Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// https://projecteuler.net/problem=59
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arguments"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Result XorDecryption(Problem arguments)
            const char FirstChar = 'a';
            const char LastChar  = 'z';

            var sum  = 0;
            var key  = string.Empty;
            var text = string.Empty;

            var cvsinfo   = arguments.Sequence.Split('|');
            var fileName  = cvsinfo[0];
            var delimiter = Convert.ToChar(cvsinfo[1]);
            var qualifier = Convert.ToChar(cvsinfo[2]);
            var cyphers   = UtilityFile.ReadCsvToArray(fileName, delimiter, qualifier);
            var ascii     = cyphers.Select(X => Convert.ToInt32(X)).ToArray();

            var allPossiblePasswords = (from a in FirstChar.To(LastChar)
                                        from b in FirstChar.To(LastChar)
                                        from c in FirstChar.To(LastChar)
                                        select new[] { Convert.ToInt32(a), Convert.ToInt32(b), Convert.ToInt32(c) }).ToArray();

            foreach (var password in allPossiblePasswords)
                var decrypted = UtilityMath.Encrypt(ascii, password);
                text = new string(decrypted.Select(x => Convert.ToChar(x)).ToArray());

                if (text.Contains(" the ")) //perform simple check: if Text contains single word 'the' it is in english
                    key = new string(password.Select(x => Convert.ToChar(x)).ToArray());
            sum = text.Aggregate(0, (runningTotal, next) => runningTotal += next);

            var answer  = sum.ToString();
            var message = string.Format("The sum of the ASCII values in the original English text is {0}.", answer);

            if (Answers[arguments.Id] != answer)
                message += string.Format(" => INCORRECT ({0})", Answers[arguments.Id]);
            var r = new Result(arguments.Id, message)
                Answer = answer

        // Write object to PDF file

        internal override void WriteObjectToPdfFile
            BinaryWriter PdfFile
            // look for first and last character
            Int32 FirstChar;
            Int32 LastChar;

            for (FirstChar = 0; FirstChar < 256 && !ActiveChar[FirstChar]; FirstChar++)
            if (FirstChar == 256)
            for (LastChar = 255; !ActiveChar[LastChar]; LastChar--)

            // pdf font name
            StringBuilder PdfFontName = new StringBuilder("/");

            // for embedded font add 6 alpha characters prefix
            if (EmbeddedFont)
                Int32 Ptr1 = 6;
                for (Int32 Ptr2 = ResourceCode.Length - 1; Ptr2 >= 0 && Char.IsDigit(ResourceCode[Ptr2]); Ptr2--)
                    PdfFontName[Ptr1--] = (Char)((Int32)ResourceCode[Ptr2] + ('A' - '0'));

            // PDF readers are not happy with space in font name
            PdfFontName.Append(FontFamily.Name.Replace(" ", "#20"));

            // font name
            if ((DesignFont.Style & FontStyle.Bold) != 0)
                if ((DesignFont.Style & FontStyle.Italic) != 0)
            else if ((DesignFont.Style & FontStyle.Italic) != 0)

            // add items to dictionary
            AddToDictionary("/Subtype", "/TrueType");
            AddToDictionary("/BaseFont", PdfFontName.ToString());

            // add first and last characters
            AddToDictionary("/FirstChar", FirstChar.ToString());
            AddToDictionary("/LastChar", LastChar.ToString());

            // create font descriptor
            FontDescriptor = new PdfObject(Document, false, "/FontDescriptor");

            // add link to font object
            AddToDictionary("/FontDescriptor", FontDescriptor);

            // font descriptor dictionary
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/FontName", PdfFontName.ToString());        // must be the same as BaseFont above
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/Flags", ((Int32)FontFlags).ToString());
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/ItalicAngle", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)PdfItalicAngle));
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/FontWeight", PdfFontWeight.ToString());
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/Leading", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)FontUnitsToPdfDic(PdfLeading)));
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/Ascent", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)FontUnitsToPdfDic(PdfAscent)));
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/Descent", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)FontUnitsToPdfDic(-PdfDescent)));

            // alphabetic (non symbolic) fonts
            if ((FontFlags & PdfFontFlags.Symbolic) == 0)
                AddToDictionary("/Encoding", "/WinAnsiEncoding");
                BoundingBox Box = FontInfo.GetGlyphMetricsApi('x');
                FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/XHeight", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)FontUnitsToPdfDic(Box.Rect.Top)));
                FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/AvgWidth", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)FontUnitsToPdfDic(Box.Width)));
                Box          = FontInfo.GetGlyphMetricsApi('M');
                PdfCapHeight = Box.Rect.Top;
                FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/CapHeight", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)FontUnitsToPdfDic(Box.Rect.Top)));
                FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/StemV", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)StemV()));

            // create width object array
            FontWidthArray = new PdfObject(Document, false);

            // add link to font object
            AddToDictionary("/Widths", FontWidthArray);

            // build bounding box and width array
            Double Left     = Double.MaxValue;
            Double Bottom   = Double.MaxValue;
            Double Right    = Double.MinValue;
            Double Top      = Double.MinValue;
            Double MaxWidth = Double.MinValue;

            FontWidthArray.ContentsString = new StringBuilder("[");

            Int32 EolLength = 100;

            for (Int32 Index = FirstChar; Index <= LastChar; Index++)
                Double CharWidth;

                // not used
                if (!ActiveChar[Index])
                    CharWidth = 0;

                // used
                    // bounding box
                    BoundingBox GM = GlyphArray[Index];
                    if (GM.Rect.Left < Left)
                        Left = GM.Rect.Left;
                    if (GM.Rect.Bottom < Bottom)
                        Bottom = GM.Rect.Bottom;
                    if (GM.Rect.Right > Right)
                        Right = GM.Rect.Right;
                    if (GM.Rect.Top > Top)
                        Top = GM.Rect.Top;

                    // character advance width
                    CharWidth = GM.Width;

                    // max width
                    if (CharWidth > MaxWidth)
                        MaxWidth = CharWidth;

                // add width to width array
                if (FontWidthArray.ContentsString.Length > EolLength)
                    EolLength = FontWidthArray.ContentsString.Length + 100;

                // add width to width array
                FontWidthArray.ContentsString.AppendFormat(NFI.DecSep, "{0} ", FontUnitsToPdfDic(CharWidth));

            // add to font descriptor array
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/MaxWidth", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "{0}", (Single)FontUnitsToPdfDic(MaxWidth)));
            FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/FontBBox", String.Format(NFI.DecSep, "[{0} {1} {2} {3}]",
                                                                      FontUnitsToPdfDic(Left), FontUnitsToPdfDic(Bottom), FontUnitsToPdfDic(Right), FontUnitsToPdfDic(Top)));

            // terminate width array

            // create font file
            if (EmbeddedFont)
                // create font file stream
                PdfFontFile EmbeddedFontObj = new PdfFontFile(this);

                // add link to font object
                FontDescriptor.AddToDictionary("/FontFile2", EmbeddedFontObj);

            // call base write PdfObject to file method

            // exit