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            // Creating instance of MongoDB
            String sourceConnString = MongoDbContext.BuildConnectionString(options["sourceUsername"], options["sourcePassword"], options["sourceServer"], options["authDatabaseName"]);

            // Reaching Databases
            MongoDatabase sourceDatabase = MongoDbContext.GetServer(sourceConnString).GetDatabase(options["sourceDatabaseName"]);

            // Assembling "Query" to MongoDB, if any query text was provided
            QueryDocument query = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options["mongoQuery"]) ? null : new QueryDocument(QueryDocument.Parse(options["mongoQuery"]));

            // Checking if the provided Collection Exists
            if (!sourceDatabase.CollectionExists(options["collection"]))
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Collection [ " + options["collection"] + " ] does not exists on the specified database");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            if (options["format"].ToUpper() == "CSV")
                // Loading Export Configuration from XML File
                if (!JsonToCSV.LoadExportLayout(options["layoutFile"]))
                    // Error Checking
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    Console.WriteLine("Error Loading Export Layout");
                    Console.WriteLine("Message : " + JsonToCSV.errorMessage);
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            // Setting up MongoDB Cursor
            MongoCursor cursor = sourceDatabase.GetCollection <BsonDocument> (options["collection"]).Find(query);


            // Checking for the need to apply limit
            int _limit = options.Get <int>("limit", -1);

            if (_limit != -1)

            // Counters
            int recordsProcessed = 0;

            // JSON Settings to keep the "JSON" output as "Strict"
            var jsonSettings = new JsonWriterSettings()
                OutputMode = JsonOutputMode.Strict

            // File Writer
            using (StreamWriter fWriter = new StreamWriter(options["outputFile"], false, Encoding.UTF8))
                // Auto Flush
                fWriter.AutoFlush = true;

                // Output File Line
                string fileLine = String.Empty;

                // Should we add headers to the output CSV file?
                if (options["format"].ToUpper() == "CSV" && options.Get <bool>("addHeader", false))
                    // Writing Headers

                // Iterating over documents found using the query
                foreach (BsonDocument document in cursor)
                    // Picking which export method will be used
                    if (options["format"].ToUpper() == "CSV")
                        // Extracting data from it
                        fileLine = JsonToCSV.BsonToCSV(document);
                        fileLine = document.ToJson(jsonSettings);

                    // Checking for errors
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileLine))

                    // Writing to output csv
                    fWriter.WriteLine(fileLine.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br>"));

                    // Counting
                    if (recordsProcessed++ % 100 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Processed : " + recordsProcessed);

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the command line params.<para/>
        /// arguments format: key=value or --key value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
        internal static FlexibleOptions CheckCommandLineParams (string[] args, bool thrownOnError)
            FlexibleOptions mergedOptions = null;
            FlexibleOptions argsOptions = null;
            FlexibleOptions localOptions = new FlexibleOptions ();
            FlexibleOptions externalLoadedOptions = null;


                // parse local configuration file
                // display the options listed in the configuration file                 
                    var appSettings = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
                    foreach (var k in appSettings.AllKeys)
                        localOptions.Set (k, appSettings[k]);

                catch (Exception appSettingsEx)
                    if (thrownOnError)
                    GetLogger ().Warn (appSettingsEx);

                // parse console arguments
                // parse arguments like: key=value
                argsOptions = ParseCommandLineArguments (args);

                // merge arguments with app.config options. Priority: arguments > app.config
                mergedOptions = FlexibleOptions.Merge (localOptions, argsOptions);
                // adjust alias for web hosted configuration file
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (mergedOptions.Get ("config")))
                    mergedOptions.Set ("config", mergedOptions.Get ("S3ConfigurationPath", mergedOptions.Get ("webConfigurationFile")));

                // load and parse web hosted configuration file (priority order: argsOptions > localOptions)
                string externalConfigFile = mergedOptions.Get ("config", "");
                bool configAbortOnError = mergedOptions.Get ("configAbortOnError", true);
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (externalConfigFile))
                    foreach (var file in externalConfigFile.Trim(' ', '\'', '"', '[', ']').Split (',', ';'))
                        GetLogger ().Debug ("Loading configuration file from {0} ...", externalConfigFile);
                        externalLoadedOptions = FlexibleOptions.Merge (externalLoadedOptions, LoadExtenalConfigurationFile (file.Trim (' ', '\'', '"'), configAbortOnError));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // initialize log before dealing with exceptions
                if (mergedOptions != null)
                    InitializeLog (mergedOptions.Get ("logFilename"), mergedOptions.Get ("logLevel", "Info"), InitOptions, mergedOptions);
                if (thrownOnError)
                GetLogger ().Error (ex);

