public GraphSettings(float2 pos, float2 size, float2 min, float2 max, float2 grid) { Assert.IsTrue(math.all(size > 0)); Assert.IsTrue(math.all(grid >= 0)); Assert.IsTrue(math.all(max > min)); Pos = pos; Size = size; Min = min; Max = max; Grid = grid; Range = max - min; Scale = size / Range; Rot = quaternion.identity; Tr = float4x4.TRS(new float3(pos + -min * Scale, 0), Rot, new float3(Scale, 1)); MarkingInterval = new int2(1); AxisColor =; GridColor = new Color(.25f, .25f, .25f, 1); GridAltColor = new Color(.11f, .11f, .11f, 1); MarkingColor = Color.white; UiBaseScale = 1; MarkingScale = 1; AxisNameScale = 1; LegendScale = 1; TitleScale = 1; Title = ""; HorizontalAxisName = ""; VerticalAxisName = ""; }
public static void Append(this StringBuilder builder, FixedString64 fixedString) { foreach (var c in fixedString) { builder.Append((char)c.value); } }
public void UpdatePlayerInfoDisplay(FixedString64 playerName, FixedString64 characterName, Entity pawnReference) { _playerName.text = playerName.ToString(); _characterName.text = characterName.ToString(); _currentPlayer = pawnReference; }
public unsafe bool WriteFixedString64(FixedString64 str) { int length = (int)*((ushort *)&str) + 2; byte *data = ((byte *)&str); return(WriteBytes(data, length)); }
public unsafe bool WritePackedFixedString64Delta(FixedString64 str, FixedString64 baseline, NetworkCompressionModel model) { ushort length = *((ushort *)&str); byte * data = ((byte *)&str) + 2; return(WritePackedFixedStringDelta(data, length, ((byte *)&baseline) + 2, *((ushort *)&baseline), model)); }
public unsafe FixedString64 ReadPackedFixedString64Delta(FixedString64 baseline, NetworkCompressionModel model) { FixedString64 str; byte * data = ((byte *)&str) + 2; *(ushort *)&str = ReadPackedFixedStringDelta(data, str.Capacity, ((byte *)&baseline) + 2, *((ushort *)&baseline), model); return(str); }
public EntityPrefab(EntityManager entityManager, Entity entity, FixedString64 name) { Name = name; Entity = entity; entityManager.GetBuffer <EntityPrefabBufferElement>(EntityPrefab.AllSpawnDatas.dataEntity).Add(new EntityPrefabBufferElement { Value = this }); }
public void WordStorageFixedString64Works(String value) { NumberedWords w = new NumberedWords(); FixedString64 fixedString = default; w.SetString(value); w.ToFixedString(ref fixedString); Assert.AreEqual(value, fixedString.ToString()); }
public void AddCostRecord(FixedString64 queryDebugName, float poseCost, float trajectoryCost) { costRecords.Add(new DebugCostRecord() { queryDebugName = queryDebugName, poseCost = poseCost, trajectoryCost = trajectoryCost }); }
public VA_AnimationData(FixedString64 a_name, int a_frames, int a_maxFrames, int a_fps, int a_positionMapIndex, int a_colorMapIndex = -1) { name = a_name; frames = a_frames; maxFrames = a_maxFrames; animationMapIndex = a_positionMapIndex; colorMapIndex = a_colorMapIndex; frameTime = 1.0f / a_maxFrames * a_fps; duration = 1.0f / a_maxFrames * (a_frames - 1); }
/// <summary> /// returns the first EntityPrefab that matches with the given lookFor argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="prefabs">prefabs to look through</param> /// <param name="lookfor">name of the prefab to look for</param> /// <returns></returns> public static EntityPrefab FindEntityPrefab(EntityPrefab[] prefabs, FixedString64 lookfor) { for (int i = 0; i < prefabs.Length; i++) { if (prefabs[i].Name == lookfor) { return(prefabs[i]); } } return(EntityPrefab.Null); }
void SendMessage(NetworkConnection connection, FixedString64 message) { //let the networkDriver start. DataStreamWriter streamWriter = networkDriver.BeginSend(NetworkPipeline.Null, connection); //write relevant data streamWriter.WriteUInt((uint)MessageType.Message); streamWriter.WriteFixedString64(message); //finish sending. networkDriver.EndSend(streamWriter); }
