Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find a Job by specifying values for the properties available in the request.
        /// Date values: Start date will go from date forward, end date will be from end date back, and if both has values,
        /// it will be used as from (between) start to end
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request used for building the find parameters</param>
        /// <returns>If LoadLazy was true, then a list of JarsJobBase items, otherwise a list of fully loaded JarsJobs</returns>
        public virtual JarsJobsResponse Any(FindJarsJobs request)
            //return ExecuteFaultHandledMethod(() =>
            JarsJobsResponse response = new JarsJobsResponse();

            if (request != null)
                var query       = BuildQuery(request);
                var _repository = _DataRepositoryFactory.GetDataRepository <IJarsJobRepository>();
                response.Jobs = _repository.Where(query, request.FetchEagerly).ConvertAllTo <JarsJobDto>().ToList();
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// A helper method used for building the query, depending on if the LoadLazy option was set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">A query over object required by the QueryOver Method on the repository</typeparam>
        /// <param name="request">The same request passed into the service</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Expression <Func <JarsJob, bool> > BuildQuery(FindJarsJobs request)
            Expression <Func <JarsJob, bool> > query = LinqExpressionBuilder.True <JarsJob>();

            if (request.Id != 0)
                query = LinqExpressionBuilder.True <JarsJob>().And(j => j.Id == request.Id);

            if (request.ExtRefID != "0")
                query = query.And(j => j.ExtRefId == request.ExtRefID);

            if (request.ResourceId != 0)
                query = query.And(j => j.ResourceId == request.ResourceId);

            if (request.Location != null)
                query = query.And(j => j.Location == request.Location);

            if (request.ProgressStatus != null)
                query = query.And(j => j.ProgressStatus == request.ProgressStatus);

            if (request.StartDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                query = query.And(j => j.StartDate >= request.StartDate);

            if (request.EndDateTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                query = query.And(j => j.EndDate <= request.EndDateTime);
