/// <summary>
        /// Adds the given client-query to the list of queries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param parameterName="parameterExternalName">The parameterName to show to the end user</param>
        /// <param parameterName="table">The table descriptor that the query belongs to</param>
        /// <param parameterName="predicate">The predicate that defines the filter for the query</param>
        /// <param parameterName="parameterDefinitions">The parameter definitions defining the functionParameters to be used</param>
        private LiteQueryViewModel NewUserQuery(string externalName, FeatureTableDescriptor table, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression predicate, ParameterDefinitionCollection parameterDefinitions, bool addToQueries)
            LiteQueryViewModel clientQuery = null;

            if (IsAuthenticated && Queries != null)
                var predicateText = predicate != null?predicate.GeoLinqText(useInternalParameterNames : true) : null;

                var queryDefinition = new FeatureCollectionQueryDefinition()
                    ServiceProviderGroup = table.ServiceProviderGroup,
                    Context              = ServiceProviderDatumContext.User,
                    Name                 = externalName.ToLower(),
                    ExternalName         = externalName,
                    TableDescriptor      = table,
                    ParameterDefinitions = parameterDefinitions

                clientQuery = new LiteQueryViewModel(this.Messenger, queryDefinition, predicateText);

                if (addToQueries)


        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the cached table descriptor
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <FeatureTableDescriptor> EnsureTableDescriptorAsync()
            if (_tableDescriptor == null && !_triedRetrievingTables && TableName != null && FieldName != null)
                // Get the table descriptor, since it was not received before
                var tables = await GetService <ICollectionService>().GetTableDescriptorsAsync(TableName);

                // We've tried receiving it (in case it's not there; don't keep on trying)
                _triedRetrievingTables = true;

                if (tables.Count > 0)
                    // Get the appropriate table, but only in case there is a corresponding field
                    var table = tables[0];
                    var field = table.FieldDescriptors[FieldName];
                    if (field != null && field.IsGeometry)
                        // The table descriptor is fine
                        _tableDescriptor = tables[0];

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a default table descriptor for one geometry of the specified geometry type
        /// </summary>
        private static FeatureTableDescriptor GeometryTableDescriptor(FeatureGeometryType type)
            var table = new FeatureTableDescriptor("", "");
            var field = table.FieldDescriptors.Add("", "", type);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up the modes for the specified table descriptor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param parameterName="table"></param>
        private async void SetupForTable(FeatureTableDescriptor table)
            // Make sure the table has its field descriptors
            await table.EvaluateAsync();

            // Indicate table descriptor change
            foreach (var mode in Modes)
                mode.TableDescriptor = table;

            if (SelectedMode != null && SelectedMode.IsEnabled)
                // The active mode is still enabled
                LiteNewUserQueryViewModelMode newSelectedMode = null;
                foreach (var mode in Modes)
                    if (mode.IsEnabled)
                        newSelectedMode = mode;

                // Set the new mode
                SelectedMode = newSelectedMode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called whenever authentication changes; make sure we stop caching
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnAuthenticationChanged(SpatialEye.Framework.Authentication.AuthenticationContext context, bool isAuthenticated)
            // Reset the table
            _triedRetrievingTables = false;
            _tableDescriptor       = null;

            // Get base behavior happening
            base.OnAuthenticationChanged(context, isAuthenticated);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the insert item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableDescriptor">The table descriptor for the item</param>
        /// <param name="isAttachPossible">Indicates whether attach is possible</param>
        /// <param name="isAttachRequired">Indicates whether attaching to an asset is required</param>
        public FeatureInsertItemViewModel(FeatureTableDescriptor tableDescriptor, bool isAttachRequired, bool isAttachPossible)
            TableDescriptor  = tableDescriptor;
            Category         = tableDescriptor.EditabilityProperties.Category;
            IsAttachRequired = isAttachRequired;
            IsAttachPossible = isAttachPossible;

            var ignored = RetrieveTableDetails();

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The originator of the request</param>
        /// <param name="feature">The feature (recipe-holder) to show details for</param>
        public LiteNewFeatureRequestMessage(Object sender, FeatureTableDescriptor tableDescriptor, FeatureGeometryFieldDescriptor geomDescriptor, IFeatureGeometry startWithGeometry = null, Feature attachToFeature = null)
            : base(sender)
            this.TableDescriptor    = tableDescriptor;
            this.GeometryDescriptor = geomDescriptor;

            if (tableDescriptor.EditabilityProperties.AllowInsert)
                var newFeature = tableDescriptor.NewTemplateFeature();

                if (geomDescriptor != null && startWithGeometry != null)
                    StartedWithTrail = true;
                    newFeature[geomDescriptor.Name] = startWithGeometry;

                Feature = new EditableFeature(newFeature, false, attachToFeature);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Can we attach to the specified table descriptor
        /// </summary>
        internal bool CanAttachTo(FeatureTableDescriptor table)
            bool canAttach = false;

            if (IsAttachPossible)
                var candidateTables = TableDescriptor.CandidateTableDescriptorsForAttach();
                if (candidateTables != null)
                    foreach (var attach in candidateTables)
                        if (table.Name == attach.Name)
                            canAttach = true;

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the queryable geometry fields for the specified table
        /// </summary>
        public static IList <FeatureGeometryFieldDescriptor> GeometryFieldsFor(FeatureTableDescriptor table)
            var result = new List <FeatureGeometryFieldDescriptor>();

            if (table != null)
                foreach (FeatureGeometryFieldDescriptor geometryField in table.FieldDescriptors.Descriptors(FeatureFieldDescriptorType.Geometry, false, false))
                    switch (geometryField.FieldType.PhysicalType)
                    case FeaturePhysicalFieldType.Point:
                    case FeaturePhysicalFieldType.MultiPoint:
                    case FeaturePhysicalFieldType.Curve:
                    case FeaturePhysicalFieldType.MultiCurve:
                    case FeaturePhysicalFieldType.Polygon:
                    case FeaturePhysicalFieldType.MultiPolygon:

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the request
 /// </summary>
 public LiteGetAttachCandidatesRequestMessage(object sender, FeatureTableDescriptor table)
     : base(sender)
     TableDescriptor = table;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a geometry target expression for the specified table
        /// </summary>
        public static Expression GeometryTargetExpressionFor(FeatureTableDescriptor table)
            var fields = GeometryFieldsFor(table);

            return((fields.Count == 1) ? (Expression)GeoLinqExpressionFactory.Data.Field(fields[0]) : (Expression)GeoLinqExpressionFactory.Data.Table(table));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a flag indicating whether there are geometry fields in the specified table
        /// </summary>
        public static bool HasGeometryFieldsFor(FeatureTableDescriptor table)
            var fields = GeometryFieldsFor(table);

            return(fields.Count > 0);