/// <summary> /// returns the first EntityPrefab that matches with the given lookFor argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="lookfor">name of the prefab to look for</param> /// <returns></returns> public static EntityPrefab FindEntityPrefab(FixedString64 lookfor) { for (int i = 0; i < AllSpawnDatas.buffer.Length; i++) { if (AllSpawnDatas.buffer[i].Value.Name == lookfor) { return(AllSpawnDatas.buffer[i].Value); } } return(EntityPrefab.Null); }
internal static QueryTraitExpression Create(ref Binary binary, FixedString64 debugName = default(FixedString64)) { var constraints = new NativeList <Constraint>(Allocator.Temp); return(new QueryTraitExpression() { binary = MemoryRef <Binary> .Create(ref binary), constraints = constraints, debugName = debugName }); }
/// <summary> /// cache strings to avoid gc pressure /// </summary> /// <param name="fstr"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string _getString(ref FixedString64 fstr) { string toReturn; if (_strLookup.TryGetValue(fstr, out toReturn)) { return(toReturn); } toReturn = fstr.ToString(); _strLookup.Add(fstr, toReturn); return(toReturn); }
public void ReadFromStream(Buffer buffer) { trajectory = buffer.ReadBlittable <DebugIdentifier>(); candidates = buffer.ReadBlittable <DebugIdentifier>(); samplingTime = buffer.ReadBlittable <DebugIdentifier>(); closestMatch = buffer.ReadBlittable <DebugIdentifier>(); deviationTable = buffer.ReadBlittable <DebugIdentifier>(); trajectoryWeight = buffer.ReadSingle(); maxDeviation = buffer.ReadSingle(); deviated = buffer.ReadBoolean(); debugName = buffer.ReadFixedString64(); }
public static int GetAnimation(ref VA_AnimationLibraryData animationsRef, FixedString64 animationName) { for (int i = 0; i < animationsRef.animations.Length; i++) { if (animationsRef.animations[i].name == animationName) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { var x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); var y = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); Entities .WithAll <Player>() //filter by player .ForEach((ref Movable mov //, ref Translation translation, ref Rotation rot, in Player player ) => { //Debug.Log("in player forEach"); mov.direction = new float3(x, 0, y); }) .Schedule(); //.Run() runs on main thread. .Schedule() schedules var dt = Time.DeltaTime; var ecbSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem <EndSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem>(); var ecb = ecbSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter(); var audioQueue = AudioSystem.messageIn; var powerupMusicFile = new FixedString64("powerup"); var gameMusicFile = new FixedString64("game"); Entities .WithNativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction(audioQueue) .WithAll <Player>() .ForEach((Entity playerEntity, int entityInQueryIndex, ref Health hp, ref PowerPill pill, ref Damage dmg) => { pill.pillTimer -= dt; hp.invincibleTimer = pill.pillTimer; dmg.value = 100; audioQueue.Enqueue(new AudioSystem.AudioMessage() { type = SystemMessageType.Audio_Music, audioFile = powerupMusicFile }); if (pill.pillTimer <= 0) { audioQueue.Enqueue(new AudioSystem.AudioMessage() { type = SystemMessageType.Audio_Music, audioFile = gameMusicFile }); ecb.RemoveComponent <PowerPill>(entityInQueryIndex, playerEntity); dmg.value = 0; } }) .ScheduleParallel(); ecbSystem.AddJobHandleForProducer(this.Dependency); }
public void ReadWriteFixedString64() { var dataStream = new DataStreamWriter(300 * 4, Allocator.Temp); var src = new FixedString64("This is a string"); dataStream.WriteFixedString64(src); //Assert.AreEqual(src.LengthInBytes+2, dataStream.Length); var reader = new DataStreamReader(dataStream.AsNativeArray()); var dst = reader.ReadFixedString64(); Assert.AreEqual(src, dst); }
