Example #1
        private void Demo(object target)
            // Fit synchronously using Marquardt algorithm

            MessageBox.Show("Synchronous Marquardt fit algorithm");
            // Wait 2 seconds

            f.Color = Color.Red;             // set function color to red

            Fit fit = new Fit(data, f, Fit.FitAlgorithm.Marquardt);

            fit.StepInterval = 0;             // set minimal time interval between Step events to 0, in order to show the progress of the fit.
            fit.Step        += FitStep;

            fit.Solve();             // Start synchronous Solve

            f.Color = Color.Black;   // fitting finished, set function color back to black

            if (fit.Error)               // An exception occured in the fitting algorithm
                MessageBox.Show("Error: " + fit.Exception.Message);

            // Fit asynchronously using NelderMead algorithm

            MessageBox.Show("Asynchronous Nelder & Mead fit algorithm");

            // Wait 2 seconds

            f.Color = Color.Red;             // set function color to red

            fit = new Fit(data, f, Fit.FitAlgorithm.NelderMead);

            fit.StepInterval = 0;   // set minimal time interval between Step events to 0, in order to show the progress of the fit.
            delay            = 75;  // set up speed of Nelder & Mead fit faster than Marquardt fit, because Nelder & Mead will invoke the Step event
            // more often.
            fit.Step += FitStep;

            IAsyncResult res = fit.BeginSolve(null, null); // Start asynchronous Solve

            fit.EndSolve(res);                             // wait for Solve completion

            f.Color = Color.Black;                         // fitting finished, set function color back to black

            if (fit.Error)               // An exception occured in the fitting algorithm
                MessageBox.Show("Error: " + fit.Exception.Message);