public ResistancesBuff(int id, Fighter target, Fighter caster,
                        SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect, ushort spellId,
                        bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, short value)
     : base(id, target, caster, level, effect, spellId, critical, dispelable)
     this.Value = value;
Example #2
        public StateBuff AddStateBuff(Fighter target, SpellStateRecord stateRecord, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
            int       id   = target.BuffIdProvider.Pop();
            StateBuff buff = new StateBuff(id, target, Source, this.SpellLevel, Effect, this.SpellId, Critical, dispelable, stateRecord);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Used with Delayed Effects (Trigger at the end of the delay)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="dispelable"></param>
        /// <param name="trigger"></param>
        /// <param name="applyTrigger"></param>
        /// <param name="delay"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected TriggerBuff AddTriggerBuff(Fighter target, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, TriggerType trigger, TriggerBuff.TriggerBuffApplyHandler applyTrigger, short delay)
            int         id          = target.BuffIdProvider.Pop();
            TriggerBuff triggerBuff = new TriggerBuff(id, target, this.Source, this.SpellLevel, this.Effect, this.SpellId, this.Critical, dispelable, trigger, applyTrigger, delay);

            target.AddAndApplyBuff(triggerBuff, true);
Example #4
        public TriggerBuff AddTriggerBuff(Fighter target, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, TriggerType trigger, TriggerBuff.TriggerBuffApplyHandler applyTrigger, Symbioz.World.Providers.Fights.Buffs.TriggerBuff.TriggerBuffRemoveHandler removeTrigger)
            int         id          = target.BuffIdProvider.Pop();
            TriggerBuff triggerBuff = new TriggerBuff(id, target, this.Source, this.SpellLevel, this.Effect, this.SpellId, this.Critical, dispelable, trigger, applyTrigger, removeTrigger, -1);

            target.AddAndApplyBuff(triggerBuff, true);
Example #5
        public VitalityBuff AddVitalityBuff(Fighter target, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, short num)
            int          id   = target.BuffIdProvider.Pop();
            VitalityBuff buff = new VitalityBuff(id, target, Source, this.SpellLevel, Effect, this.SpellId, num, this.Critical, dispelable);

Example #6
        public LookBuff AddLookBuff(Fighter target, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
            int      id   = target.BuffIdProvider.Pop();
            LookBuff buff = new LookBuff(id, target, Source, this.SpellLevel, Effect, this.SpellId, Critical, dispelable);

Example #7
        public ShieldBuff AddShieldBuff(Fighter target, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, short num)
            int        id   = target.BuffIdProvider.Pop();
            ShieldBuff buff = new ShieldBuff(id, target, Source, SpellLevel, Effect, SpellId, num, Critical, dispelable);

Example #8
        public TriggerBuff AddTriggerBuff(Fighter target, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, TriggerType trigger, SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect, ushort spellId, short delay, TriggerBuff.TriggerBuffApplyHandler applyTrigger, short duration)
            int         id          = target.BuffIdProvider.Pop();
            TriggerBuff triggerBuff = new TriggerBuff(id, target, this.Source, level, effect, spellId, CriticalHit, dispelable, trigger, applyTrigger, delay);

            triggerBuff.Duration = duration;
            target.AddAndApplyBuff(triggerBuff, true);
Example #9
 public StateBuff(int id, Fighter target, Fighter caster, SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect,
                  ushort spellId, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, SpellStateRecord stateRecord)
     : base(id, target, caster, level, effect, spellId, critical, dispelable)
     this.StateRecord = stateRecord;
Example #10
 public FractionBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, FightActor[] fighters)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, critical, dispelable)
     Fighters = fighters;
Example #11
 public LookBuff(int id, Fighter target, Fighter caster, SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect, ushort spellId, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
     : base(id, target, caster, level, effect, spellId, critical, dispelable)
Example #12
 protected Buff(int id, Fighter target, Fighter caster, SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect, ushort spellId, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, short customActionId)
     this.Id             = id;
     this.Target         = target;
     this.Caster         = caster;
     this.Effect         = effect;
     this.SpellId        = spellId;
     this.Critical       = critical;
     this.Level          = level;
     this.Dispelable     = dispelable;
     this.CustomActionId = new short?(customActionId);
     this.Duration       = (short)this.Effect.Duration;
     this.Efficiency     = 1.0;
Example #13
 public StatBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, short value, PlayerFields caracteristic, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, FightActor triggerer = null)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, critical, dispelable, triggerer: triggerer)
     Value         = value;
     Caracteristic = caracteristic;
Example #14
 public TakeControlBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, SummonedMonster summon)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, false, dispelable)
     Summon = summon;
Example #15
File: Buff.cs Project: Mixi59/Stump
        protected Buff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effectHandler, Spell spell, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, FightActor triggerer = null)
            Id            = id;
            Target        = target;
            Caster        = caster;
            EffectHandler = effectHandler;
            Spell         = spell;
            Critical      = critical;

