public ParticleSwarmOptimization(int dimensions, int numberOfParticles, double[] upperBounds, double[] lowerBounds, Func <double[], double> CalculateFitness, Func <double, bool> TargetReached, FitnessMethod FitnessMethod, double velocityFactor = 0.5, double omega = 0.3, double fp = 1, double fg = 0.3) { if (dimensions < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Dimensions should be > 1"); } if (numberOfParticles < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Number of particles should be > 1"); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++) { Particles.Add(new Particle(dimensions)); } this.velocityFactor = velocityFactor; = omega; this.fp = fp; this.fg = fg; this.CalculateFitness = CalculateFitness; this.FitnessMethod = FitnessMethod; this.TargetReached = TargetReached; this.lowerBounds = lowerBounds; this.upperBounds = upperBounds; Initialize(upperBounds, lowerBounds); }
public bool ShouldUpdateParticleBestFitness(FitnessMethod fitnessMethod) { if (fitnessMethod == FitnessMethod.Maximize) { return(Fitness > BestFitness); } else { return(Fitness < BestFitness); } }
/// <summary> /// Konstruktor /// </summary> /// <param name='problem'>Anzuwendendes Problem</param> public Evolution(Problem problem) { countGene = problem.countGene; maxGenerations = problem.maxGenerations; countIndividuals = problem.countIndividuals; countChilds = problem.countChilds; recombinationProbability = problem.recombinationProbability; InvertOnMutate = problem.InvertOnMutate; minAllelValue = problem.minAllelValue; maxAllelValue = problem.maxAllelValue; SelPropType = problem.SelPropType; SelType = problem.SelType; Encryption = problem.Encryption; TournamentMemberCount = problem.TournamentMemberCount; sb = problem.Output; bestFitness = double.MaxValue; averageFitness = double.MaxValue; bestFitnessGeneration = 0; bestSolutions = new List<double>(); bestSolutionsGeneration = new List<int>(); bestList = new List<Genome>(maxGenerations-1); CalcFitness = problem.CalcFitnessDefault; switch (Encryption) { case Helper.Enums.Encryption.None : { Recombine = problem.RecombineDefault; Mutate = problem.MutateDefault; break; } case Helper.Enums.Encryption.Binary : { Recombine = problem.RecombineBinary; Mutate = problem.MutateBinary; break; } case Helper.Enums.Encryption.Real : { Recombine = problem.RecombineReal; Mutate = problem.MutateReal; break; } } }
// ======================================== CONSTRUCTOR ============================================== /// <summary> /// Instanciate a <see cref="T:NEAT.NEATManager"/>. It sets the configs for it to run correctly. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputs">The number of inputs neurons of a neural network.</param> /// <param name="outputs">The number of outputs of a neural network.</param> /// <param name="fitnessMethod">The method that computes the fitness of a dead player.</param> /// <param name="size">The size of the population.</param> /// <param name="mode">The mode that will be used to run NEAT.</param> public NEATManager(int inputs, int outputs, FitnessMethod fitnessMethod, int size = 200, NEATMode mode = NEATMode.Separately) { Mode = mode; PopulationSize = size; if (Mode == NEATMode.Separately) { CurrentPlayerIndex = 0; } history = new List <NeuralNetwork.ConnectionHistory>(); Players = new List <Player>(); SpeciesList = new List <Species>(); nextInnovationNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Players.Add(new Player(inputs, outputs, ref fitnessMethod)); Players[i].Brain.Mutate(history, ref nextInnovationNumber); } Generation = 1; }
public Player(int inputs, int outputs, ref FitnessMethod fitnessMethod) { Brain = new Genome(inputs, outputs); IsAlive = true; fitness = fitnessMethod; }