Example #1
 string ReadCharacterName(BinaryReader reader)
     return(FileProxy.ReadCString(reader, 32));
Example #2
        public BiogFile(CharacterDocument characterDocument)
            // Store reference to character document
            this.characterDocument = characterDocument;

            // Load text file
            string    fileName = "BIOG" + characterDocument.classIndex.ToString("D" + 2) + "T0.TXT";
            FileProxy txtFile  = new FileProxy(Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, fileName), FileUsage.UseDisk, true);

            questionsStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(txtFile.GetBytes());

            // Parse text into questions
            StringReader reader  = new StringReader(questionsStr);
            string       curLine = reader.ReadLine();

            for (int i = 0; i < questionCount; i++)
                questions[i] = new Question();

                // Skip through any blank lines
                while (curLine.Length <= 1)
                    curLine = reader.ReadLine();

                // Parse question text
                for (int j = 0; j < Question.lines; j++)
                    // Check if the next line is part of the question
                    if (j == 0) // first question line should lead with a number followed by a '.'
                        questions[i].Text[j] = curLine.Split(new[] { '.' }, 2)[1].Trim();
                    else if (j > 0 && curLine.IndexOf(".") != 1 && curLine.IndexOf(".") != 2)
                        questions[i].Text[j] = curLine.Trim();
                    curLine = reader.ReadLine();
                // Parse answers to the current question
                while (curLine.IndexOf(".") == 1 && char.IsLetter(curLine[0])) // Line without 2-char preamble including letter = end of answers
                    Answer ans = new Answer();
                    // Get Answer text
                    ans.Text = curLine.Split('.')[1].Trim();
                    curLine  = reader.ReadLine();

                    // Add answer effects
                    while (curLine.IndexOf(".") != 1 && curLine.Length > 1)
                        curLine = reader.ReadLine();

            // Initialize reputation changes
            for (int i = 0; i < changedReputations.Length; i++)
                changedReputations[i] = 0;

            // Initialize question token lists
            Q1Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q2Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q3Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q4Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q5Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q6Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q7Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q8Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q9Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q10Tokens = new List <int>();
            Q11Tokens = new List <int>();
            Q12Tokens = new List <int>();
        static void CreateStartingSpellsJSON(string fallExePath, string outputPath)
            const int recordLength      = 6;                   // Length of starting spells record per career
            const int casterRecordCount = 7;                   // Number of caster career spell records

            const long startingSpellsOffset = 0x1B064F;        // Offset into FALL.EXE for starting spell data (can be different based on .EXE version)

             * Alternate offset: 0x1B513F
             * Offset data in FALL.EXE should start like so (credit to Allofich for information)
             *  01 25 02 61 08 FF  // Mage
             *  08 2C 25 FF FF FF  // Spellsword / Custom class (if any of the primary or major skills is a magic skill)
             *  08 02 25 FF FF FF  // Battlemage
             *  01 25 02 61 08 FF  // Sorcerer
             *  61 02 01 25 FF FF  // Healer
             *  2C 02 FF FF FF FF  // Nightblade
             *  25 FF FF FF FF FF  // Bard
             *  ...

            // Read all CLASS*.CFG files
            List <DFCareer> classList = new List <DFCareer>();

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, "CLASS*.CFG");
            if (files != null && files.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < files.Length - 1; i++)
                    ClassFile classFile = new ClassFile(files[i]);

            // Get list of spells
            List <SpellRecord.SpellRecordData> standardSpells = DaggerfallSpellReader.ReadSpellsFile(Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, spellsStd));

            // Read starting spell records for these classes
            byte[]       record;
            FileProxy    exeFile = new FileProxy(fallExePath, FileUsage.UseDisk, true);
            BinaryReader reader  = exeFile.GetReader(startingSpellsOffset);
            List <CareerStartingSpells> careerList = new List <CareerStartingSpells>();

            for (int i = 0; i < casterRecordCount; i++)
                CareerStartingSpells careerItem = new CareerStartingSpells()
                    CareerIndex = i,
                    CareerName  = classList[i].Name,

                List <StartingSpell> spellsList = new List <StartingSpell>();
                record = reader.ReadBytes(recordLength);
                for (int j = 0; j < recordLength; j++)
                    if (record[j] == 0xff)

                    // Get spell record data
                    // Some careers reference spells that don't exist in SPELLS.STD - skipping over these
                    SpellRecord.SpellRecordData spellRecordData;
                    if (!FindSpellByID(record[j], standardSpells, out spellRecordData))
                        //Debug.LogErrorFormat("Spell ID {0} not found while reading career '{1}'", record[j], careerItem.CareerName);

                    // Barbarian has !Nux Vomica (a poison) in their starting spell list? - skipping for now
                    if (spellRecordData.spellName.StartsWith("!"))