            // merge options with the following priority:
            // 1. console arguments
            // 2. external file with json configuration object (local or web)
            // 3. local configuration file (app.config or web.config)
            mergedOptions = FlexibleOptions.Merge (mergedOptions, externalLoadedOptions, argsOptions);

            // reinitialize log options if different from local configuration file
            InitializeLog (mergedOptions.Get ("logFilename"), mergedOptions.Get ("logLevel", "Info"), InitOptions, mergedOptions);

            // return final merged options
            ProgramOptions = mergedOptions;
            return mergedOptions;
        private static FlexibleOptions ParseCommandLineArguments(string[] args)
            var argsOptions = new FlexibleOptions ();
            if (args != null)
                string arg;
                string lastTag = null;
                for (int ix = 0; ix < args.Length; ix++)
                    arg = args[ix];
                    // check for option with key=value sintax
                    // also valid for --key:value
                    int p = arg.IndexOf ('=');
                    if (p > 0)
                        argsOptions.Set (arg.Substring (0, p).Trim ().TrimStart ('-', '/'), arg.Substring (p + 1).Trim ());
                        lastTag = null;

                    // search for tag stating with special character
                    if (arg.StartsWith ("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) || arg.StartsWith ("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        lastTag = arg.Trim ().TrimStart ('-', '/');
                        argsOptions.Set (lastTag, "true");

                    // set value of last tag
                    if (lastTag != null)
                        argsOptions.Set (lastTag, arg.Trim ());
            return argsOptions;
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrates data and indexes of all collections of a certain database, to another
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceServer">Source mongodb server  - Where the data will come from.</param>
        /// <param name="targetServer">Target mongodb server - Where the data will go to.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceDatabases">The source databases.</param>
        /// <param name="targetDatabases">The target databases.</param>
        /// <param name="collections">The collections.</param>
        /// <param name="insertBatchSize">Size (in records) of the chunk of data that will be inserted per batch.</param>
        /// <param name="copyIndexes">True if the indexes should be copied aswell, false otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="dropCollections">The drop collections.</param>
        /// <param name="threads">The threads.</param>
        public static void DatabaseCopy(MongoServer sourceServer, MongoServer targetServer, List <string> sourceDatabases, List <string> targetDatabases, List <string> collections, int insertBatchSize = -1, bool copyIndexes = true, bool dropCollections = false, int threads = 1, FlexibleOptions options = null)
            if (threads <= 1)
                threads = 1;

            // check if we are on the same server!
            bool sameServer = ServersAreEqual(sourceServer, targetServer);

            // create our thread manager and start producing tasks...
            using (var mgr = new MongoToolsLib.SimpleHelpers.ParallelTasks <CopyInfo> (0, threads, 1000, CollectionCopy))
                // list databases
                foreach (var db in ListDatabases(sourceServer, targetServer, sourceDatabases, targetDatabases))
                    foreach (var col in ListCollections(db.Item1, collections))
                        // sanity checks
                        if (sameServer && db.Item1 == db.Item2 && col.Item1 == col.Item2)
                            NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("DatabaseCopy").Warn("Skiping collection, since it would be copied to itself! Database: {0}, Collection: {1}", db.Item1, col.Item1);
                            //throw new Exception ("Source and target servers and databases are the same!");

                        // process task
                        mgr.AddTask(new CopyInfo
                            SourceDatabase   = db.Item1,
                            TargetDatabase   = db.Item2,
                            SourceCollection = col.Item1,
                            TargetCollection = col.Item2,
                            BatchSize        = insertBatchSize,
                            CopyIndexes      = copyIndexes,
                            DropCollections  = dropCollections,
                            Options          = options
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses out the Arguments received from the "CLI"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Array of arguments received from the "CLI"</param>
        private static void ParseArguments(FlexibleOptions options)
            // parse arguments
            _sourceUri          = options["source"];
            _sourceServer       = options["source-server"];
            _sourceUsername     = options["source-username"];
            _sourcePassword     = options["source-password"];
            _sourceAuthDatabase = options.Get("source-auth-database", options["auth-database-name-source"]);

