static void Main() { var defaultFile = "myTxtFile.txt"; Console.WriteLine("Create a file named {0} in the disk:", defaultFile); fileReader.CreateFile(defaultFile); Console.WriteLine("Delete file named {0} in the disk:", defaultFile); fileReader.DeleteFile(defaultFile); string filePath = Path.Combine(PathHelper.SolutionFolderPath, "Files", "txtFile.txt"); //filePath = @"D:\TEAM working\Курсы\Practice\AutoPractice7\Files\txtFile"; //filePath = $"{PathHelper.SolutionFolderPath}\\Files\\txtFile.txt"; Console.WriteLine("Create a file with text and read file:"); string[] content = new[] { "Hello and Welcome", "It is the first content", $"of the text file {Path.GetFileName(filePath)}" }; fileReader.CreateFileWithText(filePath, content); fileReader.PrintFileContent(filePath); Console.WriteLine("Append some text to existing file:"); fileReader.AppentText(filePath, "This is the new line at last line."); fileReader.PrintFileContent(filePath); Console.ReadLine(); }