Example #1
        public  void Execute(FireTime fireTime)
            // Todo add week number 
            // don`t run job, if it too late 
            //todo  enable it in prod 
            var now = DateTime.Now;
            // check by day 
            if ((long)now.DayOfWeek != fireTime.NumberOfDay)
                _logger.LogWarning($"Job {fireTime.Time} {fireTime.NumberOfDay} {fireTime.NumberOfWeek } runs late, stop job");
            // check by time 
            if (now.TimeOfDay>fireTime.Time.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)) || now.TimeOfDay<fireTime.Time.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)))
                _logger.LogWarning($"Job {fireTime.Time} {fireTime.NumberOfDay} {fireTime.NumberOfWeek } runs late, stop job");
            // todo check by week 
            var notifications = _repository.GetAllNotificationsByThisTime(fireTime).ToList();
            var pushNotifications = notifications.Where(n => n.Type == "Push").ToList();
            var telegramNotifications = notifications.Where(n => n.Type == "Telegram").ToList();
            // This method cause null exception
            // I can`t properly debug it 
            // But anyway, it works,
            // So if AutomaticRetry is selected, everything goes fine

Example #2
        // time of lesson in format "8:30:00"
        public IEnumerable <Notification> GetAllNotificationsByThisTime(FireTime fireTime)
            // get all notifications
            // foreach student in notifications get all lessons
            // if lesson is next lesson, return it
            var notificationsSettings = _context.NotificationsSettings.ToList();
            var notifications         = new List <Notification>();

            foreach (var notificationsSetting in notificationsSettings)
                if (!notificationsSetting.IsNotificationsOn)
                var lessons = this.GetLessonsForStudentSync(notificationsSetting.StudentId);
                notifications.AddRange(from lesson in lessons
                                       where lesson.Week == fireTime.NumberOfWeek && lesson.DayOfWeek == fireTime.NumberOfDay &&
                                       // check if time format is ok
                                       lesson.TimeStart == fireTime.LessonTime.ToString()
                                       select new Notification
                    Lesson    = lesson,
                    StudentId = notificationsSetting.StudentId,
                    Type      = notificationsSetting.NotificationType

Example #3
        public async Task Execute(FireTime fireTime)
            // don`t run job, if it too late
            //todo  enable it in prod
            var now = DateTime.Now;
            // check by day
            // if ((long)now.DayOfWeek != fireTime.NumberOfDay)
            // {
            //     _logger.LogWarning($"Job {fireTime.Time} {fireTime.NumberOfDay} {fireTime.NumberOfWeek } runs late, stop job");
            //     return;
            // }
            // // check by time
            // if (now.TimeOfDay>fireTime.Time.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)) || now.TimeOfDay<fireTime.Time.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)))
            // {
            //     _logger.LogWarning($"Job {fireTime.Time} {fireTime.NumberOfDay} {fireTime.NumberOfWeek } runs late, stop job");
            //     return;
            // }
            var notifications = (await _repository.GetAllNotificationsByThisTime(fireTime))
                                .GroupBy(n => n.StudentId)
                                .SelectMany(g => g.DistinctBy(n => n.Lesson.Id))
            var pushNotifications     = notifications.Where(n => n.Type == "Push").ToList();
            var telegramNotifications = notifications.Where(n => n.Type == "Telegram").ToList();

Example #4
        // public async Task<IEnumerable<NotificationsSettings>> GetAllNotificationsSettings()
        // {
        //     return await _context.NotificationsSettings.ToListAsync();
        // }

        public async Task <IEnumerable <FireTime> > GetFireTimesForStudent(Guid studentId)
            var notificationsSettings =
                (await _context.Students.FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == studentId)).NotificationsSettings;
            var firetimes = new List <FireTime>();
            var lessons   = await GetLessonsForStudent(notificationsSettings.StudentId);

            foreach (var lesson in lessons)
                var notificationTime = DateTime.Parse(lesson.TimeStart)
                var firetime = new FireTime
                    Time         = notificationTime,
                    NumberOfDay  = lesson.DayOfWeek,
                    NumberOfWeek = lesson.Week,
                    LessonTime   = TimeSpan.Parse(lesson.TimeStart)
                if (!firetimes.Contains(firetime))

