public void Insert(RegisterInfo registerInfo) { Storage storage = DaoHelper.Instance.DbStorage; ClothRoot root = (ClothRoot)storage.Root; FieldIndex registerInfoOidIndex = root.RegisterInfoOidIndex; if (registerInfo == null || registerInfoOidIndex.Contains(registerInfo)) { return; } storage.BeginThreadTransaction(TransactionMode.Exclusive); try { // this method called for generate the Oid, or the key of RegisterInfoOidIndex will always be 0. storage.MakePersistent(registerInfo); registerInfoOidIndex.Set(registerInfo); root.RegisterInfoNameIndex.Set(registerInfo); storage.EndThreadTransaction(); } catch (Exception) { // do some log storage.RollbackThreadTransaction(); } }
public void UpdateNoneIndex(RegisterInfo registerInfo) { Storage storage = DaoHelper.Instance.DbStorage; ClothRoot root = (ClothRoot)storage.Root; FieldIndex registerInfoOidIndex = root.RegisterInfoOidIndex; if (null == registerInfo || !registerInfoOidIndex.Contains(registerInfo)) { return; } storage.BeginThreadTransaction(TransactionMode.Exclusive); try { registerInfo.Modify(); storage.EndThreadTransaction(); } catch (Exception) { // do some log storage.RollbackThreadTransaction(); } }
/* * public List<Cloth> FindAllByColorsAndShapes(ColorEnum colors, ColorEnum notColors, ShapeEnum shapes, ShapeEnum notShapes) * { * Storage storage = DaoHelper.Instance.DbStorage; * ClothRoot root = (ClothRoot)storage.Root; * * BitIndex<Cloth> colorIndex = root.ColorIndex; * BitIndex<Cloth> shapeIndex = root.ShapeIndex; * * Query<Cloth> query = storage.CreateQuery<Cloth>(); * query.Prepare("(colors and ? = ?) and (colors and ?) = 0 and (shapes and ? = ?) and (shapes and ?) = 0"); * query.AddIndex(colorIndex); * query.AddIndex(shapeIndex); * * }*/ private void insertWithoutCommit(Storage storage, ClothRoot root, Cloth cloth) { FieldIndex clothOidIndex = root.ClothOidIndex; if (cloth == null || clothOidIndex.Contains(cloth)) { return; } // this method called for generate the Oid, or the key of ClothOidIndex will always be 0. storage.MakePersistent(cloth); clothOidIndex.Set(cloth); root.PathIndex.Set(cloth); root.ColorNumIndex.Put(cloth); if (cloth.Pattern != null) { root.PatternIndex.Put(cloth); } root.ColorIndex[cloth] = (int)cloth.Colors; root.ShapeIndex[cloth] = (int)cloth.Shapes; }
public void Update(RegisterInfo registerInfo, RegisterInfo newRegisterInfo) { Storage storage = DaoHelper.Instance.DbStorage; ClothRoot root = (ClothRoot)storage.Root; FieldIndex registerInfoOidIndex = root.RegisterInfoOidIndex; FieldIndex registerInfoNameIndex = root.RegisterInfoNameIndex; if (null == registerInfo || !registerInfoOidIndex.Contains(registerInfo)) { return; } storage.BeginThreadTransaction(TransactionMode.Exclusive); try { if (registerInfo.Name != newRegisterInfo.Name) { registerInfoNameIndex.Remove(registerInfo); registerInfo.Name = newRegisterInfo.Name; registerInfoNameIndex.Set(registerInfo); } registerInfo.SearchTime = newRegisterInfo.SearchTime; registerInfo.UpdateTime = newRegisterInfo.UpdateTime; registerInfo.LoginTime = newRegisterInfo.LoginTime; registerInfo.Md5Key = newRegisterInfo.Md5Key; registerInfo.Modify(); storage.EndThreadTransaction(); } catch (Exception) { // do some log storage.RollbackThreadTransaction(); } }
