public DirectoryFso(FileSystemObject parent, string name, string path = null) : base(parent, name, path) { SetBackupMode(); if (BackupMode == BackupMode.Directory) Children = ConstructChildrenList(path ?? MappedPath); }
public override void Store(byte[] bytes, FileSystemObject fso) { using (var byteStream = new MemoryStream(bytes, false)) { Store(byteStream, fso); } }
public override Stream GetStream(FileSystemObject fso) { var map = TryGetMap(fso.FullName); return map == null ? null : new MemoryStream(map.Bytes); }
public override byte[] Get(FileSystemObject fso) { var map = TryGetMap(fso.FullName); return map == null ? null : map.Bytes; }
public override void Store(Stream stream, FileSystemObject fso) { CreateFolder(fso.FolderName); using (var fs = new FileStream(fso.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { stream.WriteTo(fs); } }
public override byte[] Get(FileSystemObject fso) { using (var stream = GetStream(fso)) { return stream == null ? null : stream.ToBytes(); } }
public void ParsesValidWindowsName() { var test = new FileSystemObject("c:\\temp\\subdir1\\subdir2\\testfilename.txt"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileName, "testfilename"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileExtension, "txt"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileNameAndExtension, "testfilename.txt"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FolderName, "c:\\temp\\subdir1\\subdir2"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FullName, "c:\\temp\\subdir1\\subdir2\\testfilename.txt"); }
public void ParsesFileEndingWithDirectorySeparatorCorrectly() { var test = new FileSystemObject("/test-bucket-name/archive/subdir/"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileName, "testfile_hi"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileExtension, "zip"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileNameAndExtension, ""); Assert.AreEqual(test.FolderName, "/test-bucket-name/archive/subdir"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FullName, "/test-bucket-name/archive/subdir/"); }
public void ParsesValidUncName() { var test = new FileSystemObject("\\root\\subdir1\\subdir2\\"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileName, "testfile"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileExtension, "zip"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileNameAndExtension, ""); Assert.AreEqual(test.FolderName, "\\root\\subdir1\\subdir2"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FullName, "\\root\\subdir1\\subdir2\\"); }
public void ParseValidS3Name() { var test = new FileSystemObject("/test-bucket-name/archive/subdir/"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileName, "testfile_hi"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileExtension, "zip"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileNameAndExtension, ""); Assert.AreEqual(test.FolderName, "/test-bucket-name/archive/subdir"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FullName, "/test-bucket-name/archive/subdir/"); }
public override void Copy(FileSystemObject thisFso, FileSystemObject targetFso, IFileStorageProvider targetProvider = null) { // If targetProvider is null, copying within file system if (TreatAsLocalFileSystemProvider(targetProvider)) { CopyInFileSystem(thisFso, targetFso); return; } // Copying across providers (from local file system to some other file provider) targetProvider.Store(thisFso, targetFso); }
public override void Download(FileSystemObject thisFso, FileSystemObject downloadToFso) { var bytes = Get(thisFso); if (bytes == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist in memory provider", thisFso.FullName); } localFs.Store(bytes, downloadToFso); }
public void ParseValidMixedFileSystemNameWindows() { var testFileAndPath = Path.Combine("\\test-bucket-name/archive", "subdir", ""); var test = new FileSystemObject(testFileAndPath); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileName, "testfile_hi"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileExtension, "zip"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FileNameAndExtension, ""); Assert.AreEqual(test.FolderName, "\\test-bucket-name\\archive\\subdir"); Assert.AreEqual(test.FullName, "\\test-bucket-name\\archive\\subdir\\"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.InitTheExtensionImgDictionary(); this.m_ConfigUploadDir = SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir; this.m_CurrentDir = BasePage.RequestString("Dir").Replace("..", string.Empty); this.m_UrlReferrer = "FileManage.aspx?Dir=" + base.Server.UrlEncode(this.m_CurrentDir); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_ConfigUploadDir)) { string path = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_CurrentDir) && (this.m_CurrentDir.