private void radLabel2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (StratigyAlgorithm.SelectedItem == null) { StratigyAlgorithm.Select(); return; } if (FirstPlayer.SelectedItem == null) { FirstPlayer.Select(); return; } Game.DifficultyLevel level = beginner.IsChecked ? Game.DifficultyLevel.Easy : medium.IsChecked ? Game.DifficultyLevel.Meduim : Game.DifficultyLevel.Difficult; IntelligentAgent agent = StratigyAlgorithm.SelectedItem.Index == 0 ? new IntelligentAgent(level) : new IntelligentAgent(level, true); int player = FirstPlayer.SelectedItem.Index == 0 ? 1 : 2; //_game = new Game(level) {NextPlayer = player, Agent = agent}; //_game = new Game(agent, level,Cell.IntCount) {NextPlayer = player, Agent = agent }; _game = new Game(level, Cell.IntCount) { NextPlayer = player, Agent = agent }; _game.Subscribe(this); Informant.Text = FirstPlayer.SelectedItem.Index == 0 ? "Computer's Turn" : "Your Turn"; Curten.Start(); }
private void AllIn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (FirstPlayer.PlacePendingBet(FirstPlayer.Points, this.IsServer)) { PlaceBet_Click(null, null); } }
private void Check_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (FirstPlayer.PlacePendingBet(this.PendingPot - FirstPlayer.BetForRound, this.IsServer)) { PlaceBet_Click(null, null); } }
void Start() { ask = GameObject.Find("Ask").GetComponent <Ask>(); fp = GameObject.Find("FPlayer").GetComponent <FirstPlayer>(); lives = 5; blockOnMe = false; }
void Start() { fp = GameObject.Find("FPlayer").GetComponent <FirstPlayer>(); sp = GameObject.Find("SPlayer").GetComponent <SecondPlayer>(); isAsking = false; makingChoice = false; rightAnswer = false; }
public async void StartGame() { GameStarted = true; InitialCheck(); SetupVersion(); CurrentTurn = Turn.First; await FirstPlayer.Move(this); SelectedBoardItem.IsSelected = true; }
public void RestartGame(int i_SizeOfBoard) { GameBoard.InitializeTheFirstDefaultMoves(GameBoard, GameBoard.NumOFColumns); FirstPlayer.PlayerActivity = true; SecondPlayer.PlayerActivity = true; FirstPlayer.ListOfSquares.Clear(); SecondPlayer.ListOfSquares.Clear(); FirstPlayer.InitializeFirstMovesForFirstPlayer(i_SizeOfBoard); SecondPlayer.InitializeFirstMovesForSecondPlayer(i_SizeOfBoard); bool start = IsMoveExist(); }
public void Play(IBoard board) { if (_turnOfFirstPlayer) { FirstPlayer.Play(board); _turnOfFirstPlayer = false; } else { SecondPlayer.Play(board); _turnOfFirstPlayer = true; } }
protected GameTurn MakeTurn(Player player, GameTurn lastTurn) { var p = (player != null) ? player: FirstPlayer.Invoke(); var turn = m_gameTurnFactory.Invoke(p, this, lastTurn); if (turn != null) { GameMessages.Emit(GameMessages.Kind.TurnBegin, turn); turn.DoTurnBegin(); m_turns.Add(turn); } return(turn); }
public override void AI() { Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner]; FirstPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FirstPlayer>(); if (player.dead) { modPlayer.cacoPet = false; } if (modPlayer.cacoPet) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } }
public BoardData Serialize() { return(new BoardData() { Size = $"{Width}x{Height}", State = BoardState.Running, Rules = null, FirstPlayer = FirstPlayer.ToString().ToLower()[0], CurrentPlayer = CurrentPlayer.ToString().ToLower()[0], Board = ToString(), Data = ConvertPiecesToDataArray(_pieces), Text = new List <string>(), Moves = _moves.Select(m => m.Column + (m.Row * Width)).Reverse().ToList(), Version = 1 }); }
public async void OnSelectedColorChanged() { if (!GameStarted) { return; } if (SelectedColor == null) { return; } SelectedBoardItem.Color = SelectedColor.Index; var twins = TwinsChecker.FindTightTwins(BoardItems); if (twins != null) { foreach (var item in twins.Item1) { item.TwinIndex = 0; } foreach (var item in twins.Item2) { item.TwinIndex = 1; } MessageBoxService.ShowMessage("Blizniaki wygrały!", ""); GameStarted = false; return; } else if (CurrentRound >= BoardSize) { MessageBoxService.ShowMessage("Blizniaki przegrały!", ""); GameStarted = false; return; } CurrentTurn = Turn.First; await FirstPlayer.Move(this); SelectedBoardItem.IsSelected = true; SelectedColor = null; }
