public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Film film = db.Films.Find(id);

            List <Review>         reviews   = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.FilmId == film.FilmId).ToList();
            List <FilmPersonRole> roles     = db.FilmPersonRoles.Where(x => x.FilmId == film.FilmId).ToList();
            FilmImage             filmImage = db.FilmImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == film.ImageId).Single();

            // Delete reviews of the film to prevent orphan data.
            if (reviews.Count > 0)
                foreach (Review review in reviews)

            // Delete actor/director roles to prevent orphan data.
            if (roles.Count > 0)
                foreach (FilmPersonRole role in roles)

Example #2
        // Helper method overload
        private static FilmDetailModel CreateFilmDetailModel(FilmImage image)
            var model = image.Film.Copy <Film, FilmDetailModel>();

            model.FilmImageId = image.FilmImageId;

        public static FilmDetailModel CreateFilmDetailModel(FilmImage image)
            var model = image.Film.Copy <Film, FilmDetailModel>();

            //model.FilmImageId = image.FilmImageId;
            model = image.FilmImageId;

Example #4
        // GET: FilmPersonRoles
        public ActionResult Index()
            //create a list for the view model to link Film and Person
            List <FilmPersonRoleViewModel> FilmPersonRoleList = new List <FilmPersonRoleViewModel>();

            //separate list for the FilmPersonRole to get the keys
            List <FilmPersonRole> filmPersonRoles;

            //populate the FilmPersonRoleList by selecting all record from the db context
            filmPersonRoles = db.FilmPersonRoles.ToList();

            //loop through each record to get the foreign keys
            //then populate the view model with the relevant
            //Film / Person
            foreach (FilmPersonRole role in filmPersonRoles)
                //match the ID between FilmPersonRole and Film - store the single record in 'film'
                Film film = db.Films.Where(x => x.FilmId == role.FilmId).Single();

                //match the ID between FilmPersonRole and Film - store the single record in 'person'
                Person person = db.Persons.Where(x => x.PersonId == role.PersonId).Single();

                FilmImage filmImage = db.FilmImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == role.FilmId).Single();

                //new FilmPersonRolViewModel object to then add to the list
                FilmPersonRoleViewModel toAdd = new FilmPersonRoleViewModel();

                toAdd.ThisFilmPersonRole = role;    //get the FilmPersonRole record
                toAdd.ThisFilm           = film;    //get the film record
                toAdd.ThisPerson         = person;  //get the person record
                toAdd.ThisFilmImage      = filmImage;

                //add to the FilmPersonRoleList (list of ViewModel objects)

            //send the FilmPersonRoleListViewModel List to the View for display
        public ActionResult Edit(FilmViewModel filmViewModel, HttpPostedFileBase upload)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                filmViewModel.ThisFilm.ImageId = filmViewModel.ThisFilmImage.ImageId;

                // Gets the dropdownlist selection and adds the id to the viewmodel.
                filmViewModel.ThisFilm.GenreId       = Int32.Parse(Request["Genres"]);
                filmViewModel.ThisFilm.CertificateId = Int32.Parse(Request["Certificates"]);

                if (upload != null && upload.ContentLength > 0)
                    if (upload.ContentType == "image/jpeg" ||
                        upload.ContentType == "image/jpg" ||
                        upload.ContentType == "image/gif" ||
                        upload.ContentType == "image/png")
                        // If an image is being uploaded then save the image to a
                        // temporary folder, convert the image to bytes, save the image
                        // as a new record and assign its new id to the film model for
                        // updating the db.
                        if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
                            var file = Request.Files[0];
                                // Save image to temp folder.
                                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                                var path     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/ImagesTemp/"), fileName);

                                // Convert image to bytes.
                                Image     newImage  = Image.FromFile(path);
                                FilmImage filmImage = new FilmImage();
                                filmImage.ImageBytes = filmImage.ConvertImageToByteArray(newImage);

                                // Insert image into db and return the new image id.
                                int imageId = filmImage.ImageId;

