public void Test_Creation_Of_List_Handles_Differences_Correctly()
            var mockIo = Substitute.For <IIO>();

            mockIo.DirectoryExist(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(true); // Irrelevant at this point

            mockIo.GetFiles("a", "*", true).Returns(new List <string>
            mockIo.GetFiles("b", "*", true).Returns(new List <string>

            var list = new FileGatherer(mockIo, "a", "b").CreateFilelist().ToList();

            Assert.That(list, Has.Count.EqualTo(3), "Expect three entries found");

            Assert.That(list.FirstOrDefault(l => l.CommonName.Contains("a_only")), Has.Property(nameof(CompareEntry.PathB)).Null, "a_only must exist only on the item 1 side");
            Assert.That(list.FirstOrDefault(l => l.CommonName.Contains("b_only")), Has.Property(nameof(CompareEntry.PathA)).Null, "b_only must exist only on the item 2 side");

            Assert.That(list.FirstOrDefault(l => l.PathA != null && l.PathB != null), Has.Property(nameof(CompareEntry.CommonName)).Contains("common"), "b_only must exist only on the item 2 side");
        public void SetUp()
            _mockDirectoryProvider = new Mock <IDirectoryProvider>();
            _mockFileNameParser    = new Mock <IFileNameParser>();

            _testDate         = new DateTime(2017, 6, 9);
            _testFolderPath   = @"m:\u_ex170608.log";
            _testLogFilePaths = new[]

            .Setup(dp => dp.GetFiles(It.Is <string>(s => s == _testFolderPath)))

            cut = new FileGatherer(_mockDirectoryProvider.Object, _mockFileNameParser.Object);
Example #3
        private async Task SearchForFiles()
            // create new instance of Cancel-token for each search
            cancel = new CancellationTokenSource();

            SearchProfile profile  = new SearchProfile(InputSearchString, InputExtension);
            FileGatherer  gatherer = new FileGatherer(SourceDirectories, profile);
            await gatherer.TraverseSourceDirs(cancel.Token);

            var result = gatherer.GetFoundFiles();

            ObservableCollection <HitFile> localHits = new ObservableCollection <HitFile>();

            foreach (var file in result)

            HitList = localHits;