Example #5
        private static string calculateCronExpresion(FireTime fireTime)
            // generate expressions
            // {seconds} {minutes} {hours} ? {DAY}#{numbersOfDayAtMonth}
            var dayName = fireTime.NumberOfDay switch
                1 => "MON",
                2 => "TUE",
                3 => "WED",
                4 => "THU",
                5 => "FRI",
                6 => "SAT",
                _ => ""
            string cronString;

            if (NotificationsConfig.IsFirstWeekEven)
                cronString = fireTime.NumberOfWeek == 1 ?
                             $"{fireTime.Time.Minutes} {fireTime.Time.Hours} 1-7,15-21,29-31 * {dayName}" :
                             $"{fireTime.Time.Minutes} {fireTime.Time.Hours} 8-14,22-28 * {dayName}";
                cronString = fireTime.NumberOfWeek == 2 ?
                             $"{fireTime.Time.Minutes} {fireTime.Time.Hours} 1-7,15-21,29-31 * {dayName}" :
                             $"{fireTime.Time.Minutes} {fireTime.Time.Hours} 8-14,22-28 * {dayName}";
Example #6
 public virtual void RegisterAnimation(string name, SpriteAnimation_Base animation, string cousinAnimation, FireTime fireTime)
     animation.FireTime = fireTime;
     if (!_Animations.ContainsKey(name) && _Animations.ContainsKey(cousinAnimation))
         _Animations.Add(name, animation);
 protected virtual void StartSiblingAnimations(FireTime fireTime)
     foreach (SpriteAnimation_Base animation in _SiblingAnimation)
         if (animation._FireTime == fireTime)
             if (animation.AnimationState == AnimationState.End)
             if (animation.AnimationState == AnimationState.Waiting)
                 animation.AnimationState = AnimationState.Animate;
Example #8
 protected virtual void StartSiblingAnimations(FireTime fireTime)
     foreach (SpriteAnimation_Base animation in _SiblingAnimation)
         if (animation._FireTime == fireTime)
             if (animation.AnimationState == AnimationState.End)
             if (animation.AnimationState == AnimationState.Waiting)
                 animation.AnimationState = AnimationState.Animate;
Example #9
        private static string calculateCronExpresion(FireTime fireTime)
            // generate expressions
            // {seconds} {minutes} {hours} ? {DAY}#{numbersOfDayAtMonth}
            var dayName = fireTime.NumberOfDay switch
                1 => "MON",
                2 => "TUE",
                3 => "WED",
                4 => "THU",
                5 => "FRI",
                6 => "SAT",
                _ => ""
            var cronString = $"{fireTime.Time.Minutes} {fireTime.Time.Hours} * * {dayName}";

Example #10
        public async Task <IEnumerable <FireTime> > GetAllNotificationsFireTimes()
            // get all notifications
            // foreach student in notifications get all lessons
            // for timetable calculate notificationsTime
            // select all unique notification times
            var notificationsSettings = await _context.NotificationsSettings.ToListAsync();

            var fireTimes = new List <FireTime>();

            foreach (var notificationsSetting in
                     notificationsSettings.Where(notificationsSetting => notificationsSetting.IsNotificationsOn))
                var lessons = await GetLessonsForStudent(notificationsSetting.StudentId);

                foreach (var lesson in lessons)
                    var notificationTime = DateTime.Parse(lesson.TimeStart)
                    var firetime = new FireTime
                        Time         = notificationTime,
                        NumberOfDay  = lesson.DayOfWeek,
                        NumberOfWeek = lesson.Week,
                        LessonTime   = TimeSpan.Parse(lesson.TimeStart)
                    // get notification time
                    if (!fireTimes.Contains(firetime))

Example #11
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Notification> > GetAllNotificationsByThisTime(FireTime fireTime)
            // it makes only one big request to database
            var students = await _context.Students
                           .Include(s => s.NotificationsSettings)
                           .Include(s => s.Group)
                           .ThenInclude(g => g.Subjects)
                           .ThenInclude(s => s.Lessons)
                           .ThenInclude(l => l.Subject)
                           .Include(s => s.DisabledSubjects)
                           .Include(s => s.MutedSubjects)
                           .Where(s => s.NotificationsSettings.IsNotificationsOn).ToListAsync();

            var lessons       = students.SelectMany(s => s.Group.Subjects).SelectMany(s => s.Lessons).ToList();
            var notifications = new List <Notification>();

            foreach (var student in students)
                var groupId        = student.Group.Id;
                var studentLessons = lessons
                                     .Where(l => l.Subject.GroupId == groupId)
                                     .Where(l => l.Week == fireTime.NumberOfWeek && l.DayOfWeek == fireTime.NumberOfDay &&
                                            l.TimeStart == fireTime.LessonTime.ToString())
                                     // remove all subjects, disabled by this student
                                     .Where(l => student.DisabledSubjects.All(ds => ds.SubjectId != l.SubjectId))
                                     .Where(l => student.MutedSubjects.All(ms => ms.SubjectId != l.SubjectId));
                notifications.AddRange(studentLessons.Select(l => new Notification
                    Lesson    = l,
                    Type      = student.NotificationsSettings.NotificationType,
                    StudentId = student.Id

