public DynamicChartsSample(ChartSample chartSample)
            : base()
            chart = new AdaptiveFlexChart();

            chart.BindingX = "Name";
			chart.IsAnimated = false;

			chart.ChartType = Xuni.Xamarin.FlexChart.ChartType.Line;

            //bug on android, path rendering cant happen with hardware acceleration on
            Device.OnPlatform(Android: () => chart.ChartType = Xuni.Xamarin.FlexChart.ChartType.Line);

            chart.Series.Add(new ChartSeries(chart, "Trucks", "Trucks"));
            chart.Series.Add(new ChartSeries(chart, "Ships", "Ships"));
            chart.Series.Add(new ChartSeries(chart, "Planes", "Planes"));


            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            chart.ItemsSource = list;

            Content = chart;
        public static StackLayout GetCountryRenderChartTooltip(FlexChart flexChart)
            Image image = new Image();
            Label title = new Label();
            Label content = new Label();

            StackLayout container = new StackLayout();
            container.Padding = 5;

            container.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#FFFFCA");

            title.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "SeriesName");
            title.TextColor = Color.Black;
            title.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
            title.FontSize = 14;
            image.SetBinding(Image.SourceProperty, "XValue", BindingMode.OneWay, new FlagConverter());

            StackLayout horizontalContainer = new StackLayout();
            horizontalContainer.Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal;

            content.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "YValue");
            content.TextColor = Color.Black;
            content.FontSize = 14;



            return container;

            //((RelativeLayout)flexChart.Parent).Children.Add(this, Constraint.Constant(50), Constraint.Constant(50));
        public ZoomingAndScrolling(ChartSample chartSample)
            StackLayout grid = new StackLayout() { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand };
            StackLayout stackMode = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal };
            stackMode.Children.Add(new Label() { Text = "Zoom Mode", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,VerticalOptions=LayoutOptions.Center });
            Picker picker = this.CreateZoomModePicker();
            picker.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start;

            chart = ChartSampleFactory.GetFlexChartSample(chartSample);
            chart.ZoomMode = ZoomMode.XY;
            chart.ChartType = ChartType.Area;
            chart.Stacking = ChartStackingType.Stacked;

            chart.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand;
            picker.SelectedIndex = 0;
            Content = grid;

            chart.AxisX.Scale = 0.5;
			chart.AxisY.DisplayedRange = 16000;

            chart.ChartTooltip.ShowTooltip = false;

        public ToggleSeriesSample(ChartSample chartSample)
            : base()
            chart = ChartSampleFactory.GetFlexChartSample(chartSample);

            chart.LegendToggle = true;

            chart.SeriesVisibilityChanged += chart_SeriesVisibilityChanged;

            RelativeLayout mainRelativeLayout = new RelativeLayout();

            StackLayout pickerStack = new StackLayout();

            pickerStack.Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical;

            salesSwitch = new Switch();
            salesSwitch.IsToggled = true;
            salesSwitch.Toggled += sales_Toggled;

            pickerStack.Children.Add(GetSwitchAndLabel("Sales", salesSwitch));

            expensesSwitch = new Switch();
            expensesSwitch.IsToggled = true;
            expensesSwitch.Toggled += expenses_Toggled;

            pickerStack.Children.Add(GetSwitchAndLabel("Expenses", expensesSwitch));

            downloadsSwitch = new Switch();
            downloadsSwitch.IsToggled = true;
            downloadsSwitch.Toggled += downloads_Toggled;

            pickerStack.Children.Add(GetSwitchAndLabel("Downloads", downloadsSwitch));

            mainRelativeLayout.Children.Add(pickerStack, Constraint.Constant(0),

            mainRelativeLayout.Children.Add(chart, Constraint.Constant(0), Constraint.RelativeToView(pickerStack, (parent, sibling) =>
                return sibling.Y + sibling.Height;
            Constraint.RelativeToView(pickerStack, (parent, sibling) =>
                return parent.Width;
            Constraint.RelativeToView(pickerStack, (parent, sibling) =>
                return parent.Height - sibling.Height;
            // On Windows Phone,StackLayout and Picker will shrink automatically.
            mainRelativeLayout.SizeChanged += (s, e) =>
                pickerStack.WidthRequest = mainRelativeLayout.Width;
            Content = mainRelativeLayout;
 public ThemingSample(ChartSample chartSample)
     : base()
     StackLayout grid = new StackLayout() { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand };
     Picker picker = this.CreatePalettesPicker();
     picker.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start;
     chart = ChartSampleFactory.GetFlexChartSample(chartSample);
     chart.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand;
     picker.SelectedIndex = 0;
     Content = grid;
Example #6
        void InitPerformanceGraph()
            foreach (var chart in chartContent.Subviews)

            pData = GetPerformance();

            if (pData == null)

            mPChart = new FlexChart();

            mPChart.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, chartContent.Frame.Width, chartContent.Frame.Height);

            mPChart.Palette         = XuniPalettes.Modern;
            mPChart.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
            mPChart.ChartType       = ChartType.SplineArea;
            mPChart.BindingX        = pData.categoryField;
            mPChart.IsAnimated      = false;
            mPChart.ItemsSource     = pData.GetSalesDataList();
            mPChart.SymbolSize      = 3;

            mPChart.Legend.Position   = Position.None;
            mPChart.Tooltip.IsVisible = false;

            mPChart.AxisX.LabelsVisible  = false;
            mPChart.AxisX.MajorTickWidth = 0;
            mPChart.AxisX.LineWidth      = 0.5f;

            mPChart.AxisY.LabelsVisible    = false;
            mPChart.AxisY.LineColor        = UIColor.Orange.ColorWithAlpha(ALPHA_AXIS);
            mPChart.AxisY.MajorTickWidth   = 0;
            mPChart.AxisY.MajorGridVisible = false;
            mPChart.AxisY.LabelsVisible    = false;
            mPChart.AxisY.LineWidth        = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < pData.valueAxes.Count; i++)
                var  axis  = pData.valueAxes[i];
                Axis cAxis = new Axis(i % 2 == 0 ? Position.Left : Position.Right, mPChart);
                cAxis.AxisName         =;
                cAxis.LineColor        = FromHexString(axis.axisColor);
                cAxis.MajorTickWidth   = 0;
                cAxis.MajorGridVisible = false;
                cAxis.LabelsVisible    = false;
                cAxis.AxisLineVisible  = false;


            foreach (var series in pData.graphs)
                Series cSeries = new Series(mPChart, series.valueField, series.title);
                cSeries.AxisYname = series.valueAxis;