            Duration    = triggerer != null && EffectFix?.TriggerBuffDuration != null ? (short)EffectFix.TriggerBuffDuration : (short)(EffectHandler.Duration == -1 ? -1000 : Effect.Duration);
            Dispellable = EffectFix?.Dispellable != null ? (FightDispellableEnum)EffectFix.Dispellable : dispelable;

            Delay          = (short)EffectHandler.Delay;
            CustomActionId = (short?)EffectFix?.ActionId;

            Efficiency = 1.0d;

            if (triggerer == null && effectHandler.CastHandler?.Informations.Triggerer != null)
                triggerer = effectHandler.CastHandler.Informations.Triggerer;

            BuffTriggered      = triggerer != null;
            DecrementReference = triggerer ?? Caster;
Example #16
 public StatBuff(int id, Fighter target, Fighter caster, SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect, ushort spellId, short value, Characteristic caracteristic, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, short customActionId)
     : base(id, target, caster, level, effect, spellId, critical, dispelable, customActionId)
     this.Value         = value;
     this.Caracteristic = caracteristic;
Example #17
 public DodgeBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, int dodgePercent, int backCellsCount)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, critical, dispelable)
     DodgePercent   = dodgePercent;
     BackCellsCount = backCellsCount;
Example #18
        public StatBuff AddStatBuff(Fighter target, short value, Characteristic caracteritic, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
            int      id       = target.BuffIdProvider.Pop();
            StatBuff statBuff = new StatBuff(id, target, this.Source, this.SpellLevel, this.Effect, this.SpellId, value, caracteritic, this.Critical, dispelable);

            target.AddAndApplyBuff(statBuff, true);
Example #19
 public DisableStateBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, StateBuff stateBuff, FightActor triggerer = null)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, false, dispelable, triggerer)
     StateBuff = stateBuff;
Example #20
 public RescaleSkinBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effectHandler, Spell spell, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, double rescaleFactor)
     : base(id, target, caster, effectHandler, spell, critical, dispelable)
     RescaleFactor = rescaleFactor;
Example #21
 public TriggerBuff(int id, Fighter target, Fighter caster, SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect, ushort spellId, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, TriggerType trigger, TriggerBuffApplyHandler applyTrigger, TriggerBuffRemoveHandler removeTrigger, short delay, short customActionId)
     : base(id, target, caster, level, effect, spellId, critical, dispelable, customActionId)
     this.Trigger       = trigger;
     this.ApplyTrigger  = applyTrigger;
     this.RemoveTrigger = removeTrigger;
     this.Delay         = delay;
Example #22
 public ArmorBuff(int id, Fighter target, Fighter caster, SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect, ushort spellId, short value, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
     : base(id, target, caster, level, effect, spellId, critical, dispelable)
     this.Value = value;
     this.Delta = (short)target.CalculateArmorValue(Value);
Example #23
 public SpellImmunityBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, int spellImmune, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, critical, dispelable)
     SpellImmune = spellImmune;
Example #24
 public VitalityBuff(int id, Fighter target, Fighter caster, SpellLevelRecord level, EffectInstance effect, ushort spellId, short value, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
     : base(id, target, caster, level, effect, spellId, critical, dispelable, (short)ActionId)
     this.Value = value;
Example #25
 public ResistancesBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, short value, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, critical, dispelable)
     Value = value;
Example #26
        public TriggerBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, Spell parentSpell, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable, int priority,
                           TriggerBuffApplyHandler applyTrigger, TriggerBuffRemoveHandler removeTrigger = null)
            : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, critical, dispelable)
            ParentSpell   = parentSpell;
            ApplyTrigger  = applyTrigger;
            RemoveTrigger = removeTrigger;

            Triggers = Effect.Triggers.Split('|').Select(GetTriggerFromString).ToList();
Example #27
 public SpellBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, Spell boostedSpell, short boost, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, critical, dispelable)
     BoostedSpell = boostedSpell;
     Boost        = boost;
Example #28
 public SpellReflectionBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, Spell spell, bool critical, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, critical, dispelable)
Example #29
 public SkinBuff(int id, FightActor target, FightActor caster, SpellEffectHandler effect, ActorLook look, Spell spell, FightDispellableEnum dispelable)
     : base(id, target, caster, effect, spell, false, dispelable)
     Look = look;