        public async void CanGetNotifications()
            // Arrange
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Rozklad2")

            using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
                context.Groups.Add(new Group
                    Id         = Guid.Parse("3bb26431-a7ba-4b55-970a-c8544cb920c8"),
                    Group_Name = "Test"
                context.Students.Add(new Student
                    Id      = Guid.Parse("fb484eee-dea4-409b-b6df-778cfd82d6a1"),
                    GroupId = Guid.Parse("3bb26431-a7ba-4b55-970a-c8544cb920c8"),
                // context.NotificationsSettings.Add(new NotificationsSettings
                // {
                //     Id = Guid.Parse("3c1ea52f-3610-4ddc-a8b7-9b87e167eeff"),
                //     NotificationType = "Telegram",
                //     StudentId = Guid.Parse("fb484eee-dea4-409b-b6df-778cfd82d6a1"),
                //     IsNotificationsOn = true,
                //     TimeBeforeLesson = 15
                // });
                context.Subjects.Add(new Subject
                    Id                = Guid.Parse("e4d55a2a-cb04-4a0d-a355-d99130ff5986"),
                    Name              = "First",
                    Teachers          = "some teacher",
                    GroupId           = Guid.Parse("3bb26431-a7ba-4b55-970a-c8544cb920c8"),
                    LabsZoom          = "",
                    LessonsZoom       = "",
                    LabsAccessCode    = "",
                    LessonsAccessCode = ""
                context.Subjects.Add(new Subject
                    Id                = Guid.Parse("f30c42db-7bee-4d3d-beec-2bc39e797e6c"),
                    Name              = "Second",
                    Teachers          = "some teacher",
                    GroupId           = Guid.Parse("3bb26431-a7ba-4b55-970a-c8544cb920c8"),
                    LabsZoom          = "",
                    LessonsZoom       = "",
                    LabsAccessCode    = "",
                    LessonsAccessCode = ""

                    new MutedSubject
                    Id        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    StudentId = Guid.Parse("fb484eee-dea4-409b-b6df-778cfd82d6a1"),
                    SubjectId = Guid.Parse("f30c42db-7bee-4d3d-beec-2bc39e797e6c")
                context.Lessons.Add(new Lesson
                    Id        = Guid.Parse("3692e169-1ea6-45fa-8dc3-9738eb0a3a8b"),
                    SubjectId = Guid.Parse("e4d55a2a-cb04-4a0d-a355-d99130ff5986"),
                    Type      = "Лек",
                    Week      = 2,
                    TimeStart = "10:25:00",
                    DayOfWeek = 1

                context.Lessons.Add(new Lesson
                    Id        = Guid.Parse("1ca4899a-01c5-43c6-bc4f-6c2cce53c8de"),
                    SubjectId = Guid.Parse("e4d55a2a-cb04-4a0d-a355-d99130ff5986"),
                    Type      = "Лек",
                    Week      = 2,
                    TimeStart = "12:20:00",
                    DayOfWeek = 1
                context.Lessons.Add(new Lesson
                    Id        = Guid.Parse("e6aa81c4-d7c7-4d54-acf5-c372884fd6da"),
                    SubjectId = Guid.Parse("f30c42db-7bee-4d3d-beec-2bc39e797e6c"),
                    Type      = "Лек",
                    Week      = 1,
                    TimeStart = "12:20:00",
                    DayOfWeek = 1

            var result1 = new List <Notification>();

            // Act
            using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
                var repository = new RozkladRepository(context);
                var fireTime1  = new FireTime
                    Time         = new TimeSpan(10, 10, 00),
                    LessonTime   = new TimeSpan(12, 20, 00),
                    NumberOfDay  = 1,
                    NumberOfWeek = 1
                // result1 = (repository.GetAllNotificationsByThisTime(fireTime1)).ToList();


            // Assert.True(result1.Count() == 1);
            // Assert.True(result1[0].StudentId == Guid.Parse("fb484eee-dea4-409b-b6df-778cfd82d6a1"));
            Assert.True(!result1.Select(r => r.Lesson.Subject.Id).Contains(Guid.Parse("f30c42db-7bee-4d3d-beec-2bc39e797e6c")));
Example #13
 public virtual void RegisterAnimation(string name, SpriteAnimation_Base animation, string cousinAnimation, FireTime fireTime)
     animation.FireTime = fireTime;
     if (!_Animations.ContainsKey(name) && _Animations.ContainsKey(cousinAnimation))
         _Animations.Add(name, animation);