                UIColor sColor = FromHexString(series.lineColor);

                switch (series.valueField)
                case "tsb":
                    symTSB.BackgroundColor = sColor;

                case "atl":
                    symATL.BackgroundColor = sColor;

                case "ctl":
                    symCTL.BackgroundColor = sColor;

                case "dayliTss":
                    symDailyLoad.BackgroundColor = sColor;

                case "dayliIf":
                    symDailyIF.BackgroundColor = sColor;

                if (series.lineAlpha.Equals(0))
                    cSeries.ChartType   = ChartType.Scatter;
                    cSeries.SymbolColor = sColor;
                    cSeries.Color       = sColor;
                    cSeries.BorderWidth = 1;
                    cSeries.BorderColor = sColor;
                    cSeries.Color       = sColor;
                    cSeries.Opacity     = ALPHA_FILL;

            mPChart.ItemsSource = pData.GetSalesDataList();
            if (pData.TodayIndex() != -1)
                var start = new XuniPoint(pData.TodayPosition() * mPChart.AxisX.ActualDataMax, mPChart.AxisY.ActualDataMax);
                var end   = new XuniPoint(pData.TodayPosition() * mPChart.AxisX.ActualDataMax, mPChart.AxisY.ActualDataMin);
                XuniChartLineAnnotation today = new XuniChartLineAnnotation(mPChart)
                    IsVisible   = true,
                    Attachment  = XuniChartAnnotationAttachment.DataCoordinate,
                    Start       = start,
                    End         = end,
                    LineWidth   = 3,
                    TooltipText = "Future planned performance",
                    Color       = UIColor.Black,


            var annoFocused = new XuniChartRectangleAnnotation(mPChart)
                IsVisible   = false,
                Position    = XuniChartAnnotationPosition.Center,
                Attachment  = XuniChartAnnotationAttachment.DataCoordinate,
                Width       = 2,
                Height      = mPChart.AxisY.ActualDataMax,
                BorderWidth = 0,
                Text        = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                TextColor   = UIColor.White,
                Color       = UIColor.White,


            #region custom line marker
            MyMarkerView view = new MyMarkerView(mPChart.LineMarker);
            view.MarkerRender                    = new MyMarkerRender(view, txtTSB, txtATL, txtCTL, txtDailyTSS, txtDailyIF);
            mPChart.LineMarker.Content           = view;
            mPChart.LineMarker.IsVisible         = true;
            mPChart.LineMarker.Alignment         = XuniChartMarkerAlignment.BottomRight;
            mPChart.LineMarker.Lines             = XuniChartMarkerLines.Vertical;
            mPChart.LineMarker.Interaction       = XuniChartMarkerInteraction.Move;
            mPChart.LineMarker.DragContent       = false;
            mPChart.LineMarker.SeriesIndex       = -1;
            mPChart.LineMarker.VerticalLineColor = UIColor.White;
            mPChart.LineMarker.VerticalPosition  = 10;

            mPChart.ZoomMode    = ZoomMode.Disabled;
            mPChart.AxisX.Scale = 1;

            zoomSlider.LowerValueChanged += HanelerGraphZoomChanged;
            zoomSlider.UpperValueChanged += HanelerGraphZoomChanged;
            zoomSlider.LowerValue         = 0;
            zoomSlider.UpperValue         = pData.dataProvider.Count;
            zoomSlider.MinimumValue       = 0;
            zoomSlider.MaximumValue       = pData.dataProvider.Count;
            zoomSlider.MinimumRange       = 1;
Example #7
        public SinglePagePrintControl(FlexChart flexChart)
            this.FlexChart = flexChart;

            comboPrintScale          = ControlFactory.EnumBasedCombo(typeof(ChartPrinter.PrintScale), "PrintScale");
            comboPrintScale.Location = new Point(15, 17);
            labX = new LabelEx("X:")
                Location = new Point(188, 17)
            txtX = new TextBox()
                Bounds = new Rectangle(211, 17, 50, 21)
            labWidth = new LabelEx("Width:")
                Location = new Point(280, 17)
            txtWidth = new TextBox()
                Bounds = new Rectangle(330, 17, 50, 21)

            chkGrayScale = new CheckBoxEx("Use GrayScale")
                Location = new Point(15, 65)
            labY = new LabelEx("Y:")
                Location = new Point(188, 65)
            txtY = new TextBox()
                Bounds = new Rectangle(211, 65, 50, 21)
            labHeight = new LabelEx("Height")
                Location = new Point(280, 65)
            txtHeight = new TextBox()
                Bounds = new Rectangle(330, 65, 50, 21)

            chkPreview = new CheckBoxEx("Preview")
                Location = new Point(15, 113), Checked = true
            btnClear = new ButtonEx("Clear")
                Bounds = new Rectangle(188, 113, 100, 25)

            btnPrint = new ButtonEx("Print")
                Bounds = new Rectangle(15, 160, 100, 25)

            comboPrintScale.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { FlexChart.Header.Content = comboPrintScale.Text; };
            txtX.Validating      += NumerTextValidate;
            txtY.Validating      += NumerTextValidate;
            txtWidth.Validating  += NumerTextValidate;
            txtHeight.Validating += NumerTextValidate;
            btnPrint.Click       += btnPrint_Click;
            btnClear.Click       += btnClear_Click;

            DrawingRectangle         = new Rectangle(100, 200, 400, 400);
            FlexChart.Header.Content = "PrintScale: None";
Example #8
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var toolbar = FindViewById <Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);

            SupportActionBar.Title = GetString(Resource.String.stylingSeries);

            // initializing widget
            mChart = this.FindViewById <FlexChart>(Resource.Id.flexchart);

            mChart.BindingX = "Name";

            // initialize series elements and set the binding to variables of
            // ChartPoint
            ChartSeries seriesSales = new ChartSeries();

            seriesSales.Chart      = mChart;
            seriesSales.SeriesName = "Sales";
            seriesSales.Binding    = "Sales";