                                //Get the old film image and delete it.
                                FilmImage oldFilmImage = db.FilmImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == filmViewModel.ThisFilmImage.ImageId).Single();

                                filmViewModel.ThisFilm.ImageId = imageId;

                                // Attempt to delete temporary image.
                                if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                                    catch (Exception)
                                        // Do nothing, temporary folder will be cleared
                                        // when application is re-launched.
                        // Constructs error messages for the view.
                        ViewBag.Message = "Not valid image format";

                //Update the db and save.
                db.Entry(filmViewModel.ThisFilm).State = EntityState.Modified;

        // Get films for the index view and builds a list of film viewmodels to return.
        // Utilises arguments to return a sorting order, page of results
        // and searched results. The sort order is tracked by the viewbag.
        public ActionResult Index(string errorMessage, string sortOrder, string searchString,
                                  string currentFilter, int?page)
            // This section sets the search, ordering and pagination variables
            // from the values sent in the ActionResult arguments.
            ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder;

            if (errorMessage != null)
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;

            ViewBag.TitleSortParam = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "title_desc" : "";

            if (searchString != null)
                page = 1;
                searchString = currentFilter;

            ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString;

            List <FilmViewModel> filmList = new List <FilmViewModel>();

            // Get all films, then overwrite with returned results if a searchString
            // is specified.
            var films = from f in db.Films
                        select f;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                films = films.Where(f => f.Title.Contains(searchString));

            // Apply sorting based on the specified argument from the view.
            switch (sortOrder)
            case "title_desc":
                films = films.OrderByDescending(f => f.Title);

                films = films.OrderBy(f => f.Title);

            List <Film> theseFilms = new List <Film>();

            theseFilms = films.ToList();

            // Loop through film results and get viewmodel information from other db entities.
            // Assign the entities to the new viewmodel and add the viewmodel to the viewmodels list.
            foreach (Film thisFilm in theseFilms)
                var averageReview = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.FilmId == thisFilm.FilmId)
                                    .Average(x => (int?)x.Rating) ?? 0;

                Certificate certificate = db.Certificates.Where(x => x.CertificateId == thisFilm.CertificateId).Single();

                FilmImage filmImage = db.FilmImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == thisFilm.ImageId).Single();

                FilmViewModel toAdd = new FilmViewModel();

                toAdd.ThisFilm        = thisFilm;
                toAdd.ThisFilmImage   = filmImage;
                toAdd.ThisCertificate = certificate;

                toAdd.averageReview = (int)averageReview;


            // Set the amount of records shown on a page and convert the viewmodel
            // to an IpagedList object to return to the view.
            int pageSize = 5;
            // If page is null set to 1 otherwise keep page value.
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            IPagedList pagedList = filmList.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);

        // Get viewmodel data for the edit view.
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Film film = db.Films.Find(id);

            if (film == null)

            // Get genre collection for drop down box.
            var genreQuery = from m in db.Genres
                             orderby m.GenreName
                             select m;

            if (film.GenreId == 0)
                ViewBag.Genres = new SelectList(genreQuery, "GenreId", "GenreName", null);
                ViewBag.Genres = new SelectList(genreQuery, "GenreId", "GenreName", film.GenreId);

            // Get certificate selection for drop down box.
            var certificateQuery = from m in db.Certificates
                                   orderby m.CertificateName
                                   select m;

            if (film.CertificateId == 0)
                ViewBag.Certificates = new SelectList(certificateQuery, "CertificateId", "CertificateName", null);
                ViewBag.Certificates = new SelectList(certificateQuery, "CertificateId", "CertificateName", film.CertificateId);

            // Get record for the viewmodel data.
            Genre genre = db.Genres.Where(x => x.GenreId == film.GenreId).Single();

            Certificate certificate = db.Certificates.Where(x => x.CertificateId == film.CertificateId).Single();

            FilmImage filmImage = db.FilmImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == film.ImageId).Single();

