Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a TerrainMaterial from a JSON object. Does NOT recreate mesh data automatically or link materials!
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="aJSON">A parsed JSON value containing PathTerrain and Path data</param>
    public void           FromJSON(Ferr_JSONValue aJSON)
        fill             = (Ferr2DT_FillMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(Ferr2DT_FillMode), aJSON["fill", "Closed"]);
        fillY            = aJSON["fillY", 0];
        fillZ            = aJSON["fillZ", 0.2f];
        splitCorners     = aJSON["splitCorners", true];
        smoothPath       = aJSON["smoothPath", false];
        splitDist        = aJSON["splitDist", 4];
        pixelsPerUnit    = aJSON["pixelsPerUnit", 32];
        stretchThreshold = aJSON["stretchThreshold", 0.5f];
        vertexColor      = Ferr_Color.FromHex(aJSON["vertexColor", "FFFFFF"]);
        createCollider   = aJSON["createCollider", true];
        create3DCollider = aJSON["create3DCollider", false];
        depth            = aJSON["depth", 4];
        surfaceOffset[0] = aJSON["surfaceOffset.0", 0];
        surfaceOffset[1] = aJSON["surfaceOffset.1", 0];
        surfaceOffset[2] = aJSON["surfaceOffset.2", 0];
        surfaceOffset[3] = aJSON["surfaceOffset.3", 0];
        collidersBottom  = aJSON["colliders.bottom", true];
        collidersTop     = aJSON["colliders.top", true];
        collidersLeft    = aJSON["colliders.left", true];
        collidersRight   = aJSON["colliders.right", true];

        Ferr_JSONValue overrides = aJSON["directionOverrides"];

        for (int i = 0; i < overrides.Length; i++)
            directionOverrides.Add((Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection), overrides[i, "None"]));

Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a TerrainMaterial from a JSON object. Does NOT recreate mesh data automatically or link materials!
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="aJSON">A parsed JSON value containing PathTerrain and Path data</param>
    public void           FromJSON(Ferr_JSONValue aJSON)
        fill                     = (Ferr2DT_FillMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(Ferr2DT_FillMode), aJSON["fill", "Closed"]);
        fillY                    = aJSON["fillY", 0];
        fillZ                    = aJSON["fillZ", 0.2f];
        splitCorners             = aJSON["splitCorners", true];
        smoothPath               = aJSON["smoothPath", false];
        splitCount               = (int)aJSON["splitCount", 4];
        splitDist                = aJSON["splitDist", 1];
        splitMiddle              = aJSON["splitMiddle", true];
        pixelsPerUnit            = aJSON["pixelsPerUnit", 32];
        stretchThreshold         = aJSON["stretchThreshold", 0.5f];
        vertexColor              = Ferr_Color.FromHex(aJSON["vertexColor", "FFFFFF"]);
        createTangents           = aJSON["createTangents", false];
        createCollider           = aJSON["createCollider", true];
        create3DCollider         = aJSON["create3DCollider", false];
        depth                    = aJSON["depth", 4];
        isTrigger                = aJSON["isTrigger", false];
        sharpCorners             = aJSON["sharpCorners", false];
        sharpCornerDistance      = aJSON["sharpCornerDist", 2];
        smoothSphereCollisions   = aJSON["ssCollisions", false];
        randomByWorldCoordinates = aJSON["randomBWC", false];
        slantAmount              = aJSON["slantAmount", 0];
        uvOffset.x               = aJSON["uvOffset.x", 0];
        uvOffset.y               = aJSON["uvOffset.y", 0];
        surfaceOffset[0]         = aJSON["surfaceOffset.0", 0];
        surfaceOffset[1]         = aJSON["surfaceOffset.1", 0];
        surfaceOffset[2]         = aJSON["surfaceOffset.2", 0];
        surfaceOffset[3]         = aJSON["surfaceOffset.3", 0];
        collidersBottom          = aJSON["colliders.bottom", true];
        collidersTop             = aJSON["colliders.top", true];
        collidersLeft            = aJSON["colliders.left", true];
        collidersRight           = aJSON["colliders.right", true];

        Ferr_JSONValue overrides = aJSON["directionOverrides"];

        for (int i = 0; i < overrides.Length; i++)
            directionOverrides.Add((Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection), overrides[i, "None"]));

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a TerrainMaterial from a JSON object. Does NOT recreate mesh data automatically or link materials!
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="aJSON">A parsed JSON value containing PathTerrain and Path data</param>
    public void FromJSON(Ferr_JSONValue aJSON)
        fill             = (Ferr2DT_FillMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(Ferr2DT_FillMode), aJSON["fill", "Closed"]);
        fillY            = aJSON["fillY",            0];
        fillZ            = aJSON["fillZ",            0.2f];
        splitCorners     = aJSON["splitCorners",     true];
        smoothPath       = aJSON["smoothPath",       false];
        splitCount       = (int)aJSON["splitCount",  4];
        splitDist        = aJSON["splitDist",        1];
        splitMiddle      = aJSON["splitMiddle",      true];
        pixelsPerUnit    = aJSON["pixelsPerUnit",    32];
        stretchThreshold = aJSON["stretchThreshold", 0.5f];
        vertexColor      = Ferr_Color.FromHex(aJSON["vertexColor", "FFFFFF"]);
        createTangents   = aJSON["createTangents",   false];
        createCollider   = aJSON["createCollider",   true];
        create3DCollider = aJSON["create3DCollider", false];
        depth            = aJSON["depth",            4];
        isTrigger        = aJSON["isTrigger",        false];
        sharpCorners     = aJSON["sharpCorners",     false];
        sharpCornerDistance      = aJSON["sharpCornerDist", 2];
        smoothSphereCollisions   = aJSON["ssCollisions",    false];
        randomByWorldCoordinates = aJSON["randomBWC",       false];
        slantAmount      = aJSON["slantAmount",      0];
        uvOffset.x       = aJSON["uvOffset.x",       0];
        uvOffset.y       = aJSON["uvOffset.y",       0];
        surfaceOffset[0] = aJSON["surfaceOffset.0",  0];
        surfaceOffset[1] = aJSON["surfaceOffset.1",  0];
        surfaceOffset[2] = aJSON["surfaceOffset.2",  0];
        surfaceOffset[3] = aJSON["surfaceOffset.3",  0];
        collidersBottom  = aJSON["colliders.bottom", true];
        collidersTop     = aJSON["colliders.top",    true];
        collidersLeft    = aJSON["colliders.left",   true];
        collidersRight   = aJSON["colliders.right",  true];

        Ferr_JSONValue overrides = aJSON["directionOverrides"];
        for (int i = 0; i < overrides.Length; i++) {
            directionOverrides.Add ( (Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection), overrides[i,"None"]) );

        Path.FromJSON (aJSON["path"]);