Example #1
 public void RemoveFishBox()
     fishBox = null;
     isTaken = false;
     if (attachedToFisherman)
         fisherman.hasFishBox = false;
     else if (attachedToExtractor)
         extractor.hasFishBox = false;
Example #2
 public void AddFishBox(FishBox fb)
     fishBox = fb;
     isTaken = true;
     if (attachedToFisherman)
         fisherman.hasFishBox = true;
     else if (attachedToExtractor)
         extractor.hasFishBox = true;
        public void breakConnection(ConnectionInstruction instruction, FishBox otherBox)
            string otherCorner = instruction.secondBox.corner;
            string otherWall   = instruction.secondBox.wall;
            List <ConnectionInstruction> sharedConnections = new List <ConnectionInstruction>();

            if (connectedBoxes.ContainsKey(otherBox))
                sharedConnections = connectedBoxes[otherBox];
            Queue <ConnectionInstruction> keepConnections  = new Queue <ConnectionInstruction>();
            ConnectionInstruction         trashInstruction = null;

            foreach (ConnectionInstruction inst in sharedConnections)
                if (inst.sameInstruction(instruction))
                    trashInstruction = inst;

            if (trashInstruction != null)
                if (keepConnections.Count >= 2 /*||is diagonal connection*/)
                    separateFrom(otherBox, true);
                    while (keepConnections.Count != 0)
                        ConnectionInstruction inst = keepConnections.Dequeue();
                        createConnection(inst, otherBox);
                Debug.Log("Could not break connection " + instruction + " because the boxes dont share this connection");
 IEnumerator UpdatePosition()
     while (newDisconnections.Count != 0)
         ConnectionInstruction inst = newDisconnections.Dequeue();
         FishBox firstBox           = boxes[inst.firstBox.boxNo];
         FishBox secondBox          = boxes[inst.secondBox.boxNo];
         firstBox.breakConnection(inst, secondBox);
     while (newConnections.Count != 0)
         ConnectionInstruction inst = newConnections.Dequeue();
         FishBox firstBox           = boxes[inst.firstBox.boxNo];
         FishBox secondBox          = boxes[inst.secondBox.boxNo];
         firstBox.createConnection(inst, secondBox);
     avoidPositionCoroutine = null;
     yield return(null);
        private void addConnection(ConnectionInstruction inst, FishBox otherBox)
            BoxInfo thisBoxInst  = inst.firstBox;
            BoxInfo otherBoxInst = inst.secondBox;
            string  thisCorner   = thisBoxInst.corner;
            string  thisWall     = thisBoxInst.wall;
            string  otherCorner  = otherBoxInst.corner;
            string  otherWall    = otherBoxInst.wall;

            if (connectedBoxes[otherBox][0].secondBox.wall != otherWall ||
                connectedBoxes[otherBox][0].firstBox.wall != thisWall)
                Debug.Log("Cannot complete instruction " + inst.ToString() +
                          ". A box cannot be connected to two different walls on the same box");
            if (connectedBoxes[otherBox].Count >= 2)
                Vector3 otherPos = otherBox.getPosition();
                //apply to all connections - write a helper method would you
                int direction = 1;
                if (otherBoxInst.wall == "bottom")
                    direction = -1;
                //so we need to do movements relative otherbox
                fishTank.transform.rotation = otherBox.fishTank.transform.rotation;
                fishTank.transform.position = otherPos + (otherBox.fishTank.transform.up * boxWidthZ * direction);
                connectWalls(thisWall, otherBox, otherWall, true);

