Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a Uri of the specified file for the specified Uri scheme
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">name of the file to get the Uri</param>
        /// <param name="scheme">Uri sheme to use for the Uri</param>
        /// <returns>Uri for the specified file using the specified Uri scheme</returns>
        public Uri GetUri(string filename, FileHostUriScheme scheme)

            // if the file exists
            if (File.Exists(uniqueWriteablePath + filename))
                switch (scheme)
                case FileHostUriScheme.Local:
                    return(new Uri(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + filename));

                case FileHostUriScheme.Unc:
                    return(new Uri(uniqueReadOnlyPath + filename));

                case FileHostUriScheme.HttpsIntranet:
                    return(new Uri(HttpsIntranetBaseUrl + myDirectoryName + "/" + filename));

                case FileHostUriScheme.HttpsInternet:
                    return(new Uri(HttpsInternetBaseUrl + myDirectoryName + "/" + filename));

                case FileHostUriScheme.HttpInternet:
                    return(new Uri(HttpInternetBaseUrl + myDirectoryName + "/" + filename));

                case FileHostUriScheme.HttpIntranet:
                    return(new Uri(HttpIntranetBaseUrl + myDirectoryName + "/" + filename));
                //We may need to change this if people want to test the condition where the file does not exist.
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The specified file was not uploaded to the host. You must first call UploadFile", filename);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the Activation step
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>returns true if the rest of the steps should be executed, otherwise, false</returns>
        protected override bool BeginStep()
            //Create ApplicationMonitor
            appMonitor = new ApplicationMonitor();

            // If defined, set a value in property bag.  Used for communication test variations to target app
            if (PropertyBagValue != "")
                // Update this code to allow > 1 prop bag values being set at once
                string[] values = PropertyBagValue.Trim().Split('=');
                if (values.Length == 2)
                    DictionaryStore.Current[values[0].Trim()] = values[1].Trim();
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Values must be a single 'foo=bar' format");

            if (hostingPolicyResetter != null)

            if (StrictHostingMode)
                hostingPolicyResetter = HostingRuntimePolicyHelper.SetHostingRuntimePolicyValues(
                    doNotLaunchV3AppInV4Runtime: true);
                hostingPolicyResetter = HostingRuntimePolicyHelper.SetHostingRuntimePolicyValues(
                    doNotLaunchV3AppInV4Runtime: false);

            // upload files to FileHost is specified and scheme is not local
            if (Scheme != ActivationScheme.Local)
                if (SupportFiles.Length > 0)
                    // Create host to copy files to...
                    fileHost = new FileHost(UserDefinedDirectory, (Scheme == ActivationScheme.HttpInternetExternal));
                    // Upload each file
                    foreach (SupportFile suppFile in SupportFiles)
                        // Whether to copy foo\bar\baz.xbap to the foo\bar created on the remote machine or just flattened
                        fileHost.PreserveDirectoryStructure = suppFile.PreserveDirectoryStructure;

                        if (suppFile.IncludeDependencies && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(suppFile.TargetDirectory))
                            GlobalLog.LogEvidence("TargetDirectory with IncludeDependencies not yet implemented");
                            throw new NotImplementedException("TargetDirectory with IncludeDependencies not yet supported");
                        if (suppFile.CustomTestScratchServerPath == null)
                            if (suppFile.IncludeDependencies)
                                fileHost.UploadFile(suppFile.Name, suppFile.TargetDirectory);
                            fileHost.UploadFileNonDefaultServer(suppFile.Name, suppFile.CustomTestScratchServerPath);

                // If no support files are listed, check the parent steps to see if one is a FileHostStep.
                // If this is the case, no need to upload the files as the FileHostStep has already.
                // Don't set throttle rate; this should be set in the markup for the parent's filehost.
                    LoaderStep parent = this.ParentStep;

                    while (parent != null)
                        if (parent.GetType() == typeof(Microsoft.Test.Loaders.Steps.FileHostStep))
                            this.fileHost = ((FileHostStep)parent).fileHost;
                        // Failed to find it in the immediate parent: try til we hit null or the right one
                        parent = parent.ParentStep;

            // register UIHandlers
            foreach (UIHandler handler in UIHandlers)
                if (handler.NamedRegistration != null)
                    appMonitor.RegisterUIHandler(handler, handler.NamedRegistration, handler.Notification);
                    appMonitor.RegisterUIHandler(handler, handler.ProcessName, handler.WindowTitle, handler.Notification);

            string param = "";

            if (FileName.StartsWith("&") && FileName.EndsWith("&"))
                param = DictionaryStore.Current[FileName.Substring(1, FileName.Length - 2)];
                if (param == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(FileName + " is not defined in the property bag; cannot be used to launch app");
                // Allows for launching things in %program files%, which is localized.
                param = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(FileName);

            if (Scheme != ActivationScheme.Local)
                FileHostUriScheme hostScheme = FileHostUriScheme.Unc;
                if (Scheme != ActivationScheme.HttpInternetExternal)
                    hostScheme = (FileHostUriScheme)Enum.Parse(typeof(FileHostUriScheme), Scheme.ToString());
                param = fileHost.GetUri(FileName, hostScheme).ToString();