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0)) { this.m_ParentDir = base.Server.UrlEncode(this.m_CurrentDir.Remove(this.m_CurrentDir.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal), this.m_CurrentDir.Length - this.m_CurrentDir.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))); } path = this.m_ConfigUploadDir + this.m_CurrentDir + "/"; this.LblCurrentDir.Text = path; path = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + path; DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (info.Exists) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TxtSearchKeyword.Text)) { this.m_CurrentDirectoryInfo = FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryInfos(path, FsoMethod.All); } else { string text = this.TxtSearchKeyword.Text; if (!text.Contains("*")) { text = "*" + text + "*.*"; } this.m_CurrentDirectoryInfo = FileSystemObject.SearchFiles(path, text); } } } else { this.PanContent.Visible = false; this.LitMessage.Text = "请在网站配置中配置上传文件目录"; this.LitMessage.Visible = true; } if (!this.Page.IsPostBack) { this.BindData(); } this.BtnSearch.Click += new EventHandler(this.BtnSearch_Click); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetAsync(int id) { FileSystemObject fso = await _fsoService.GetFsoByIdAsync(id); User user = await _userService.GetUserFromPrincipalAsync(this.User); if (fso == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (!await _fsoService.CheckOwnerAsync(fso, user)) { return(Forbid()); } return(Ok(_fsoService.ToDTO(fso))); }
public bool IsExistXML(string LabelName) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(dirfilename); XmlNode nodeinfo = doc.SelectSingleNode("//NewDataSet/Table[LabelName='" + LabelName + "']"); if (nodeinfo != null) { string filename = dir + nodeinfo["LabelCate"].InnerText + @"\" + LabelName + ".label"; return(FileSystemObject.IsExist(filename, FsoMethod.File)); } else { return(false); } }
private int ExportDataToText(string filename, int groupId) { IList <string> userMailByGroupId = Users.GetUserMailByGroupId(groupId); if (userMailByGroupId.Count <= 0) { return(0); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string str in userMailByGroupId) { builder.AppendLine(str); } FileSystemObject.WriteFile(filename, builder.ToString()); return(userMailByGroupId.Count); }
public bool Process(IBase baseObject, Facet facet, IGeneratorConfiguration generatorConfiguration) { var name = baseObject.Name; var container = (RestEntityContainer)baseObject; var variables = container.Variables; var servicesPath = generatorConfiguration.ApplicationFolderHierarchy[IonicFileSystemType.WebAPIServicesRoot]; var configPath = FileSystemObject.PathCombine(servicesPath, "wwwroot", (string)container.Variables["title"] + "Config"); var parentPath = (string)variables["parentPath"]; var parentObject = baseObject.EntityDictionary.Single(p => p.Value.GetCondensedID() == parentPath).Value; var rootObject = (object)container.JsonRootObject; rootObject.SetDynamicMember("idBase", parentObject.GetCondensedID().ToBase64()); WebAPIRestConfigJsonGenerator.GenerateJson(baseObject, configPath, generatorConfiguration); return(true); }
public void Shopindex() { string IndexDir = SiteConfig.SiteOption.ShopTemplate; IndexDir = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/" + IndexDir; IndexDir = IndexDir.Replace("/", @"\"); if (!FileSystemObject.IsExist(IndexDir, FsoMethod.File)) { Response.Write("[产生错误的可能原因:内容信息不存在或未开放!]"); } else { string IndexHtml = FileSystemObject.ReadFile(IndexDir); IndexHtml = createBll.CreateHtml(IndexHtml, 0, 0, "0"); Response.Write(IndexHtml); } }