static public void Main(string[] args) { int i; Storage db = StorageFactory.Instance.CreateStorage(); for (i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if ("altbtree" == args[i]) { db.SetProperty("perst.alternative.btree", true); } } db.Open("testcidx.dbs", pagePoolSize); #if USE_GENERICS MultiFieldIndex <Record> root = (MultiFieldIndex <Record>)db.Root; if (root == null) { root = db.CreateFieldIndex <Record>(new string[] { "intKey", "strKey" }, true); #else FieldIndex root = (FieldIndex)db.Root; if (root == null) { root = db.CreateFieldIndex(typeof(Record), new string[] { "intKey", "strKey" }, true); #endif db.Root = root; } DateTime start = DateTime.Now; long key = 1999; for (i = 0; i < nRecords; i++) { Record rec = new Record(); key = (3141592621L * key + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L; rec.intKey = (int)((ulong)key >> 32); rec.strKey = Convert.ToString((int)key); root.Put(rec); } db.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for inserting " + nRecords + " records: " + (DateTime.Now - start)); start = DateTime.Now; key = 1999; int minKey = Int32.MaxValue; int maxKey = Int32.MinValue; for (i = 0; i < nRecords; i++) { key = (3141592621L * key + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L; int intKey = (int)((ulong)key >> 32); String strKey = Convert.ToString((int)key); #if USE_GENERICS Record rec = root.Get(new Key(new Object[] { intKey, strKey })); #else Record rec = (Record)root.Get(new Key(new Object[] { intKey, strKey })); #endif Debug.Assert(rec != null && rec.intKey == intKey && rec.strKey.Equals(strKey)); if (intKey < minKey) { minKey = intKey; } if (intKey > maxKey) { maxKey = intKey; } } Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for performing " + nRecords + " index searches: " + (DateTime.Now - start)); start = DateTime.Now; int n = 0; string prevStr = ""; int prevInt = minKey; foreach (Record rec in root.Range(new Key(minKey, ""), new Key(maxKey + 1, "???"), IterationOrder.AscentOrder)) { Debug.Assert(rec.intKey > prevInt || rec.intKey == prevInt && rec.strKey.CompareTo(prevStr) > 0); prevStr = rec.strKey; prevInt = rec.intKey; n += 1; } Debug.Assert(n == nRecords); n = 0; prevInt = maxKey + 1; foreach (Record rec in root.Range(new Key(minKey, "", false), new Key(maxKey + 1, "???", false), IterationOrder.DescentOrder)) { Debug.Assert(rec.intKey < prevInt || rec.intKey == prevInt && rec.strKey.CompareTo(prevStr) < 0); prevStr = rec.strKey; prevInt = rec.intKey; n += 1; } Debug.Assert(n == nRecords); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for iterating through " + (nRecords * 2) + " records: " + (DateTime.Now - start)); start = DateTime.Now; key = 1999; for (i = 0; i < nRecords; i++) { key = (3141592621L * key + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L; int intKey = (int)((ulong)key >> 32); String strKey = Convert.ToString((int)key); #if USE_GENERICS Record rec = root.Get(new Key(new Object[] { intKey, strKey })); #else Record rec = (Record)root.Get(new Key(new Object[] { intKey, strKey })); #endif Debug.Assert(rec != null && rec.intKey == intKey && rec.strKey.Equals(strKey)); Debug.Assert(root.Contains(rec)); root.Remove(rec); rec.Deallocate(); } Debug.Assert(!root.GetEnumerator().MoveNext()); Debug.Assert(!root.Reverse().GetEnumerator().MoveNext()); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for deleting " + nRecords + " records: " + (DateTime.Now - start)); db.Close(); } }