        /*public void createConnection(ConnectionInstruction inst, FishBox otherBox) {
         *  Debug.Log(inst.ToString());
         *  BoxInfo thisBoxInst = inst.firstBox;
         *  BoxInfo otherBoxInst = inst.secondBox;
         *  string thisCorner = thisBoxInst.corner;
         *  string thisWall = thisBoxInst.wall;
         *  string otherCorner = otherBoxInst.corner;
         *  string otherWall = otherBoxInst.wall;
         *  if (connectedBoxes.ContainsKey(otherBox))
         *  {
         *      foreach (ConnectionInstruction i in connectedBoxes[otherBox])
         *      {
         *          if (inst.sameInstruction(i))
         *          {
         *              Debug.Log("Cannot complete instruction " + inst.ToString() + " because the connection already exists");
         *              return;
         *          }
         *      }
         *      addConnection(inst, otherBox);
         *  }
         *  else if (this == otherBox) {
         *      Debug.Log("Cannot complete instruction "+inst.ToString()+". Cant connect box to itself");
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      Vector3 otherPos = otherBox.getPosition();
         *      //apply to all connections - write a helper method would you
         *      int direction = 1;
         *      if (otherBoxInst.wall == "bottom") { direction = -1; }
         *      //so we need to do movements relative otherbox
         *      fishTank.transform.position = otherPos + (otherBox.fishTank.transform.up * boxWidthZ*direction);
         *      if (otherCorner == "A" || otherCorner == "B")
         *      {
         *          fishTank.transform.position += (otherBox.fishTank.transform.forward * (boxWidthZ / 2));
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          fishTank.transform.position += (otherBox.fishTank.transform.forward * (-boxWidthZ / 2));
         *      }
         *      if (otherCorner == "B" || otherCorner == "D")
         *      {
         *          fishTank.transform.position += (otherBox.fishTank.transform.right * (boxWidthX / 2));
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          fishTank.transform.position += (otherBox.fishTank.transform.right * (-boxWidthX / 2));
         *      }
         *      makeCornersTouch(thisBoxInst, otherBoxInst, otherBox, fishTank.transform.position);
         *      setWallCorner(false, thisWall, thisCorner);
         *      otherBox.setWallCorner(false, otherWall, otherCorner);
         *      connectedBoxes[otherBox] = new List<ConnectionInstruction> {inst};
         *      otherBox.connectedBoxes[this] = new List<ConnectionInstruction> { inst };
         *  }
         * }*/

        private void makeCornersTouch(BoxInfo thisBoxInst, BoxInfo otherBoxInst, FishBox otherBox, Vector3 pivot)
            string     thisCorner  = thisBoxInst.corner;
            string     otherCorner = otherBoxInst.corner;
            Quaternion otherRot    = otherBox.getRotation();

            fishTank.transform.rotation = otherRot;
            String newThisCorner = thisCorner;
            int    rotSign       = 1;

            if (thisBoxInst.wall == otherBoxInst.wall)
                //I would also write method for this, it needs to flip the fish to work right
                fishTank.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(180 * Vector3.forward);
                if (thisCorner == "A")
                    newThisCorner = "B";
                else if (thisCorner == "B")
                    newThisCorner = "A";
                else if (thisCorner == "C")
                    newThisCorner = "D";
                else if (thisCorner == "D")
                    newThisCorner = "C";
                rotSign = -1;
            List <String> corners = new List <String>(new String[] { "D", "C", "A", "B" });
            int           offset  = ((2 - corners.IndexOf(newThisCorner) + corners.IndexOf(otherCorner)) * rotSign * 90);

            fishTank.transform.RotateAround(pivot, Vector3.up, offset);
 public void separateFrom(FishBox otherBox, bool moveAway)
     if (connectedBoxes.ContainsKey(otherBox))
         setTankWall(getThisBoxInst(connectedBoxes[otherBox][0]).wall, true);
         foreach (ConnectionInstruction inst in connectedBoxes[otherBox])
             BoxInfo thisBoxInst = getThisBoxInst(inst);
             setWallCorner(true, thisBoxInst.wall, thisBoxInst.corner);
         HashSet <GameObject> newFish = new HashSet <GameObject>();
         foreach (GameObject fish in otherBox.getFishes())
             if (tankContains(fish))
         foreach (GameObject fish in newFish)
             fish.transform.parent = fishTank.transform;
         otherBox.separateFrom(this, false);
         if (moveAway)
             Vector3 newPos = Vector3.zero;
             newPos.x += 20;
             newPos.z += 20;
             fishTank.transform.position = newPos;
             fishTank.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero);
    private void SpawnBoxes()
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBoxes; i++)
            Vector3 position = getEmptyPosition();
            FishBox currBox;
            if (i == 1)
                currBox = new FishBox(maxFishPerBox, position, Box, Control, fishBlue, i, screen);
                currBox = new FishBox(maxFishPerBox, position, Box, Control, fish, i, screen);
            //GameObject currScreen;
            //currScreen = SpawnScreen(position + screen.transform.position, screen, currBox);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Debug.Log("pos: " + avoidPositionCoroutine);
        if (avoidWifiCoroutine == null /*(&& avoidPositionCoroutine == null*/)
            avoidWifiCoroutine = StartCoroutine(getPositionUpdates());