internal string FormatToString(FixedString64 systemTypeName) { int type = m_ProblematicTypeIndex; AtomicSafetyHandle h = m_ProblematicHandle; if (!IsWrite) { int i = m_ReaderIndex; return($"The system {systemTypeName} reads {TypeManager.GetType(type)} via {AtomicSafetyHandle.GetReaderName(h, i)} but that type was not assigned to the Dependency property. To ensure correct behavior of other systems, the job or a dependency must be assigned to the Dependency property before returning from the OnUpdate method."); } else { return($"The system {systemTypeName} writes {TypeManager.GetType(type)} via {AtomicSafetyHandle.GetWriterName(h)} but that type was not assigned to the Dependency property. To ensure correct behavior of other systems, the job or a dependency must be assigned to the Dependency property before returning from the OnUpdate method."); } }
/** * Deserialize each field in an object */ void ReadObjectViewIntoMap(SerializedObjectView objView, ref UnsafeHashMap <FixedString128, JsonKeyHandle> objMap) { var serializedViewEnum = objView.GetEnumerator(); while (serializedViewEnum.MoveNext()) { var view = serializedViewEnum.Current; var typeInfo = DeserializeValueView(view.Value()); FixedString64 fs = default; fs.Append(view.Name().ToString()); objMap.TryAdd(fs, typeInfo); } serializedViewEnum.Dispose(); }
public void SendMessageToAllClients() { string messageRaw = inputField.text; inputField.text = ""; FixedString64 message = messageRaw; for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (!connections[i].IsCreated) { continue; } SendMessage(connections[i], message); } }
public void ReadWritePackedFixedString64Delta() { var dataStream = new DataStreamWriter(300 * 4, Allocator.Temp); var compressionModel = new NetworkCompressionModel(Allocator.Temp); var src = new FixedString64("This is a string"); var baseline = new FixedString64("This is another string"); dataStream.WritePackedFixedString64Delta(src, baseline, compressionModel); dataStream.Flush(); //Assert.LessOrEqual(dataStream.Length, src.LengthInBytes+2); var reader = new DataStreamReader(dataStream.AsNativeArray()); var dst = reader.ReadPackedFixedString64Delta(baseline, compressionModel); Assert.AreEqual(src, dst); }
///<summary> ///Send a message from one player to all the others. ///</summary> void HandleMessage(DataStreamReader streamReader) { uint senderID = streamReader.ReadUInt(); FixedString64 content = streamReader.ReadFixedString64(); foreach (PlayerInfo player in connectedPlayers) { if (player.iD == senderID) { continue; } var writer = networkDriver.BeginSend(player.connection); writer.WriteUInt((uint)MessageType.Message); writer.WriteUInt(senderID); writer.WriteFixedString64(content); networkDriver.EndSend(writer); } }
internal int AddSystemType(long typeHash, FixedString64 debugName, UnmanagedComponentSystemDelegates delegates) { if (m_TypeHashToIndex.TryGetValue(typeHash, out int index)) { if (m_DebugNames[index] != debugName) { Debug.LogError($"Type hash {typeHash} for {debugName} collides with {m_DebugNames[index]}. Skipping this type. Rename the type to avoid the collision."); return(-1); } m_Delegates[index] = delegates; return(index); } else { int newIndex = m_Delegates.Length; m_TypeHashToIndex.Add(typeHash, newIndex); m_DebugNames.Add(debugName); m_Delegates.Add(delegates); return(newIndex); } }
public Entity GetEntityByUIName(string name) { FixedString64 key = new FixedString64(name); Entity result = Entity.Null; var query = EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(typeof(UIName)); using (var entities = query.ToEntityArray(Allocator.Temp)) { foreach (var e in entities) { UIName uiName = EntityManager.GetComponentData <UIName>(e); if (uiName.Name == key) { result = e; break; } } } query.Dispose(); return(result); }
public unsafe GameSaveResult ReadDouble(FixedString64 key, out double value, double defaultValue) { value = defaultValue; return(ReadInternal <double>(key, ref value, GameSaveType.Double)); }
public unsafe GameSaveResult ReadFixedString64(FixedString64 key, ref FixedString64 value) { return(ReadInternal <FixedString64>(key, ref value, GameSaveType.FixedString64)); }
public unsafe GameSaveResult ReadFixedString64(FixedString64 key, out FixedString64 value, in FixedString64 defaultValue)
public IDefine GetDefine(FixedString64 defineName) { return(GetDefine(defineName.ToString())); }