protected void reasonTB_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow gridViewRow = (GridViewRow)(sender as Control).Parent.Parent; TextBox reasonTB = (TextBox)sender; Label rowIndex = (Label)gridViewRow.FindControl("rowIndex"); int index = int.Parse(rowIndex.Text) - 1; List <MonthlyCheckModel> itemList = (List <MonthlyCheckModel>)Session["DisDetail"]; itemList[index].Reason = reasonTB.Text; Session["DisDetail"] = itemList; FileDiscrepencyGV.DataSource = itemList; FileDiscrepencyGV.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { context = new SSISEntities(); List <MonthlyCheckModel> modelList; Dictionary <string, int> SessionInfo; if (!IsPostBack) { modelList = new List <MonthlyCheckModel>(); SessionInfo = (Dictionary <string, int>)Session[PUBLIC_SESSION_DISCREPANCY_DICT]; // Early quit if no session if (SessionInfo == null) { lblWarning.Text = "No discrepancies to be filed."; ConfirmBtn.Visible = false; return; } lblWarning.Visible = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in SessionInfo) { string itemCode = pair.Key; int qtyAdjusted = pair.Value; Stock_Inventory inventory = context.Stock_Inventory.Where(x => x.item_code == itemCode).ToList().First(); MonthlyCheckModel model = new MonthlyCheckModel(inventory); model.ActualQuantity = model.CurrentQuantity - qtyAdjusted; modelList.Add(model); } Session["DisDetail"] = modelList; FileDiscrepencyGV.DataSource = modelList; FileDiscrepencyGV.DataBind(); } }