            _targetUri          = options["target"];
            _targetServer       = options["target-server"];
            _targetUsername     = options["target-username"];
            _targetPassword     = options["target-password"];
            _targetAuthDatabase = options.Get("target-auth-database", options["auth-database-name-target"]);

            _insertBatchSize = options.Get("batch-size", options.Get("insert-batch-size", -1));
            _threads         = options.Get("threads", 1);

            _copyIndexes     = options.Get("copy-indexes", false);
            _dropCollections = options.Get("drop-collections", false);
            _skipExisting    = options.Get("skip-existing", false);
            _skipCount       = options.Get("skip-count", false);
            _eraseObjectId   = options.Get("refresh-object-id", false);

            // check parameter databases
            _sourceDatabases = ParseArgumentAsList(options, "databases").Concat(ParseArgumentAsList(options, "source-database")).Distinct().ToList();
            _targetDatabases = ParseArgumentAsList(options, "target-database");

            // check collections parameter
            _collections      = ParseArgumentAsList(options, "collections");
            _targetCollection = options.Get("target-collection");

            // Sanity Checks
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sourceUri) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sourceServer))
                logger.Error("No source mongodb server connection information provided: use the argument 'source' to provide a mongodb uri with the connection information");
                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-101, true);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_targetUri) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_targetServer))
                logger.Error("No source mongodb server connection information provided: use the argument 'target' to provide a mongodb uri with the connection information");
                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-102, true);

            if (_sourceDatabases.Count == 0)
                logger.Error("No database selected: use the argument 'databases' to provide a list of databases");
                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-103, true);

            // if no target database is provided, lets use the sourcedatabases
            if (_targetDatabases.Count == 0)
                _targetDatabases = null;
                // if we have target database names:
                // 1. sourceDatabase cannot contain wildcard
                if (_sourceDatabases.Any(i => SharedMethods.HasWildcard(i)))
                    logger.Error("Wildcard cannot be used in source database names if a list of target databases is provided!");
                    ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-104, true);

                // 2. sourceDatabase cannot contain wildcard
                if (_sourceDatabases.Any(i => SharedMethods.HasWildcard(i)))
                    logger.Error("Wildcard cannot be used in target database names!");
                    ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-105, true);

                // 3. check for database mapping discrepancy
                if (_sourceDatabases.Count != _targetDatabases.Count)
                    logger.Error("Different number of source and target databases detected: use the argument 'databases' and 'targetDatabases' to provide a list of databases");
                    ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-106, true);

                if (_sourceDatabases.Any(i => i.IndexOf('=') > 0))
                    logger.Error("Invalid use of target database parameter: if the argument 'databases' has a key=value format to indicate the target database name, the argument 'targetDatabases' cannot be used.");
                    ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-107, true);

            // Collections Check
            // If we received a LIST of source collections but also received a TARGET collection, we should halt.
            // Only a collection-by-collection copy should be make when picking a target collection
            if (_collections != null && _collections.Count > 1 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_targetCollection))
                logger.Error("Arguments 'collections' and 'targetCollection' are exclusive. When providing a 'targetCollection' you can only copy a SINGLE collection to it at a time.");
 private FlexibleOptions ParseFileContent (string content)
     var options = new FlexibleOptions ();
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (content))
         return options;
     // prepare content
     content = content.Trim ();
         // detect xml
         if (content.StartsWith ("<"))
             var xmlDoc = System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (content);
             var root = xmlDoc.Descendants ("config").FirstOrDefault ();
             if (root != null && root.HasElements)
                 foreach (var i in root.Elements ())
                     options.Set (i.Name.ToString (), i.Value);
         // parse as json
             var json = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse (content);
             foreach (var i in json)
                 options.Set (i.Key, i.Value.ToString (Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None));
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (ThrownOnError)
         RaiseErrorEvent (ex);
         return null;
     return options;
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // set error exit code
            System.Environment.ExitCode = -50;
                // load configurations
                ProgramOptions = ConsoleUtils.Initialize (args, true);

                // start execution
                Execute (ProgramOptions);

                // check before ending for waitForKeyBeforeExit option
                if (ProgramOptions.Get ("waitForKeyBeforeExit", false))
                    ConsoleUtils.WaitForAnyKey ();
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger ().Fatal (ex);

                // check before ending for waitForKeyBeforeExit option
                if (ProgramOptions.Get ("waitForKeyBeforeExit", false))
                    ConsoleUtils.WaitForAnyKey ();

