public static string GetODataQueryOperatorString(this FilterExpressionOperator oDataQueryOperator) { string result; if (FilterExpressionOperatorToODataQueryOperatorString.TryGetValue(oDataQueryOperator, out result) == false) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No ODataQuery operator name defined for '{0}'.", oDataQueryOperator)); } return(result); }
public static ExpressionType GetDotNetExpressionType(this FilterExpressionOperator filterExpressionOperator) { ExpressionType expressionType; if (FilterExpressionOperatorToDotNetExpressionType.TryGetValue(filterExpressionOperator, out expressionType) == false) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No .NET ExpressionType defined for '{0}'.", filterExpressionOperator)); } return(expressionType); }
public UnaryFilterExpression(FilterExpressionOperator op, FilterExpression operand) { if (op == FilterExpressionOperator.Unknown) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create UnaryFilterExpression with operator type 'Unknown'."); } if (operand == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("operand", "Operand cannot be null."); } Operator = op; Operand = operand; }
public BinaryFilterExpression(FilterExpression left, FilterExpressionOperator op, FilterExpression right) { if (left == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("left", "Left operand of a binary expression cannot be null."); } if (right == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("right", "Right operand of a binary expression cannot be null."); } if (op == FilterExpressionOperator.Unknown) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create binary expression with the 'Unknown' operator.", "op"); } Left = left; Operator = op; Right = right; }
public static UnaryFilterExpression Unary(FilterExpressionOperator op, FilterExpression operand) { return(new UnaryFilterExpression(op, operand)); }
public static BinaryFilterExpression Binary(FilterExpression left, FilterExpressionOperator op, FilterExpression right) { return(new BinaryFilterExpression(left, op, right)); }
public static bool IsBinaryOperator(this FilterExpressionOperator filterExpressionOperator) { return((filterExpressionOperator.IsUnaryOperator() == false) && (filterExpressionOperator != FilterExpressionOperator.Unknown)); }
public static bool IsUnaryOperator(this FilterExpressionOperator filterExpressionOperator) { return((filterExpressionOperator == FilterExpressionOperator.Not) || (filterExpressionOperator == FilterExpressionOperator.Negate)); }
protected QueryFilterExpression(FilterExpressionOperator theOperator, InventoryPropertyName propertyName, T parameter) { Operator = theOperator; PropertyName = propertyName; Parameter = parameter; }