protected void RptFiles_ItemCommand(object source, CommandEventArgs e) { string p = this.HdnPath.Value; string str2 = p + "/" + ((string)e.CommandArgument); if (e.CommandName == "DelFiles") { FileSystemObject.Delete(base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + str2.Replace("/", @"\"), FsoMethod.File); function.WriteSuccessMsg("文件成功删除", "../File/UploadFile.aspx?Dir=" + base.Server.UrlEncode(p)); } if (e.CommandName == "DelDir") { base.Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>parent.frames[\"left\"].location.reload();</script>"); FileSystemObject.Delete(base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + str2.Replace("/", @"\"), FsoMethod.Folder); function.WriteSuccessMsg("目录成功删除", "../File/UploadFile.aspx?Dir=" + base.Server.UrlEncode(p)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckInstalled(); string IndexDir = SiteConfig.SiteOption.IndexTemplate; IndexDir = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + IndexDir; IndexDir = IndexDir.Replace("/", @"\"); if (!FileSystemObject.IsExist(IndexDir, FsoMethod.File)) { Response.Write("[产生错误的可能原因:您访问的内容信息不存在!]"); } else { string IndexHtml = this.bll.CreateHtml(FileSystemObject.ReadFile(IndexDir), 0, 0); Response.Write(IndexHtml); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.Page.IsPostBack) { B_Admin badmin = new B_Admin(); badmin.CheckMulitLogin(); if (!badmin.ChkPermissions("TemplateManage")) { function.WriteErrMsg("没有权限进行此项操作"); } string str2 = base.Request.QueryString["Dir"]; string TemplateDir = SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir; this.m_UrlReferrer = "TemplateManage.aspx?Dir=" + base.Server.UrlEncode(base.Request.QueryString["Dir"]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { this.lblDir.Text = "/"; this.DirPath = TemplateDir; this.LitParentDirLink.Text = "<a disabled='disabled'>返回上一级</a>"; } else { this.lblDir.Text = str2; this.DirPath = TemplateDir + "/" + str2; if (str2.LastIndexOf("/") > 0) { this.ParentDir = str2.Remove(str2.LastIndexOf("/"), str2.Length - str2.LastIndexOf("/")); } this.LitParentDirLink.Text = "<a href=\"TemplateManage.aspx?Dir=" + this.ParentDir + "\">返回上一级</a>"; } this.AbsPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + TemplateDir + str2 + "/"; this.AbsPath = this.AbsPath.Replace("/", @"\"); this.AbsPath = this.AbsPath.Replace(@"\\", @"\"); this.HdnPath.Value = this.AbsPath; try { DataTable fileList = FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryInfos(this.AbsPath, FsoMethod.All); this.repFile.DataSource = fileList; this.repFile.DataBind(); this.Page.DataBind(); } catch (Exception exception) { string message = exception.Message; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["ItemID"])) { int ItemID = DataConverter.CLng(base.Request.QueryString["ItemID"]); B_Content bcontent = new B_Content(); B_Model bmode = new B_Model(); B_Node bnode = new B_Node(); M_CommonData ItemInfo = bcontent.GetCommonData(ItemID); if (ItemInfo.IsNull) { Response.Write("[产生错误的可能原因:您访问的内容信息不存在!]"); } M_ModelInfo modelinfo = bmode.GetModelById(ItemInfo.ModelID); string TempNode = bnode.GetModelTemplate(ItemInfo.NodeID, ItemInfo.ModelID); string TempContent = ItemInfo.Template; string TemplateDir = modelinfo.ContentModule; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TempContent)) { TemplateDir = TempContent; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TempNode)) { TemplateDir = TempNode; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TemplateDir)) { Response.Write("[产生错误的可能原因:该内容所属模型未指定模板!]"); } else { TemplateDir = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + TemplateDir; TemplateDir = TemplateDir.Replace("/", @"\"); string ContentHtml = this.bll.CreateHtml(FileSystemObject.ReadFile(TemplateDir), 0, ItemID); Response.Write(ContentHtml); } } else { Response.Write("[产生错误的可能原因:您访问的内容信息不存在!]"); } }
public static string DeleteUnusefualFile(string content, string defaultPicUrl, string uploadFiles) { string file = ""; if (uploadFiles.IndexOf('|') > 1) { string[] strArray = uploadFiles.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.None); uploadFiles = ""; foreach (string str2 in strArray) { if ((content.IndexOf(str2, StringComparison.Ordinal) <= 0) && (str2 != defaultPicUrl)) { file = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir) + str2).Replace("/", @"\"); if (FileSystemObject.IsExist(file, FsoMethod.File)) { FileSystemObject.Delete(file, FsoMethod.File); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<li>" + str2 + "在项目中没有用到,也没有被设为首页图片,所以已经被删除!</li>"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFiles)) { uploadFiles = str2; } else { uploadFiles = uploadFiles + "|" + str2; } } } } else if ((content.IndexOf(uploadFiles, StringComparison.Ordinal) <= 0) && (uploadFiles != defaultPicUrl)) { file = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir) + uploadFiles).Replace("/", @"\"); if (FileSystemObject.IsExist(file, FsoMethod.File)) { FileSystemObject.Delete(file, FsoMethod.File); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<li>" + uploadFiles + "在项目中没有用到,也没有被设为首页图片,所以已经被删除!</li>"); } uploadFiles = ""; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFiles)) { uploadFiles = defaultPicUrl; } return(uploadFiles); }