                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication (-60, true);
            // set success exit code
            ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication (0, false);
        public void Merge_WithComplexPriority_ShouldWork ()
            var opt1 = new FlexibleOptions ();
            opt1.Set ("k1", "v1");
            opt1.Set ("k2", "v2");
            opt1.Set ("k3", "v3");

            opt1.SetAlias ("k3", "3", "key3");

            var opt2 = new FlexibleOptions ();
            opt2.Set ("k2", "v2.2");

            var opt3 = new FlexibleOptions ();
            opt3.Set ("k3", "v3.3");

            // opt1 has lower priority
            var merge = FlexibleOptions.Merge (opt1, opt2, opt3);
            Assert.NotNull (merge);
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k1"), merge.Get ("k1"));
            Assert.Equal (opt2.Get ("k2"), merge.Get ("k2"));
            Assert.Equal (opt3.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("k3"));
            // alias
            Assert.Equal (opt3.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("key3"));
            Assert.Equal (opt3.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("3"));

            // opt1 has higher priority
            merge = FlexibleOptions.Merge (opt2, opt3, opt1);
            Assert.NotNull (merge);
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k1"), merge.Get ("k1"));
            Assert.NotEqual (opt2.Get ("k2"), merge.Get ("k2"));
            Assert.NotEqual (opt3.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("k3"));
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k2"), merge.Get ("k2"));
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("k3"));
            // alias
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("key3"));
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("3"));

            // opt1 has higher priority but with null options
            merge = FlexibleOptions.Merge (null, opt2, null, opt3, opt1, null);
            Assert.NotNull (merge);
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k1"), merge.Get ("k1"));
            Assert.NotEqual (opt2.Get ("k2"), merge.Get ("k2"));
            Assert.NotEqual (opt3.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("k3"));
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k2"), merge.Get ("k2"));
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("k3"));
            // alias
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("key3"));
            Assert.Equal (opt1.Get ("k3"), merge.Get ("3"));
        private static FlexibleOptions parseFile (string content)
            var options = new FlexibleOptions ();

            // detect xml
            if (content.TrimStart ().StartsWith ("<"))
                var xmlDoc = System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse (content);
                var root = xmlDoc.Descendants ("config").FirstOrDefault ();
                if (root != null && root.HasElements)
                    foreach (var i in root.Elements ())
                        options.Set (i.Name.ToString (), i.Value);
                var json = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse (content);
                foreach (var i in json)
                    options.Set (i.Key, i.Value.ToString (Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None));
            return options;
 private static FlexibleOptions ParseCommandLineArguments (string[] args)
     var argsOptions = new FlexibleOptions ();
     if (args != null)
         string arg;
         bool openTag = false;
         string lastTag = null;
         for (int ix = 0; ix < args.Length; ix++)
             arg = args[ix];
             // check for option with key=value sintax (restriction: the previous tag must not be an open tag)
             // also valid for --key:value
             bool hasStartingMarker = arg.StartsWith ("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) || arg.StartsWith ("/", StringComparison.Ordinal);
             int p = arg.IndexOf ('=');
             if (p > 0 && (hasStartingMarker || !openTag))
                 argsOptions.Set (arg.Substring (0, p).Trim ().TrimStart ('-', '/'), arg.Substring (p + 1).Trim ());
                 lastTag = null;
                 openTag = false;
             // search for tag stating with special character
             // a linux path should be valid: -path /home/file
             else if (hasStartingMarker && !(openTag && arg[0] == '/'))
                 lastTag = arg.Trim ().TrimStart ('-', '/');
                 argsOptions.Set (lastTag, "true");
                 openTag = true;
             // set value of last tag
             else if (lastTag != null)
                 argsOptions.Set (lastTag, arg.Trim ());
                 openTag = false;
     return argsOptions;
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses out the Arguments received from the "CLI"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Array of arguments received from the "CLI"</param>
        private static void ParseArguments(FlexibleOptions options)
            // parse arguments
            _sourceUri          = options["source"];
            _sourceServer       = options["sourceServer"];
            _sourceUsername     = options["sourceUsername"];
            _sourcePassword     = options["sourcePassword"];
            _sourceAuthDatabase = options.Get("sourceAuthDatabase", options["authDatabaseNameSource"]);

            _targetUri          = options["target"];
            _targetServer       = options["targetServer"];
            _targetUsername     = options["targetUsername"];
            _targetPassword     = options["targetPassword"];
            _targetAuthDatabase = options.Get("targetAuthDatabase", options["authDatabaseNameTarget"]);

