Example #1
        }                                        // func CompareFile

        private void CompareDirectory(DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target)
            if (!source.Exists)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Path not found ({source.FullName}).");

            // get the files of the current directories
            var sourceItems = GetFileItems(source);
            var targetItems = target.Exists ? target.GetFileSystemInfos() : emptyFileSystemInfos;

            if (!copyStarted)
                if (unchecked (Environment.TickCount - lastScanEmitted) > 500)
                    EnqueueAction(() => bar.CurrentOperation = $"Scan: {GetRelativePath(source.FullName, sourceOffset) }");
                    lastScanEmitted = Environment.TickCount;

            // compare
            for (var i = 0; i < sourceItems.Length; i++)
                var fsi = sourceItems[i];

                // is this path filtered
                var currentSourcePath = GetRelativePath(fsi.FullName, sourceOffset);
                if (rules.IsFiltered(currentSourcePath))
                    EnqueueAction(() => WriteVerbose($"Skip: {currentSourcePath}"));

                // compare the file items
                var index = Array.FindIndex(targetItems, c => c != null && String.Compare(c.Name, fsi.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
                if (fsi is DirectoryInfo di)
                    if ((di.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) != 0)
                        continue;                         // skip reparse points
                    if (index == -1)
                        CompareDirectory(di, new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(target.FullName, fsi.Name)));
                        CompareDirectory(di, (DirectoryInfo)targetItems[index]);
                else if (fsi is FileInfo fi)
                    if (index == -1)
                        CompareFile(fi, new FileInfo(Path.Combine(target.FullName, fi.Name)));
                        CompareFile(fi, (FileInfo)targetItems[index]);
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                if (index != -1)
                    targetItems[index] = null;

                if (Stopping)

            // Remove items that are not touched
            for (var j = 0; j < targetItems.Length; j++)
                var fsi = targetItems[j];
                if (fsi != null)
                    EnqueueAction(() => RemoveItem(fsi));
        }         // func CompareDirectory
Example #2
        }         // proc UpdateMetaData

        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            var notify     = new CmdletNotify(this);
            var totalBytes = 0L;

            // Lese den Index ein
            var index = new FileIndex();

            index.ReadIndex(notify, Path.Combine(Source, "index.txt.gz"));

            // Suche alle aktiven Archive
            var archives = new Dictionary <string, List <FileIndexItem> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            using (var bar = notify.CreateStatus("Wiederherstellen eines Verzeichnisses", $"Wiederherstellen von {Source}..."))
                var filter = new FileFilterRules(Filter);                 // Erzeuge Filter und entferne alle Dateien aus dem Index die dem nicht entsprechen
                if (filter.IsEmpty)
                    foreach (var c in index)
                        AddArchive(archives, c, ref totalBytes);
                    var remove = new List <FileIndexItem>();
                    foreach (var c in index)
                        if (filter.IsFiltered(c.RelativePath))
                            AddArchive(archives, c, ref totalBytes);

                    foreach (var c in remove)

                // Entpacke die Archvie
                bar.Maximum = totalBytes;

                foreach (var c in archives)
                    if (Stuff.IsGZipFile(c.Key) || Stuff.IsNoPackFile(c.Key))                     // GZip-Datei
                        using (var src = Stuff.OpenRead(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Source, c.Key)), notify, CompressMode.Auto))
                            var srcFile = c.Value[0];
                            var dstFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Target, srcFile.RelativePath));
                            using (var dst = Override ? Stuff.OpenWrite(dstFile, notify) : Stuff.OpenCreate(dstFile, notify))
                                Stuff.CopyRawBytes(bar, srcFile.RelativePath, srcFile.Length, src, dst);

                            // Aktualisiere die Attribute
                            UpdateMetaData(notify, srcFile, dstFile);
                    else                     // zip-Datei
                        using (var zipStream = Stuff.OpenRead(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Source, c.Key)), notify, CompressMode.Stored))
                            using (var zip = new ZipInputStream(zipStream))
                                var srcEntry = zip.GetNextEntry();
                                while (srcEntry != null)
                                    // Suche den passenden Index
                                    var srcIndex = c.Value.Find(c2 => String.Compare(srcEntry.Name, ZipEntry.CleanName(c2.RelativePath), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
                                    if (srcIndex != null)
                                        var dstFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Target, srcIndex.RelativePath));
                                        using (var dst = Override ? Stuff.OpenWrite(dstFile, notify) : Stuff.OpenCreate(dstFile, notify))
                                            Stuff.CopyRawBytes(bar, srcIndex.RelativePath, srcIndex.Length, zip, dst);

                                        // Aktualisiere die Attribute
                                        UpdateMetaData(notify, srcIndex, dstFile);

                                    // Schließe den Eintrag ab
                                    srcEntry = zip.GetNextEntry();
        }         // proc ProcessRecord