public override void Use(Player p, params string[] args) { SpheroidData cd; cd.x = 0; cd.y = 0; cd.z = 0; cd.type = -1; cd.vertical = false; if (args.Length >= 2) { try { cd.type = Convert.ToInt16(args[0]); } catch { cd.type = FindBlocks.FindBlock(args[0]); } if (!FindBlocks.ValidBlock(cd.type)) { p.SendMessage("There is no block \"" + args[0] + "\"."); return; } cd.vertical = (args[1].ToLower() == "vertical"); } else if (args.Length >= 1) { cd.vertical = (args[0].ToLower() == "vertical"); if (!cd.vertical) { try { cd.type = Convert.ToInt16(args[0]); } catch { cd.type = FindBlocks.FindBlock(args[0]); } if (!FindBlocks.ValidBlock(cd.type)) { p.SendMessage("There is no block \"" + args[0] + "\"."); return; } } } p.ClearBlockChange(); p.BlockChangeObject = cd; p.OnBlockChange += Blockchange1; p.SendMessage("Place/delete a block at 2 corners for the spheroid."); }
public override void Use(Player p, params string[] args) { CuboidData cd; cd.x = 0; cd.y = 0; cd.z = 0; cd.type = -1; cd.mode = CuboidType.Solid; if (args.Length >= 2) { try { cd.type = Convert.ToInt16(args[0]); } catch { cd.type = FindBlocks.FindBlock(args[0]); } if (!FindBlocks.ValidBlock(cd.type)) { p.SendMessage("There is no block \"" + args[0] + "\"."); return; } switch (args[1].ToLower()) { case "hollow": cd.mode = CuboidType.Hollow; break; case "walls": cd.mode = CuboidType.Walls; break; case "holes": cd.mode = CuboidType.Holes; break; case "wire": cd.mode = CuboidType.Wire; break; case "random": cd.mode = CuboidType.Random; break; } } else if (args.Length >= 1) { switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "hollow": cd.mode = CuboidType.Hollow; break; case "walls": cd.mode = CuboidType.Walls; break; case "holes": cd.mode = CuboidType.Holes; break; case "wire": cd.mode = CuboidType.Wire; break; case "random": cd.mode = CuboidType.Random; break; } if (cd.mode == CuboidType.Solid) { try { cd.type = Convert.ToInt16(args[0]); } catch { cd.type = FindBlocks.FindBlock(args[0]); } if (!FindBlocks.ValidBlock(cd.type)) { p.SendMessage("There is no block \"" + args[0] + "\"."); return; } } } p.ClearBlockChange(); p.BlockChangeObject = cd; p.OnBlockChange += Blockchange1; p.SendMessage("Place/delete a block at 2 corners for the cuboid."); //p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1); }
void Blockchange2(Player p, int x, int y, int z, short type) { p.ClearBlockChange(); //p.SendMessage("tile: " + x + " " + y + " " + z + " " + type); p.SendBlockChange(x, (byte)y, z, p.level.GetBlock(x, y, z), p.level.GetMeta(x, y, z)); CuboidData cd = (CuboidData)p.BlockChangeObject; byte meta = (byte)p.inventory.current_item.meta; if (cd.type != -1) { type = cd.type; } if (!FindBlocks.ValidBlock(type)) { type = 0; } int sx = Math.Min(cd.x, x); int ex = Math.Max(cd.x, x); int sy = Math.Min(cd.y, y); int ey = Math.Max(cd.y, y); int sz = Math.Min(cd.z, z); int ez = Math.Max(cd.z, z); int total = 0; p.SendMessage("Cuboiding..."); switch (cd.mode) { case CuboidType.Solid: for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx++) { for (int yy = sy; yy <= ey; yy++) { for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz++) { p.level.BlockChange(xx, yy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); total++; } } } break; case CuboidType.Hollow: for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx++) { for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz++) { p.level.BlockChange(xx, sy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(xx, ey, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); total += 2; } } for (int yy = sy; yy <= ey; yy++) { for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx++) { p.level.BlockChange(xx, yy, sz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(xx, yy, ez, (byte)type, meta, false); total += 2; } for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz++) { p.level.BlockChange(sx, yy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(ex, yy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); total += 2; } } break; case CuboidType.Walls: for (int yy = sy; yy <= ey; yy++) { for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx++) { p.level.BlockChange(xx, yy, sz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(xx, yy, ez, (byte)type, meta, false); total += 2; } for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz++) { p.level.BlockChange(sx, yy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(ex, yy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); total += 2; } } break; case CuboidType.Holes: bool Checked = true, startZ, startY; for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx++) { startY = Checked; for (int yy = sy; yy <= ey; yy++) { startZ = Checked; for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz++) { Checked = !Checked; if (Checked) { p.level.BlockChange(xx, yy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); total++; } } Checked = !startZ; } Checked = !startY; } break; case CuboidType.Wire: for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx++) { p.level.BlockChange(xx, sy, sz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(xx, sy, ez, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(xx, ey, sz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(xx, ey, ez, (byte)type, meta, false); total += 4; } for (int yy = sy; yy <= ey; yy++) { p.level.BlockChange(sx, yy, sz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(sx, yy, ez, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(ex, yy, sz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(ex, yy, ez, (byte)type, meta, false); total += 4; } for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz++) { p.level.BlockChange(sx, sy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(sx, ey, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(ex, sy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); p.level.BlockChange(ex, ey, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); total += 4; } break; case CuboidType.Random: Random rand = new Random(); for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx++) { for (int yy = sy; yy <= ey; yy++) { for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz++) { if (rand.Next(1, 11) <= 5) { p.level.BlockChange(xx, yy, zz, (byte)type, meta, false); total++; } } } } break; } p.SendMessage(total + " blocks."); }
void Blockchange2(Player p, int x, int y, int z, short type) { p.ClearBlockChange(); //p.SendMessage("tile: " + x + " " + y + " " + z + " " + type); p.SendBlockChange(x, (byte)y, z, p.level.GetBlock(x, y, z), p.level.GetMeta(x, y, z)); SpheroidData cd = (SpheroidData)p.BlockChangeObject; byte meta = (byte)p.inventory.current_item.meta; if (cd.type != -1) { type = cd.type; } if (!FindBlocks.ValidBlock(type)) { type = 0; } int sx = Math.Min(cd.x, x); int ex = Math.Max(cd.x, x); int sy = Math.Min(cd.y, y); int ey = Math.Max(cd.y, y); int sz = Math.Min(cd.z, z); int ez = Math.Max(cd.z, z); int total = 0; p.SendMessage("Spheroiding..."); if (!cd.vertical) { // find center points double cx = (ex + sx) / 2 + (((ex + sx) % 2 == 1) ? 0.5 : 0); double cy = (ey + sy) / 2 + (((ey + sy) % 2 == 1) ? 0.5 : 0); double cz = (ez + sz) / 2 + (((ez + sz) % 2 == 1) ? 0.5 : 0); // find axis lengths double rx = Convert.ToDouble(ex) - cx + 0.25; double ry = Convert.ToDouble(ey) - cy + 0.25; double rz = Convert.ToDouble(ez) - cz + 0.25; double rx2 = 1 / (rx * rx); double ry2 = 1 / (ry * ry); double rz2 = 1 / (rz * rz); //int totalBlocks = (int)(Math.PI * 0.75 * rx * ry * rz); for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx += 8) { for (int yy = sy; yy <= ey; yy += 8) { for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz += 8) { for (int z3 = 0; z3 < 8 && zz + z3 <= ez; z3++) { for (int y3 = 0; y3 < 8 && yy + y3 <= ey; y3++) { for (int x3 = 0; x3 < 8 && xx + x3 <= ex; x3++) { // get relative coordinates double dx = (xx + x3 - cx); double dy = (yy + y3 - cy); double dz = (zz + z3 - cz); // test if it's inside ellipse if ((dx * dx) * rx2 + (dy * dy) * ry2 + (dz * dz) * rz2 <= 1) { p.level.BlockChange(x3 + xx, yy + y3, zz + z3, (byte)type, meta, false); total++; } } } } } } } } else { // find center points double cx = (ex + sx) / 2 + (((ex + sx) % 2 == 1) ? 0.5 : 0); double cz = (ez + sz) / 2 + (((ez + sz) % 2 == 1) ? 0.5 : 0); // find axis lengths double rx = Convert.ToDouble(ex) - cx + 0.25; double rz = Convert.ToDouble(ez) - cz + 0.25; double rx2 = 1 / (rx * rx); double rz2 = 1 / (rz * rz); double smallrx2 = 1 / ((rx - 1) * (rx - 1)); double smallrz2 = 1 / ((rz - 1) * (rz - 1)); for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx += 8) { for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz += 8) { for (int z3 = 0; z3 < 8 && zz + z3 <= ez; z3++) { for (int x3 = 0; x3 < 8 && xx + x3 <= ex; x3++) { // get relative coordinates double dx = (xx + x3 - cx); double dz = (zz + z3 - cz); // test if it's inside ellipse if ((dx * dx) * rx2 + (dz * dz) * rz2 <= 1 && (dx * dx) * smallrx2 + (dz * dz) * smallrz2 > 1) { p.level.BlockChange(x3 + xx, sy, zz + z3, (byte)type, meta, false); total++; } } } } } } p.SendMessage(total + " blocks."); }