            _insertBatchSize = options.Get("batch-size", options.Get("insertBatchSize", -1));
            _threads         = options.Get("threads", 1);

            _copyIndexes     = options.Get("copy-indexes", false);
            _dropCollections = options.Get("drop-collections", false);
            _skipExisting    = options.Get("skip-existing", false);

            // check parameter databases
            _sourceDatabases = ParseArgumentAsList(options, "databases").Concat(ParseArgumentAsList(options, "sourceDatabase")).Distinct().ToList();
            _targetDatabases = ParseArgumentAsList(options, "targetDatabase");

            // check collections parameter
            _collections = ParseArgumentAsList(options, "collections");

            //** sanity checks **

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sourceUri) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sourceServer))
                logger.Error("No source mongodb server connection information provided: use the argument 'source' to provide a mongodb uri with the connection information");
                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-101, true);

            // TODO: target server should defaults to the source server if none is provided...
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_targetUri) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_targetServer))
                logger.Error("No source mongodb server connection information provided: use the argument 'source' to provide a mongodb uri with the connection information");
                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-102, true);

            if (_sourceDatabases.Count == 0)
                logger.Error("No database selected: use the argument 'databases' to provide a list of databases");
                ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-103, true);

            // if no target database is provided, lets use the sourcedatabases
            if (_targetDatabases.Count == 0)
                _targetDatabases = null;
                // TODO: if same server... throw an error!
                // ...
                // if we have target database names:
                // 1. sourceDatabase cannot contain wildcard
                if (_sourceDatabases.Any(i => SharedMethods.HasWildcard(i)))
                    logger.Error("Wildcard cannot be used in source database names if a list of target databases is provided!");
                    ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-104, true);

                // 2. sourceDatabase cannot contain wildcard
                if (_sourceDatabases.Any(i => SharedMethods.HasWildcard(i)))
                    logger.Error("Wildcard cannot be used in target database names!");
                    ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-105, true);

                // 2. check for database mapping discrepancy
                if (_sourceDatabases.Count != _targetDatabases.Count)
                    logger.Error("Different number of source and target databases detected: use the argument 'databases' and 'targetDatabases' to provide a list of databases");
                    ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-106, true);

                if (_sourceDatabases.Any(i => i.IndexOf('=') > 0))
                    logger.Error("Invalid use of target database parameter: if the argument 'databases' has a key=value format to indicate the target database name, the argument 'targetDatabases' cannot be used.");
                    ConsoleUtils.CloseApplication(-106, true);
        private static async Task ExecuteAsync(FlexibleOptions options, CancellationToken token)

            // TODO: implement execution
            // ...
            // if (token.IsCancellationRequested) return;
            // ...

            var publish = Task.Run(() => {
                using (var queue = CreateQueue())
                    for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                        for (var i = 0; i < 250; i++)
                            queue.Publish("teste khalid " + i);
                        logger.Debug("publish progress " + (j + 1) * 250);


            var consume = Task.Run(() =>
                int count = 0;
                using (var queue = CreateQueue())
                    //foreach (var i in queue.Get (TimeSpan.FromMinutes (30)))
                    ParallelTasks <RabbitWorkMessage> .Process(queue.Get(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1800)), 30, i =>
                        // ...
                        //i.Ack ();

                        if (count % 2 == 0)

                        //Task.Delay (50).Wait ();
                        if (count++ % 250 == 0)
                            logger.Debug("ack progress " + count);

            await publish;


        /// <summary>
        /// Log initialization.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void InitializeLog (string logFileName = null, string logLevel = null, InitializationOptions initOptions = null, FlexibleOptions appOptions = null)
            // default parameters initialization from config file
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (logFileName))
                logFileName = _logFileName ?? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["logFilename"];
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (logFileName))
                logFileName = ("${basedir}/log/" + typeof (ConsoleUtils).Namespace.Replace (".SimpleHelpers", "") + ".log");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (logLevel))
                logLevel = _logLevel ?? (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["logLevel"] ?? "Info");

            // check if log was initialized with same options
            if (_logFileName == logFileName && _logLevel == logLevel)

            // try to parse loglevel
            LogLevel currentLogLevel;
            try { currentLogLevel = LogLevel.FromString (logLevel); }
            catch { currentLogLevel = LogLevel.Info; }