            ChartSeries seriesExpenses = new ChartSeries();

            seriesExpenses.Chart      = mChart;
            seriesExpenses.SeriesName = "Expenses";
            seriesExpenses.Binding    = "Expenses";

            ChartSeries seriesDownloads = new ChartSeries();

            seriesDownloads.Chart      = mChart;
            seriesDownloads.SeriesName = "Downloads";
            seriesDownloads.Binding    = "Downloads";

            // style series sales
            seriesSales.Style = new ChartStyle()
                Fill = Android.Graphics.Color.ParseColor("#009400"), Stroke = Android.Graphics.Color.Green, StrokeThickness = 3

            // style series expenses
            seriesExpenses.Style = new ChartStyle()
                Fill = Android.Graphics.Color.ParseColor("#C40000"), Stroke = Android.Graphics.Color.Red, StrokeThickness = 3

            // style series downloads
            seriesDownloads.ChartType = ChartType.LineSymbols;
            seriesDownloads.Style     = new ChartStyle()
                Stroke = Android.Graphics.Color.Blue, StrokeThickness = 10
            seriesDownloads.SymbolStyle = new ChartStyle()
                Fill = Android.Graphics.Color.Yellow, Stroke = Android.Graphics.Color.Cyan, StrokeThickness = 3

            // add series to list

            // setting the source of data/items in FlexChart
            mChart.ItemsSource = (ChartPoint.GetList());
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
            XuniLicenseManager.Key = License.Key;

            FlexChart chart = new FlexChart();
            chart.Tag = 1;

            // set title/footer
            chart.Header = "FlexChart Sales";
            chart.Footer = "GrapeCity Xuni";
            chart.Legend.BorderWidth = 1;
            chart.Legend.BorderColor = UIColor.Gray;

            // set palette
            chart.Palette = XuniPalettes.Coral;
            // set data source
            chart.ItemsSource = SalesData.GetSalesDataList();
            // bind X axis to display category names
            chart.BindingX = (NSString)"Date";
            chart.Legend.Position = Position.None;
            // configure default axes
            chart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 45;
            chart.AxisX.Format = "d";
            chart.AxisY.Format = "c0";
            chart.AxisY.Title = "Dollars";

            // add second Y axis
            Axis y2 = new Axis(Position.Right, chart);
            y2.MajorGridVisible = false;
            y2.MinorGridVisible = false;
            y2.LabelsVisible = true;
            y2.Title = "Downloads";

            // create series with binding
            Series sales = new Series(chart, (NSString)"Sales", (NSString)"Sales"); 
            Series expenses = new Series(chart, (NSString)"Expenses", (NSString)"Expenses");
            Series downloads = new Series(chart, (NSString)"Downloads", (NSString)"Downloads");
            downloads.AxisY = y2;
            downloads.ChartType = ChartType.Line;

            // customize tooltip
            //MyTooltip t = new MyTooltip();
            //t.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;
            //chart.Tooltip.Content = t;
            chart.Tooltip.IsVisible = true;
            // customize plot element
            chart.DataLabel.Content = (NSString)"{y}";
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelFormat = (NSString)"C0";
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelBackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelFontColor = UIColor.Red;
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelBorderColor = UIColor.Gray;
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelBorderWidth = 0.1;
            chart.DataLabel.Position = ChartDataLabelPosition.Top;
            // configure animation
            chart.LoadAnimation.AnimationMode = AnimationMode.Point;
Example #10
        public ActionResult uphistorychart(string select)
            if(select.EndsWith(",")) select=select.Substring(0,select.Length-1);
            FlexChart chart = new FlexChart();
            chart = centerService.GetFlexChartBySelects(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name, "历史查询", select);

            #region 图表

            //chart.charttype = chart.standardtype + getsel.Length.ToString();
            chart.customercode = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code;
            chart.customername = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name;
            chart.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
            chart.processparms = select;
            chart.title =  "历史查询";
            var result = new {  chart = chart };
            return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a FlexChart control from an XML string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart control into which the serialized chart data is to be loaded.</param>
 /// <param name="flexChartString">A string containing the XML string with serialized chart information.</param>
 public static void DeserializeFlexChartFromXml(FlexChart flexChart, string flexChartString)
     DeserializeFlexChartFromData(flexChart, flexChartString, "xml");
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            LicenseManager.Key = License.Key;

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            // get chart from view
            chart = FindViewById<FlexChart>(Resource.Id.flexchart);
            // set title/footer
            chart.Header = "FlexChart Sales";
            chart.Footer = "GrapeCity Xuni";
            chart.Legend.BorderWidth = 1;
            chart.Legend.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray.ToArgb();

            // set palette
            // bind X axis to display category names
            chart.BindingX = "Date";

            // create series with binding
            ChartSeries sales = new ChartSeries(chart, "Sales", "Sales"); // new Series(chart, legend name, binding property)
            ChartSeries expenses = new ChartSeries(chart, "Expenses", "Expenses");
            ChartSeries downloads = new ChartSeries(chart, "Downloads", "Downloads");

            downloads.ChartType = ChartType.Line;

            // set data source
            chart.ItemsSource = SalesData.GetSalesDataList();

            // configure default axes
            chart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 45;
            chart.AxisX.Format = "d";
            chart.AxisY.Format = "c0";
            chart.AxisY.Title = "Dollars";

            // add second Y axis
            ChartAxis y2 = new ChartAxis(chart, ChartPositionType.Right);
            y2.Name = "y2";
            y2.Format = "n0";
            y2.MajorGridVisible = false;
            y2.MinorGridVisible = false;
            y2.LabelsVisible = true;
            y2.Title = "Downloads";

            downloads.AxisY = "y2";

            // customize tooltip
            chart.Tooltip.Content = new MyTooltip(chart, chart.Context);

            // customize plot element
            chart.PlotElementLoading += chart_PlotElementLoading;

            // configure animation
            chart.LoadAnimation.AnimationMode = AnimationMode.Point;

Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes a FlexChart control to an JSON string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart control to serialize to an JSON string.</param>
 /// <returns>A string containing a formatted JSON string.</returns>
 public static string SerializeFlexChartToJson(FlexChart flexChart)
     return(SerializeObjectModelToJson(new ChartModel(flexChart)));
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes a FlexChart control to a byte array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart control to serialize to a byte array.</param>
 /// <returns>A byte array containing the serialized chart.</returns>
 public static byte[] SerializeFlexChartToBytes(FlexChart flexChart)
     return(SerializeObjectModelToBytes(new ChartModel(flexChart)));
        public BubbleChartSample(ChartSample chartSample)
            FlexChart chart = ChartSampleFactory.GetFlexChartSample(chartSample);

            Content = chart;
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var toolbar = FindViewById <Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);

            SupportActionBar.Title = GetString(Resource.String.annotation);

            // initializing widgets
            mChart           = this.FindViewById <FlexChart>(Resource.Id.flexchart);
            mChart.ChartType = ChartType.Line;
            mChart.BindingX  = "X";
            mChart.Series.Add(new ChartSeries()
                SeriesName = "Base dataList", Binding = "Y,Y"
            mChart.ItemsSource    = new AnnotationViewModel().Data;
            mChart.LegendPosition = ChartPositionType.None;

            Text text = new Text()
                Content = "Relative", Location = new C1Point(0.5, 0.5), Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.Relative

            text.AnnotationStyle = new ChartStyle()
                FontSize = 15, FontFamily = "GenericSansSerif"

            Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse()
                Content = "Relative", Location = new C1Point(0.4, 0.45), Width = 60, Height = 40, Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.Relative

            ellipse.AnnotationStyle = new ChartStyle()
                Fill = Color.Goldenrod, Stroke = Color.Argb(1 * 255, (int)(0.75 * 255), (int)(0.55 * 255), (int)(0.06 * 255)), FontAttributes = TypefaceStyle.Bold, FontSize = 10, FontFamily = "GenericSansSerif"

            Circle circle = new Circle()
                Content = "DataIndex", Radius = 40, SeriesIndex = 0, PointIndex = 27, Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.DataIndex

            circle.AnnotationStyle = new ChartStyle()
                Fill = Color.LightSeaGreen, Stroke = Color.Argb((int)(1.0 * 255), (int)(0.13 * 255), (int)(0.58 * 255), (int)(0.58 * 255)), FontFamily = "GenericSansSerif", FontAttributes = TypefaceStyle.Bold

            Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle()
                Content = "DataCoordinate", Width = 100, Height = 50, Location = new C1Point(37, 80), Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.DataCoordinate

            rectangle.AnnotationStyle = new ChartStyle()
                Fill = Color.SlateBlue, Stroke = Color.Argb((int)(1.0 * 255), (int)(0.29 * 255), (int)(0.25 * 255), (int)(0.57 * 255)), FontFamily = "GenericSansSerif", FontSize = 10

            Square square = new Square()
                Content = "DataIndex", Length = 70, SeriesIndex = 0, PointIndex = 40, Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.DataIndex

            square.AnnotationStyle = new ChartStyle()
                Fill = Color.SandyBrown, Stroke = Color.Chocolate, FontAttributes = TypefaceStyle.Bold, FontFamily = "GenericSansSerif"

            Polygon polygon = new Polygon()
                Content = "polygonAnno", Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.Absolute

            polygon.Points          = CreatePoints();
            polygon.AnnotationStyle = new ChartStyle()
                Fill = Color.Red, StrokeThickness = 3, Stroke = Color.DarkRed, FontAttributes = TypefaceStyle.Bold, FontFamily = "GenericSansSerif"

            Line line = new Line()
                Content = "Absolute", Start = new C1Point(50, 200), End = new C1Point(300, 350), Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.Absolute

            line.AnnotationStyle = new ChartStyle()
                StrokeThickness = 4, FontSize = 10, FontAttributes = TypefaceStyle.Bold, Stroke = Color.Argb((int)(1.0 * 255), (int)(0.20 * 255), (int)(0.81 * 255), (int)(0.82 * 255)), FontFamily = "GenericSansSerif"

            Image image = new Image()
                Location = new C1Point(12, 20), Attachment = AnnotationAttachment.DataCoordinate, Width = 30, Height = 30

            image.Source = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(this.Resources, Resource.Drawable.xuni_butterfly);

            AnnotationLayer layer = new AnnotationLayer(ApplicationContext);

Example #17
        public ActionResult chartfullscreen(string title,string s1,string s2, string t, string w,string h,  string m)
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            string type = "";
            if (s2 != "") type = "line2"; else type = "line1";

            #region 图表
            //var point = centerService.GetOneCustomerCollection(s1);
            //var chart = centerService.GetParamsQueryFlexChart("C03");
            //chart.charttype = type;
            //chart.customercode = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code;
            //chart.customername = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name;
            //chart.height = int.Parse(h);
            //chart.width = int.Parse(w);
            //#region 上下限

            //if (point.CustomerCollectionLowerLimit.HasValue)
            //    chart.needlower = 1;
            //    chart.lowerlimit = point.CustomerCollectionLowerLimit.Value;
            //else chart.needlower = 0;
            //if (point.CustomerCollectionLowLimit.HasValue)
            //    chart.needlow = 1;
            //    chart.lowlimit = point.CustomerCollectionLowLimit.Value;
            //else chart.needlow = 0;

            //if (point.CustomerCollectionUpLimit.HasValue)
            //    chart.needup = 1;
            //    chart.uplimit = point.CustomerCollectionUpLimit.Value;
            //else chart.needup = 0;

            //if (point.CustomerCollectionUpperLimit.HasValue)
            //    chart.needuper = 1;
            //    chart.uperlimit = point.CustomerCollectionUpperLimit.Value;
            //else chart.needuper = 0;
            //chart.processparms = s1 + (s2 != "" ? ("," + s2) : "");
            //chart.title = title + "变化趋势";
            //chart.queryparms = t;


