     * If the files in game with the current game objects has a different count to files in the folder,
     *  it will delete the current game objects, else exit out of the method.
     * This is for when the user creates a new file in game or (Not tested) if the user creates a new file in the file explorer
     *  while the game is still running.
    // See EditTextFile.LoadAvailableFiles for a note concerning similar methods.
    public void LoadAvailableFiles()
        DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Char_Dialogues/");

        FileInfo[] info = dir.GetFiles("*.yarn");

        if (reloadCount == info.Length)
        if (fileParentPanel.childCount > 0)
            Debug.Log("Reloading files");
            foreach (RectTransform child in fileParentPanel)

        foreach (FileInfo f in info)
            FileUIContainer emptyFile = Instantiate(fileContainer);
            emptyFile.transform.SetParent(fileParentPanel, false);
        reloadCount = info.Length;