public void CreateIndex() { string IndexDir = SiteConfig.SiteOption.IndexTemplate; IndexDir = this.SitePhyPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + IndexDir; IndexDir = IndexDir.Replace("/", @"\"); string IndexHtml = this.bll.CreateHtml(FileSystemObject.ReadFile(IndexDir), 0, 0); string objindex = this.SitePhyPath + @"\" + "index.html"; if (FileSystemObject.IsExist(objindex, FsoMethod.File)) { FileSystemObject.WriteFile(objindex, IndexHtml); } else { FileSystemObject.WriteFile(objindex, IndexHtml); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> RenameAsync([FromBody] FileSystemObject request) { FileSystemObject fso = await _fsoService.GetFsoByIdAsync(request.Id); User user = await _userService.GetUserFromPrincipalAsync(this.User); if (fso == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (!await _fsoService.CheckOwnerAsync(fso, user)) { return(Forbid()); } await _fsoService.UpdateFsoAsync(request); return(Ok()); }
//--------------Tools public void BindDP(string vpath) { string ppath = Server.MapPath(vpath); DataTable dt = FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryAllInfos(ppath, FsoMethod.File); dt.DefaultView.RowFilter = "rname Like '%.html'"; dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(false, "rname"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dt.Rows[i]["rname"] = dt.Rows[i]["rname"].ToString().Replace(ppath, "").Replace(@"\", "/"); } IndexTemplate_DP.DataSource = dt; IndexTemplate_DP.DataBind(); ShopTemplate_DP.DataSource = dt; ShopTemplate_DP.DataBind(); IndexTemplate_DP.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("未指定", "")); ShopTemplate_DP.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("未指定", "")); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Page.IsValid) { if (this.Hdnmethod.Value == "add") { this.FilePath = this.HdnFilePath.Value + @"\" + this.TxtFilename.Text; FileSystemObject.WriteFile(this.FilePath, this.textContent.Text); } if (this.Hdnmethod.Value == "append") { this.FilePath = this.HdnFilePath.Value; FileSystemObject.WriteFile(this.FilePath, this.textContent.Text); } string sPath = this.HdnShowPath.Value.Replace("/", ""); base.Response.Redirect("TemplateManage.aspx?Dir=" + sPath); } }
public static void DeleteJS(string id) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { string[] strArray = id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string advertisementDir = SiteConfig.SiteOption.AdvertisementDir; HttpContext current = HttpContext.Current; if (current != null) { advertisementDir = current.Server.MapPath("~/" + advertisementDir); } for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { ADZoneInfo adZoneById = GetAdZoneById(DataConverter.CLng(strArray[i])); FileSystemObject.Delete(VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(advertisementDir) + adZoneById.ZoneJSName, FsoMethod.File); } } }
public string[] GetFileSize() { int count = this.zoneConfig.Count; string[] strArray = new string[count]; for (int i = 0; i < (count); i++) { if (FileSystemObject.IsExist(GetJsTemplatePath() + this.GetTemplateName(i), FsoMethod.File)) { strArray[i] = FileSystemObject.GetFileSize(GetJsTemplatePath() + this.GetTemplateName(i)); } else { strArray[i] = "0.0KB"; } } return(strArray); }
/// <summary> /// 每个页面必须实现,用于将模板解析为html /// </summary> public virtual string TemplateToHtml(string templateUrl) { string html = ""; string vpath = (SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/" + templateUrl); string TemplateDir = function.VToP(vpath); if (!File.Exists(TemplateDir)) { return("[产生错误的可能原因:(" + vpath + ")文件不存在]"); } html = FileSystemObject.ReadFile(TemplateDir); html = bll.CreateHtml(html, Cpage, ItemID, "1"); if (SiteConfig.SiteOption.IsSensitivity == 1) { html = B_Sensitivity.Process(html); } return(html); }