            // Clear the fusion cache by default.  Can be disabled for custom ClickOnce scenarios
            if (ClearFusionCache)

            // Clear IE History but only if specified (defaults to false).  Only matters for history-based navigation
            if (ClearIEHistory)

            // Launch the appropriate handler...
            switch (Method)
            case ActivationMethod.Launch:
                // This only works for local paths for security reasons.
                if (PresentationHostDebugMode)
                    param = Path.GetFullPath(param);
                    // Workaround ... for some reason on XP64 there's no guarantee that it will actually find PresHost
                    // Even though it verily is in the SysWOW64 directory.  Solution... find the right one before we try
                    string presHostPath = "presentationhost.exe";
                    if ((Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 5))
                        presHostPath = (Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot"), "PresentationHost.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories))[0];
                    appMonitor.StartProcess(presHostPath, " -debug \"" + param + "\"");
                    // Launch process with specified arguments.  If shell: specified, then start that way.
                    // If the arguments are for the URL, directly concatenate them.
                    if ((Arguments.Length > 6) && (Arguments.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("shell:")))
                        appMonitor.StartProcess(param, Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Arguments.Substring(6)));
                    else if ((Arguments.Length > 11) && (Arguments.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("currentdir:")))
                        appMonitor.StartProcess(param, Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Arguments.Substring(11)));
                        appMonitor.StartProcess(param + Arguments);

            case ActivationMethod.Navigate:
                // If local we need to fully qualify the path
                if (Scheme == ActivationScheme.Local)
                    param = Path.GetFullPath(param);

                // Fail to IE, since it has far more tests.
                string defaultBrowserExecutable = "iexplore.exe";

                    defaultBrowserExecutable = Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet", null, "iexplore.exe").ToString();
                catch (Exception)
                        defaultBrowserExecutable = Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet", null, "iexplore.exe").ToString();
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Do nothing, some machines have been seen in weird states where this is undefined.  Log it anyways.
                        GlobalLog.LogDebug("Unable to get StartMenuInternet key, FireFox or other non-standard browser tests may be affected.  Contact Microsoft if this is the case");
                // Handle the case where this value exists but isnt set to anything usable.  IE is far more common so fall back to it.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultBrowserExecutable))
                    defaultBrowserExecutable = "iexplore.exe";

                // start the default browser... currently just FF or IE.
                if (defaultBrowserExecutable.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("iexplore"))
                    // Create & register IE navigation handler
                    // IE can be strange: About:NavigateIE sometimes gets a cancelled navigation
                    // Workaround:  Be less sensitive about the window title we trigger on.
                    appMonitor.RegisterUIHandler(new NavigateIE(param + Arguments), "iexplore", "RegExp:(Internet Explorer)", UIHandlerNotification.All);
                    appMonitor.StartProcess("iexplore.exe", "about:NavigateIE");
                else if (defaultBrowserExecutable.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("firefox"))
                    if (Scheme == ActivationScheme.Unc)
                        param = param.Replace("file:", "").Replace("/", @"\");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Don't know how to navigate an instance of \"" + defaultBrowserExecutable + "\" browser!!! Contact Microsoft with this message.");


            // GOTO used here for fallthrough since there's only 2 lines difference.
            case ActivationMethod.EHome:
                goto case ActivationMethod.EHomeFullScreen;

            case ActivationMethod.EHomeFullScreen:
                // If local we need to fully qualify the path
                if (Scheme == ActivationScheme.Local)
                    param = Path.GetFullPath(param);

                // Get a reference to the path for the ehome exe...
                string eHomePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot") + "\\ehome\\ehshell.exe";

                // Fail hard if EHome isnt present on the system.
                // Need to mark testcases accurately in test DB to avoid this.
                if (!File.Exists(eHomePath))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("\"Ehome\" or \"EHomeFullScreen\" method selected but case was run on non-Media-Center-enabled SKU! \n Contact Microsoft for more info on this issue.");

                // Construct args with path to content to launch (MUST be a Uri)
                string eHomeArgs = "/url:\"" + param + "\"";

                // Tack on the argument for full screen if requested
                if (Method == ActivationMethod.EHomeFullScreen)
                    eHomeArgs += " /directmedia:general";

                // Start MCE...
                appMonitor.StartProcess(eHomePath, eHomeArgs);

            // Store the activation path into the property bag.  This way apps or child steps can directly figure out the deployment URI
            DictionaryStore.Current["ActivationStepUri"] = param;