        ConnectionInstruction inst1 = makeInst(1, "bottom", "B", 0, "top", "B");
        ConnectionInstruction inst2 = makeInst(1, "bottom", "C", 0, "top", "A");
        ConnectionInstruction inst3 = makeInst(1, "bottom", "C", 0, "top", "A");
        ConnectionInstruction inst4 = makeInst(1, "bottom", "B", 0, "top", "B");
        ConnectionInstruction inst5 = makeInst(1, "bottom", "A", 0, "top", "B");
        ConnectionInstruction inst6 = makeInst(1, "bottom", "C", 0, "top", "D");
        ConnectionInstruction inst7 = makeInst(1, "bottom", "C", 0, "top", "D");

        //remember to set a coroutine block
        //avoidPositionCoroutine = StartCoroutine(UpdatePosition());

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("1"))
            /*foreach (Instruction inst in instructions)
             * {
             *  //run disconnections first to avoid confusion about positions
             *  //if (!inst.connect) { inst.firstBox.breakConnections(inst.secondBox, inst.relationship); }
             * }*/

            //foreach (Instruction inst in instructions)
            FishBox firstBox  = boxes[inst1.firstBox.boxNo];
            FishBox secondBox = boxes[inst1.secondBox.boxNo];
            firstBox.createConnection(inst1, secondBox);
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown("2"))
            FishBox firstBox  = boxes[inst2.firstBox.boxNo];
            FishBox secondBox = boxes[inst2.secondBox.boxNo];
            firstBox.createConnection(inst2, secondBox);
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown("3"))
            FishBox firstBox  = boxes[inst3.firstBox.boxNo];
            FishBox secondBox = boxes[inst3.secondBox.boxNo];
            firstBox.breakConnection(inst3, secondBox);
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown("4"))
            FishBox firstBox  = boxes[inst4.firstBox.boxNo];
            FishBox secondBox = boxes[inst4.secondBox.boxNo];
            firstBox.breakConnection(inst4, secondBox);