protected void MyBind() { M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); M_Design_SiteInfo sfMod = sfBll.SelReturnModel(SiteID); sfBll.CheckAuthEx(sfMod, mu); string pdir = function.VToP(VDir); if (!Directory.Exists(pdir)) { function.WriteErrMsg("[" + VDir + "]目录不存在"); } DataTable filesDT = FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryInfos(pdir, FsoMethod.All); RPT.DataSource = filesDT; RPT.DataBind(); GetBread(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Call.SetBreadCrumb(Master, "<li>工作台</li><li>系统设置</li><li>方案管理</li><li class=\"active\">发布当前站点方案</li>"); if (!IsPostBack) { string tempdir = SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir; string[] temparr = tempdir.Split(new string[] { @"/" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string template = SiteConfig.SiteMapath() + temparr[1]; DataTable newtable = FileSystemObject.GetDirectorySmall(template); if (newtable != null && newtable.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < newtable.Rows.Count; i++) { this.tempdirlist.Items.Add(new ListItem(newtable.Rows[i]["name"].ToString(), newtable.Rows[i]["name"].ToString())); } } } }
private FileSystemObject SelectOneDirectoryInfo(DirectoryInfo info) { if (info == null) { return(null); } FileSystemObject obj = SelectOneFileSystemInfo(info); obj.IsFile = false; try { obj.HasChilds = (Directory.GetDirectories(info.FullName).Length + Directory.GetFiles(info.FullName).Length) > 0; } return(obj); }
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object Sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName.ToLower() == "dir") { BindData(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); } if (e.CommandName.ToLower() == "del") { string msg = String.Empty; FileSystemObject fso = new FileSystemObject() { FullName = e.CommandArgument.ToString() }; FileManager.Delete(fso, out msg); BindData(Label_ServerPhysicalPath.Text); } }
/// <summary> /// 获得内容生成路径 /// </summary> /// <param name="NodeID"></param> /// <param name="GeneralID"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetPath(string NodeID, int GeneralID) { M_Node Nodeinfo = nll.SelReturnModel(DataConverter.CLng(NodeID)); string ContentFileEx = GetNodeContentEx(Nodeinfo);//内容页文件扩展名 string ContentRoot = ""; M_CommonData Cdata = cll.GetCommonData(GeneralID); int ContentPageHtmlRule = Nodeinfo.ContentPageHtmlRule;//内容页文件名规则 switch (ContentPageHtmlRule) { case 0: string filepath = MakeHtmlFile(Nodeinfo) + "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Year + "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Month + "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Day; if (!FileSystemObject.IsExist(filepath, FsoMethod.Folder)) { FileSystemObject.CreateFileFolder(filepath); } ContentRoot = "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Year + "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Month + "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Date.ToShortDateString() + "/" + Cdata.GeneralID.ToString(); break; case 1: filepath = MakeHtmlFile(Nodeinfo) + "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Year + "-" + Cdata.CreateTime.Month; if (!FileSystemObject.IsExist(filepath, FsoMethod.Folder)) { FileSystemObject.CreateFileFolder(filepath); } ContentRoot = filepath + Cdata.GeneralID.ToString(); break; case 2: ContentRoot = "/" + Cdata.GeneralID.ToString(); break; case 3: filepath = MakeHtmlFile(Nodeinfo) + "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Year + Cdata.CreateTime.Month + Cdata.CreateTime.Day; if (!FileSystemObject.IsExist(filepath, FsoMethod.Folder)) { FileSystemObject.CreateFileFolder(filepath); } ContentRoot = "/" + Cdata.CreateTime.Year + Cdata.CreateTime.Month + Cdata.CreateTime.Day + "/" + Cdata.Title; break; } return(ContentRoot + "." + GetNodeContentEx(Nodeinfo)); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.m_FileExtArr = "jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg|swf|rar"; string str3 = ""; string foldername = ""; string filename = ""; string str2 = ""; System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload upload = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload) this.FindControl("FileUpload1"); StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(); if (upload.HasFile) { str2 = Path.GetExtension(upload.FileName).ToLower(); if (!this.CheckFilePostfix(str2.Replace(".", ""))) { builder2.Append("照片" + upload.FileName + "不符合图片扩展名规则" + this.m_FileExtArr + @"\r\n"); } else { if (((int)upload.FileContent.Length) > (20 * 0x400)) { builder2.Append("照片" + upload.FileName + "大小超过20" + @"KB\r\n"); } else { str3 = DataSecurity.MakeFileRndName(); foldername = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash("/Uploadfiles/Source")).Replace("/", "\\");// + this.FileSavePath() filename = FileSystemObject.CreateFileFolder(foldername, HttpContext.Current) + str3 + str2; upload.SaveAs(filename); builder2.Append("照片" + upload.FileName + @"上传成功\r\n"); this.txtpic.Text = "UpLoadFiles/Source/" + str3 + str2; showphoto.Src = "../../UpLoadFiles/Source/" + str3 + str2; } } } //if (builder2.Length > 0) //{ // Response.Write("<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert('" + builder2.ToString() + "');/script>"); // Page.Response.Redirect("Advertisement.aspx"); // this.txtpic.Text = "UpLoadFiles/Plus/" + str3 + str2; //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { B_Admin badmin = new B_Admin(); if (!IsPostBack) { Call.SetBreadCrumb(Master, "<li><a href='" + CustomerPageAction.customPath2 + "I/Main.aspx'>" + Resources.L.工作台 + "</a></li><li><a href='ContentManage.aspx'>" + Resources.L.内容管理 + "</a></li><li><a href='CreateHtmlContent.aspx'>" + Resources.L.生成发布 + "</a></li><li class='active'><a href='" + Request.RawUrl + "'>" + Resources.L.内容生成管理 + "</a></li>"); //直接浏览 if (ContentID > 0) { string htmllink = bll.GetCommonData(ContentID).HtmlLink; if (htmllink != "") { htmllink = "../../" + SiteConfig.SiteOption.GeneratedDirectory + htmllink; Response.Redirect(htmllink); } } //删除文件 if (GeneralID > 0) { string htmllink = bll.GetCommonData(GeneralID).HtmlLink; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmllink)) { string fleex = "." + htmllink.Split('.')[1]; FileSystemObject.Delete(Server.MapPath(htmllink), FsoMethod.File); string HtmlLinkurl = htmllink.Replace(GeneralID + fleex, ""); //删除页面与其的分页 DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(HtmlLinkurl)); FileInfo[] ff = di.GetFiles(GeneralID + "_" + "*"); if (ff.Length != 0) { foreach (FileInfo fi in ff) { fi.Delete(); } } bll.UpdateCreate1(GeneralID); function.WriteSuccessMsg(Resources.L.恭喜您删除成功 + "!", "ListHtmlContent.aspx"); } } this.BindOrder(); MyBind(); } }
private void MyBind() { //---读取系统资源 int psize = 18, pcount = 0; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); switch (ZType) { case "sysimg": { dt = resBll.Search("", "bk_h5", "img", "", "", Style); RPT.DataSource = PageCommon.GetPageDT(psize, CPage, dt, out pcount); RPT.DataBind(); Page_Lit.Text = PageCommon.CreatePageHtml(pcount, CPage); empty_div.Visible = dt.Rows.Count < 1; //------------------- string[] styleArr = ("全部," + resMod.StyleArr).Split(','); foreach (string name in styleArr) { string css = name.Equals(Style) ? "active" : ""; style_ul.InnerHtml += "<li class=\"style_li " + css + "\" onclick=\"getto('" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(name) + "');\">" + name + "</li>"; } } break; case "myimg": { //---读取用户上传的资源 myimg_div.Visible = true; sysimg_div.Visible = false; var mu = buser.GetLogin(); string path = function.VToP("/UploadFiles/User/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID); if (FileSystemObject.IsExist(path, FsoMethod.Folder)) { dt = FileSystemObject.SearchImg(path); } Myimg_RPT.DataSource = PageCommon.GetPageDT(psize, CPage, dt, out pcount); Myimg_RPT.DataBind(); ImgPage_Lit.Text = PageCommon.CreatePageHtml(pcount, CPage); emptyimg.Visible = dt.Rows.Count < 1; } break; } }
private bool CreateAndCheckFolderPermission(SpecialInfo specialInfo) { string file = VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(this.PhysicalApplicationPath) + VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(SiteConfig.SiteOption.CreateHtmlPath) + specialInfo.SpecialDir; if (!FileSystemObject.IsExist(file, FsoMethod.Folder)) { try { FileSystemObject.Create(file, FsoMethod.Folder); } catch { string errMsg = "专题ID:" + specialInfo.SpecialId.ToString() + " " + specialInfo.SpecialName + " 生成失败! 失败原因:请检查服务器是否给网站" + SiteConfig.SiteOption.CreateHtmlPath + "文件夹写入权限!"; this.ErrorLog(errMsg); return(false); } } return(true); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string keyword, int dirId) { CurrentDir = _context.FileSystemObjects.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == dirId); if (CurrentDir != null) { ViewData["ReturnId"] = CurrentDir.Id; if (keyword != null) { await searchDir(dirId); filterResults(keyword); } return(Page()); } else { return(RedirectToPage("./Index")); } }