            #region 图表
            FlexChart chart = new FlexChart();
            string select = s1 +(s2 != "" ? ("," + s2) : "");
            chart = centerService.GetFlexChartBySelects(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name, title, select);
            chart.charttype = type;
            chart.customercode = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code;
            chart.customername = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name;
            chart.height = int.Parse(h);
            chart.width = int.Parse(w);
            chart.title = title + "变化趋势";
            chart.queryparms = t + "|" + m;
            chart.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();

            data.chart = JsonHelper.ToJson(chart);
            LogHelper.Info(Masterpage.CurrUser.alias, "702011:客户," + Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code + ",查看全屏图表,采集点为:" + s1);
            return View("chartfullscreen", data);
 protected override void InitializeControls()
     flexChart1 = new FlexChart();
     this.Chart = flexChart1;
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a FlexChart control from a JSON string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart control into which the serialized chart data is to be loaded.</param>
 /// <param name="flexChartString">A string containing the JSON string with serialized chart information.</param>
 public static void DeserializeFlexChartFromJson(FlexChart flexChart, string flexChartString)
     DeserializeFlexChartFromData(flexChart, flexChartString, "json");
 public MyTooltip(FlexChart chart, Context context) : base(chart)
     txtLabelX = new TextView(context);
     txtLabelY = new TextView(context);
     LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(context);
     layout.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
     layout.SetPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a FlexChart control from a byte array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart control into which the serialized chart data is to be loaded.</param>
 /// <param name="flexChartBytes">A byte array containing the serialized chart information.</param>
 public static void DeserializeFlexChartFromBytes(FlexChart flexChart, byte[] flexChartBytes)
     DeserializeFlexChartFromData(flexChart, flexChartBytes, "binary");
        public GettingStartedSample(ChartSample chartSample) : base()
            chart = ChartSampleFactory.GetFlexChartSample(chartSample);

            Content = chart;
Example #23
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var toolbar = FindViewById <Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);

            SupportActionBar.Title = GetString(Resource.String.zones);

            // initializing widget
            mChart           = this.FindViewById <FlexChart>(Resource.Id.zonesFlexchart);
            mChart.BindingX  = "Number";
            mChart.ChartType = ChartType.Scatter;

            int            nStudents  = 20;
            int            nMaxPoints = 100;
            IList <object> data       = ZonesData.getZonesList(nStudents, nMaxPoints);

            mChart.ItemsSource = data;

            mChart.Tapped     += MChart_Tapped;
            mChart.AxisX.Title = "student number";
            mChart.AxisY.Title = "student accumulated points";

            double        mean   = this.FindMean(data);
            double        stdDev = this.FindStdDev(data, mean);
            List <double> scores = new List <double>();

            foreach (ZonesData item in data)
            scores.Sort((x, y) => y.CompareTo(x));

            var zones = new double[]
                scores[this.GetBoundingIndex(scores, 0.85)],
                scores[this.GetBoundingIndex(scores, 0.75)],
                scores[this.GetBoundingIndex(scores, 0.25)],
                scores[this.GetBoundingIndex(scores, 0.05)]

            Integer[] colors = new Integer[]
                new Integer(Color.Argb(255, 255, 192, 192)),
                new Integer(Color.Argb(255, 55, 228, 228)),
                new Integer(Color.Argb(255, 255, 228, 128)),
                new Integer(Color.Argb(255, 128, 255, 128)),
                new Integer(Color.Argb(255, 128, 128, 255)),
            for (var i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                float    y     = (float)(i == 4 ? mean + 2 * stdDev : zones[i]);
                PointF[] sdata = new PointF[data.Count];

                for (int j = 0; j < data.Count; j++)
                    sdata[j] = new PointF(j, y);
                    if (i == 0)
                        System.Console.WriteLine(j + "=" + y);

                string seriesName = ((char)((short)'A' + 4 - i)).ToString();

                var series = new ChartSeries();
                series.Chart      = mChart;
                series.SeriesName = seriesName;
                series.Binding    = "Y";

                series.ItemsSource = sdata;
                series.BindingX    = "X";
                series.ChartType   = ChartType.Area;
                series.Style       = new ChartStyle();
                series.Style.Fill  = new Color(colors[i].IntValue());


            ChartSeries scoreSeries = new ChartSeries();

            scoreSeries.Chart      = mChart;
            scoreSeries.SeriesName = "raw score";
            scoreSeries.Binding    = "Score";
            scoreSeries.BindingX   = "Number";

            for (var i = -2; i <= 2; i++)
                var    y          = mean + i * stdDev;
                string seriesName = string.Empty;
                if (i > 0)
                    seriesName = "m+" + i + "s";
                else if (i < 0)
                    seriesName = "m" + i + "s";
                    seriesName = "mean";
                PointF[] sdata = new PointF[data.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < data.Count; j++)
                    sdata[j] = new PointF(j, (float)y);
                var series = new ChartSeries();
                series.Chart      = mChart;
                series.SeriesName = seriesName;
                series.Binding    = "Y";

                series.ItemsSource           = sdata;
                series.BindingX              = "X";
                series.ChartType             = ChartType.Line;
                series.Style                 = new ChartStyle();
                series.Style.StrokeThickness = 2;

                series.Style.Stroke = Color.Rgb(0x20, 0x20, 0x20);

Example #24
        public ActionResult upchartandgrid(string select, string title, string t, string m)
            #region 统计数据

            if (select.EndsWith(",")) select = select.Substring(0, select.Length - 1);
            string[] getsel = select.Split(',');
            if (getsel.Length < 1) { return Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
            #region  读取
            DateTime start;
            DateTime end;
            if (m == null || m == "")
                start = DateTime.Now.Date.AddMonths(-1);
                start = Convert.ToDateTime(m);
            end = start.AddMonths(1);
            var l = WebAccountHelper.ProcessStatistic(select, start, end, t);
            #region 图表
            FlexChart chart = new FlexChart();
            chart = centerService.GetFlexChartBySelects(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name, title, select);
            chart.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
            chart.title = title + "变化趋势";
            chart.queryparms = t + "|" + m;

            var result = new { grid = l, chart = chart };

