Example #1
        public void TestSingleLineFilter6()
            var filter = new EmptyLogLineFilter();

            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, filter, null))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 1, "More stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(2, 2, "", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(3, 3, "And even more stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(4, 4, "And even more stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 5));

                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, LogFileSection.Invalidate(3, 2));

                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(3, 2));

                file.Count.Should().Be(4, "because the source represents 4 lines (of which the last two changed over its lifetime)");

                const string reason = "because log entry indices are supposed to be consecutive for a data source";
                file.GetLine(0).LogEntryIndex.Should().Be(0, reason);
                file.GetLine(1).LogEntryIndex.Should().Be(1, reason);
                file.GetLine(2).LogEntryIndex.Should().Be(2, reason);
                file.GetLine(3).LogEntryIndex.Should().Be(3, reason);
Example #2
        public void TestListener()
            _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
            _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 0, "Yikes", LevelFlags.None));
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create("yikes", true, LevelFlags.All)))
                var sections = new List <LogFileSection>();
                var listener = new Mock <ILogFileListener>();

                listener.Setup(x => x.OnLogFileModified(It.IsAny <ILogFile>(), It.IsAny <LogFileSection>()))
                .Callback((ILogFile l, LogFileSection s) => sections.Add(s));
                // We deliberately set the batchSize to be greater than the amount of entries that will be matched.
                // If the FilteredLogFile is implemented correctly, then it will continously notifiy the listener until
                // the maximum wait time is elapsed.
                const int batchSize = 10;
                file.AddListener(listener.Object, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), batchSize);
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 2));


                    new LogFileSection(0, 2)
Example #3
        public void TestGetSection1()
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create("yikes", true, LevelFlags.All)))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 1, "Yikes", LevelFlags.Info));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 2));


                var section = file.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, 1));
                section[0].LineIndex.Should().Be(0, "because the filtered log file only represents a file with one line, thus the only entry should have an index of 0, not 1, which is the original index");
                section[0].OriginalLineIndex.Should().Be(1, "because the given line is the second line in the source file");

                var line = file.GetLine(0);
                line.LineIndex.Should().Be(0, "because the filtered log file only represents a file with one line, thus the only entry should have an index of 0, not 1, which is the original index");
                line.OriginalLineIndex.Should().Be(1, "because the given line is the second line in the source file");
Example #4
        public void TestSingleLineFilter2()
            var filter = new Mock <ILogLineFilter>();

            filter.Setup(x => x.PassesFilter(It.IsAny <LogLine>())).Returns(false);
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, filter.Object, null))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

                file.Count.Should().Be(0, "because the log line filter didn't pass the added line");

                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 0, "INFO: Something mundane", LevelFlags.Info));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(1, 0));
                file.Count.Should().Be(0, "because the log line filter didn't pass the added line");
Example #5
        public void TestClear()
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create(null, true, LevelFlags.Debug)))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 0, "DEBUG: Yikes", LevelFlags.None));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 2));



                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);

Example #6
        public void TestInvalidate2()
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create(null, true, LevelFlags.Info)))
                file.AddListener(_listener.Object, TimeSpan.Zero, 1);


                    new LogLine(0, 0, "A", LevelFlags.Info),
                    new LogLine(1, 1, "B", LevelFlags.Info),
                    new LogLine(2, 2, "C", LevelFlags.Info),
                    new LogLine(3, 3, "D", LevelFlags.Info)
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 4));


                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, LogFileSection.Invalidate(2, 2));


                    new LogFileSection(0, 1),
                    new LogFileSection(1, 1),
                    new LogFileSection(2, 1),
                    new LogFileSection(3, 1),
                    LogFileSection.Invalidate(2, 2)
Example #7
        public void TestSingleLineFilter5()
            var filter = new EmptyLogLineFilter();

            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, filter, null))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 1, "More stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(2, 2, "", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(3, 3, "And even more stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 4));

                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, LogFileSection.Reset);

                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

                file.Count.Should().Be(1, "because only one line remains in the source");
                file.GetLine(0).LogEntryIndex.Should().Be(0, "because log entry indices should always start at 0");
Example #8
        public void TestInvalidate1()
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create(null, true, LevelFlags.Info)))

                    new LogLine(0, 0, "A", LevelFlags.Info),
                    new LogLine(1, 1, "B", LevelFlags.Info),
                    new LogLine(2, 2, "C", LevelFlags.Info),
                    new LogLine(3, 3, "D", LevelFlags.Info)

                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 4));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, LogFileSection.Invalidate(2, 2));


                file.Count.Should().Be(2, "because we've invalidated the last 2 out of 4 lines");
Example #9
        public void TestSingleLineFilter3()
            var filter = new EmptyLogLineFilter();

            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, filter, null))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 0, "More stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(2, 0, "", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(3, 0, "And even more stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 4));

                file.Count.Should().Be(3, "because the log file should've filtered out the one log line that is empty");
Example #10
        public void TestGetOriginalIndicesFrom3()
            var filter = new LevelFilter(LevelFlags.Info);