                    StartingSpell spellItem = new StartingSpell()
                        SpellID   = record[j],
                        SpellName = spellRecordData.spellName,
                careerItem.SpellsList = spellsList.ToArray();

            // Output JSON file
            string json = SaveLoadManager.Serialize(careerList.GetType(), careerList);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, json);
Example #4
        public BiogFile(CharacterDocument characterDocument)
            // Store reference to character document
            this.characterDocument = characterDocument;

            // Load text file
            string    fileName = $"BIOG{characterDocument.classIndex:D2}T{characterDocument.biographyIndex}.TXT";
            FileProxy txtFile  = new FileProxy(Path.Combine(BiogFile.BIOGSourceFolder, fileName), FileUsage.UseDisk, true);

            questionsStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(txtFile.GetBytes());

            // Parse text into questions
            StringReader reader  = new StringReader(questionsStr);
            string       curLine = reader.ReadLine();

            for (int i = 0; i < questionCount; i++)
                questions[i] = new Question();

                // Skip through any blank lines
                while (curLine.Length <= 1)
                    curLine = reader.ReadLine();

                // If we haven't parsed the first question yet, allow users to specify a custom backstory string id
                if (i == 0)
                    if (curLine[0] == '#')
                        string value = curLine.Substring(1);
                        if (!int.TryParse(value, out backstoryId))
                            Debug.LogError($"{fileName}: Invalid string id '{value}'");
                            backstoryId = defaultBackstoriesStart + characterDocument.classIndex;

                        // Find the next non-empty line, which should be question 1
                            curLine = reader.ReadLine();
                        } while (curLine.Length <= 1);
                        backstoryId = defaultBackstoriesStart + characterDocument.classIndex;

                // Parse question text
                for (int j = 0; j < Question.lines; j++)
                    // Check if the next line is part of the question
                    if (j == 0) // first question line should lead with a number followed by a '.'
                        questions[i].Text[j] = curLine.Split(new[] { '.' }, 2)[1].Trim();
                    else if (j > 0 && curLine.IndexOf(".") != 1 && curLine.IndexOf(".") != 2)
                        questions[i].Text[j] = curLine.Trim();
                    curLine = reader.ReadLine();
                // Parse answers to the current question
                while (curLine.IndexOf(".") == 1 && char.IsLetter(curLine[0])) // Line without 2-char preamble including letter = end of answers
                    Answer ans = new Answer();
                    // Get Answer text
                    ans.Text = curLine.Split('.')[1].Trim();
                    curLine  = reader.ReadLine();

                    // Add answer effects
                    while (curLine.IndexOf(".") != 1 && curLine.Length > 1)
                        curLine = reader.ReadLine();

            // Initialize reputation changes
            for (int i = 0; i < changedReputations.Length; i++)
                changedReputations[i] = 0;

            // Initialize question token lists
            Q1Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q2Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q3Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q4Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q5Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q6Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q7Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q8Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q9Tokens  = new List <int>();
            Q10Tokens = new List <int>();
            Q11Tokens = new List <int>();
            Q12Tokens = new List <int>();
Example #5
        public void FileExistsThrowsArgumentNullExceptionIfFilenameIsNull()
            IFileProxy proxy = new FileProxy();

Example #6
        public void SaveThrowsArgumentNullExceptionIfDataToSaveIsNull()
            IFileProxy proxy = new FileProxy();

            proxy.Save("file.txt", null);
Example #7
        public void SaveThrowsArgumentNullExceptionIfFilenameIsNull()
            IFileProxy proxy = new FileProxy();

            proxy.Save(null, null);
Example #8
        public void LoadThrowsArgumentNullExceptionIfFilenameIsNull()
            IFileProxy proxy = new FileProxy();