            List <FilmPersonRole> filmPersonRoles = db.FilmPersonRoles.ToList();

            List <FilmPersonRoleViewModel> rolesForThisFilm = new List <FilmPersonRoleViewModel>();

            // Loop through film roles for roles related to this film.
            // Add matches to the role viewmodel list.
            foreach (FilmPersonRole role in filmPersonRoles)
                if (role.FilmId == id)
                    Person person = db.Persons.Where(x => x.PersonId == role.PersonId).Single();

                    PersonImage personImage = new PersonImage();

                    if (person != null)
                        personImage = db.PersonImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == person.ImageId).Single();

                    FilmPersonRoleViewModel filmPersonRoleViewModel = new FilmPersonRoleViewModel();

                    filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisFilm           = film;
                    filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisPerson         = person;
                    filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisPersonImage    = personImage;
                    filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisFilmPersonRole = role;


            FilmViewModel filmViewModel = new FilmViewModel();

            filmViewModel.ThisFilm                    = film;
            filmViewModel.ThisGenre                   = genre;
            filmViewModel.ThisCertificate             = certificate;
            filmViewModel.ThisFilmImage               = filmImage;
            filmViewModel.ThisFilmPersonRoleViewModel = rolesForThisFilm;

        public ActionResult Create(
            [Bind(Include = "FilmID,GenreID,CertificateID,ImageID," +
                            "Title,Synopsis,Runtime,ReleaseDate")] Film film,
            HttpPostedFileBase upload)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (upload != null && upload.ContentLength > 0)
                    if (upload.ContentType == "image/jpeg" ||
                        upload.ContentType == "image/jpg" ||
                        upload.ContentType == "image/gif" ||
                        upload.ContentType == "image/png")
                        // If an image is being uploaded then save the image to a temporary folder,
                        // convert the image to bytes and assign it to the model for inserting into the db.
                        if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
                            var file = Request.Files[0];

                            // Save image to temp folder.
                            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                            var path     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/ImagesTemp/"), fileName);

                            // Convert image to bytes.
                            Image     newImage  = Image.FromFile(path);
                            FilmImage filmImage = new FilmImage();
                            filmImage.ImageBytes = filmImage.ConvertImageToByteArray(newImage);

                            // Insert image into db and return the new image id.
                            int imageId = filmImage.ImageId;
                            film.ImageId = imageId;

                            // Attempt to delete temporary image.
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                                catch (Exception thisException)
                                    // Do nothing, temporary folder will be
                                    // cleared when application is re-launched.
                            // Add the film to the database and save.
                            film.GenreId       = Int32.Parse(Request["Genres"]);
                            film.CertificateId = Int32.Parse(Request["Certificates"]);

                        // Constructs error messages for the view.
                        ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "A valid image image format was not uploaded.";
                    // Constructs error messages for the view.
                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "An image must be uploaded.";

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Films", new { errorMessage = ViewBag.ErrorMessage }));

        // Get film details by film id, builds a viewmodel for return.
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Film film = db.Films.Find(id);

            if (film == null)

            // Get's an average review score from all Reviews for this film.
            var averageReview = db.Reviews.Where(x => x.FilmId == id)
                                .Average(x => (int?)x.Rating) ?? 0;

            // Get records for the view model.
            Genre genre = db.Genres.Where(x => x.GenreId == film.GenreId).Single();

            Certificate certificate = db.Certificates.Where(x => x.CertificateId == film.CertificateId).Single();

            FilmImage filmImage = db.FilmImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == film.ImageId).Single();

            List <FilmPersonRole> filmPersonRoles = db.FilmPersonRoles.ToList();

            List <Review> reviews = db.Reviews.ToList();

            // If reviews exist for this film, return a list of reviews for the viewmodel.
            List <ReviewViewModel> reviewsForThisFilm = new List <ReviewViewModel>();

            if (reviews.Count > 0)
                foreach (Review r in reviews)
                    if (r.FilmId == id)
                        ReviewViewModel reviewViewModel = new ReviewViewModel();
                        reviewViewModel.thisReview = r;