            // save current log configuration
            _logFileName = logFileName;
            _logLevel = currentLogLevel.ToString ();

            // check initialization options
            var localOptions = initOptions != null ? initOptions.Clone () : new InitializationOptions ();
            // adjust options based on arguments
            if (appOptions != null)
                if (!localOptions.DisableLogFile.HasValue && appOptions.HasOption ("DisableLogFile"))
                    localOptions.DisableLogFile = appOptions.Get ("DisableLogFile", false);
                if (localOptions.EnableLogTargets == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty (appOptions.Get ("EnableLogTargets")))
                    localOptions.EnableLogTargets = appOptions.GetAsList ("EnableLogTargets").Where (i => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (i)).Select (i => i.Trim ()).ToArray ();
                if (localOptions.DisableLogTargets == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty (appOptions.Get ("DisableLogTargets")))
                    localOptions.DisableLogTargets = appOptions.GetAsList ("DisableLogTargets").Where (i => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (i)).Select (i => i.Trim ()).ToArray ();

            // prepare list of enabled targets
            HashSet<string> enabledTargets;
            // if enabled log targets was provided, use it!
            if (localOptions.EnableLogTargets != null && localOptions.EnableLogTargets.Count > 0)
                enabledTargets = new HashSet<string> (localOptions.EnableLogTargets, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            // else we remove disabled target...
                enabledTargets = new HashSet<string> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { "console", "file" };
                // set enabled targets
                if (localOptions.Targets != null)
                    foreach (var i in localOptions.Targets)
                        foreach (var n in GetNLogTargetName (i))
                            enabledTargets.Add (n);
                // remove disabled targets
                if (localOptions.DisableLogTargets != null)
                    foreach (var i in localOptions.DisableLogTargets)
                        enabledTargets.Remove (i);
                if (localOptions.DisableLogFile ?? false)
                    enabledTargets.Remove ("file");                

            // prepare log configuration
            var config = new NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration ();

            // console output
            if (!Console.IsOutputRedirected && enabledTargets.Contains ("console"))
                var consoleTarget = new NLog.Targets.ColoredConsoleTarget ();
                consoleTarget.Layout = "${longdate}\t${callsite}\t${level}\t${message}\t${onexception: \\:[Exception] ${exception:format=tostring}}";

                config.AddTarget ("console", consoleTarget);

                var rule1 = new NLog.Config.LoggingRule ("*", LogLevel.Trace, consoleTarget);
                config.LoggingRules.Add (rule1);

            // file output
            if (enabledTargets.Contains ("file"))
                var fileTarget = new NLog.Targets.FileTarget ();
                fileTarget.FileName = logFileName;
                fileTarget.Layout = "${longdate}\t${callsite}\t${level}\t\"${message}${onexception: \t [Exception] ${exception:format=tostring}}\"";
                fileTarget.ConcurrentWrites = true;
                fileTarget.ConcurrentWriteAttemptDelay = 10;
                fileTarget.ConcurrentWriteAttempts = 8;
                fileTarget.AutoFlush = true;
                fileTarget.KeepFileOpen = true;
                fileTarget.DeleteOldFileOnStartup = false;
                fileTarget.ArchiveAboveSize = (localOptions.MaxLogFileSize > 0) ? localOptions.MaxLogFileSize : 4 * 1024 * 1024;  // 4 Mb
                fileTarget.MaxArchiveFiles = (localOptions.MaxArchiveLogFiles > 0) ? localOptions.MaxArchiveLogFiles : 10;
                fileTarget.ArchiveNumbering = NLog.Targets.ArchiveNumberingMode.DateAndSequence;
                fileTarget.ArchiveDateFormat = "yyyyMMdd";
                fileTarget.ArchiveFileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension (logFileName, ".{#}" + System.IO.Path.GetExtension (logFileName));

                // set file output to be async (commented out since doesn't work well on mono)
                // var wrapper = new NLog.Targets.Wrappers.AsyncTargetWrapper (fileTarget);

                config.AddTarget ("file", fileTarget);

                // configure log from configuration file
                var rule2 = new NLog.Config.LoggingRule ("*", currentLogLevel, fileTarget);
                config.LoggingRules.Add (rule2);

            // External Log Target
            if (localOptions.Targets != null)
                foreach (var t in localOptions.Targets)
                    if (GetNLogTargetName (t).Any (i => enabledTargets.Contains (i)))
                        config.AddTarget (t);
                        config.LoggingRules.Add (new NLog.Config.LoggingRule ("*", currentLogLevel, t));