            return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Example #25
 public ActionResult savenewconfig(int number, string unitname, string select1, string select2)
     #region 保存配置
     var r = accountService.SavePlatChartPartConfig(number, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.IsEmployee, Masterpage.CurrUser.guid, Masterpage.CurrUser.config1, unitname, select1, select2);
     LogHelper.Info(Masterpage.CurrUser.alias, "101011:保存工作台三个图表的用户配置config1,单元为" + unitname + ",两个配置为" + select1 + "," + select2 + ",结果:" + r.status);
     if (r.status == "ok")
         Masterpage.CurrUser.config1 = r.value;
         SessionHelper.SetSession("LoginUser", Masterpage.CurrUser);
         var nc = Masterpage.CurrUser.config1;
     #region 图表
     FlexChart chart = new FlexChart();
     if (select1 != "" || select2 != "")
         if (select1 == null) select1 = "";
         if (select2 == null) select2 = "";
         var select = select1 + (select2 != "" ? "," + select2 : "");
         chart = centerService.GetFlexChartBySelects(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name, "历史查询", select);
         chart.processparms = select;
         chart.title = "工作台图表";
         chart.queryparms = "";
         chart.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
     var back = new { save = r, chart = chart };
     return Json(JsonHelper.ToJson(back), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Example #26
 public ActionResult HistoryProcessQuery(int? page, int? pagesize, string key, string select)
     dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
     string[] type = centerService.GetCollectionType();
     //var list = centerService.GetCustomerCollectionPageMode(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, key,"");
     var list = centerService.GetHistoryProcessList(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, key);
     var list2 = list.OrderBy(x => x.collent_point_order).ToList();
     int _page = page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1;
     int _pagesize = pagesize.HasValue ? pagesize.Value : 13;
     var vs = list2.ToPagedList(_page, _pagesize);
     data.customercode = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code;
     data.type = type;
     data.list = vs;
     data.pageSize = _pagesize;
     data.pageIndex = _page;
     data.totalCount = vs.TotalCount;
     if(select==null) select="";
     if(select.EndsWith(",")) select=select.Substring(0,select.Length-1);
     #region 图表
     if (select != "" )
         FlexChart chart = new FlexChart();
         chart = centerService.GetFlexChartBySelects(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name, "历史查询", select);
         chart.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
         chart.processparms = select;
         chart.title = "历史查询";
         chart.queryparms = "";
         data.chart =JsonHelper.ToJson( chart);
     if(select==null) select=""; = select;
     data.key = key;
     LogHelper.Info(Masterpage.CurrUser.alias, "201012:客户," + Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code + ",查看采集点" + select + "历史查看图表");
     return PartialView("HistoryProcessQuery", data);
        private void Loading_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var chart = new FlexChart();

            chart.Legend.Position                  = Position.Bottom;
            chart.Dock                             = DockStyle.Fill;
            chart.AxisX.MajorGrid                  = false;
            chart.AxisX.MinorGrid                  = true;
            chart.AxisX.MajorTickMarks             = TickMark.None;
            chart.AxisX.AxisLine                   = false;
            chart.AxisX.MinorGridStyle.StrokeColor = Color.LightGray;
            chart.AxisY.MajorGrid                  = false;
            chart.AxisY.MinorGrid                  = true;
            chart.AxisY.MinorGridStyle.StrokeColor = Color.LightGray;
            chart.Header.Content                   = "Weekly traffic intensity";
            chart.Header.Style.Font                = new Font("Seqoe UI", 16);

            chart.ToolTip.Content = "{item:0.0}%";

            var scale = new DiscreteColorScale()
                Intervals = new List <DiscreteColorScale.Interval>()

            scale.Intervals.Add(new DiscreteColorScale.Interval(0, 10, Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0xFF0571B0)), "Very Low"));
            scale.Intervals.Add(new DiscreteColorScale.Interval(10, 25, Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0xFF92C5DE)), "Low"));
            scale.Intervals.Add(new DiscreteColorScale.Interval(25, 75, Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0xFFF7F7F7)), "Normal"));
            scale.Intervals.Add(new DiscreteColorScale.Interval(75, 90, Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0xFFF4A582)), "High"));
            scale.Intervals.Add(new DiscreteColorScale.Interval(90, 100, Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0xFFCA0020)), "Critical"));

            // generated some random data
            var rnd  = new Random();
            var data = new double[24, 7];

            for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++)
                for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                    data[i, j] = 10 * Math.Exp(-(i - 12) * (i - 12) / (2 * 4.0 * 4.0)) / Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI * 4.0 * 4.0) * ((j == 5 || j == 6) ? 50 : 100) * rnd.NextDouble();

            var hmap = new Heatmap();

            hmap.DataSource = data;
            hmap.ColorScale = scale;

            var times = new string[24];

            for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                times[i] = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, i, 0, 0).ToShortTimeString();
            chart.AxisX.DataSource = times;
            chart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 45;

            chart.AxisY.DataSource = new string[] { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" };
            chart.AxisY.Reversed   = true;

Example #28
 public AnnotationEx(FlexChart chart, AnnotationBase anno, RectangleF rect)
     this.flexChart         = chart;
     this.annotation        = anno;
     this.BoundingRectangle = rect;
Example #29
        FlexChart CreateChart1()
            var pts = new SampleData.DataPoint[10];

            for (var i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
                pts[i] = new SampleData.DataPoint()
                    X = i, Y1 = i * i, Y2 = i * i * i

            var chart = new FlexChart()
                BindingX = "X", Binding = "Y1", ChartType = C1.Chart.ChartType.LineSymbols, DataSource = pts, Dock = DockStyle.Fill

            chart.Series.Add(new Series()
                Name = "y=f(x)"

            chart.Click += Chart_Click;

            var designer = new ChartDesigner(chart);


        FlexChart CreateChart2()
            var chart = new FlexChart()
                BindingX = "Country", DataSource = SampleData.GetCountryData(), Dock = DockStyle.Fill

            chart.Series.Add(new Series()
                Name = "Sales", Binding = "Sales"
            chart.Series.Add(new Series()
                Name = "Expenses", Binding = "Expenses"

            chart.Click += Chart_Click;

            var designer = new ChartDesigner(chart);


        FlexPie CreateChart3()
            var chart = new FlexPie()
                BindingName = "Country", Binding = "Sales", DataSource = SampleData.GetCountryData(), Dock = DockStyle.Fill

            chart.Click += Chart_Click;

            var designer = new ChartDesigner(chart);


        FlexChart CreateChart4()
            var rnd = new Random();
            var pts = new SampleData.DataPoint[10];

            for (var i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
                pts[i] = new SampleData.DataPoint()
                    X = i, Y1 = i * i, Y2 = rnd.NextDouble()

            var chart = new FlexChart()
                BindingX = "X", Binding = "Y1,Y1", ChartType = C1.Chart.ChartType.Bubble, DataSource = pts, Dock = DockStyle.Fill

            chart.Series.Add(new Series()
                Name = "bubbles"
            chart.Click += Chart_Click;

            var designer = new ChartDesigner(chart);

