private Mod GenerateCompatibilityPackForFiles(List <string> dlcModList, List <string> filesToBePatched, SevenZipExtractor uiArchive) { dlcModList = dlcModList.Select(x => { var tpmi = ThirdPartyServices.GetThirdPartyModInfo(x, MEGame.ME3); if (tpmi == null) { return(x); } return(tpmi.modname); }).ToList(); string dlcs = string.Join("\n - ", dlcModList); // do not localize StarterKitOptions sko = new StarterKitOptions { ModName = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_guiCompatibilityPack), ModDescription = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_compatPackModDescription, dlcs, DateTime.Now.ToString()), ModDeveloper = App.AppVersionHR, ModDLCFolderName = UI_MOD_NAME, ModGame = MEGame.ME3, ModInternalName = @"UI Mod Compatibility Pack", ModInternalTLKID = 1420400890, ModMountFlag = EMountFileFlag.ME3_SPOnly_NoSaveFileDependency, ModMountPriority = 31050, ModURL = null, ModModuleNumber = 0 }; Mod generatedMod = null; void modGenerated(Mod mod) { generatedMod = mod; lock (modGeneratedSignaler) { Monitor.Pulse(modGeneratedSignaler); } } void skUicallback(string text) { ActionSubstring = text; } StarterKitGeneratorWindow.CreateStarterKitMod(sko, skUicallback, modGenerated); lock (modGeneratedSignaler) { Monitor.Wait(modGeneratedSignaler); } //Mod has been generated. string outputPath = Path.Combine(generatedMod.ModPath, @"DLC_MOD_" + UI_MOD_NAME, @"CookedPCConsole"); ActionString = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_preparingUiLibrary); ActionSubstring = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_decompressingData); int done = 0; CaseInsensitiveDictionary <byte[]> uiLibraryData = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <byte[]>(); var filesToDecompress = uiArchive.ArchiveFileData.Where(x => x.FileName.EndsWith(@".swf")).ToList(); foreach (var f in filesToDecompress) { MemoryStream decompressedStream = new MemoryStream(); uiArchive.ExtractFile(f.Index, decompressedStream); string fname = f.FileName.Substring(f.FileName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); fname = fname.Substring(0, fname.IndexOf(@".swf", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); uiLibraryData[fname] = decompressedStream.ToArray(); done++; Percent = getPercent(done, filesToDecompress.Count); } ActionString = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_patchingFiles); Percent = 0; done = 0; string singlesuffix = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_singularFile); string pluralsuffix = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_pluralFiles); // Logging Log.Information(@"The following files will be promoted in the compatibility pack:"); foreach (var file in filesToBePatched) { Log.Information(@" - " + file); } foreach (var file in filesToBePatched) { Log.Information(@"Patching file: " + file); ActionSubstring = Path.GetFileName(file); var package = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(file); if (package == null) { Log.Error(@"pPackage object is null!!!"); } var guiExports = package.Exports.Where(x => !x.IsDefaultObject && x.ClassName == @"GFxMovieInfo").ToList(); if (guiExports.Count > 0) { //potential item needing replacement //Check GUI library to see if we have anything. foreach (var export in guiExports) { if (uiLibraryData.TryGetValue(export.GetFullPath, out var newData)) { Log.Information(@" >> Patching export " + export.GetFullPath); //Patching this export. var exportProperties = export.GetProperties(); var rawData = exportProperties.GetProp <ArrayProperty <ByteProperty> >(@"RawData"); if (rawData == null) { Log.Error(@"Rawdata is null!!"); } rawData.Clear(); rawData.AddRange(newData.Select(x => new ByteProperty(x))); //This will be terribly slow. Need to port over new ME3Exp binary data handler export.WriteProperties(exportProperties); } else { Debug.WriteLine(@"Not patching gui export, file not in library: " + export.GetFullPath); } } var outpath = Path.Combine(outputPath, Path.GetFileName(package.FilePath)); if (package.IsModified) { Log.Information(@"Saving patched package to " + outpath);, true); done++; ActionSubstring = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_patchedXY, done.ToString(), done == 1 ? singlesuffix : pluralsuffix); } else { done++; Log.Information(@"File was patched but data did not change! " + outpath); } Percent = getPercent(done, filesToBePatched.Count); } else { throw new Exception($@"Error: {Path.GetFileName(file)} doesn't contain GUI exports! This shouldn't have been possible."); } } // Write builtagainst for metacmm. IniData iniData = new FileIniDataParser().ReadFile(generatedMod.ModDescPath); var builtAgainst = VanillaDatabaseService.GetInstalledDLCMods(target); builtAgainst.Remove(@"DLC_MOD_" + UI_MOD_NAME); iniData[@"ControllerCompat"][@"builtagainst"] = string.Join(';', builtAgainst); File.WriteAllText(generatedMod.ModDescPath, iniData.ToString()); return(generatedMod); }