public void Update(Cloth cloth, Cloth newCloth) { Storage storage = DaoHelper.Instance.DbStorage; ClothRoot root = (ClothRoot)storage.Root; FieldIndex clothOidIndex = root.ClothOidIndex; if (null == cloth || !clothOidIndex.Contains(cloth)) { return; } FieldIndex patternIndex = root.PatternIndex; BitIndex colorIndex = root.ColorIndex; BitIndex shapeIndex = root.ShapeIndex; FieldIndex pathIndex = root.PathIndex; FieldIndex colorNumIndex = root.ColorNumIndex; storage.BeginThreadTransaction(TransactionMode.Exclusive); try { // Pattern if (cloth.Pattern != null) { if (!cloth.Pattern.Equals(newCloth.Pattern)) { patternIndex.Remove(cloth); cloth.Pattern = newCloth.Pattern; patternIndex.Put(cloth); } } else if (newCloth.Pattern != null) { cloth.Pattern = newCloth.Pattern; patternIndex.Put(cloth); } // ColorNum if (cloth.ColorNum != newCloth.ColorNum) { colorNumIndex.Remove(cloth); cloth.ColorNum = newCloth.ColorNum; colorNumIndex.Put(cloth); } // Path if (cloth.Path != null) { if (!cloth.Path.Equals(newCloth.Path)) { pathIndex.Remove(cloth); cloth.Path = newCloth.Path; pathIndex.Set(cloth); } } else if (newCloth.Path != null) { cloth.Path = newCloth.Path; pathIndex.Set(cloth); } // Colors if (cloth.Colors != newCloth.Colors) { colorIndex.Remove(cloth); cloth.Colors = newCloth.Colors; colorIndex[cloth] = (int)cloth.Colors; } // Shapes if (cloth.Shapes != newCloth.Shapes) { shapeIndex.Remove(cloth); cloth.Shapes = newCloth.Shapes; shapeIndex[cloth] = (int)cloth.Shapes; } // Name if ((cloth.Name != null && !cloth.Name.Equals(newCloth.Name)) || (cloth.Name == null && newCloth.Name != null)) { cloth.Name = newCloth.Name; } // RGBSeparateColorVector if (newCloth.RGBSeparateColorVector != null && !newCloth.RGBSeparateColorVector.Equals(cloth.RGBSeparateColorVector)) { cloth.RGBSeparateColorVector = newCloth.RGBSeparateColorVector; } // RGBColorVector if (newCloth.RGBColorVector != null && !newCloth.RGBColorVector.Equals(cloth.RGBColorVector)) { cloth.RGBColorVector = newCloth.RGBColorVector; } // HSVColorVector if (newCloth.HSVColorVector != null && !newCloth.HSVColorVector.Equals(cloth.HSVColorVector)) { cloth.HSVColorVector = newCloth.HSVColorVector; } // HSVAynsColorVector if (newCloth.HSVAynsColorVector != null && !newCloth.HSVAynsColorVector.Equals(cloth.HSVAynsColorVector)) { cloth.HSVAynsColorVector = newCloth.HSVAynsColorVector; } // HLSColorVector if (newCloth.HLSColorVector != null && !newCloth.HLSColorVector.Equals(cloth.HLSColorVector)) { cloth.HLSColorVector = newCloth.HLSColorVector; } // DaubechiesWaveletVector if (newCloth.DaubechiesWaveletVector != null && !newCloth.DaubechiesWaveletVector.Equals(cloth.DaubechiesWaveletVector)) { cloth.DaubechiesWaveletVector = newCloth.DaubechiesWaveletVector; } // GaborVector if (newCloth.GaborVector != null && !newCloth.GaborVector.Equals(cloth.GaborVector)) { cloth.GaborVector = newCloth.GaborVector; } // CooccurrenceVector if (newCloth.CooccurrenceVector != null && !newCloth.CooccurrenceVector.Equals(cloth.CooccurrenceVector)) { cloth.CooccurrenceVector = newCloth.CooccurrenceVector; } cloth.UpdateTime = (0 == newCloth.UpdateTime.Ticks) ? DateTime.UtcNow : newCloth.UpdateTime; cloth.Modify(); storage.EndThreadTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { // do some log storage.RollbackThreadTransaction(); } }