public static async Task LaunchGameAsync(FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { try { var path = new MinecraftPath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + $@"\Launcher\{modpack}"); var launcher = new CMLauncher(path); // more options : var launchOption = new MLaunchOption { MaximumRamMb = Settings.RAM, Session = SESSION }; forgeVersion = File.ReadAllText($"Launcher/{modpack}/Forge Version.txt"); var process = await launcher.CreateProcessAsync(forgeVersion, launchOption); process.Start(); } catch (Exception) { main.GetError($"Failed Launching {modpack}!"); } }
public static void XBoxLogin(FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { MicrosoftLoginWindow loginWindow = new MicrosoftLoginWindow(); MSession session = loginWindow.ShowLoginDialog(); if (session != null) { SESSION = session; _ = LaunchGameAsync(modpack); } }
static void GetModpack(FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { if (File.Exists($"Cache/{modpack.ToString().ToLower()}.zip")) { File.Delete($"Cache/{modpack.ToString().ToLower()}.zip"); } if (Directory.Exists($"Launcher/{modpack}")) { Directory.Delete($"Launcher/{modpack}", true); } DownloadFile(0, modpack); FileManager.ModInstall(modpack); }
private void RefreshTab(FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { switch (modpack) { case FileManager.Modpacks.BlockyCrafters: FileServer.Connect(0, FileManager.Modpacks.BlockyCrafters); FileServer.Connect(1, FileManager.Modpacks.BlockyCrafters); BC_CheckModpack(); break; case FileManager.Modpacks.ProjectCenturos: FileServer.Connect(0, FileManager.Modpacks.ProjectCenturos); FileServer.Connect(1, FileManager.Modpacks.ProjectCenturos); PC_CheckModpack(); break; } if (FileServer.isConnected) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { switch (modpack) { case FileManager.Modpacks.BlockyCrafters: AvalVerLabel_BC.Content = "Available Version: " +[0]; PatchBox_BC.Text =[1]; break; case FileManager.Modpacks.ProjectCenturos: AvalVerLabel_PC.Content = "Available Version: " +[0]; PatchBox_PC.Text =[1]; break; } }); } else { switch (modpack) { case FileManager.Modpacks.BlockyCrafters: BC_SetOffline(); break; case FileManager.Modpacks.ProjectCenturos: PC_SetOffline(); break; } } }
public static void Connect(int index, FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { try { socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Settings.IP_ADDRESS), Settings.PORT); socket.Connect(endPoint); HandleData(index, modpack); } catch (Exception e) { if (lastError != e.Message || lastError == null) { lastError = $"Connection failed: {e.Message}"; MainWindow.CurrentWindow.GetError($"Connection failed: {e.Message}"); } isConnected = false; } socket.Close(); }
public static void Login(FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { var login = new MLogin(); string[] userData = File.ReadAllText("Launcher/BlockyCrafters/Login.txt").Split(' '); var response = login.Authenticate(userData[0], userData[1]); if (!response.IsSuccess) { MCClient_Login mcClient = new MCClient_Login(); mcClient.Show(); mcClient.GetError($"Login Failed!\n" + "E-Mail or Password invalid!"); } else { SESSION = response.Session; _ = LaunchGameAsync(modpack); } }
static void HandleData(int index, FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { try { string[] input = { "VER", "PAT", "NEW", "UPD" }; lastInput = (input[index] + "_" + (int)modpack).Split('_'); byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input[index] + "_" + (int)modpack); socket.Send(data); switch (lastInput[0]) { case "VER": GetVersion(); break; case "PAT": GetPatch(); break; case "NEW": GetModpack(modpack); break; case "UPD": GetUpdate(modpack); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Message); socket.Close(); } }
static void DownloadFile(int index, FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { string[] fileName = { $"{modpack.ToString().ToLower()}.zip", $"{modpack.ToString().ToLower()}" }; if (!File.Exists("Cache/" + fileName[index])) { byte[] formatted = ReceiveData(); while (formatted.Length != 0) { using (var stream = new FileStream("Cache/" + fileName[index], FileMode.Append)) { stream.Write(formatted, 0, formatted.Length); } formatted = ReceiveData(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} already exists!", fileName[index]); } }
private void DeleteModpack(FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { if (Directory.Exists($"Launcher/{modpack}")) { try { BC_ClientState(3); Directory.Delete($"Launcher/{modpack}", true); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageBox.Show($"{modpack} deleted!"); switch (modpack) { case FileManager.Modpacks.BlockyCrafters: CurrVerLabel_BC.Content = "Current Version: " + "No Version"; BC_ClientState(0); break; case FileManager.Modpacks.ProjectCenturos: CurrVerLabel_PC.Content = "Current Version: " + "No Version"; PC_ClientState(0); break; } }); } catch (Exception) { switch (modpack) { case FileManager.Modpacks.BlockyCrafters: BC_ClientState(4); break; case FileManager.Modpacks.ProjectCenturos: PC_ClientState(4); break; } GetError($"Failed to delete {modpack}!"); } } else { switch (modpack) { case FileManager.Modpacks.BlockyCrafters: GetError( $"Failed to delete {modpack}!\n" + $"{modpack} doesn't exist."); BC_ClientState(4); break; case FileManager.Modpacks.ProjectCenturos: GetError( $"Failed to delete {modpack}!\n" + $"{modpack} doesn't exist."); PC_ClientState(4); break; } } }
static void GetUpdate(FileManager.Modpacks modpack) { DownloadFile(1, modpack); FileManager.ModUpdate(modpack); }