            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, filter, null))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 1, "This is a test", LevelFlags.Info));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(2, 2, "This is a test", LevelFlags.Error));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(3, 3, "This is a test", LevelFlags.Info));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 4));

                var originalIndices = file.GetColumn(new LogFileSection(0, 2), LogFileColumns.OriginalIndex);
                originalIndices.Should().Equal(new LogLineIndex(1), new LogLineIndex(3));
Example #11
        public void TestSingleLineFilter1()
            var filter = new Mock <ILogLineFilter>();

            filter.Setup(x => x.PassesFilter(It.IsAny <LogLine>())).Returns(true);
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, filter.Object, null))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));

                filter.Verify(x => x.PassesFilter(It.Is <LogLine>(y => Equals(y, _entries[0]))), Times.AtLeastOnce,
                              "because the log file should've used our filter at least once to determine if the given log line should've been added");

                file.Count.Should().Be(1, "because the filter should've passed the only log line");
Example #12
        public void TestConstruction()
            _logFile.Setup(x => x.Count).Returns(2);
            _logFile.Setup(x => x.Progress).Returns(1);
            _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
            _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 0, "DEBUG: Yikes", LevelFlags.None));

            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null,
                                                  Filter.Create(null, true, LevelFlags.Debug)))
                file.Progress.Should().Be(0, "because the filtered log file hasn't consumed anything of its source (yet)");

                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 2));

                file.Progress.Should().Be(1, "because the filtered log file has consumed the entire source");
Example #13
        public void TestGetLogLineIndexOfOriginalLineIndex1()
            var filter = new LevelFilter(LevelFlags.Info);

            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, filter, null))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 1, "This is a test", LevelFlags.Info));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(2, 2, "This is a test", LevelFlags.Error));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(3, 3, "This is a test", LevelFlags.Info));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 4));

                file.GetLogLineIndexOfOriginalLineIndex(new LogLineIndex(0)).Should().Be(LogLineIndex.Invalid);
                file.GetLogLineIndexOfOriginalLineIndex(new LogLineIndex(1)).Should().Be(new LogLineIndex(0));
                file.GetLogLineIndexOfOriginalLineIndex(new LogLineIndex(2)).Should().Be(LogLineIndex.Invalid);
                file.GetLogLineIndexOfOriginalLineIndex(new LogLineIndex(3)).Should().Be(new LogLineIndex(1));
Example #14
        public void TestGetLine2()
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create(LevelFlags.Error)))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, new LogLineSourceId(0), "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug, null));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 1, new LogLineSourceId(42), "ERROR: I feel a disturbance in the source", LevelFlags.Error, null));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 2));

                file.Count.Should().Be(1, "because only one line matches the filter");
                var line = file.GetLine(0);
                line.Message.Should().Be("ERROR: I feel a disturbance in the source");
                line.SourceId.Should().Be(new LogLineSourceId(42), "Because the filtered log file is supposed to simply forward the source id of the log line in question (Issue #154)");
Example #15
        public void TestEntryLevelNone()
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create("ello", true, LevelFlags.All)))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, "Hello world!", LevelFlags.None));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 1));


                var section = file.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, 1));
                section[0].Message.Should().Be("Hello world!");
Example #16
        public void TestMultiLineLogEntry2()
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create("yikes", true, LevelFlags.All)))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 0, "Yikes", LevelFlags.None));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 2));


                file.GetSection(new LogFileSection(0, 2))
                    new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug),
                    new LogLine(1, 0, "Yikes", LevelFlags.None)
Example #17
        public void TestSingleLineFilter4()
            var filter = new EmptyLogLineFilter();

            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, filter, null))
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 1, "More stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(2, 2, "", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(3, 3, "And even more stuff", LevelFlags.Debug));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 4));

                file.Count.Should().Be(3, "because the log file should've filtered out the one log line that is empty");

                const string reason = "because log entry indices are supposed to be consecutive for a data source";
                file.GetLine(0).LogEntryIndex.Should().Be(0, reason);
                file.GetLine(1).LogEntryIndex.Should().Be(1, reason);
                file.GetLine(2).LogEntryIndex.Should().Be(2, reason);
Example #18
        public void TestWait()
            using (var file = new FilteredLogFile(_taskScheduler, TimeSpan.Zero, _logFile.Object, null, Filter.Create(null, true, LevelFlags.Debug)))
                var sections = new List <LogFileSection>();
                var listener = new Mock <ILogFileListener>();
                listener.Setup(x => x.OnLogFileModified(It.IsAny <ILogFile>(), It.IsAny <LogFileSection>()))
                .Callback((ILogFile logFile, LogFileSection section) => sections.Add(section));
                file.AddListener(listener.Object, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), 3);

                _entries.Add(new LogLine(0, 0, "DEBUG: This is a test", LevelFlags.Debug));
                _entries.Add(new LogLine(1, 0, "DEBUG: Yikes", LevelFlags.None));
                file.OnLogFileModified(_logFile.Object, new LogFileSection(0, 2));

                sections.Should().Equal(new object[]
                    new LogFileSection(new LogLineIndex(0), 2)