public void UpdatePlayersScoreAtTheEndOfMatch() { FirstPlayer.CalcCurrentGameScore(); SecondtPlayer.CalcCurrentGameScore(); int currentFirstPlayerScore = m_FirstPlayer.CurrentGameScore; int currentSecondPlayerScore = m_SecondPlayer.CurrentGameScore; int differenceScore = Math.Abs(currentFirstPlayerScore - currentSecondPlayerScore); if (currentFirstPlayerScore > currentSecondPlayerScore) { m_FirstPlayer.TotalScore += differenceScore; } else { m_SecondPlayer.TotalScore += differenceScore; } }
public string ReturnDeskAsRawText() { var deskStatement = ""; deskStatement += Width + ";"; deskStatement += Height + ";"; deskStatement += (CurrentWhiteTurn ? "1" : "0") + ";"; deskStatement += FirstPlayer.ReturnPlayerAsRawText() + ";"; deskStatement += SecondPlayer.ReturnPlayerAsRawText() + ";"; foreach (var cell in Cells) { deskStatement += cell.ReturnCellAsRawText() + ","; } deskStatement = deskStatement.Substring(0, deskStatement.Length - 1); return(deskStatement); }
public ActionEnum[] DoAction(FightAction action) { var resultActions = new ActionEnum[2]; var botAction = DoRandomBotAction(); resultActions[0] = GameProcess(action, botAction); resultActions[1] = GameProcess(botAction, action); if (resultActions[0] == ActionEnum.Hit) { SecondPlayer.Hit(); } if (resultActions[1] == ActionEnum.Hit) { FirstPlayer.Hit(); } CheckWinner(); return(resultActions); }
private string PrepareDebugInfo() { const int labelWidth = -20; var main = $"Turn: {Turn}, Score: {Score}, With risk: {WithRisk}, Finished: {Finished}"; var firstPlayerLabel = $"First Player{(FirstPlayerTurns ? "(!)" : "")}"; var secondPlayerLabel = $"Second Player{(FirstPlayerTurns ? "" : "(!)")}"; var firstPlayer = $"{firstPlayerLabel + ": ",labelWidth}{FirstPlayer.Join()}"; var secondPlayer = $"{secondPlayerLabel + ": ",labelWidth}{SecondPlayer.Join()}"; var deck = $"{"Deck: ",labelWidth}{Deck}"; var table = $"{"Table: ",labelWidth}" + $"{string.Join(" ", Table.Select(colorAndRank => $"[{colorAndRank.Key.Name} {colorAndRank.Value}]"))}"; return(string.Join("\n", main, firstPlayer, secondPlayer, table, deck)); }
private void OnCellClicked(Cell cell) { if (GameState != GameState.Running || _blockCells || cell.CellState != CellState.Empty) { return; } if (CurrentPlayer.PlayerType == PlayerType.Computer) { _blockCells = true; } PlaceMark(cell); if (CurrentPlayerWins(cell)) { Win(); CurrentPlayer.Sit(); if (CurrentPlayer == FirstPlayer) { SecondPlayer.Death(); } else { FirstPlayer.Death(); } return; } if (GameLogic.IsDraw(Cells, boardSize)) { Draw(); FirstPlayer.Sit(); SecondPlayer.Sit(); return; } CurrentPlayer.Attack(); ChangePlayer(); }
public void StartEvent(object sender, StartRoundEventArgs args) { try { if (args != null && args.TaskPool != null) { args.TaskPool.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { lock (_SyncLock) { if (args.Token != null && !args.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { RPS firstPlayerRes = FirstPlayer.Play(); RPS secondPlayerRes = SecondPlayer.Play(); FirstPlayer.Status = CheckWin((Int32)firstPlayerRes, (Int32)secondPlayerRes); SecondPlayer.Status = CheckWin((Int32)secondPlayerRes, (Int32)firstPlayerRes); switch (FirstPlayer.Status) { case BET.Win: FirstPlayer.Team.Count++; break; case BET.Lose: SecondPlayer.Team.Count++; break; } //Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1} --- {2} : {3}", FirstPlayer.Name, firstPlayerRes, SecondPlayer.Name, secondPlayerRes); } if (args.CancelTokenSource != null && (FirstPlayer.Team.Count >= args.WinLength || SecondPlayer.Team.Count >= args.WinLength)) { args.CancelTokenSource.Cancel(); } } })); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error playing in couple", ex.InnerException); } }
private void SetupVersion() { if (Version == "Komputer vs. Człowiek") { FirstPlayer = new FirstPlayer(); SecondPlayer = new HumanPlayer(); } else if (Version == "Komputer II vs. Człowiek") { FirstPlayer = new BetterFirstPlayer(); SecondPlayer = new HumanPlayer(); } else if (Version == "Komputer vs. Komputer") { FirstPlayer = new FirstPlayer(); SecondPlayer = new SecondPlayer(); } else { FirstPlayer = new BetterFirstPlayer(); SecondPlayer = new BetterSecondPlayer(); } }