protected void BindData() { DataView defaultView = FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryInfos(this.currentDirectory, FsoMethod.All).DefaultView; this.Pager.RecordCount = defaultView.Count; int num = (this.Pager.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * this.Pager.PageSize; int num2 = num + this.Pager.PageSize; List <DataRowView> list = new List <DataRowView>(); for (int i = num; i < num2; i++) { if (i < defaultView.Count) { list.Add(defaultView[i]); } } this.EgvFiles.DataSource = list; this.EgvFiles.DataBind(); }
private bool CreateAndCheckFolderPermission(SpecialCategoryInfo categoryInfo) { string file = VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(this.PhysicalApplicationPath) + VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(SiteConfig.SiteOption.CreateHtmlPath) + categoryInfo.SpecialCategoryDir; if (!FileSystemObject.IsExist(file, FsoMethod.Folder)) { try { FileSystemObject.Create(file, FsoMethod.Folder); } catch { string errMsg = string.Concat(new object[] { "专题类别ID为:", categoryInfo.SpecialCategoryId, " ", categoryInfo.SpecialCategoryName, " 生成失败! 失败原因:请检查服务器是否给网站", SiteConfig.SiteOption.CreateHtmlPath, "文件夹写入权限!" }); this.ErrorLog(errMsg); return(false); } } return(true); }
public override Stream GetStream(FileSystemObject fso) { var bki = new S3BucketKeyInfo(fso.FullName); var request = new GetObjectRequest { BucketName = bki.BucketName, Key = bki.Key }; try { return S3Client.GetObject(request).ResponseStream; } catch (AmazonS3Exception s3x) { if (IsMissingObjectException(s3x)) return null; throw; } }
public override void Download(FileSystemObject thisFso, FileSystemObject downloadToFso) { GetToLocalFile(thisFso, downloadToFso); }
private void MoveInS3(FileSystemObject sourceFso, FileSystemObject targetFso) { if (sourceFso.Equals(targetFso)) { return; } // Copy, then delete CopyInS3(sourceFso, targetFso); Delete(sourceFso); }
public override void Store(Stream stream, FileSystemObject fso) { var bki = new S3BucketKeyInfo(fso); var attemptedBucketCreate = false; do { try { var request = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bki.BucketName, Key = bki.Key, InputStream = stream, StorageClass = S3StorageClass.Standard }; S3Client.PutObject(request); break; } catch (AmazonS3Exception s3x) { if (!attemptedBucketCreate && IsMissingObjectException(s3x)) { CreateFolder(fso.FolderName); attemptedBucketCreate = true; continue; } throw; } } while (true); }
public void SameFullNamesEqualEachOther() { var test = new FileSystemObject("/test-bucket-name/archive/subdir/"); var test2 = new FileSystemObject("/test-bucket-name/archive\\subdir/"); Assert.AreEqual(test, test2); Assert.AreEqual(test.ToString(), test2.ToString()); }
public override void Move(FileSystemObject sourceFso, FileSystemObject targetFso, IFileStorageProvider targetProvider = null) { if (TreatAsS3Provider(targetProvider)) { MoveInS3(sourceFso, targetFso); return; } // Moving across providers. With S3 in this case, need to basically download the file // to the local file system first, then copy from there to the target provder var localFile = new FileSystemObject(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), targetFso.FileNameAndExtension)); try { GetToLocalFile(sourceFso, localFile); targetProvider.Store(localFile, targetFso); Delete(sourceFso); } finally { localFs.Delete(localFile); } }
public abstract bool Exists(FileSystemObject fso);
public abstract void Download(FileSystemObject thisFso, FileSystemObject localFileSystemFso);
public abstract void Delete(FileSystemObject fso);
public abstract void Move(FileSystemObject sourceFso, FileSystemObject targetFso, IFileStorageProvider targetProvider = null);
public abstract void Store(FileSystemObject localFileSystemFso, FileSystemObject targetFso);
public abstract void Store(Stream stream, FileSystemObject fso);
public abstract void Store(byte[] bytes, FileSystemObject fso);
public abstract Stream GetStream(FileSystemObject fso);
public void ClonedObjectsEqualEachOther() { var test = new FileSystemObject("/test-bucket-name/archive/subdir/"); var test2 = test.Clone(); Assert.AreEqual(test, test2); Assert.AreEqual(test.ToString(), test2.ToString()); }
public override bool Exists(FileSystemObject fso) { var bki = new S3BucketKeyInfo(fso.FullName); var s3FileInfo = new S3FileInfo(S3Client, bki.BucketName, bki.Key); return s3FileInfo.Exists; }
public abstract byte[] Get(FileSystemObject fso);