                        User user = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserId == r.UserId).Single();
                        reviewViewModel.thisUser = user;

                        reviewViewModel.thisFilm = film;


            // If roles exist for this film, return a list of roles for the viewmodel.
            List <FilmPersonRoleViewModel> rolesForThisFilm = new List <FilmPersonRoleViewModel>();

            foreach (FilmPersonRole role in filmPersonRoles)
                if (role.FilmId == id)
                    Person person = db.Persons.Where(x => x.PersonId == role.PersonId).Single();

                    PersonImage personImage = new PersonImage();

                    if (person != null)
                        personImage = db.PersonImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == person.ImageId).Single();

                    FilmPersonRoleViewModel filmPersonRoleViewModel = new FilmPersonRoleViewModel();

                    filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisFilm           = film;
                    filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisPerson         = person;
                    filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisPersonImage    = personImage;
                    filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisFilmPersonRole = role;


            FilmViewModel filmViewModel = new FilmViewModel();

            filmViewModel.ThisFilm                    = film;
            filmViewModel.ThisFilmImage               = filmImage;
            filmViewModel.ThisGenre                   = genre;
            filmViewModel.ThisCertificate             = certificate;
            filmViewModel.ThisFilmReviews             = reviewsForThisFilm;
            filmViewModel.ThisFilmPersonRoleViewModel = rolesForThisFilm;
            filmViewModel.averageReview               = (int)averageReview;

Example #10
        // GET: FilmPersonRoles/Create
        public ActionResult Create(int?FilmId, int?PersonId, bool isActor)
            FilmPersonRoleViewModel filmPersonRoleViewModel = new FilmPersonRoleViewModel();
            FilmPersonRole          filmPersonRole          = new FilmPersonRole();
            Film        film        = new Film();
            FilmImage   filmImage   = new FilmImage();
            Person      person      = new Person();
            PersonImage personImage = new PersonImage();

            if (isActor == true)
                filmPersonRole.IsActor    = true;
                filmPersonRole.IsDirector = false;
                filmPersonRole.IsActor    = false;
                filmPersonRole.IsDirector = true;

            //db.FilmImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == role.FilmId).Single();

            if (FilmId == null && PersonId == null)
                //Return to home page as user is manipulating the url
            else if (FilmId == null || FilmId == 0)
                filmPersonRole.PersonId = PersonId;
                person      = db.Persons.Where(x => x.PersonId == PersonId).Single();
                personImage = db.PersonImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == person.ImageId).Single();

                //If FilmId is null then link the existing person to a film choice

                //Get film collection for drop down box
                var filmQuery = from m in db.Films
                                orderby m.Title
                                select m;

                ViewBag.Films = new SelectList(filmQuery, "FilmId", "Title", null);
            else if (PersonId == null || PersonId == 0)
                filmPersonRole.FilmId = FilmId;
                film      = db.Films.Where(x => x.FilmId == FilmId).Single();
                filmImage = db.FilmImages.Where(x => x.ImageId == film.ImageId).Single();

                //If PersonId is null then link the existing film to a person choice

                if (isActor)
                    //Get Actors collection for drop down box
                    var personQuery = from p in db.Persons
                                      where p.IsActor == true
                                      orderby p.LastName
                                      select new
                        FullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName,

                    ViewBag.Persons = new SelectList(personQuery, "PersonId", "FullName", null);
                    //Get Directors collection for drop down box
                    var personQuery = from p in db.Persons
                                      where p.IsDirector == true
                                      orderby p.LastName
                                      select new
                        FullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName,

                    ViewBag.Persons = new SelectList(personQuery, "PersonId", "FullName", null);

            filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisFilm           = film;
            filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisFilmImage      = filmImage;
            filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisFilmPersonRole = filmPersonRole;
            filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisPerson         = person;
            filmPersonRoleViewModel.ThisPersonImage    = personImage;

            //generate the view