Example #30
 public ActionResult savematerialconfig(string number, string material, string materialn)
     #region 保存配置
     var r = accountService.SavePlatChartFourConfig(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.IsEmployee, Masterpage.CurrUser.guid, Masterpage.CurrUser.config3, number, material);
     LogHelper.Info(Masterpage.CurrUser.alias, "101011:保存工作台第四个耗材图表的用户配置config3,图表编号为" + number + ",配置耗材为" + material + ",结果:" + r.status);
     if (r.status == "ok")
         Masterpage.CurrUser.config3 = r.value;
         SessionHelper.SetSession("LoginUser", Masterpage.CurrUser);
         var nc = Masterpage.CurrUser.config3;
     #region 第四个小图表
     FlexChart chart4 = new FlexChart();
     chart4 = centerService.GetFlexChartByChartNumber(number);
     chart4.customercode = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code;
     chart4.customername = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name;
     chart4.processparms = material + "|" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
     chart4.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
     var back = new { save = r, chart = chart4 };
     return Json(JsonHelper.ToJson(back), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
            XuniLicenseManager.Key = License.Key;

            FlexChart chart = new FlexChart();

            chart.Tag = 1;

            // set title/footer
            chart.Header             = "FlexChart Sales";
            chart.Footer             = "GrapeCity Xuni";
            chart.Legend.BorderWidth = 1;
            chart.Legend.BorderColor = UIColor.Gray;

            // set palette
            chart.Palette = XuniPalettes.Coral();
            // set data source
            chart.ItemsSource = SalesData.GetSalesDataList();
            // bind X axis to display category names
            chart.BindingX        = (NSString)"Date";
            chart.Legend.Position = Position.PositionNone;
            // configure default axes
            chart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 45;
            chart.AxisX.Format     = "d";
            chart.AxisY.Format     = "c0";
            chart.AxisY.Title      = "Dollars";

            // add second Y axis
            Axis y2 = new Axis(Position.PositionRight, chart);

            y2.MajorGridVisible = false;
            y2.MinorGridVisible = false;
            y2.LabelsVisible    = true;
            y2.Title            = "Downloads";

            // create series with binding
            Series sales     = new Series(chart, (NSString)"Sales", (NSString)"Sales");
            Series expenses  = new Series(chart, (NSString)"Expenses", (NSString)"Expenses");
            Series downloads = new Series(chart, (NSString)"Downloads", (NSString)"Downloads");

            downloads.AxisY     = y2;
            downloads.ChartType = ChartType.ChartTypeLine;

            // customize tooltip
            //MyTooltip t = new MyTooltip();
            //t.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;
            //chart.Tooltip.Content = t;
            chart.Tooltip.IsVisible = true;
            // customize plot element
            chart.DataLabel.Content                  = (NSString)"{y}";
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelFormat          = (NSString)"C0";
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelBackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelFontColor       = UIColor.Red;
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelBorderColor     = UIColor.Gray;
            chart.DataLabel.DataLabelBorderWidth     = 0.1;
            chart.DataLabel.Position                 = ChartDataLabelPosition.ChartDataLabelPositionTop;
            // configure animation
            chart.LoadAnimation.AnimationMode = AnimationMode.AnimationModePoint;
Example #32
        public ActionResult default1()
            LogHelper.Info(Masterpage.CurrUser.alias, "101011:客户," + Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code + "打开工作台");
            dynamic data = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            data.code = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code;
            var chartconfig = centerService.GetPlatFormThreeChartCode(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.config1);
            #region 工艺三个小图表
            var str1 = chartconfig.chart1_1 + (chartconfig.chart1_2 != "" ? "," + chartconfig.chart1_2 : "");
            var str2 = chartconfig.chart2_1 + (chartconfig.chart2_2 != "" ? "," + chartconfig.chart2_2 : "");
            var str3 = chartconfig.chart3_1 + (chartconfig.chart3_2 != "" ? "," + chartconfig.chart3_2 : "");
            data.str1 = str1;
            data.str2 = str2;
            data.str3 = str3;
            data.chart1_1 = chartconfig.chart1_1;
            data.chart1_2 = chartconfig.chart1_2;
            data.chart2_1 = chartconfig.chart2_1;
            data.chart2_2 = chartconfig.chart2_2;
            data.chart3_1 = chartconfig.chart3_1;
            data.chart3_2 = chartconfig.chart3_2;

