Example #1
            public override TermsConsumer AddField(FieldInfo field)
                PostingsFormat format = outerInstance.GetPostingsFormatForField(field.Name);

                if (format == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("invalid null PostingsFormat for field=\"" + field.Name + "\"");
                string formatName = format.Name;

                string previousValue = field.PutAttribute(PER_FIELD_FORMAT_KEY, formatName);

                Debug.Assert(previousValue == null);


                FieldsConsumerAndSuffix consumer;

                if (!formats.TryGetValue(format, out consumer) || consumer == null)
                    // First time we are seeing this format; create a new instance

                    // bump the suffix
                    if (!suffixes.TryGetValue(formatName, out suffix) || suffix == null)
                        suffix = 0;
                        suffix = suffix + 1;
                    suffixes[formatName] = suffix;

                    string segmentSuffix = GetFullSegmentSuffix(field.Name,
                                                                GetSuffix(formatName, Convert.ToString(suffix, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
                    consumer          = new FieldsConsumerAndSuffix();
                    consumer.Consumer = format.FieldsConsumer(new SegmentWriteState(segmentWriteState, segmentSuffix));
                    consumer.Suffix   = suffix.Value; // LUCENENET NOTE: At this point suffix cannot be null
                    formats[format]   = consumer;
                    // we've already seen this format, so just grab its suffix
                    suffix = consumer.Suffix;

                previousValue = field.PutAttribute(PER_FIELD_SUFFIX_KEY, Convert.ToString(suffix, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                Debug.Assert(previousValue == null);

                // TODO: we should only provide the "slice" of FIS
                // that this PF actually sees ... then stuff like
                // .hasProx could work correctly?
                // NOTE: .hasProx is already broken in the same way for the non-perfield case,
                // if there is a fieldinfo with prox that has no postings, you get a 0 byte file.
            public override TermsConsumer AddField(FieldInfo field)
                PostingsFormat format = OuterInstance.GetPostingsFormatForField(field.Name);
                if (format == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("invalid null PostingsFormat for field=\"" + field.Name + "\"");
                string formatName = format.Name;

                string previousValue = field.PutAttribute(PER_FIELD_FORMAT_KEY, formatName);
                //Debug.Assert(previousValue == null);

                int suffix;

                FieldsConsumerAndSuffix consumer;
                Formats.TryGetValue(format, out consumer);
                if (consumer == null)
                    // First time we are seeing this format; create a new instance

                    // bump the suffix
                    if (!Suffixes.TryGetValue(formatName, out suffix))
                        suffix = 0;
                        suffix = suffix + 1;
                    Suffixes[formatName] = suffix;

                    string segmentSuffix = GetFullSegmentSuffix(field.Name, SegmentWriteState.SegmentSuffix, GetSuffix(formatName, Convert.ToString(suffix)));
                    consumer = new FieldsConsumerAndSuffix();
                    consumer.Consumer = format.FieldsConsumer(new SegmentWriteState(SegmentWriteState, segmentSuffix));
                    consumer.Suffix = suffix;
                    Formats[format] = consumer;
                    // we've already seen this format, so just grab its suffix
                    suffix = consumer.Suffix;

                previousValue = field.PutAttribute(PER_FIELD_SUFFIX_KEY, Convert.ToString(suffix));
                //Debug.Assert(previousValue == null);

                // TODO: we should only provide the "slice" of FIS
                // that this PF actually sees ... then stuff like
                // .hasProx could work correctly?
                // NOTE: .hasProx is already broken in the same way for the non-perfield case,
                // if there is a fieldinfo with prox that has no postings, you get a 0 byte file.
                return consumer.Consumer.AddField(field);