protected void btnUpload_Photo_Click(object Sender, EventArgs e)
        // Read the file and save it
        if (FileUpload_Photo.HasFile)
            string filePath = FileUpload_Photo.PostedFile.FileName;
            string filename = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
            string ext      = Path.GetExtension(filename);

            // Get the size in bytes of the file to upload.
            int fileSize = FileUpload_Photo.PostedFile.ContentLength;
            int limit    = 102400;

            if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif")
                if (fileSize < limit)
                    string fileName = "Photo" + ext;
                    FileUpload_Photo_Loc.Text = filename;
                    string destPath = "C:/Users/Kiran/Documents/GitHub/Recruitment-Portal/server_photos/" + fileName;
                    photoPreview.ImageUrl = "~/server_photos/" + fileName;

                    FileUpload_Photo.SaveAs(destPath);  //this will save the file in the application directory

                    //to view the file when you click hyperlink below:
                    HyperLinkPhoto.NavigateUrl = "file:///" + destPath;
                    lblMessage_Photo_Loc.Text  = fileName;

                    lblMessage_Photo.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                    lblMessage_Photo.Text      = "Photo Uploaded Successfully";
                    lblMessage_Photo.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    lblMessage_Photo.Text      = "File Size exceeded " + limit / 1024 + " KB";
                lblMessage_Photo.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                lblMessage_Photo.Text      = "File format not recognised." +
                                             " Upload jpg/png/gif formats";
            lblMessage_Photo.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            lblMessage_Photo.Text      = "File format not recognised." +
                                         " Upload jpg/png/gif formats";
 protected void btnPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (FileUpload_Photo.HasFile)
         string fileName = FileUpload_Photo.FileName.ToUpper();
         string fl       = Server.MapPath("/Images/" + lblNamePhoto.Text.ToUpper());
         if (File.Exists(fl))
             File.Delete(Server.MapPath("/Images/" + lblNamePhoto.Text.ToUpper()));
         FileUpload_Photo.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("/Images/" + fileName));
         imgPhotoEmployee.ImageUrl = "~/Images/" + fileName;
         lblNamePhoto.Text         = fileName;
        private bool IsDataValidOnSave()
            bool          isValid       = true;
            bool          isSessionLive = true;
            StringBuilder script        = new StringBuilder();

            //if (Commons.GetCurrentLoginUser() == null)
            //    script.Append("Session is expired!");
            //    isSessionLive = false;

            if (txtNik.Text == "")
                script.Append("NIK has to be filled!");
            else if (txtNameEmployee.Text == "")
                script.Append("NameEmployee has to be filled!");
            else if (lblNamePhoto.Text == "")
                script.Append("Upload Photo has to be filled!");

            if (script.Length > 0)
                isValid = false;

                if (isSessionLive)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, typeof(String), "Validation", "alert('" + script.ToString() + "');", true);
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, typeof(String), "Validation", "alert('" + script.ToString() + "');window.close();", true);

            script = null;