        /*GameObject wall = boxes[0].getTankComponent("bottomWall");
         * Renderer renderer = wall.transform.Find("A").GetComponent<Renderer>();
         * Material mat = renderer.material;
         * float emission = 0 + Mathf.PingPong(Time.time * (0.003f), .02f);
         * Color baseColor = new Color(26, 55, 50); //Replace this with whatever you want for your base color at emission level '1'
         * Color finalColor = baseColor * Mathf.LinearToGammaSpace(emission);
         * mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", finalColor);*/
Example #10
 private void connectWalls(string thisWall, FishBox otherBox, string otherWall, bool animation)
     setTankWall(thisWall, false);
     otherBox.setTankWall(otherWall, false);
Example #11
 /*private void addConnection(ConnectionInstruction inst, FishBox otherBox) {
  *  BoxInfo thisBoxInst = inst.firstBox;
  *  BoxInfo otherBoxInst = inst.secondBox;
  *  string thisCorner = thisBoxInst.corner;
  *  string thisWall = thisBoxInst.wall;
  *  string otherCorner = otherBoxInst.corner;
  *  string otherWall = otherBoxInst.wall;
  *  if (connectedBoxes[otherBox][0].secondBox.wall != otherWall ||
  *      connectedBoxes[otherBox][0].firstBox.wall != thisWall) {
  *      Debug.Log("Cannot complete instruction " + inst.ToString() +
  *          ". A box cannot be connected to two different walls on the same box");
  *      return;
  *  }
  *  if (connectedBoxes[otherBox].Count > 2)
  *  {
  *      connectedBoxes[otherBox].Add(inst);
  *      otherBox.connectedBoxes[this].Add(inst);
  *      return;
  *  }
  *  else if (!getTankComponent(thisWall + "Wall").activeSelf &&
  *      !otherBox.getTankComponent(otherWall + "Wall").activeSelf)
  *  {
  *      connectedBoxes[otherBox].Add(inst);
  *      otherBox.connectedBoxes[this].Add(inst);
  *      return;
  *  }
  *  else if (connectedBoxes[otherBox].Count == 2)
  *  {
  *      //if already 2 connections check for if it could touch and set wall, else do nothing
  *      connectedBoxes[otherBox].Add(inst);
  *      otherBox.connectedBoxes[this].Add(inst);
  *  }
  *  else {
  *      List<string> thisAdj = getAdjacentCorners(thisCorner);
  *      List<string> otherAdj = getAdjacentCorners(otherCorner);
  *      string thisDia = getDiagonalCorner(thisCorner);
  *      string otherDia = getDiagonalCorner(otherCorner);
  *      BoxInfo thisPrevInst = connectedBoxes[otherBox][0].firstBox;
  *      BoxInfo otherPrevInst = connectedBoxes[otherBox][0].secondBox;
  *      if (otherPrevInst.boxNo == thisBoxInst.boxNo) {
  *          thisPrevInst = connectedBoxes[otherBox][0].secondBox;
  *          otherPrevInst = connectedBoxes[otherBox][0].firstBox;
  *      }
  *      //dia dia
  *      if (thisDia == thisPrevInst.corner
  *          && otherDia == otherPrevInst.corner) {
  *          fishTank.transform.rotation = (fishTank.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.up * 180));
  *          Vector3 newPos = otherBox.getPosition();
  *          newPos.y = getPosition().y;
  *          fishTank.transform.position = newPos;
  *          connectCorners(inst, otherBox, false);
  *          connectWalls(thisWall, otherBox, otherWall, true);
  *      }
  *      //adj adj
  *      else if (thisAdj.Contains(thisPrevInst.corner)
  *          && otherAdj.Contains(otherPrevInst.corner))
  *      {
  *          GameObject wall = otherBox.getTankComponent(otherPrevInst.wall + "Wall");
  *          GameObject corner = wall.transform.Find(otherPrevInst.corner).gameObject;
  *          Debug.Log(corner.transform.position);
  *          fishTank.transform.RotateAround(corner.transform.position, Vector3.up, 90);
  *          //makeCornersTouch(getThisBoxInst(inst), otherPrevInst, otherBox, corner.transform.position);
  *          //fishTank.transform
  *          //rotate so newthis corner is on prevothercorner
  *          //slide
  *      }
  *      else {
  *          Debug.Log("not implemented");
  *      }
  *      //adj adj
  *      //dia adj
  *      //adj dia
  *      //rotate
  *  }
  *  /*check wall status - if off do nothing
  * if already 3 connections - do nothing
  * if already 2 connections check for if it could touch and set wall, else do nothing
  * if 1 connection figure out how to rotate, if diagonal set wall
 // if were at 2 already then you can rotate anymore, so if were on a good side then go full wall
 //if 3+ or diag then go for full wall,
 private void connectCorners(ConnectionInstruction inst, FishBox otherBox, bool animation)
Example #12
        public void createConnection(ConnectionInstruction inst, FishBox otherBox)
            BoxInfo thisBoxInst  = inst.firstBox;
            BoxInfo otherBoxInst = inst.secondBox;
            string  thisCorner   = thisBoxInst.corner;
            string  thisWall     = thisBoxInst.wall;
            string  otherCorner  = otherBoxInst.corner;
            string  otherWall    = otherBoxInst.wall;

            if (connectedBoxes.ContainsKey(otherBox))
                foreach (ConnectionInstruction i in connectedBoxes[otherBox])
                    if (inst.sameInstruction(i))
                        Debug.Log("Cannot complete instruction " + inst.ToString() + " because the connection already exists");
                addConnection(inst, otherBox);
            else if (this == otherBox)
                Debug.Log("Cannot complete instruction " + inst.ToString() + ". Cant connect box to itself");
                Vector3 otherPos = otherBox.getPosition();
                //apply to all connections - write a helper method would you
                int direction = 1;
                if (otherBoxInst.wall == "bottom")
                    direction = -1;
                //so we need to do movements relative otherbox
                fishTank.transform.position = otherPos + (otherBox.fishTank.transform.up * boxWidthZ * direction);
                if (otherCorner == "A" || otherCorner == "B")
                    fishTank.transform.position += (otherBox.fishTank.transform.forward * (boxWidthZ / 2));
                    fishTank.transform.position += (otherBox.fishTank.transform.forward * (-boxWidthZ / 2));

                if (otherCorner == "B" || otherCorner == "D")
                    fishTank.transform.position += (otherBox.fishTank.transform.right * (boxWidthX / 2));
                    fishTank.transform.position += (otherBox.fishTank.transform.right * (-boxWidthX / 2));

                makeCornersTouch(thisBoxInst, otherBoxInst, otherBox, fishTank.transform.position);

                setWallCorner(false, thisWall, thisCorner);
                otherBox.setWallCorner(false, otherWall, otherCorner);

                connectedBoxes[otherBox] = new List <ConnectionInstruction> {
                otherBox.connectedBoxes[this] = new List <ConnectionInstruction> {