Example #1
        public bool AddFileContribution(FileContribution fileContribution, int postID)
            var query      = "p_post.AddFile";
            var parameters = new List <OracleParameter>
                new OracleParameter("Return_Value", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue),
                new OracleParameter("p_accountId", fileContribution.UserID),
                new OracleParameter("p_bijdrageId", postID),
                new OracleParameter("p_path", fileContribution.Filepath),
                new OracleParameter("p_size", fileContribution.Filesize)

            return(Database.ExecuteNonQuery(query, parameters));
Example #2
        private void OnPreRender(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            Username.InnerText = LogicCollection.UserLogic.GetById(Post.UserID).Username;

            delete.Attributes.Add("value", Post.ID.ToString());
            like.Attributes.Add("value", Post.ID.ToString());
            report.Attributes.Add("value", Post.ID.ToString());

            // Only the owners of the main posts an admins are allowed to remove posts
            var user = SiteMaster.CurrentUser();

            delete.Visible = (Post.UserID == user.ID || user.Admin);

            var likes = LogicCollection.PostLogic.GetLikesByPost(Post);

            if (IsPostBack)
                like.Visible   = false;
                report.Visible = false;

            // Adds the amount of likes to the posts, if any
            if (likes.Any())
                like.InnerHtml += "<span> " + likes.Count + "</span>";
                like.InnerHtml += "<span></span>";

            if (likes.Any(x => x == user.ID))
                like.Attributes.Add("class", like.Attributes["class"] + " liked");

            // Changes the button depending on whether or not the current user has reported it
            var reports = LogicCollection.PostLogic.GetReportsByPost(Post);

            if (reports.Any(x => x == user.ID))
                report.Attributes.Add("class", like.Attributes["class"] + " reported");
                report.InnerHtml += "<span>Gerapporteerd</span>";
                report.InnerHtml += "<span>Rapporteren</span>";

            // Regular expression that extracts every hashtag
            var regex = new Regex(@"#(?<content>[^/\s]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            var list  = regex.Matches(Post.Content).Cast <Match>().Select(m => m.Value).ToList();

            // Wrapping every hashtag with a hyperlink tag to search for it
            foreach (var match in list)
                Post.Content = Post.Content.Replace(match, $@"<a href='/Timeline?q={match.Replace("#", "")}'>{match}</a>");

            if (Post.File == null)

            File = Post.File;
            postThumbnail.ImageUrl = File.Filepath;
Example #3
 public bool AddFileContribution(FileContribution fileContribution, int postID)
     return(_context.AddFileContribution(fileContribution, postID));