            // set configuration options
            LogManager.Configuration = config;
Example #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrates data and indexes of all collections of a certain database, to another
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceServer">Source mongodb server  - Where the data will come from.</param>
        /// <param name="targetServer">Target mongodb server - Where the data will go to.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceDatabases">The source databases.</param>
        /// <param name="targetDatabases">The target databases.</param>
        /// <param name="collections">The collections.</param>
        /// <param name="insertBatchSize">Size (in records) of the chunk of data that will be inserted per batch.</param>
        /// <param name="copyIndexes">True if the indexes should be copied aswell, false otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="dropCollections">The drop collections.</param>
        /// <param name="threads">The threads.</param>
        public static void DatabaseCopy(MongoServer sourceServer, MongoServer targetServer, List <string> sourceDatabases, List <string> targetDatabases, List <string> collections, string targetCollection, int insertBatchSize = -1, bool copyIndexes = true, bool dropCollections = false, bool skipCount = false, bool eraseObjectId = false, int threads = 1, FlexibleOptions options = null)
            if (threads <= 1)
                threads = 1;

            // check if we are on the same server!
            bool sameServer = ServersAreEqual(sourceServer, targetServer);

            // Validating whether we received multiple matches (or collection names) when the "target collection" has value
            var databases           = ListDatabases(sourceServer, targetServer, sourceDatabases, targetDatabases);
            var matchingCollections = ListCollections(databases.First().Item1, collections, targetCollection).ToList();

            if (matchingCollections != null && matchingCollections.Count > 1 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetCollection))
                // Error. In order to specify a "TargetCollection" there should be only one collection matching the mask or received as argument (as it's source)
                NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("DatabaseCopy").Error("In order to specify a 'TargetCollection' there should be only one collection matching the mask or received as argument (as it's source)");

            // create our thread manager and start producing tasks...
            using (var mgr = new MongoToolsLib.SimpleHelpers.ParallelTasks <CopyInfo> (0, threads, 1000, CollectionCopy))
                // list databases
                foreach (var db in ListDatabases(sourceServer, targetServer, sourceDatabases, targetDatabases))
                    foreach (var col in ListCollections(db.Item1, collections, targetCollection))
                        // sanity checks
                        if (sameServer && db.Item1.ToString() == db.Item2.ToString() && col.Item1.ToString() == col.Item2.ToString())
                            NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("DatabaseCopy").Warn("Skiping collection, since it would be copied to itself! Database: {0}, Collection: {1}", db.Item1, col.Item1);

                        // process task
                        mgr.AddTask(new CopyInfo
                            SourceDatabase   = db.Item1,
                            TargetDatabase   = db.Item2,
                            SourceCollection = col.Item1,
                            TargetCollection = col.Item2,
                            BatchSize        = insertBatchSize,
                            CopyIndexes      = copyIndexes,
                            DropCollections  = dropCollections,
                            EraseObjectId    = eraseObjectId,
                            Options          = options,
                            SkipCount        = skipCount
Example #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrates data and indexes of all collections of a certain database, to another
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceDatabase">Source database - Where the data will come from</param>
        /// <param name="targetDatabase">Target database - Where the data will go to</param>
        /// <param name="insertBatchSize">Size (in records) of the chunk of data that will be inserted per batch</param>
        /// <param name="copyIndexes">True if the indexes should be copied aswell, false otherwise</param>
        public static void DatabaseCopy(MongoDatabase sourceDatabase, MongoDatabase targetDatabase, int insertBatchSize = -1, bool copyIndexes = true, bool dropCollections = false, int threads = 1, FlexibleOptions options = null)
            var collections = sourceDatabase.GetCollectionNames().ToList();

            if (threads <= 1)
                foreach (var collectionName in collections)
                    SharedMethods.CopyCollection(sourceDatabase, targetDatabase, collectionName, String.Empty, insertBatchSize, copyIndexes, dropCollections, options);
                // Multi-threading Processing of each copy request
                MongoToolsLib.SimpleHelpers.ParallelTasks <string> .Process(collections, 0, threads, collectionName =>
                    // Console Feedback
                    Console.WriteLine("Migrating Collection : " + collectionName);

                    SharedMethods.CopyCollection(sourceDatabase, targetDatabase, collectionName, String.Empty, insertBatchSize, copyIndexes, dropCollections, options);