            data.unitname1 = chartconfig.unitname1;
            data.unitname2 = chartconfig.unitname2;
            data.unitname3 = chartconfig.unitname3;
            FlexChart chart1 = new FlexChart();
            FlexChart chart2 = new FlexChart();
            FlexChart chart3 = new FlexChart();
            if (str1 != null && str1 != "")
                chart1 = centerService.GetFlexChartBySelects(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name, "", str1);
                chart1.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
            if (str2 != null && str2 != "")
                chart2 = centerService.GetFlexChartBySelects(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name, "", str2);
                chart2.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
            if (str3 != null && str3 != "")
                chart3 = centerService.GetFlexChartBySelects(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name, "", str3);
                chart3.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
            data.chart1 = JsonHelper.ToJson(chart1);
            data.chart2 = JsonHelper.ToJson(chart2);
            data.chart3 = JsonHelper.ToJson(chart3);
            #region 工艺三个图表的下拉单元
            List<long> long1 = new List<long> { 7, 8, 9 };
            List<long> long2 = new List<long> { 10, 11, 12, 13 };
            List<long> long3 = new List<long> { 14, 15, 16 };
            var units1 = centerService.GetThreeChartStandardProcessUnit(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, long1);
            var units2 = centerService.GetThreeChartStandardProcessUnit(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, long2);
            var units3 = centerService.GetThreeChartStandardProcessUnit(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, long3);
            data.units1 = JsonHelper.ToJson(units1.Select(p => new { text = p, id = p }).ToList());
            data.units2 = JsonHelper.ToJson(units2.Select(p => new { text = p, id = p }).ToList());
            data.units3 = JsonHelper.ToJson(units3.Select(p => new { text = p, id = p }).ToList());
            #region 每四个图表的耗材
            var hc = materialService.GetMaterialSpecification(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code).Distinct().ToList();
            data.material = hc;
            #region 进水监管链接的参数
            int selc = 0;
            int isic = 0;
            if (chartconfig.chart1_1 != "")
                if (chartconfig.chart1_1.Contains("_IC-"))
                    isic = 1;
                    if (chartconfig.chart1_2 != "")
                        if (chartconfig.chart1_2.Contains("_IC-"))
                    isic = 0;
                    if (chartconfig.chart1_2 != "")
                        if (!chartconfig.chart1_2.Contains("_IC-"))
            data.selc = selc;
            data.isic = isic;
            #region 第四个小图表
            var config3 = centerService.GetPlatFormFourthChart(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, Masterpage.CurrUser.config3);
            FlexChart chart4 = new FlexChart();
            string chart4_1 = "";
            string chart4_2 = "";
            string chart4name = "";
            if (config3.number != null && config3.number != "")
                chart4 = centerService.GetFlexChartByChartNumber(config3.number);
                chart4.customercode = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code;
                chart4.customername = Masterpage.CurrUser.client_name;
                chart4.processparms = config3.material + "|" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                chart4.queryparms = config3.material;
                chart4_1 = config3.material;
                chart4_2 = config3.number;
                chart4.url = Utils.GetFlexAddress();
                if (config3.material != null && config3.material != "")
                    var m = materialService.GetOneMaterialSpecification(config3.material);
                    chart4name = m.MaterialSpecificationName;
            data.chart4_1 = chart4_1;
            data.chart4_2 = chart4_2;
            data.chart4name = chart4name;
            data.chart4 = JsonHelper.ToJson(chart4);

            #region 工艺报警
            //var alarms = WebAccountHelper.GetCollectionAlarm(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code);
            var alarms = managementService.GetCustomerCollectionAlarmRes(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, "").Where(p => p.Status.HasValue && !p.Status.Value).ToList();
            data.alarms = alarms;

            #region 操作建议
            var option = centerService.GetSystemOptimization(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code);
            //var s2 = centerService.GetSystemDiagnostic(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code);
            //var s3 = centerService.GetLastOptimizationSuggestion(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, 1);
            data.option = option;
            //data.s2 = s2;
            #region 流程图采集点
            //var vs = centerService.GetProcessCollectionValue(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code).Select(p => new { code = p.CustomerCollectionCode.Replace("-", "$"), value = p.CustomerCollectionAvgValue });
            var date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);// DateTime.Parse("2013-07-04");//
            var nalarms = alarms.Where(x => DateTime.Compare(x.CustomerAlaramHappenTime.Value.Date, date.Date) == 0).ToList();
            var vs = centerService.GetProcessPlatCollection(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code, date).Select(p => new ProcessPlatCollection { code = p.code.Replace("-", "$"), value = p.value, low = p.low, up = p.up, alarm = 0 }).ToList();
            foreach (var item in nalarms)
                var ha = vs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.code == item.CustomerCollectionCode.Replace("-", "$"));
                if (ha != null)
                    ha.alarm = 1;
            data.list = JsonHelper.ToJson(vs);
            #region 流程图开关量
            //var switchs = centerService.GetProcessSwitchValue(Masterpage.CurrUser.client_code).Select(p => new { code = p.CustomerCollectionCode.Replace("-", "$"), value = p.CustomerCollectionAvgValue.HasValue ? (int)p.CustomerCollectionAvgValue.Value : 0 });
            data.switchs = "";// JsonHelper.ToJson(switchs);
   = date;
            return View(data);
Example #33
        protected override void InitializeControls()
            flexChart1 = new FlexChart();
            this.Chart = flexChart1;

            _toolStrip = new ToolStrip();
            _tsRectangle = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsRectangle_Image,
                Text         = "Add Rectangle Annotation",
                Tag          = "Rectangle",
            _tsSquare = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsSquare_Image,
                Text         = "Add Square Annotation",
                Tag          = "Square",
            _tsCircle = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsCircle_Image,
                Text         = "Add Circle Annotation",
                Tag          = "Circle",
            _tsEllipse = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsEllipse_Image,
                Text         = "Add Ellipse Annotation",
                Tag          = "Ellipse",
            _tsLine = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsLine_Image,
                Text         = "Add Line Annotation",
                Tag          = "Line",
            _tsPoly = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsPolygon_Image,
                Text         = "Add Polygon Annotation",
                Tag          = "Polygon",
            _tsText = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsText_Image,
                Text         = "Add Text Annotation",
                Tag          = "Text",
            _tsAbsolute = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsAbsolute_Image,
                Text         = "Absolute Attachment",
                Tag          = AnnotationAttachment.Absolute,
            _tsRelative = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsRelative_Image,
                Text         = "Relative Attachment",
                Tag          = AnnotationAttachment.Relative,
            _tsDataCord = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsDataCoordinate_Image,
                Text         = "DataCoordinate Attachment",
                Tag          = AnnotationAttachment.DataCoordinate,
            //Allow Move and Separators
            _tsMove = new ToolStripButton()
                DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image,
                Image        = Properties.Resources.tsAllowMove_Image,
                Text         = "Allow Move",
                Tag          = "Move",
            _tsSeparator1 = new ToolStripSeparator();
            _tsSeparator2 = new ToolStripSeparator();
            //Context Menu
            _flexChartContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Delete", OnDeleteClicked) });

            _lsAnnotationGroup = new List <ToolStripButton> {
                _tsRectangle, _tsSquare, _tsCircle, _tsEllipse, _tsLine, _tsPoly, _tsText
            _lsAttachmentGroup = new List <ToolStripButton> {
                _tsAbsolute, _tsRelative, _tsDataCord

            _toolStrip.ItemClicked += _toolStrip_ItemClicked;
            _tsAbsolute.Checked     = true;
            _tsMove.Checked         = true;

            _toolStrip.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { _tsAbsolute, _tsRelative, _tsDataCord, _tsSeparator1,
                                                            _tsLine, _tsRectangle, _tsSquare, _tsCircle, _tsEllipse, _tsPoly, _tsText, _tsSeparator2, _tsMove });