private void StartGame() { Console.Title = "Chess"; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; SystemSetting.SetSettingOfFontMsGothic(); IPlayer peshoPlayer = new FirstPlayer("Pesho", Color.DarkYellow); peshoPlayer.SaveCoordinates(); IPlayer goshoPlayer = new SecondPlayer("Gosho", Color.Yellow); goshoPlayer.SaveCoordinates(); Board board = new Board(peshoPlayer, goshoPlayer, 8); painter.DrawBoard(board); Controller controller = new Controller(board, painter); controller.Start(); }
private void PlaceBet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (FirstPlayer.CanPlaceBet() && (FirstPlayer.BetForRound >= PendingPot) || FirstPlayer.Points < PendingPot) { // If we're the server, try to place our bet var newPending = FirstPlayer.BetForRound; if (this.IsServer)// && FirstPlayer.PlaceBet()) { if (newPending > PendingPot) { PendingPot = newPending; } AdvanceTurn(); //PlayerBet(FirstPlayer.BetForRound.ToString(), MyUuid); } else { // If it's still our turn, the server will tell us so on next update FirstPlayer.IsMyTurn = false; // Else send the pending bet Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { var newMessage = new Message() { Type = MessageType.Bet, Value = FirstPlayer.BetForRound.ToString(), Uuid = MyUuid }; var srl = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newMessage); Client.Send(srl); Console.WriteLine("Bet"); })); } } }
public void InitializePlayers(bool firstPlayerHuman, bool secondPlayerHuman) { if (!FirstPlayer) { CreateFirstPlayer(); } if (!SecondPlayer) { CreateSecondPlayer(); } if (firstPlayerHuman) { FirstPlayer.Initialize("Player 1", PlayerType.Human, CellState.Cross); } else { FirstPlayer.Initialize("Computer 1", PlayerType.Computer, CellState.Cross); } if (secondPlayerHuman) { SecondPlayer.Initialize("Player 2", PlayerType.Human, CellState.Nought); } else { SecondPlayer.Initialize("Computer 2", PlayerType.Computer, CellState.Nought); } CurrentPlayer = FirstPlayer; GameState = GameState.Stop; Debug.Log($"FirstPlayer : {FirstPlayer}"); Debug.Log($"SecondPlayer : {SecondPlayer}"); }
private void Bet25_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (FirstPlayer.PlacePendingBet(25, this.IsServer)) { } }
public void SwitchTurns() { FirstPlayer.SwitchActivation(); SecondPlayer.SwitchActivation(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(FirstPlayer.GetHashCode() + SecondPlayer.GetHashCode()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { firstPlayer = FindObjectOfType <FirstPlayer> (); secondPlayer = FindObjectOfType <SecondPlayer> (); }
private void ResetPlayers() { FirstPlayer.Clear(); SecondPlayer.Clear(); }
private void ResetPlayers() { FirstPlayer.Reset(); SecondPlayer.Reset(); }
public bool PlayTurn(int sourceIndex, int targetIndex) { if (!CurrentPlayer.ValidateTurn(GameDice, GameBoard, sourceIndex, targetIndex)) { return(false); } if (FirstPlayer.IsPlayerTurn) { if (FirstPlayer.PlayTurn(sourceIndex, targetIndex, GameBoard)) { IsTurnStart = false; FirstPlayer.Turns--; if (FirstPlayer.Turns == 0) { SwapTurns(); } else if (!GameDice.IsDouble) { if (sourceIndex - targetIndex == GameDice.FirstDice) { GameDice.DisableFirstDice(); } else { GameDice.DisableSecondDice(); } } return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { if (SecondPlayer.PlayTurn(sourceIndex, targetIndex, GameBoard)) { IsTurnStart = false; SecondPlayer.Turns--; if (SecondPlayer.Turns == 0) { SwapTurns(); } else if (!GameDice.IsDouble) { int gameMove; if (sourceIndex == GameBoard.BarSource) { gameMove = targetIndex + 1; } else { gameMove = targetIndex - sourceIndex; } if (gameMove == GameDice.FirstDice) { GameDice.DisableFirstDice(); } else { GameDice.DisableSecondDice(); } } return(true); } else { return(false); } } }
private void AssignMarks() { FirstPlayer.AssignMark(MarkTypeEnum.Cross); SecondPlayer.AssignMark(MarkTypeEnum.Circle); }