public IList <XElement> GetNewValidEntries(FeedSyncProfilePart feedSyncProfilePart, string feedType) { var newEntries = new List <XElement>(); if (FeedType != feedType || string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType)) { return(newEntries); } try { var feedXml = XDocument.Load(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedUrl); var channelElement = feedXml.Root.GetDescendantNodeByName("channel"); if (channelElement == null) { return(newEntries); } var feedItems = channelElement.Descendants("item"); if (feedItems == null) { return(newEntries); } foreach (var feedItem in feedItems) { // If this is the init and the init count is more than the set one. if (!feedSyncProfilePart.SuccesfulInit && newEntries.Count() >= feedSyncProfilePart.NumberOfItemsToSyncDuringInit) { break; } var pubDateElement = feedItem.GetDescendantNodeByName("pubDate"); var idElement = feedItem.GetDescendantNodeByName(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType); var modificationDate = new DateTime(); if (pubDateElement == null || idElement == null || !DateTimeHelper.TryParseDateTime(pubDateElement.Value, out modificationDate)) { continue; } if (modificationDate.ToUniversalTime() <= feedSyncProfilePart.LatestCreatedItemModificationDate) { break; } newEntries.Add(feedItem); } return(newEntries); } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is FileNotFoundException || ex is XmlException || ex is NotSupportedException) { Logger.Error(ex, "Cannot find or parse the feed with the given url."); throw; } }
public IList <XElement> GetNewValidEntries(FeedSyncProfilePart feedSyncProfilePart, string feedType) { var newEntries = new List <XElement>(); if (FeedType != feedType || string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType)) { return(newEntries); } try { var feedXml = XDocument.Load(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedUrl); var feedEntries = feedXml.Root.GetDescendantNodesByName("entry"); var i = 0; while (feedEntries != null && i < feedEntries.Count()) { // If this is the init and the init count is more than the set one. if (!feedSyncProfilePart.SuccesfulInit && newEntries.Count() >= feedSyncProfilePart.NumberOfItemsToSyncDuringInit) { break; } var updatedElement = feedEntries.ElementAt(i).GetDescendantNodeByName("updated"); var idElement = feedEntries .ElementAt(i) .GetDescendantNodeByName(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType); var modificationDate = new DateTime(); if (updatedElement == null || idElement == null || !DateTimeHelper.TryParseDateTime(updatedElement.Value, out modificationDate)) { i++; continue; } if (modificationDate.ToUniversalTime() <= feedSyncProfilePart.LatestCreatedItemModificationDate) { break; } newEntries.Add(feedEntries.ElementAt(i)); i++; // If this entry is the last one in this batch, then getting the next batch. if (feedEntries.Count() == i) { // Getting the "next" element, it contains a link to the next feed page. var nextAtomElement = feedXml .Root .Elements() .FirstOrDefault(element => { if (element.Name.LocalName != "link") { return(false); } var relAttribute = element.Attribute("rel"); if (relAttribute == null) { return(false); } return(relAttribute.Value == "next"); }); if (nextAtomElement == null) { break; } feedXml = XDocument.Load(nextAtomElement.Value); feedEntries = feedXml.Root.GetDescendantNodesByName("entry"); i = 0; } } return(newEntries); } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is FileNotFoundException || ex is XmlException || ex is NotSupportedException) { Logger.Error(ex, "Cannot find or parse the feed with the given url."); throw; } }
public string GetValidFeedType(FeedSyncProfilePart feedSyncProfilePart) { try { var feedXml = XDocument.Load(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedUrl); // Checking if the feed is valid RSS. if (feedXml.Root.Name.LocalName == "rss") { var channelElement = feedXml.Root.GetDescendantNodeByName("channel"); if (channelElement == null) { Logger.Error("Feed is invalid. No channel element."); return(null); } var firstItemElement = channelElement.GetDescendantNodeByName("item"); if (firstItemElement == null) { Logger.Error("Feed is invalid. No item element."); return(null); } var pubDateElement = firstItemElement.GetDescendantNodeByName("pubDate"); if (pubDateElement == null) { Logger.Error("Feed is invalid. No pubDate element."); return(null); } if (!firstItemElement .Elements() .Any(element => element.Name.LocalName == "guid" || element.Name.LocalName == "title" || element.Name.LocalName == "description")) { Logger.Error("Feed is invalid. No guid, title or description element."); return(null); } // Since the feed is valid, set the id type. else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType)) { if (firstItemElement.ElementContainsNodeWithName("guid")) { feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType = "guid"; } else if (firstItemElement.ElementContainsNodeWithName("title")) { feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType = "title"; } else if (firstItemElement.ElementContainsNodeWithName("description")) { feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType = "description"; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemModificationDateType)) { feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemModificationDateType = "pubDate"; } return("Rss"); } // Checking if the feed is valid Atom. if (feedXml.Root.Name.LocalName == "feed") { var xmlnsAttribute = feedXml.Root.Attribute("xmlns"); if (xmlnsAttribute != null && xmlnsAttribute.Value == "") { var firstEntryElement = feedXml.Root.GetDescendantNodeByName("entry"); if (firstEntryElement == null) { Logger.Error("Feed is invalid. No entry element."); return(null); } var updatedElement = firstEntryElement.GetDescendantNodeByName("updated"); if (updatedElement == null) { Logger.Error("Feed is invalid. No updated element."); return(null); } var idElement = firstEntryElement.GetDescendantNodeByName("id"); if (idElement == null) { Logger.Error("Feed is invalid. No id element."); return(null); } // Since the feed is valid, set the id type. else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType)) { feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemIdType = "id"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemModificationDateType)) { feedSyncProfilePart.FeedItemModificationDateType = "updated"; } return("Atom"); } } } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is FileNotFoundException || ex is XmlException || ex is NotSupportedException) { Logger.Error(ex, "Cannot find or parse the feed with the given url."); return(null); } Logger.Error("Cannot get the feed type, so it's unsupported."); return(null); }