// get number from LEXICON
        public static HashSet <string> GetNumberSetFromFile(string lexNumberFile)
            int              fieldNo       = 1;
            bool             lowercaseFlag = true;
            HashSet <string> numberSet     = FileInToSet.GetHashSetByField(lexNumberFile, fieldNo, lowercaseFlag);

        private void LoadWords(string inFile, int fieldNo)
            // basic dictionary, if caseFlag is false => case-insensitive
            // => lowerCase for the input
            bool lowerCaseFlag = !caseFlag_;

            dictionary_.addAll(FileInToSet.GetSetByField(inFile, fieldNo, lowerCaseFlag).ToHashSet());
        // test driver
        public static void MainTest(string[] args)
            if (args.Length > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: java MeasurementTokenUtil");
            // inFile
            string           unitFile      = "/nfsvol/lex/Lu/Development/Spelling/cSpell2017/data/Dictionary/cSpell/unit.data";
            bool             lowerCaseFlag = false; // lowerCase to all input
            HashSet <string> unitSet       = FileInToSet.GetHashSetByLine(unitFile, lowerCaseFlag);

            // test case and print out